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Everything posted by musgrave

  1. Have paid a couple of visits to Adams Apple over the past couple of months - I would say that the shows have diminished in quality over the past couple of years . When I first went there a couple of years ago there was some real attempt at entertaining you with dance, show and song, hula hoop, acrobats - but now it seems the main emphasis for the boys is getting down into the audience and collecting as many tips as they can - not that that is a bad thing I guess as touching is fully encouraged. The boys are incredibly friendly and enjoy a drink. It is still a fun night.and Korn is still there. It is Mamasan's Birthday this Monday so it should be a happy night. Close to AA is Freeguy Karaokoe Bar which is usually dead till 1.00am then the crowd arrives. It is now a drinking. karaoke venue with a lot of very handsome wait staff. Some of the lads from AA move onto there after AA closes . Around 2.00 - 3.00am the boys d-shirt and dance and parade for tips - a very nice sight - have taken a couple home from there. Depends on the individual guy if they are up for " offing". Very friendly happy venue. Uber is very helpful when going to or leaving these places. A new bar has opened diagonally opposite Ram Bar - 69 Bar. Still finding its feet - pretty quiet but some nice freelance boys there - some of whom are offable . Some boys from Maya Massage come there after the massage shop closes at 9.00pm Maya Massage is located in a small soi directly opposite the entrance to the Empress Hotel in Chang Klan Road. Walk about 150 metres into the Soi and the venue is on the left hand side. Massage rooms are small - shower outside and it seems as though these days a 90 minute massage really means 60 minute massage!!! so there is a need to be firm about the times. About 10 boys there when I went. Mostly Tai Yai which means tops. Paradise Massage has been closed down by authorities after underaged staff were found on the premises. Recently went on a 3 day driving trip Chiang Rai, Chang Khong, Nan, Phayao - great places and can report that my Hornet App worked very well indeed. Great weather up here now.
  2. really enjoyed these posts Jason - it is always interesting to read about other peoples's experiences at the places we know so well
  3. In the past month I had 2 short stays in Bangkok - the first of 3 days and the second lasted 2 days. I stayed at the Tarntawan Hotel first up and to me it was still the Tarntawan - same rooms needing a makeover, same breakfast (fruit juice, coffee, a bowl of muesli does me), some of the same staff, convenient and visitor friendly. There was some sort of makeover taking place in the courtyard - the garden edges were getting a new coat of black paint. There are numerous massage places on the street at the front. I went to the one with the lime green shirts for a foot massage and interestingly had to pay up front - the only other time I have paid up front was at a couple of the gay massage places in Chiang Mai. Visited Arena to see my favourite man - once again a large number of masseurs available. My man told me he is now 34 - looks early 20s - must be something in the air in Buriram. Had a meal at The Telephone Pub upstairs - very quiet that night on Soi 4. Went to Golden Cock - only a couple of boys - no other customers. But there was a largish jovial guy there singing karaoke which was fun. Nature Boys - still only 3 boys there - talked to our man from Issan who was busy playing some sort of gambling game on his phone. Dropped into Super A which apparently has a new owner. There has been some sort of makeover with some new couches, a lick of pain here and there, new lightning. About 10 or so boys there but the mamasans always seem to be hovering for a drink. Had a beer at Hotmale Bar in Soi Twilight - a combination of a rainy night and Sunday meant the Soi was very very quiet. Finished off the stay by going to Screwboys and enjoyed the company of a Vietnamese, a Cambodian and a Tai Yai boy. A large number of boys on stage - all tastes catered for. Not many of the black and white check briefs on show - now there are blue and white stripes. The show is still the same as it has been for the past year or so except a few boys do a big cock display and then wander around the customers looking for tips. I managed a return to Arena before leaving - it WAS a busy few days!! The second stopover (2 nights) I stayed at the Raya - lovely comfortable big rooms - love the shower, the bed - adequate breakfast including hot food. So convenient to Soi Twilight. Returned to Screwboys and offed one of the boys I met previously - drinks 300THB and off fee was 500THB. No problem him staying at the Raya overnight - security guard did not even check his ID although we had it ready to show.There was no need to go anywhere else for that stay - had a very memorable day and a half with him. An observation - not sure if it was a combination of rainy weather and low season or a sign of low customer numbers but there were requests for money at several venues. At Hotmale Bar whilst sitting with my friend - one of the sprukers for the upstairs show came over and massaged my back then asked for money "for food". Also at Screwboys - once again sitting with my friend - one of the other boys sat down beside me and asked for a tip - he was part of the show but hadn't been on stage yet.
