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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. Don't give in to negativity. Your report is interesting, and I find it more genuine and less heavily embellished than the reports by the My Untouchable and My Unmentionable. Take the opportunity to cultivate thick skin! Maybe you could invalidate some criticism by moving your report to the "Photos" forum? There should be an increase in members with the required number of posts, and it may be no difference for us if it is here or there. LOL! Welcome to selected group of Connoisseurs who need to defend themselves from tags of "troll" or "naysayer", etc. You made over 2000 posts in 9 years and I made over 1000 in a fraction of this time... Again, take the opportunity to cultivate thick skin. Bashing is cheap!
  2. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Good. You know, tea has much more water in it than beer and ginger. This brings you much closer to an animal, as it should be. Given the choice, I would not mind if all the other customers have pot bellies as long as none of the boys has.
  3. I come rushing to this thread, one where I am the TS, to calm things down and protect myself from the "Death by Scooby" (I don't advocate suicide). I am not all that sorry since I got the opportunity to see that you are a group of fine people in an interesting site. I thank you all for replaying to my posts in a civil way. I gave attention to your criticism, and while not having a big need to change my principles I give consideration your points. I had to cancel my plans for this year's Songkran, but I feel the Songkran spirit came to me in this issue. I have been deluged with the squirts of your water guns and buckets of icy water thrown at me, and I am now completely soaked... but smiling inside. I have decided to put my own fully loaded water gun aside and drop further comments on the topic. I will dry out during the daily walk with my BF and then change clothes before my lunch of healthy proteins, carbohydrates and filtered water. I'm pleased to say that I wish all gays would defend our gay issues with the fighting spirit you have. As for me, I find an interesting contrast: I was once banned from a religious forum because of my lack of respect for the sacred. Now I get nearly banned from a forum because of my lack of respect for the anti-sacred. Ha!! that must be it, it is the lack of respect! I will see if I can blame this on my parents for not giving me the right punishment as a kid. Now, it may be too late
  4. Yes, you have good reasons to question what I wrote. Maybe you have better information in the "while at the same time earning a living". The numerous stories by Numazu and his sex trips one after the other cast a doubt in my mind on how he has time to earn a living. Add to this the compulsion to make all these trips. He himself has revealed this in his latest thread: "This is my 14th 12th trip to LOS and this is probably the shortest one that I have ever taken. I am taking a short trip to Bangkok in between my longer trip to Asia this May (referenced here).".... "I am intoxicated by the sex industry in Thailand, and fascinated by their lives and try to make friends with the money boys and locals..." You think it is good to be "intoxicated by the sex industry"? Couldn't he make a better contribution to society than primarily trying to satisfy his sex intoxication? This is what I mean by "a way that is good for us and for those around us". I certainly agree with you that contributing to the money boys making a living is something positive. We are probably more in agreement than what it appears. I am sure that many board members dream of being in the shoes of Numazu in his escapades. This reminds me of many Muslim men who dream of dying for Allah and meeting their 72 virgins in their heaven... But it may be smarter to aim for and make a reality as good as possible.
  5. Oh, this site is full of fine members. I only call "sex addicts who react like rambunctious children" those who indeed act like this by attacking those who make a criticism.
  6. PeterRS, thank you for your comments. Try to think clearly where the overdoing is. I expressed my honest opinion that numazu's fast sex lane is an excess and a lot of projectiles flew to my head, to the point that Scooby had to ban me from the thread to restore peace. Now Kokopelli says that I sound "extremely critical of any breach of propriety"! Is this like a group of heroin users who come down on a guy because he only smokes marijuana? Do I have to be an extremist to be acceptable? Numazu lives a life quite different than the one I have lived. I could have done exactly what he seems to be doing but I had reasons not to do so, and I find myself fortunate and proud that I didn't. Why do I have to hide this which I find positive, afraid that people will take it as narrow-minded and conventional and against pleasures? I am an Epicurian, welcoming sensual pleasures without any prejudices. But I don't see anything wrong in having practical limits.
