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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. There is none of that. My comment was a bucket of icy water poured over the head of the real flame thrower, who wants to see a fellow member locked in a dark prison cell for the rest of his life.
  2. You mistakenly call "religious shit" the words of a philosopher, real or imaginary, described in the Gospels of Christianity. So important is this philosopher that no other single person, real or imaginary, changed history as much as he did. Even non-religious people we respect the philosophy of Jesus Christ for its moral value. In any case, your irate outburst is sufficient proof that John 8:7 hit a chord. It fits you like a glove!
  3. "He who is free of sin cast the first stone", said the Great Master according to John 8:7
  4. Mine are also exclusively on my PC. It can be dangerous to walk around all day watching mesmerized Guy Pics and other porn on the smartphone. Sometimes manhole covers in the street are left off...
  5. How about pulling out his eyes with red hot pliers? Or maybe throwing him in an industrial grade meat grinder? You could also place him on a slicer for delicatessen meat set to "fine". I'm just trying to feed your kind and generous imagination with more ideas...
  6. YES! They have no shame in asking for ID to those not obviously under the limit age. I used to be able to sneak by like 20 years younger, but not anymore. 20 years younger I'm already in the 50s and over the limit, haha.
  7. Yes, it is generational, the new generation does not need to remember photos they took 40 years ago. But I think the difference is mostly technological. Previous generations didn't have digital cameras and smartphones with automatic settings. It used to cost money in film, processing, prints and some skills to get decent photos. The cost of a photo today is zero. And all it takes is to press a button. The older generations we can take photos as good as the youngest generation. What may be different is that we are more selective, and we don't like to deal with so many photos. Then came Picasa and later programs that do face recognition and organize tons of pictures. Again, seniors we can play with these programs as good as juniors. But we recognize that life is short, and we have more interesting things to do.
  8. I mostly take or pose in pictures of people who are or were important in my life. I have a very good memory of the past but I spend most of my time in the present. The majority of my photo records were taken to show to others where I was and what I have done, but this does not include my sexual experiences, which are MY privacy. My emotional involvement with casual sex partners is very short lived. After the fact I don't need to remember their detailed image but the sexual experience and their personality. Like ChristianPFC wrote, photos in gay saunas are prohibited for obvious reasons. Also in sex encounters with guys at their place, my place, or in the bushes, taking mutual pictures there never crossed my mind. If a short friendship ensued, the picture was of a friend, not a sex partner. But I still need to gain experience in offing gogo boys and I am open minded, so now carrying my smartphone with a good camera I will see if I feel the need to use it. Meanwhile, I can always go to my picture collection of A+ models and imagine remembering that I met them and we had great sex.
  9. And you are not overpaying, since your ST is much, much longer than the 30 seconds of the video.
  10. In my long experience of visiting gay saunas in many cities around the globe, including BKK, I have never found a place where customers felt free to bring cameras into the sauna and take pictures of each other to preserve memories of their encounters. Are the Thai boys so irrelevant or is the fact that payment is made in exchange for sex reasons to disregard their privacy and take pictures of them like one takes pictures of the food served at a restaurant or pictures one takes of the statues in a temple to preserve memories?
  11. Facial is a beauty treatment of the face.
  12. The guy in the second picture can never be totally nude again.
  13. I go with the same win-win. Having such an extensive collection of professional pictures of models in all postures and degrees of undress, I could never match them with my amateur pictures, and I don't need pictures to remember my good times.
  14. It is true that sizes corresponding to a name are smaller in LOS than in America. I changed to size S in America, but I would not fit in a thai S. Same with my BF.
  15. Dynamic pricing is nothing new in BKK. Perfect example is the R3 sauna, that charges for its O-party 380 baht... unless you are 50 y.o. or older, then it is 1,400 baht.
  16. Do they have them in any size smaller than 42 ?
  17. This makes sense. You must be confident to live past one hundred years, since you used 3 digits instead of 2.
  18. Welcome back! Hopefully you took a good rest from posting and enjoyed the extra free time. Strange that instead of a temporary suspension your profile was deleted. It could be that the software of GT does not have previsions to "suspend", but the only way to do it is by deleting the member and then letting him register again. You jumped the number in your alias from 017 to 035. Would it be wise to change it by increments of 1 at a time, so that you don't need to go one day to four digits? I had my own encounters here with the Law several times. I have been warned repeatedly, and someone commented that I am like a cat in its last lives of its nine ones. Meow... In a way, the child in me feels a sweet return to infancy. If my little grandchildren knew that their "Oppa" faces discipline in his adult kindergarten, they would hug me even more with empathy...
  19. I didn't say anything about "lacking". I wrote to Vessey that I find his report more genuine and less embellished than another that seems to be the gold standard, simply to give him encouragement as he seemed disappointed and ready to quit.
  20. I wish I could fill these pages with trip reports... For the last two years I had to cancel three times trip reservations made months in advance. Last year's songkran was an exception and I made a short escapade that was enjoyable, but the consequences at home were not so good. This reaffirms my decision to wait until my BF recovers and gets stronger. It seems that I hang around here and post more in lieu of trips, but I should cut down on this.
  21. I'm neither a beach lover nor do I make pointless posts. In fact, some of my posts seem to be seen so pointed that they get me in trouble... A truly unintended consequence.
  22. Maybe I should not mind so much arriving in Suvarnabhumi around midnight in flights from the US. This could be the reason I have not run into big crowds and waiting at immigration.
  23. What is all this negativity? How am I bashing someone by judging that the report in this thread is more genuine and less embellished than the report in another thread? Gimme a break! Is there an interference from a solar storm that introduces evil in the internet connections between the US and BKK?
  24. Wow! This is not a critic but plain ugly! I empathized with your ire a while ago, and you take it as bashing?
  25. Ryanasia was banned ??? Why ??? I didn't notice fault in him, but one never knows... I don't find your post mean, just mistaken. You seem to be too sensitive or you have some subconscious grudge because of feelings that I stepped on the toes of someone you care for. The gains we gays have made in the US are unprecedented. I could not imagine any negativity in them. I was empathizing with a similar post NirishGuy made about the negative outlook of Ryanasia, seeing the dark side of something that was predominantly positive. And my even humorous message to him was to bring his attention to the excessive negativity (and not commit suicide if winning the lottery). It is unfortunate that you were inclined to dig for some meanness in it. I hope you don't find my explaining response mean...
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