  4. Been here 3 months now and visited a few more places. House of Male - the gay sauna - went there on a mid afternoon Sunday - the front of the place looked like a water drilling site - about 6 customers whilst I was there - one other westerner, a Chinese guy and the rest were middle aged Thai. Lockers was relatively secure with key plus additional padlock and key - didn't appear to be that dirty or grubby as some other reviews had commented - 2 staff on duty. Stayed about an hour which was 40 minutes too long. Maybe it was just the day but it was place that I won't be rushing back to. Classic House Massage - good location not far from Thapae Gate - always friendly and a range of guys mainly of the well built type. I had an acceptable massage from a beefy guy but the ending was only ordinary, Massage done on a floor mat with shower in a separate room. One plus is that you get to see the wonderful Non and Woody if you visit there. Marnmai Massage - located in small shop in the Chang Phuak area - a tuk tuk ride from Thapae Gate - nicely appointed place - massage table and shower in the room - mirror at the head of the bed. A total fee including the tip is paid prior to the massage. You pay for an hour and a half but there seems to be a rush to have things over and done within an hour. Guess if you are firm about it you will get your full time. Went 2 times the second guy was an absolute dream ( forgot his name!!!) Khun Noom is also there - haven't had the pleasure yet but spoke to him and he is very personable - he is a very well built man who has received good reviews about his massage skills - next time!!! Common Massage - in the Santitham area near Chang Phuak - small shop front - about 5 boys offered from IPAD photos - selected one and paid upfront including the tip - then passed through another room where there must have been 15 + guys sitting around - so not sure how the 5 were selected. Nice room, massage table - separate shower room. Massage was acceptable but the ending had to have been the most sensual and exhilarating experience I have had in a long time. Will be returning. Orion Bar - always a few customers at Orion especially with its new location - friendly place for a game of pool and plenty of drinks - lots of people watching from this location - lots of fun and laughs Secrets Bar - have made a couple more visits to this bar but only ever one or 2 customers in the times I visited. Station One - In the building on the opposite side of the road to the Kalare Night Market - walk through to the back. Nice open bar space - well appointed tables and chairs - friendly - always plenty of boys to sit with or play pool Ram Bar - yet to get there Adams Apple - yet to make it there Favourite water hole - El Patio in Nimman - Spanish food, wine by the glass or bottle, Blues music on a Friday night - great version of Nadine - and 2 of the nicest wait staff ever
  5. always been a fan of short shorts!!!
  6. I went to Marnmai Massage in Chiang Mai last week - the room had a massage table and compact shower cubicle - all nicely appointed. On the wall close to the head of the table was a well placed mirror.The lock on the door left a lot to be desired though.
  7. But tonight, I was adamant, to have my cake and eat it too, simply because this was Bangkok, where the bakery was always open, and there are always so many cakes to be had. Was it just me ? or did the Richard Harris song Macarthur Park spring to mind for others on reading this?
  8. Interested to read Vessey's comment about bait in this thread - was only thinking the other day how this whole business with the boys etc is like a fishing expedition - lures, baits, landing the big one, hooked, struggling to get off the line ........
  9. Orion Bar This venue recently changed location - it now actually fronts Chareonprathet Lane 6 - about 200 metres in from the Night Market Street (Changklan Rd) - right hand side. This is the same street for Ram Bar and Secrets Bar. The new location is a bit more spacious ( there are now no metal poles to restrict your pool shots) - some nice new tables and stools. It opens right out onto the street so you get to view all the passing traffic. Every now and then the host puts on free food. Always found the bar to be friendly - the host is always welcoming and there are usually at least 6+ bar boys there - mostly Tai Yai. Language can be a challenge at times but there's always someone around to interpret. There was a great birthday party there a week or so ago and the place was packed - however it's low season and numbers can be variable. I have been back post party and there have been only a handful of customers. But if you are in Chiang Mai it's definitely worth a visit. Have also seen on Facebook that Soho is re-opening in a new location. Soho Soi Sarm - Soi 3 Hussadiissawee Rd - more towards the Santitham area.. . Grand Opening party advertised for June 2 Have to agree with a447a comments in another post there is so much eye candy in Thailand in the out of the way places - this place is overrun by handsome men. Looking forward to a few days in Bangkok from this weekend - a chance to return to NB and see the handsome Isaan man with the best smile ever and to return to Arena to visit the fabulous Teep One day I will venture even further south than Bangkok - on 7 trips to Thailand over the years never gone to any of the beach locations - much prefer mountain men in the north
  10. any spotters fee and commission gathered by a447a and ukladd23 for the fore-mentioned photos can be forwarded to me - I will pass on to the young man when I visit him again next weekend
  11. oh la la - a menage a cinq!!!!
