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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. It is a pity that Chinese are getting so fat having fallen to western cuisine. Other Asians hopefully don't follow. And it is a pity that with so many attractive slim Asian women one has to be gay... But there is consolation in the many slim Asian boys still around.
  2. I would not trust the article you mention because it does not seem to be up-to-date. Read instead: https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/inside-the-supreme-courts-flag-burning-decision The US Supreme Court overruled in 1989 the penalties for flag burning in the US code, on the basis of freedom of speech. Back to topic, the penalties the laws of Thailand could hand down to the Disgusting Farangs seem typical of a military regime, and this is what Thailand has now. We should feel proud that in our country the coldness of draconian laws is moderated by the principles of the Constitution, like this "freedom of speech".
  3. Of course you will find your interpretations "reasonable" while others are not. Tourists can be stupid without this making them criminals. Nobody questions that their stupidity if true and caught should have consequences. But these should be reasonable. Would you like while visiting some country with sharia law to be accused of stealing and have your hand/s cut off?
  4. You are far off topic. The one trolling here is YOU. Once again you unprovoked write a stupid post to seed discord over legitimate comments I write. I don't know why you troll me, but Credit-is-due to ban or suspend you to stop your attacks, and I might report your post to the moderator. Of the meager 40 posts you have made here, probably half of them were to troll me. Back on topic, the fact that the Disgusting Farangs didn't wait to leave Thailand before posting their disgusting photos may indicate that they were not aware of the consequences of their actions. That, or they are really morons.
  5. Burning the American flag, like kneeling down during the play of the national anthem, is not illegal in the US. So I don't need to defend you if you want to burn the flag. Why would you waste your money burning flags instead of using it to off Thai boys?
  6. The topic here is <Arrested> Disgusting Farangs. The "arrested" obviously brings into the conversation the laws that lead to the arrest. Also, you must be a clairvoyant to know exactly what the two disgusting farangs knew about the laws in Thailand. You are just speculating here, like we all do, and your arguments are not less "twisted" than those of anyone else. My point was that as much as we have the right, especially as gay men, to consider that a Nigerian law dictating a death penalty for homosexual acts is a barbaric abomination, we have the right to judge that to punish with draconian law a disrespect to a religion that may be nothing more than a fantasy is also an abomination. In Thailand and in every other country in this world.
  7. So this is the famous Mekhin? I have to say that I get a good impression of him and short of his earrings he looks like a decent guy. I can understand why some find him attractive. I wish him well, and hopefully this innocent episode (yes, here in the US policemen are shot at, not shown a fist) serves to promote him.
  8. Well said. After all I sit on my (slim) butt collecting retirement money without moving one finger. Progress should ideally lead to machines becoming our slaves (they already replace live slaves) doing all the work for us, so that we can enjoy total leisure. Ideally, ALL people should enjoy this leisure, including the fat bums. But now automation benefits mostly the owners of the machines producing goods and services. Maybe society should own the slave machines, that is,... a government? It seems that the solution may be more socialist than what some people like!
  9. Afrol News, 8 July - "A Shari'a court in northern Nigeria has handed down a death by stoning sentence for a man admitting to have engaged in homosexual acts. The middle-aged man has been on death row for several months, awaiting his execution. A human rights spokesman of the UN today urged Nigerian courts to give the man a milder sentence." One can imagine the good people of Nigeria getting so fed up with westerners having the attitude that because the laws in their countries are different they don't respect the right of Nigerians to have their own laws...
  10. If they allegedly are gay and if they are sadomasochists you wanted the best for them
  11. Like Hanan, I also have never vacationed in Brazil, the reason being the large Black population and the high crime rate. Although I think I can fend off an attack in BKK, I have no hopes to prevail if assaulted in Rio. And I am a top if necessary, so I don't care for large cocks. A flight from the US to Brazil can be more expensive than to Thailand. I rather try Mexico City first, although it does not inspire too much safety either, but I like slim young Mexicans...
