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Everything posted by traveller123

  1. Interesting Abang, My partner also dislikes the Mainland Chinese who he says are rude, loud, pushy and dont know how to behave. I am sure the older Brits on here can remember the 1960s/70s when similar remarks were made about Brits on the Spanish Costas
  2. I am so innocent, are the BJ bars what I suspect?
  3. Numaza thanks for your final report of your last trip. It is my opinion you do yourself a major injustice, the balance you achieve in your writing is perfect, I find the balance between trip reports and your loving portrayal of your guys and their lives to be really interesting (although I do sometimes wonder if your partner in the US is tempted to read the reports and if he finds it easy to separate your holiday guys from your love at home). December 2017 I have a straight friend and his wife from the UK planning to spend their second two week holiday with me and my partner in Thailand. The first time we did Bangkok, Siem Reap and a few days at my home in rural Isaan, they are not beach people and I have thought about suggesting spending time in Myanmar so I am eagerly waiting for your next series of trip reports. Belated best wishes for Thanksgiving and the year ahead.
  4. Thailand recognising gay marriage and civil partnerships and putting them on an equal footing with a straight marriage for visa purposes would also be nice,
  5. As I said "posters seem to think", nothing definite. TIT wait and see and then get different interpretations from different Immigration Officers
  6. Posters on another forum seem to think that the 10 year visa will REPLACE the current annual visa which of course will result in a big difference to the capital requirement 3 million versus 800,000 baht. Under the current one year retirement extensions the capital and income requirements can be mixed (that is for example 50% of the capital requirement and 50% of the income requirement), I will be interested to see if this will be allowed for the 10 year visa.
  7. The ME3 are giving the older airlines a lesson. Their normal fares can be expensive but sometimes their promotions can be a very good deal. I booked with Qatar in early September BKK - Barcelona return May/June 2017 for 20,950 baht each.(Just a pity it wasnt 50 baht + to the GBP on my UK credit card).
  8. I am 6 ft and 78 kg. I recently flew BKK -SFO return on Eva Economy and I was comfortable both going out on a full plane and returning when the middle seat of three was unoccupied. Just watch out as I read that they are changing the 3-3-3 seating formation on their 77s to 3-4-3 which could make a big difference. Eva's fares can also be competitve if you watch for their promotions and I also rate the staff, just a pity they don't seem to have cute stewards. The mainland Chinese airlines are the ones I avoid even though they usually have the best prices.
  9. Come on Ryan dont put all of us oldies in the same boat. I enjoy your posts and your willingness to share details of your life, if some members appear to post negative comments the answer is easy ..ignore them and continue posting for the enjoyment of the many members who appreciate your posts.
  10. Sorry I don't agree. One of the things I like about this forum is that we post about things which affect our lives other than gay sex and as guys have said before we can choose to read them or not.. This is not to deny that Numazu and Ryan are my favourite posters
  11. Oh dear when I relocated from England and brought my belongings over I included my bread making machine and I'm glad I did. Apologies to Ryan I don't want to interupt his thread but I chuckled at the bread machine comment.
  12. Thanks for posting this. It was my partners favourite song when I first met him eight years ago in January. He is out at the moment but when he comes back I'm going to start it playing and see how long it is before he recognises it.
  13. Numazu, I hope your comment doesnt mean you are going to deprive us of your reports and posts. If Fossil Gay doesn't want to read them he doesn't have to, but please do not stop posting when many other members of the forum enjoy reading your articulate and interesting reports.