  12. Been in Chiang Mai for about 4 weeks and had only foot and legit body massage, I decided to try one of the gay massage shops. I had been to Paradise previously 2 years ago and also when it was known as Mystic Spa. Easily accessible from the old town area - about 10-15 minute walk from Thapae Gate. When I arrived at the entrance around 6.00pm the mamasan and one boy were sitting outside - my appearance brought a chorus of "falang, falang" from inside - so I gathered business hadn't been that brisk. The boys - in black shirts and jeans - were gathered just inside near small reception - mostly lazing about which to me doesn't give a good impression - about 6 of them - 3 on phones looking decidedly disinterested . When asked, 5 said they were from Mae Hong Son the other was from Mae Sai. The latter was chosen as he was "just right" - small frame,smiled, cute moustache, looked as though he was interested. Mamasan assured me he could do good massage. Older wooden style inside with creaky floors but quite nicely appointed. Separate shower room which seems to have been renovated since my last visit. The room I was in had the mattress on the floor but others have tables. Aircon, dimly lit, lockable door. Showered alone before the massage - the actual massage delivery was just ok - not the best I have had but the end stages were very enjoyable. There was not a lot of discreet touching during the massage from his side but he did not object to me being very "feely". My man from Mae Sai had a smattering of English and he attempted to engage in conversation. After the event we showered together which was very pleasant. Interestingly he told me that 100thb of the tip went to the massage shop!!! I was unaware that this happened. Downstairs again - no after massage drink was offered. Cost of 90 minute oil massage 800 thb (mine lasted about the full time) Would I return? YES!!!! The man from Mae Sai was certainly worth a re-visit.
  13. a447a,ukladd23,Nasherich - we have something in common!!! And yes a447a - it's a killer smile - and a nice guy to go with it
  14. Seeking clarification of the use of the words "man" and "gay" as used in the LOS. A couple of my friends have said they are "man only" not "gay" - which left me slightly confused after spending enjoyable interaction with them - and when I told them I was gay they looked more confused than me!! Also noticed that a couple of the profiles on Hornet state that they are "man only" after I told them I was gay. Does it mean that they are top only??? In the words of a very well known Australian politician - "please explain" with thanks
  15. UPDATE - Just read the report about Divine's experience with the masseur falling asleep. I had a Tai Yai friend call around this week - he was on a bit of a downer so I said come around watch TV, sleep, eat, listen to music in the aircon. On arriving he ate an ice-cream and we sat on the couch - me reading and he listening to music. 5 minutes later he was asleep so I carefully extricated myself from the couch and went into the bedroom to read. An hour later he came in , lay down on the bed and promptly went to sleep again for at least another 90 minutes. Meantime I got up and went back to the couch so as not to disturb him. After the 90 minutes he came back to the couch and fell asleep again!!! This scenario was repeated one more time. These boys love sleeping. Went back to Secrets last night around 11.00pm. 3 customers - 3 bar boys playing pool. Can recommend Bubbles Massage in Santitham for a good massage - no intimacy and happy happy stuff - but good decent massage - man to man - book ahead is better And yes the number of good looking locals abounds - the man delivering ice next door this morning was worth more than one glance and the guy who cooked my breakfast
  16. Whall - not sure if you ask me or not - but i stay in the area between Kad Suan Kaew and Maya - not far from Nimman - 150 THB by tuktuk to the bars
  17. no sglad - Pandee is still open - there were a few there seated at the bar last night in fact - will endeavour to get there in the near future - agree about the eye candy in Chiang Mai - even the car park attendant at my apartment block has been getting my attention!!!
