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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. steveboy

    The arrival

    No pain, no gain. You don't need a sadist, you can do the waxing yourself.
  2. "Excessive modern" ?? I cannot imagine what this means. Every newspaper could be "excessive modern". My 95 y.o. brother in law finds that everything is excessively modern. But does this make sense?
  3. Add to this the quite liberal policy of Amazon for returned goods, and the countless customer reviews that make their site worth if nothing else to judge if a product is worth buying.
  4. It can also be a transitive form of the verb, like "I am fucking <while being > tired after fucking ten boys in a row"
  5. Those are not two pairs of underwear. There is one underwear over a pair of under-underwear.
  6. The greatest victory for the Union is still to come. It is the defeat of Donald Trump and his cronies.
  7. Never heard of anyone wearing two pairs of underwear. How about two pairs of shoes?
  8. All those large stacks of baht bills take the "hunting" out of gay sex tourism. Authentic hunting is reserved for gay saunas and cruising places.
  9. I also have been tempted to buy electronics at MBK, roaming around the countless stalls and thinking of all the bargains that must be there... but no. Prices are no better than in the US. Amazon usually offers free returns for a month or so, and other online stores have even better deals.
  10. You can give faranglaw the money for the boy after he showed you how to buy twink. Fair retribution for his teaching.
  11. Isn't there pleasant sex and unpleasant sex?
  12. Well, this is good basic exercise. Just remember for later years that nothing replaces an intelligent plan of skillful workout with weights. There are real differences. For example: An intellectual well read person may spend the whole day reading the newspaper and every best seller from cover to cover. But to become a professional requires a different kind of intellectuality: long hours of reading and studying from text books, attending classes and passing exams. Of course not everybody wants to be a professional. But having the opportunity, don't we all want to reach old age with the full functionality and attractiveness of a professionally cultivated body? :
  13. Me too!
  14. WOW! You pay less for a foam party at Babylon (if you are not a guest there), and YOU get the benefit from the money instead of the waiter drinking it...
  15. That's the nature of gogo bars. Isn't it even worse at churches? Their God is impossible to touch, yet they pass the collection plate.
  16. I think that it is a better investment of money to buy sex than to buy drinks. And sex is healthy while drinks are not.
  17. Maybe all people in Thailand should remain chaste in October as an act of respect for their King?
  18. Yes? But isn't there sex... and sex?
  19. It is all so complicated! I will never fully understand what is between my eyes and the thing down there that gets hard. I'm just satisfied with it being there and working!
  20. Hopefully you are able to comprehend one day the intricacies of twink body and time. Twink body and time are exactly the same as hunk body and time, with some extremely complex differences: Twinks are more slim and have less muscle mass than hunks. Any other difference?
  21. I agree with your taste. However, if you are American you can only marry one at a time. This can be overcome however by joining a large group of swinging gay couples and periodically swapping the cute boys... Maybe worth looking into?
  22. Maybe the sticky rice got into their hardware and brought their servers to a halt...
  23. Not only the overloading of resources at BKK airports is a concern for us American travelers. Now increased security measures advertised today will affect all flights to the US. Long lines may get longer... I am not affected at this time because my travel plans are on hold having to care for my bf. But once I'm able to travel again, I hope the situation has improved, or I will have to do more exercising, more relaxing meditation and improving nutrition to be able to put up with long delays with minimum hardship
  24. Earning in Canadian dollars, aren't you a millionaire in Thailand too? (to be a "millionaire" is a rather arcane expression. A "million" is not what it used to be...)
  25. Imagine seeing a porn and you are actually one of the actors in the porn. Mirrors are welcomed!
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