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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. I too agree with him in what he likes. (although cold and light skin is also fine with me, as long is it is free of hairs and tattoos)
  2. I feel the same. To fully enjoy a boy he has to be gay like me. But it's fine if he enjoys straight men.
  3. Nothing "too sensitive". Such information is win-win for establishments and potential customers.
  4. Another good curriculum vitae, and like with Christian PFC, only one good item missing: exercising. If not started earlier, mid life is the perfect time to start an intelligent plan of regular exercising, and at this time weight lifting is the important part, with aerobics somewhat secondary. This assures that the nice buns in your avatar won't shrivel down in the 70s and that other parts of the body don't decay, like the skeletal structure and the organ without bone... exercising with weights is known to preserve our supply of testosterone.
  5. You made a good list of bad things you don't do, although there is not much intrinsically bad with singing and dancing. Chocolate could be under the 'good' things too, and so could be plenty of sex if we leave out the STDs. You could add a good thing you are NOT doing: exercising. It may be still early, but later in life this becomes essential, to avoid 'slim' from becoming 'weak' and "out of shape". If we start with regular exercise early, then it is not a hardship later on but a source of satisfaction.
  6. This is pure motherhood. Nothing is indispensable. Indispensable... for what? The whole human race is not indispensable. Religions make this plainly clear. If humanity could be created by a God who made an Adam out of clay, this God can make anything else with the same ease.
  7. LOL! But people want to go on vacation, not to a cemetery. There is something better than going on vacation to escape stress at home or work. It is to resolve the source of stress before or in lieu of going on vacation. .
  8. Good advice! These mini umbrellas are good travel companions. Easy to carry, fit in sauna lockers, and they also give a good feeling of having something to hit someone on the head if necessary. (never happened in my experience)
  9. We fully agree. We should all ignore...the negatives and concentrate on the positives.
  10. Thank you, ronnie4you. Hopefully I can reduce the other days to a bare minimum.
  11. AMAZING! 105 y.o. and cycling at 14 mph for an hour! The article says that he started his cycling feats at 68 y.o. This HAS to be genetic!. That is, at 68 y.o. he must have grown new genes that kept him strong... or not? Another example of beating the genetic fate is that of the Cleveland brothers with diabetes type 1, who lived to 89 and 93 y.o. with the genetic disease. http://www.diabetes.co.uk/blog/2015/06/diabetes-legends-the-cleveland-brothers/
  12. Oh... I'm so sorry that I am so poisoning and you find me toxic and boring. Hopefully this does not affect your health, in which case you better put me in "ignore". I honestly wish you the spiritual strength to put up with all kind of seniors in their 70s and 80s.
  13. Have you tried yoga pramayamas as a way to improve lung function? We practice the "breath of fire" in a martial art to keep steady respiration and improve lung capacity. I do it every day and feel great benefits from it. Sex with COPD is frightening, but you can still kiss, hug, perhaps receive oral sex? Wouldn't go go boys be pleased to have a client they can content without hard sex?
  14. I kindly wish that you are among your contemporaries who survive. If aging rate is predominantly genetic or environmental is a statistical evaluation, and statistics can be subjective. But one estimation is typical: those of us who age graciously are proud to attribute it to our lifestyle, while those who age dis-gracefully like to attribute it to genetics.
  15. Do you know the medical history and the present health condition of the German owner of Dreamboys, to take him as an example of the progression of aging? The wheels can begin to fall off at any age for a variety of health conditions.
  16. Please feel free to move to a new thread if you wish. We can continue discussing how to best enjoy August in Bangkok and how to do it regardless of age.