  12. It should not be too difficult to understand that we have been comparing the distance between the Malaysia and Silom,... with the distance between Babylon and Silom, without concern about the distance between the Malaysia and Babylon. That's why I wrote that the two places are about equidistant to Silom, although this depends on the block of Silom we take as reference.
  13. I don't envy your consistent fantasizing about my persona, but if this makes you feel better, I have no objection.
  14. Hi Lurker Omega. Glad you are joining the conversation. 1. This is something that dumb inexperienced people need to learn sooner or later. 2. And they need to learn where and when to upheld their well entitled principles. 3. Thai hospitality has a lot to do with foreign money. One should refrain everywhere to do something insulting. 4. Don't let those who argue and attack you with "it's up to the Thai" affect your freedom of thinking.
  15. You shouldn't envy anyone, since by doing this you are putting yourself down. So what if your lack of intellect restricted you to do manual labor? This is nothing to be ashamed of.
  16. Yes. And I don't even want to discourage you from doing such a prank.
  17. True. And here is where automation can make a huge difference with the emergence of self-driving cars, buses, trucks. In some future vehicles may circulate without having to stop anymore, traffic lights may become obsolete. I am looking forwards to that for when I will be too old to drive, and my car can drive me.
  18. I also think that this single card will be an improvement for us the users. I have always used the cards for BTS and MRT. But the increase in automation, robotics, is a threat for a segment of the population, and with increasing "artificial intelligence" even those of us whose professions are intellectual are increasingly threatened. What to do when jobs disappear because machines do it all? People NEED an income. If not from personal work, it has to come from social programs. And here is where the enterprises who use machines because they are cheaper than people MUST be taxed higher, to finance the social programs. Society is in increasing need of revolutions. Maybe a couple more French revolutions? It will be interesting to see...
  19. Locals and farangs we all belong to the same human species. Differences are only petty. I just got on Babylon's facebook page for the first time. Quite interesting. The videos on this page show a quite attractive place, which I find it is still today. They just had their 30th Aniversary Party... wow!, what other gay saunas last 30 years? Just read comments from 2007 that the place "is not what it used to be ten years ago..." This reminds me of the old folks in my childhood (60 years ago?) who swore that everything was better in the past. It seems that some new old folks today think the same way! reader?
  20. This seems the most appropriate. Let them feel the pain in their pocketbooks, a strong $$ pain so they learn. No need to get physical.
  21. Thank you reader for your advice. Whitening products never crossed my mind while in Thailand, but I could get some improvement in my appearance and attractiveness. I used to take every day a 15 minute tan without clothes in my backyard without any protecting cream and the sun at its strongest, to get darker and to gain vitamin D. Now in my 70s I have stopped this and take instead vitamin D supplements, trying to avoid any sun to prevent dark spots. Am I guilty of the racist and manipulative white-ism by avoiding the dark spots that reveal old age?
  22. You said it right. And instead of getting upset at those guys, one should be upset at the people who inhabit the White House today. Their example of corruption, immorality, ugliness towards others is a sad blemish in the history of America.
  23. I am a persona very grata in any nation I visit. Considerate, respectful of the local customs and their people. You are obviously trying to become persona non grata towards me with stupid comments. But I don't care, these comments are your doing and I find them at most ridiculous. Like in your comments, I don't think that the stupidity of those two idiotic tourists reach the level of crime, and they don't perturb me in the least. My biggest complaint is that those two guys are about 20 years too old and are too plump and ugly to make their prank worthwhile watching. Instead, it is pitiful... or outraging, depending on one's standards.
  24. What moral principle says that religion cannot be disrespected? Most religious people disrespect ALL religions... except their own!
  25. There is no doubt that Singapore is a repressive regime, evident by their repressive laws. As a gay man, the first that comes to mind is their anti-gay law section 377A. And their "sedition" law is typical of a repressive regime. But to vacation in a place is different than to live there, and I have been traveling to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand without problems.
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