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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. It looks very comfortable and clean. But what if abundant casual gay sex takes priority over clean beach?
  2. And then, as an addendum to low fertility, we have decreasing sperm counts in males. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sperm-counts-continue-to-plummet-in-western-nations-study/ How great to be gay and not having to worry about this
  3. Low fertility in many countries and especially in Asia has been an issue for some time. The worry is that an aging population will not have sufficient support by younger generations. I personally see it as a good trend. It counters overpopulation. Less resources can mean more conservation, more frugality, less food? all good trends. Maybe people will have to become more careful to be able to support themselves longer. As a 70+ y.o. senior I can see myself self-supported for another 20 years, and I know people who are good examples of this.
  4. How you send a boy away, both graciously and ungraciously ?
  5. Of course one carries spare underwear, even if one does not change them daily. But I don't see the urgency after a flight. I have never pooped in my pants during a flight, but then the few plane drops I experienced were not serious, and I have never experienced an upset stomach from the food nor do I drink the water there.
  6. Spare underwear... you don't trust the underwear of Thailand?
  7. I see, not so bad, but I agree with you in not being a fan of these either. I have been guilty of approaching nice boys with some compliment over some tattoo they have. But not anymore. Now I compliment nice boys for NOT having any tattoos. I remember in my first gay love, a boy from Laos, he had on one of his divine buns a white picture of the playboy bunny from covering the skin with this image during sun tanning. That was irresistible, I make the exception
  8. LOL, I don't think that we should disagree so much! I also sympathize with the Vietnamese immigrants. But I don't think that laws arbitrarily enacted by Congress for political reasons (we see a lot of this) can "criminalize" people except on some paper. I don't believe in a divine law but I do in a natural law that has priority over the political law made up by Congress. Of course I comply with this one too, but with a minimum of respect.
  9. I mean all people who come to the US with intentions to settle here even if they cannot do so legally. Some like to call these "criminals". I don't believe there is a God who gave some "chosen people" the right to pieces of his created land. I accept that established countries have a right to be selective, like rejecting real criminals and other undesirables. But not that the egotistic insiders close completely the door to some outsiders desperate to get in and stay in. Today it is practically impossible for an average Mexican to get residency in the US, even if traditionally we are a country of immigrants and have low population. Furthermore, to indiscriminately throw out people who don't have the legal papers like the "dreamers" instead of changing the law to make them legal, is an abomination. To avoid samebb complain that I wrote something off topic I want to make him a question about his topic: What is a "temporary tattoo"? Is it a removable painting instead of a real tattoo? If so, is it to be opposed?
  10. Couldn't your imagination create a friend that was your best pal?
  11. But not even close to your example of warmth
  12. Do these assessments need to be quantitative or is a ballpark estimation (not where the boy parks his balls) sufficient?
  13. You're right, it should not surprise me. In the US we also have "legal" discrimination, a rejection of a group of people not because of anything in their genes but because of plain paper (they don't have the papers that a law requires)
  14. WOW! So much ethnic discrimination! "Land of Smiles" is in reality "Land of Restrictions".
  15. Especially those spiritual people longing for spirits with 20% ABV or more.
  16. You come through as a very spiritual person. A spiritualist who believes in spirits of material form, with 20% or higher ABV.
  17. deleted repeated post
  18. The Goldwasser you need only if you have golden teeth, and want its little gold in suspension to replenish the gold that wears out in these teeth. Or, if you necessarily need to have more gold besides a golden toilet and dog pen, and go for the ultimate distinction to shit gold. As for the Spirit, Germans seem to have genes that promote discipline, punctuality, civility, something they share with other cultures like the Japanese.
  19. You cannot fly internationally with the card alone. I assume this is because the card has no place to hold visas and the entry/exit stamping at the borders.
  20. Thank you Reader. I didn't know that this passport card existed. I will gladly pay the $30 to get the card, and bring it in addition to my passport book. It beats carrying a folded copy in the wallet. The card and book have independent numbers, expiration dates, and can be had, renewed independently.
  21. Indeed it is a rare place for an auction of art, unless the bar wanted to attract more customers. After all, there are many artists who are gay and shy.
  22. Due to the two World Wars there are may German populations in unrelated countries. German was my first language I spoke as a child with my mother and family. Only later in school I learned my country's Spanish. That's why throughout life I have high appreciation of the spirit, culture, language of the German people.
  23. This analogy is the best if when stopped by police in a Thai bar you have to show a licence to drink.
  24. Well, that does it for my interest in this bar. BTW, what is auctioned at a "charity auction" in a bar... booze?
  25. Ein gutes Forum, auch wenn hier ein wenig gezankt wird...
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