  7. "Mrs. grundy definition, Mrs. a narrow-minded, conventional person who is extremely critical of any breach of propriety" Hahaha... sounding narrow-minded, conventional... you want to have your ears checked? But think seriously about it: would a conventional gay be attacked by so many narrow-minded common sex addicts who only think with their lower heads and follow with their tongues hanging out a charming Pied Piper of Hamelin that leads them to their world of fantasies? Only an unconventional open minded person would attract such a witch hunt by the sex addicts who react rambunctious like children who fear for their candy and try to silence any voice that distracts from their wet daydreams... LOL! this is so hilarious...
  8. I know. So is the life of Annabel Chong of Singapore (look her up...) He surely can live his life the way he wants to, this is not my call. I just give my opinion, which in this case is a criticism of a sex fast lane, because excesses are excesses and not only for my standards.
  9. I also have been checked several times walking into the MTR with my bags, never with any problem. I smile, they smile, I open the bags, close them and go on. On a 24+ hour trip such delays of 30 seconds are not significant.
  10. A good observation. "Role model" is very subjective. I don't mean a role model of traditional morality. Instead, a role model of smart, pragmatic living combining pleasures with productivity in a way that is good for us and for those around us.
  11. You mean that all the brawn being displayed has been treated according to the rules set by the Jewish rabbis? I didn't see the show in the 15 years it run in Las Vegas, and I'm afraid I'll miss it in my next trip to LOS. For good or for bad, for blessing or for evil, I have never been attracted to manly men but to beautiful boys, slim, delicate but strong, with smooth hairless skin and seductive curves. It's too late for me to change now, and I will happily cede this Thunder to those who will enjoy it the most.
  12. Yesterday Scooby banned me from a thread started by Numazu. He wrote: "Steveboy, your posts in this thread and others that are initiated by the OP are now off limits. I don't know what you have against him but it is done. A post in this thread and you are suspended." Since Scooby is the moderator of this site I am complying, and I don't blame him since he has to keep people happy in our playing pan. My experience here is of being on the receiving end of gays who don't like being attacked by society but don't mind attacking one of their own. There is no doubt that I am an honorary member of the gay community and the GT community: - I am supportive of homosexuality, sex tourism, gay promiscuity, paying for gay sex. - I have never outed anyone, I defend gay sex workers, I defend anyone being victimized by gay issues. - I have defended Numazu when he was attacked for showing the faces of some gays in his pictures. - I have defended Jfarmer017 when he was attacked in his "Ode of Boyish Beauty" for posting pictures with the best of intentions, and one happened to be a boy he paid for sex which turned out to be a friend of Samebb. I criticized Samebb and Numazu for their witch hunt against him. I am perfectly harmless and I don't attack anyone. I have no reasons. I feel no jealousy against anyone, neither here nor anywhere else, this is one grace that comes with a good long life While I also read and eat Numazu's literary candy, I am critical of the element of excess in it, which in my opinion disqualifies him from being a role model. I am not attacking him, and even Scooby could not find any of this when he wrote "I don't know what you have against him" I am not an attacker but a critic. While attacking is a deficiency, to criticize can be positive. While I don't like to be attacked, I don't mind being criticized as this gives me something to think about and to discuss. To be open to criticism and not to attack the critic is an important part of the freedom of speech we are entitled as intelligent human beings. Hopefully after all this discourse this community will understand and not come down on me so easily. And while being civil you can criticize me all you want, this is fine with me.
  13. At that age you had a full-blown job. Me too. And most of the people who are responsible have this too at 36 y.o. And without being nuts we also ration the amount of food we eat. Otherwise we end up morbidly obese or with bulimia. We ration the amount of alcohol we drink or else we end up alcoholics. All these are not moral issues but PRACTICAL issues. At that age I traveled the world as much or more than Numazu, not as a sex tourist but working for a multinational company in the oil industry. I had my sexcapades but I was not obsessed with them like I wasn't obsessed with food or booze. My fascination with the guy is the time and effort he dedicates to his sexcapades and the writing about them. Doesn't he have a life... besides sex? There is a long way between that and "rationing".