  18. Arrived in CM about 2 weeks ago with the intention of using this town as a base for 6 months (initially) in Thailand. Managed to survive Songkran here. One day of the celebration was spent travelling into the country to a place called Mae Taeng. Lots of bamboo shelters hanging over a fast flowing river - food and drink everywhere and lots of Thais just having good fun. Most of my time was spent man gazing at the mostly young men enjoying the water- sadly they seemed to want to keep their shirts and jeans/shorts on whilst in the water. But a few de-shirted and provided some stunning scenery. I took photos The other days were spent in the city and I managed to get drenched regularly -nothing like getting hit on one side of the face with water when in a tuk tuk. Must say I was a bit worried when people started getting water out of the moat to use - always looks a bit dodgy to me. One day I called into Classic Massage and didn't make it past the front bar. The guys there are always so friendly and the place is well run - have to go back soon and have a massage - Non and Sak are my favourites there, Bar wise - have been to Secrets , Orion and Station One. Secrets was relatively quiet but it may have been because I went around 9 - 9.30. Only a few boys there. Will have to return one night a bit later. Next door is Ram where I have never been - seems to draw a mixed crowd mainly for the show. Orion is always friendly though small and it will re-locate at the end of this month - only a short distance away more towards the main road of the night market. Usually about 6 or more boys. Enjoyable place. Station One is the Kalare Market on the opposite side to Orion - up the stairs and walk through to the back. Near Ozeed Bar - Small bar, open to cool beeze at night and friendly - pool table. Only a few boys - but very relaxed. The bar staff boy there is one of the best guys you will ever meet Only foot massages thus far and not ventured to Adam's Apple as yet Hornet is quite active here and even an old 69 year old like me gets a few enquiries and not all from money boys. Have met 3 sensational guys on Hornet - one is about 44 kgs , would get blown over by a strong breeze - but with equipment that anyone would envy. Another - so quiet and handsome and eyes to die for - but so horny. Have to learn to manage myself a bit better with Hornet - don't want to suffer early burnout. Wherever you look here are handsome guys - the guy who works in the laundry shop I go to - just delightful - killer smile, beautiful skin - I have the cleanest clothes in CM!!!!! So the advice to myself is to relax, calm down, manage my activities, and not get too excited too often - there is still 5.5 months to go - and find a few more gay or bi friends - all my friends seemed to be straight, married - all this looking and not touching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Another annoying habit is the drinking of alcohol while walking in the markets - I am currently in Chiang Mai and went to Wulai on Saturday night and Walking Street Sunday and saw quite a few younger western tourists drinking from long necks while in the market area - not usually done at home so why here? Also what happens if the bottle is dropped and broken ? just leave it and walk away??? what happens to the empty - just put it done somewhere and walk away???
  20. Now in Chiang Mai but a couple of nights ago I decided to revisit Screwboys - arrived just before the show and there were quite a few customers. The show itself has somewhat deteriorated in that it seemed to be overloaded with lipsync lady boy numbers.I prefer to watch boys _ there were a couple of big cock dance stroking numbers but have to admit I was talking to a couple of new found companions to really take a lot of notice. i did notice when the boys in the routines presented rhemselves at the table looking for tips. I was talking so missed most of the acrobstic sex act st the end. One of the downside things for me at Screwboys is that smoking is allowed it is a small venue and the build up of smoke is quite noticeable. Now to the boys - around 12 + on stage - a mix of Thai, Viet, Shan, Cambodian boys and some very easy on the eye. more like the ordinary boy next door types. I sat with a Viet (bi) and a Cambodian (bi) and we had a fun night - all tops so we were working out the possible computations if we had a night together - the reaction of the Viet boy when told he would have to be the bottom was hilarious!! Really nice guys and lots of fun - no offs that night.
  21. Arrived yesterday to sweltering heat - a very speedy passage through immigration. Not willing to hit my hotel bed I took myself off to investigate Nature Boys. Very handsome fair haired lad out the front and only 3 boys inside in orange underwear. Stayed for a few drinks and had most enjoyable conversation with them. 2 were bi and the other gay. I was the only customer for at least 2.5 hours.One other chap called in but didnt stay long. Closed at 2.00am The boys were friendly and talkative and attentive of course. They said that it hadnt been busy there for a few weeks.I can see that the place is not everyones cup of tea but I had an enjoyable night. Today I went for a massage at Arena - around 3.00 pm. Wow - at least 40 guys available - all outfitted in jeans and some working out with the gym gear.All solid/muscled build with a range of ages. My all time favourite Teep (unashamedly indicating my bias) surprised me by telling me he is 35 - looks early 20s. Great relaxing sensual massage that was supposed to be 90 minutes but went well over that time. Havent got anywhere near the clubs yet!!!
  22. An interesting read that explores this issue is the fictional novel by Stephen Leather - Private Dancer - a great insight
  23. Lovely photos Moses - congratulations to Kuang
  24. My first Songkran last year - really enjoyed it though the ice water comes as a bit of a shock when it hits you. Wandered all over Silom and one of the better (but wetter) Sois was the one in which Tawan Club and Sun Massage are located - nothing more eye catching than a drenched young man in a clingy t-shirt. My man bought me a colourful t shirt and shorts for the occasion - still can see all the dye coming out of that shirt when I wrung it out in the Tantawarn Hotel bathroom. Returning this year but will be in Chiang Mai and hopefully will get out to a smaller village to see how Songkran is celebrated there.
  25. you're right - that pizza does look yummy
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