  14. +1 The best of luck in the future Ryan
  15. Gay Button do not bite
  16. Vinapu, even as a Brit I can recommend The Smoking Pug. It is only small but the owners are very friendly and there was a real nice atmosphere on the evening me and my partner ate there. Its certainly not sophisticated I wish we were closer to Bangkok and able to visit it more often, and of course for you it is very close to your favourite place
  17. I came across this place on Gay Romeo, I haven't stayed there but I saved it to consider if we return to Bali: From: woiwode When: Jul 14th, 2015 - 8:38AM Ho Colin, Thanks for your interest in Umah Pelangi. You can as well have a look in www.umah-pelangi.com. Looking forward to welcoming you at Umah Pelangi next time, best, Frank
  18. We will all be here waiting no matter how long it is before you post
  19. It is inappropriate for this particular thread above all others to degenerate into a war of words between members. There will be two opposing views between members who come here once or twice a year for their holidays and are fearful their well earned vacation will be spoilt or not live up to expectations, and there are those of us who live here, or have long term Thai partners, who understand how much His Majesty was genuinely loved and respected by the vast majority of Thai people, far beyond what we can comprehend in The West (although the grief after Princess Dianas death perhaps came close). I can understand the former's frustrations but ask them to please respect the Thai people in their time of grief. If it's any consolation, this being Thailand the closing of entertainment venues may not last as long as publicised.
  20. Personally I like Chiang Mai in the winter season. The last time we were there was early February 2015 when we combined it with a couple of days up in the mountains in Pai. While we were in Chiang Mai we enjoyed visiting the Royal Gardens at Rajapruek as the orchids were at their best and Doi Suthep. We also had a very long day trip out to Chiang Rai and beyond to see The White Temple, The Black House, The Golden Triangle and a Tea Plantation - we went with a gay taxi driver/guide who had a very comfortable large Toyota, it was quite expensive but it was a long and enjoyable day. I went with my partner and would agree that if I was single and going for some fun I probably wouldn't have Chiang Mai as my first choice but going with my better half I enjoyed the city and it's surroundings. PS I also enjoyed the Circle Pub with their handsome guys (but for me only for looking)
  21. For anyone looking to visit a provincial small city in the autumn you should consider Surin during the weekend 19th/20th November to watch the Elephant Festival, the Khmer ruins of Phanum Rung are also close by. Surin could also be combined with a visit to Roi Et. Surin is similar to Roi Et in that there is no open gay scene. (Note the Elephant Festival weekend has two main events The Elephant Buffet which is held in the streets with no admission tickets needed and The Elephant Show for which tickets are required and seats in the shade are recommended. That weekend is very popular and advance hotel bookings are essential)
  22. Rather strong words as 16 million voted to stay. My personal view is that most people wanted major changes to the way the EU operates, more control over immigration, less interference from organisations like the European Court, cut down on the gravy train abused by non elected officials and elected but powerless Euro MPs etc etc. I believe they wanted to give a major wake up call to the European Commission but did not expect the final result to be leave.
  23. Very good advice from Christian and Kokopelli, please heed it although it is very difficult when you have meet a young, sexy guy you could only have imagined in your dreams. Some guys are very good at fullfilling your fantasies while emptying your wallet but there are also guys out there who genuinely want a western partner, will appreciate everything you do for them (and their family) and try to make you happy. My first partner was the former and my second, and still current partner the latter but please note that it takes time, in my case two years of holiday visits with the first lad to get beyond my lust and see his true personality. Take it slowly, remember your Thai lad has feelings too, and before you commit any sizeable funds live with him for a least six months in either Australia or Thailand
  24. Stunning photos Numazu. When we have visitors Ankor it is a must see as we are only a four drive from Siem Reap but my photos are not a patch on yours. CB sounds like a wonderful guy. My partner is similarly very caring even after eight years together, my friends from the UK are always amazed at how he looks out for me when we go to Ankor making sure I dont trip or get too tired. This must be one, if not the best, series of reports I have seen on here and while we probably wouldn't read the forum without the reports of member's times with the boys it shows there is a lot else to appreciate in this part of the world.
  25. I don't know if it's a generational thing or not I am too close to 70 for comfort and I am completely with you on this, a hug or a quick kiss is ok anything more passionate straight or gay is embarassing..
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