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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. The second time could be inquired in the form of a compliment: "you are so beautiful that I won't be able to resist having sex with you again when we weak up in the morning; will this be acceptable to you? "
  2. LOL! I understand how one can read those threads in lieu of soap operas... for people with endless patience or too much free time.
  3. I think you did a good job starting this thread, which can be of useful information to everybody since we can all be exposed to this plague. You have been diligent researching your situation and now you have more data to go by and take informed actions to resolve your confusion, which is well justified. You may have discovered that you have an allergy, sensitivity to insect bites that could make it worth to see a dermatologist, none too late! It is not sure that "an expert" can positively identify the primary cause or find a remedy, but there is a chance. You have positively identified bed bugs, got informed of what you can do about them without panicking and falling off the deep end, and do some simple remedies while keeping an outlook on the problem. This is smart. Unless we have a serious medical emergency, we have much to gain by consulting with others and do as much internet research as possible before taking action. There is misinformation on the web, but this is always a risk when we aim to get informed. Having a household to keep, a sick person to care for, cars and other stuff to repair, I look up information on the internet daily and it has benefited me immensely.
  4. WOW! You must have felt harmed very badly to be able to write such a nasty post!
  5. Please explain to us who don't follow other gay Thailand forums.
  6. Plus: few surprises, more choices without penalty if the first one does not work out, no acts of violence (if assaulted, scream), decent anonymity, no commitments.
  7. By all means follow readers' advice and do some math. Ask yourself how much you are worth now that you have bed bugs, and decide quickly if to change your return flight to another city. If you never step into your current home again you will protect it 100% from any infestation. An ounce of prevention? But if you still value yourself, then follow Stevie's advice and avoid making a much bigger fuss than necessary. Although reader has found that the bugs have been successful for thousands of years, so he must have lived with them for that time. He has not lived with me for any time, and I haven't even noticed that.
  8. I remember a saying in my family when they had to pay: "Nur der Tod is frei, aber es kostet das Leben" (only death is free but it costs one's life).
  9. Hopefully you will never have to face a bigger dilemma in your life than dealing with bed bugs in your home. If you don't panic and fall in the hands of "experts", it is perfectly manageable with smartness and patience.
  10. There is even a better plan. Get a bag of diatomaceous earth (white powder) in advance of you entering your home (have it bought at Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon by somebody if possible, or dump everything you are carrying outside or in storage until you have it). Find a floor space in your home, like the garage, and have it surrounded it by a generous barrier of this powder. Quickly place all the items you brought within this area. Any bugs in these items and those who hatch from any eggs will have to migrate sooner or later to feed, and they will perish in contact with the white powder. You can even entice them to move with a CO2 trap.
  11. If I am deluding myself, it is not a bad delusion. For you being a young person sex is very important to the point that it makes sense to buy it, and as the customer you are entitled for it to be all about you. As an older man I have less of an urge and from a necessity sex becomes more an occasional treat. This is why I can allow me the luxury of being picky and stay away from partners who do it purely for necessity, interest. I still manage to go by and have good sex for free, but this may become more difficult as I age and so I'm warming up to the idea of paying for it. Still then I will make sure that it won't be a bad experience for the worker but something he may find satisfactory, like treating well any handyman who comes to my home to do some work.
  12. Being a human you are genetically related to Thai sex workers. So it is valid to imagine being in their situation. What WE imagine is VERY RELEVANT to US, but maybe not to other persons.
  13. I'll bet there are gays in construction too.
  14. What is hilarious there? I am not my wife! You are hilarious Plus... wives can never be sure of who is straight or not!
  15. To imagine how hilarious this is, I examine my own feelings as a money guy having to have sex with an old man and an old woman. I would prefer ten times to suck an old cock than an old pussy. So I find that sexual orientation is still important even if the purpose is to make money. Then I imagine I'm straight and I have to service men and women. It might not be so bad to fuck an old woman (they say that experience can make them very pleasant ) but... to be fucked by another man? This takes a much deeper sacrifice (although some straight men also enjoy being fucked) and so the straight money boy will always feel that he is giving much more of himself having sex with a gay, compared to the gay money boy, and will become more demanding. This is not hilarious.
  16. And I go further in that I would not have sex with a guy I know is straight. It takes some egoism to do that, like "I don't care if you enjoy it as long as I do". For fully satisfying sex the other person has to enjoy it too. Maybe it is that I don't see anything special in a straight man over a gay man. Of course when it comes to money boys one canot assume that they need to enjoy it...