  17. Thank you, and you all can! Bodies don't like to change, and if you come into old age with a well-kept body, it is easy to keep it like that. In old age there are fewer reasons to smoke, drink, stay up all night. We have more time to exercise, and if we recognize that our strength fluctuates from one day to another we won't blame a bad day on "getting too old" and quit. Physical functionality declines very, very slowly with age. It helps when we don't blame things on aging. Three years ago I was referred to an urologist because of rising PSA and slower urination, and I was given the scare of potential cancer, potential aggressive cancer metastasizing and what not. I'm so fortunate that I refused a prostate biopsy and instead started taking the herbs that help an enlarged prostate, and so everything kept working and slowly returned to normal. I think I could still make many babies if I had the slightest interest. Another helpful attitude is a zero shame of trying to look younger. To color the hairs of the head, pull out white hairs elsewhere, use facial products and botox to eliminate wrinkles, some minor cosmetic procedures, all these actions are fair game at old age and they help to keep from spoiling grandchildren by leaving them too much money. Peace of mind, cultivation of happiness, avoidance of stress, optimism.... etc. etc., every little bit helps.
  18. I learned about the "ignore" function when firecat69, in an act of desperation when his one-upmanship on me failed, told me that he was putting me in ignore. Since then, I have wondered about this function... As an adult with reason and free will, I can put on "ignore" anyone on a forum I have reasons to ignore. No software function needed. By disregarding (ignoring) many nasty snide posts who eventually come my way, I simply don't respond. What better "ignore" than that? The "ignore" function on site is not a real ignore. How can one ignore that what one doesn't know about? If certain posts don't reach you, how can you ignore them? That is more a "cope-out" or "stick-head-in-sand-like-ostrich" function. I am perfectly served by my personal "ignore". This is an act of will, not a software function, and I even feel satisfaction to decide to ignore some stupid post that I don't think warrants an answer.
  19. With your ANA confirmation number, you can call them at any prior date and with the plane diagram from seatguru.com in front you can talk with a representative and have him reserve the ANA seats. I always tell that I'm a senior and need the isle seats, and they help me to select the best ones.
  20. Daily laundry??! I also travel light, with about five light shirts, and I hardly ever need to do any laundry during my 12 day trips. I walk a lot outside and sweat, but maybe my body does not release corrosive and stinky sweat. Also I don't drop ketchup on my shirts or get them full of cum. If I have to wash a shirt or socks, I do this in my bathroom with regular soap and let them dry overnight. And I don't poop or piss in my underwear.
  21. There are reasons to prefer one season over another. But if the opportunity to visit comes at a certain inflexible time one should take it regardless of low / rainy / high season. Visits are satisfying all year around.
  22. In my seven trips to Thailand most were off-season. Twice in April, with torrential water fall... during the 3 days of Songkran, haha. No lack of action on Songkran! When I stayed at Babylon in August and September I missed their regular foam parties, but I had great free sex there and at other saunas, already in the beginning of my 70s. (at this age, success with young gays gives a boost to self-esteem that last for at least one subsequent year) I know nothing about the go go bars, I still have to acquire experience there, and I'm confident I will find what I like in any season.
  23. If gay forums bring out the worst in people, what can we say about straight forums? The Islamist ISIS propaganda forums are populated by straights, or at least people in the closet, and they bring out jihadist attacks that kill tens of innocent people. If we talk exclusively about discussions, one can see worst in people face-to-face, especially when some alcohol is around. For many of us participating in forums, they are as "real life" as the breathing of the lungs and beating of the heart. They are a source of information and distraction, maybe some laughs, not a screen to hide behind. For some they can also be a virtual reality where putting aside their weak personalities they become sanctimonious policemen going after the sinful who disturb their ideal paradise of love and peace. This can happen when taking a gay forum, or any forum, too seriously. In any case in the years I have been here, Scooby has effectively moderated this forum, and "the worst in people" is only in the eyes of the beholders, some with very sensitive eyes. So there is not really a need for amateur moderators to prop up and do their own trolling.
  24. We don't need glasses to look at the mirror, any near-sighted can tell you that.
  25. Hopefully you can see the reality of this world and realize that the negatives in this forum are very minor and in no way portray fellow gays as combative and mean as heterosexuals can be. On average we gays ARE the gentler part of humanity.
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