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steveboy last won the day on August 7 2017

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  1. Yes indeed, he is 26 years old. Why should he torment himself deprived of little and big life pleasures when he is 46, all for not dedicating some little time to keep his body in good shape and healthy?
  2. Not by far as dumb as you. Now you not only troll me, but vinapu as well, all with the sense of humor of a cow in labor. Again, why you depart from "Vietnamese boys"?
  3. You should not immediately look for a grudge, but his sense of fairness could be behind his upset over the Tuvaru elections. And... why are you trolling away from the topic of the thread, the Vietnamese boys? You should instead comment on the Vietnamese in Tuvalu.
  4. You should also be concerned about Global Warming, since Tuvalu has some low-laying areas that could be affected by the raise in sea levels. If you buy any real estate there, try to do it at least 100 miles inland.
  5. BiggusDickus (what a graphic name), I agree with you that Songkran is worth a trip, even from across the globe. But my experience of one GCircuit party was not worth any trip, except the return trip. At least not being by oneself, as you say most attending are in groups. There is much eye candy (if your eyes don't mind the clothes) but, if none is available, isn't this some sort of masochism? Why not attend a Songkran party at a gay sauna, where the meat market is open?
  6. That's right. He should plan to still look good in 20 years.
  7. Next time I visit BKK I will make Screwboys one of my priorities. I would like to get 'plugged' into the network of Vietnamese, not necessarily into the boys themselves.
  8. A good vacation: happy to leave, and happy to come back.
  9. It had crossed my mind to retire in Thailand. Such good value and good fun... But most of these "hard truths" give me goosebumps. I rather put up with the 24 hour travel time to and from Thailand. One alternative I also thought was to retire to Kuala Lumpur, and make many shorter trips to the countries around that attract me the most. But in the meantime I'm so happy where I live now.
  10. Songkran is one of my favorite times to visit BKK. I stay at the Babylon barracks and enjoy the convenience of having the pool parties, foam parties and other celebrations right there without having to deal with the water games on the streets. Once I also went to a GCircuit party on Songkran and I won't do it again, because I didn't find it worthwhile but rather dumb, having to put up with reservation of costly tickets plus getting soaked on the way there.
  11. At least with the pay-offs the Thais have are a rationale in (mis)handling immigrant work force, which is better (in my opinion) than the motivation for doing it in the US, which is pure hate.
  12. This makes sense. Smiles in a way are cultural. So is kissing. I understand that Russian men have no problems kissing each other, even on the lips. So perhaps a person like Vinapu can be satisfied by a Russian boy who instead of smiling at him will kiss him? (I personally have too little experience with Russian boys to have a strong opinion)
  13. Aren't you off-topic posting a picture of yourself in a thread about Morlam, which means expert singing? And all this to continue trolling my posts in your negative ways? Can't you enjoy good music in peace?
  14. Yes. Like Morlam music, even Mozart's music keeps evolving and has and ever had much popular appeal. Here is an example of a bunch of gays in San Francisco listening to a popular song... from Mozart: One slight difference is that while Morlam music makes happy many good Thais, Mozart's music seems to be from out of this world.
  15. I also like silence. No need for background music. When there is sound, it should be either music or speech, both to listen with concentration. Otherwise it's best to listen to one's thoughts.
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