  14. You are too late for that. If you cared so much about Numazu, in the first place you would have PM-d me this post with your psychobabbles I am answering now, so as to let him go back to his report. Of course you can DESCRIBE someone you haven't met. Classrooms are full of professors who DESCRIBE Napoleon, which none of them have ever met. Churches are full of pastors who DESCRIBE Jesus Christ, whom no one has ever met. At least you are sincere in that you want to bash me. If you find my posts nags, annoyances and bothers, which they are not intended to be, all you need to do is ignore them instead of being driven to hate.
  15. Thank you Alexx. I don't think I'm anything special, and the filtered water is just H2O. Everybody should be assured that I am harmless. You use "troll" like someone who does not have anything bad to say about someone he does not like, but still wants to bash him for who knows what reason... To call someone a "troll" is in itself an abject immoral attack. Oh... I'm no saint. I like the boys too, and although I have paid for sex only a few times in my life, I am warming up to the idea of doing so and in my next trip to LOS I will indulge like the best. I think that now in my 70s I can perfectly justify this About Numazu, I am not a moralist and in no way I condemn him. He is promiscuous like most we are here in different degrees. It must be in our genes. I don't judge him but I DESCRIBE him. There is an element of excess that stands out, although "pathological" may be a little strong. He says he is 36 y.o. but his obsession with sex fits more a teenager, not an adult at an age where one is normally focused on work and career and eventually family and children (even gays we can have family and children, haha.) If now he is so desperate to run around the globe in search of sex workers to pay, what... what will he have left for the time he is twice his age like me? I think there is time for everything, and to become a sex tourist is best for people who have done their duty, are retired with little or no responsibilities, with plenty of time and money to enjoy... like me! But he should not change his lifestyle for me! I enjoy his stories like all of you do, and he should definitely keep writing if this is what he likes. And I should keep commenting like any member here is free to do.
  16. Right, "don't ask don't tell" lost its significance since in the US gays are accepted in the military and society recognizes our rights. Similarly, BurBoy should freely accept that his friend is affected with pathological promiscuity... or something like that.
  17. After all the time, it is hard to imagine that BurBoy wouldn't know his friend in and out already. He probably prefers to keep his eyes and ears shut.
  18. See if you can best him by the number of money boys you can accommodate and handle in your king size bed throughout the night. Remember... sex sells !
  19. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Surely. While they can receive some content of a fat wallet, they cannot cut out a slice of belly fat to use in their deep fryer. I realize my terrible mistake. I should have know that the best remedy for belly fat is wallet fat.
  20. His creative mind is checking out his audience to see how he will continue his novel.
  21. Can you see Steveboy riding his White Horse trying to rescue Numazu from his sliding down the easy path of lubricated cocks towards the entrance of Dante's Inferno ? No. My White Horse is in its stable, reserved for more worthy occasions, while I am fascinated and enjoy the travel stories too
  22. United has recently announced that it will have soon direct flights from San Francisco to Singapore, a nearly 9,000 miles covered in about 18 hours (westbound). Sooner or later they might also be direct flights from the US to BKK. This should cut a big piece off the 26 hours spent today.
  23. Hahaha... this reminds me of the stories we listened on the radio as children. Every afternoon they would end at the point of maximum suspense, so that the next day we would be sitting there waiting for them to resume.
  24. Fortunately for them and for us, Thailand is the most Buddhist country in the world, with nearly 93% of the population being Buddhist. I wish it were 100%. Hopefully the Thai are too smart to fall for the Christian proselytizing, and the foreign visitors and expatriates are too busy with the attractions of the place which come from the kind attitude of the Buddhist population. And, who knows, many foreigners in Thailand may be happy to escape the pressures of sanctimonious religions like Christianity and Islam.
  25. There are very nice Filipinos, and years ago I had good fun in MNL, but I find that the Philippines are a little too troublesome to be an ideal vacation spot, unless one enjoys nature at their numerous islands. When I was there I kept feeling sorry for the people (which I don't feel in Thailand) and seeing too many military around. But you must have found much that is attractive and that I am ignorant about.
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