  17. You could make it in the circle of comics if you just do translations from french to english.
  18. Interesting. 50 euros is about 60 US dollars, or 2000 baht. Entrance to this sauna is about 700 baht, so it is 2700 baht for a short time with a premium model, plus all the facilities of a gay sauna. This is not much more expensive than offing a short time in BKK plus the cost of off fee and drinks. And I would find it much more comfortable and direct than having to spend time in the bar, negotiate with the bar, take the boy to the hotel, etc. I find that the gay sauna is the best environment to have gay sex, so this appeals to me. Of course it is even better to get it for free, but this sauna does not seem to be the ideal place for this.
  19. Oops... I may be getting something for doing nothing... over 15 years receiving pension from work and then later the government's social security payments... and I don't even have to go for more, it is deposited monthly in my accounts... I must be a privileged animal!
  20. I agree with you. There is enough deception in this world to make the kindest soul cynical. But... what about the requests for help that are genuine? My best solution for this is to be a liberal progressive. I am in favor if big government giving big help with social programs. I am fully aware of the ills of bureaucracy, inefficiency, favoritism, but I prefer these to charity fraud. In countries with institutionalized corruption I don't mind closing my eyes and helping individuals who ask for it, but in the US I don't like to give one dollar beyond my taxes, which are plenty. And I fight as I can the nauseating conservative ideology that everyone should fend for himself.
  21. steveboy


    I also feel so sad. I had empathized with him having such health problems right when he was ready to enjoy himself to the fullest. I am judgmental with people who let themselves get into bad health, but I am less than fair. It is the unfairness of destiny to give some the opportunity to live a healthy life from the start and preserve it, while others follow innocently the inclinations to enjoy the pleasures of life without the foresight to estimate the consequences. It is nearly impossible to change habits later in life, and when the reality of the consequences kick in it is often too late. I should remember this when I get carried away giving advice, but I think that our recommendations were kind and appropriate. It is a pity that we could not help him beyond that.
  22. I had never heard of this before, although I should have imagined it. GOD HEAVENS, is there nothing left in the world we can trust ?!! Silicon enhanced cocks that ejaculate some artificial liquid driven by a pump! Please forgive my inconvenient thoughts, but I like to maximize the ratio of enjoyment over risk. To indiscriminately suck cocks in a lineup is an abuse of risk for that little pleasure, same as to engage in anal sex. But to exchange oral sex in a passionate bonding with a young model in bed is a much better value.
  23. Well... they should have given you a discount if... if you asked for it. Are you sure... you have bed bugs biting you now? If you picked some up at Sansuk, they are not so voracious to bite constantly but they do it maybe once a week. If they laid eggs in your belongings, these eggs need many days to hatch. Are you sure you will gain anything calling "professional help" and spending a lot of money?
  24. I empathize with you, and in your situation I might feel the same way. But I am not in your situation and so I may have a more objective view of it. The staff did not offer to take your clothes and clean, boil, freeze them when you checked out so that you could collect them on your returned to the place. This is a long proposition that is not a usual attitude of the staff of an hotel (but we wish they would be so attentive). Maybe the guy at the checkout counter instead of making the elaborate proposition was distracted thinking about his girlfriend or bf and he had never received special training about bed bugs. It would have been different if you spoke to the manager/owner to request such action, and he refused.
  25. I find that Sansuk management responded very nicely to the issue, and they sound sincere. (I wish I could travel and be there now, with or without bugs...) Jones, it is explicable that you are frustrated, but you should realize that bed bugs can appear in the best, most ritzy hotels everywhere in the world. They don't have machines that can scan their arriving guests for bed bugs. It is believable that the receptionist at Sansuk didn't know about these bugs and could not take the actions you wish he had, besides the fact that you were already leaving. So it does not help to bash the place where you got the bugs. At most one can judge the cleanness of the place, since a neat, responsible hotel may keep an ongoing lookout for and prevention of pests in their rooms. In fact, now that you are / have been lodged at some hotel in Bangkok, you may have brought with you and your bags these bugs into your new place, and you don't sound like you are sorry for doing so. Similarly, if one gets some STD from a sex encounter, it is not fair to blame the establishment where the sex encounter happened.
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