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Everything posted by DivineMadman

  1. It does seem that the consensus advice of governments and health care types is avoid unnecessary travel. Maybe worth listening to that. Even if you think the risk is the same in Thailand as it is at home, I wouldn't want to test the health care system here in Thailand when it is Stage 3. Health care systems in much more developed countries are overwhelmed.
  2. Helpful practical guidance from Germany:
  3. Short answer = no. The key difference is "Ongoing Transmission" vs. "Disease Infected Zone." U.S./UK are ongoing transmission countries, which currently does not require self-quarantine. Disease Infected Zone are the worst. Example right now - Italy. (China etc.). They are (1) you need a doctor's note to get on the plane and of course simple T8 form and (2) mandatory self-quarantine. AND you're self-reporting on the special app. (NOT the AOT T8 app). Highest level of supervision in-country other than people in hospitals. DON'T COME TO THAILAND. Ongoing Transmission Country means you do not need a doctor's note, you do need to fill out the very simple t8 on your smartphone. So far you do not have to self-quarantine but you do will have to download a special app to self-report - I think it is at least daily, but not sure - that you are still not showing any symptoms. So far I haven't come across any word on the travel restrictions they may be imposing. They might, for example, ask people to practice social distancing. This new app - which I haven't seen and hope not to ever see - is meant to replace the health department officials having to call people on the phone to update status. It may also record your locations. I don't know. Of course this can change in a minute.
  4. That Coconuts article you read might not have been up to date. Bangkok Post has a good flip-by-flop story. In any event, the way it has settled down the VOA suspension is real and being put into effect. They decided they didn't need the cabinet meeting. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1877614/plan-to-scrap-visa-causes-confusion In any event, this recent article in Coconuts reports that the VOA suspension is in effect. Unfortunately it's thrown in with all the other examples of mismanagement and general buffoonery that it's a bit hard to find. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/thailand-contradicts-flip-flops-sugarcoats-covid-19-as-public-teeters-on-pandemic-panic/ So bottom line is the VOA suspension is in effect - until there is another flip on the issue.
  5. Not sure that is currently correct. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1876449/thailand-cancels-visa-on-arrival-for-18-countries-visa-exemptions-for-3 https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30383919?utm_source=homepage_hilight&utm_medium=internal_referral via Richard Barrow:
  6. I still recommend mass transit, but for those interested, there's a discount if you go by JustGrab, GrabCar or GrabBike. Promo Code: MADFACE
  7. Well, if Trump can try to blame COVID-19 on immigrants and Europe, this sort of stuff can't be all that surprising either: One note about him - he's the guy who supposedly has political ambitions and got a lot of positive feedback from Thais after his previous rant about farang not wearing masks. In the U.S. we would say he has a future at Fox News.
  8. Yes, you have. It's the list of countries that were - until the suspension - in the Visa on Arrival scheme. What Thailand has done here - as the article says - is suspend the VOA scheme entirely.
  9. FYI - An update to the existing AOT Airports app allows you to fill out the T8 on the phone. Available in the Apple U.S. Store and presumably elsewhere as well. The article posted by Spoon above said that people could use the app or the T8. Makes sense. Presumably if you don't have a smart phone the paper form T8 will do. At least that would seem to be the most likely outcome. But it would certainly seem like a good idea to download the app before flying into Thailand. There's free wifi at BKK and DMK.
  10. There was also a post about this on the "What to know before booking flights" thread. Further discussion may be found there.
  11. The good news/bad news is that I mis-wrote the date. Khao Phansaa is JULY 6. Not June 6. Sorry for the confusion. Also on the possible good news/bad news front, there is a report that some in the government have floated the idea of pushing the official Songkran celebrations to that weekend. https://www.khaosod.co.th/special-stories/news_3734014. (sorry the article is in Thai).
  12. Previously posted a pic of one in the "What to know..." thread. Here is a better copy.
  13. The form is "T8". Same form that they have been using for a while. https://www.caat.or.th/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/T8_form.pdf
  14. One view of why contact tracing is important. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/10/814129534/how-the-painstaking-work-of-contact-tracing-can-slow-the-spread-of-an-outbreak
  15. ....only if you carry your phone with you. (Or I suppose you could have two phones - one you register and another to have with you when you don't want to be tracked.). But probably the right thing to do is let the health professionals have the info on where you've been.
  16. Probably the wise decision. You've probably already checked - but just in case you did not, Buddhist Lent begins on June 7 (holiday on the 6th this year). Bars might not be selling alcohol on the holy day and depending on who-knows-what, some bars may be closed.
  17. He's most likely holding court at Hot Male, not Red Dragon.
  18. Here's the medical certificate being used in HKG. (Via Richard Barrow)
  19. The rules are not being read as applying to "mere" transit folks. https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm. Strongly encourage people who care to check IATA. ("This does not apply when they only transited through China (People's Rep.), Hong Kong (SAR China), Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.) or Macao (SAR China)") There are already reports of people flying Cathay who have visited HKG not getting past the check-in counter this morning because - obvs - no med certificate. But they are "originating" in HKG. U.S. person (for example) flying from JFK connecting to BKK via HKG not covered. (Unless of course otherwise meet the criteria. And unless and until the U.S. goes on the red-light list.) Obviously can change any time. Cathay has tried to put the info in consistent format that's not quite as exhaustive as the IATA info. Personally I find it easier to read, but probably not as quasi-authoritative as IATA. https://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/en_US/travel-information/travel-preparation/travel-advisories/notice-regarding-travel-restrictions.html * * * There's an interesting sort of "Decameron"-like vibe to travel right now, but honestly I don't think anyone should travel unless they are prepared to get stuck along the way.
  20. Bangkok "state-sponsored" Songkran activities cancelled. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1875224/virus-axes-songkran-festivities Maybe worth noting that even though the water splashing on Khao San Rd. was officially cancelled last year (in the lead up to the coronation), it still happened.
  21. Wow I was in Chinatown Sunday night for a street food tour. It was busy but not really crowded. The tour included a couple of the more famous vendors - a few are in the Michelin guide - and there was no line to get food and some well-known stalls just a had a few customers, mostly local.
  22. It would certainly seem to be simpler just to ban travelers from the countries on the "super-bad" list, but in the absence of that, requiring the medical certificate smacks of a compromise to avoid that draconian step. It's just a face-saving way of saying "you can't come in." Other countries are doing similar inconsistent/imperfect things. Home quarantine for all visitors a la Israel is surely imperfect as well. Personally, I don't get all bolloxed up over whether it is practical to obtain and obviously there are gaps between the issuance of the certificate and entering the country for any disease. It's another of those situations where "do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good." Biggest impact will be just to stop people from those countries trying to visit. If someone really cares enough to get the certificate, it provides some level of protection, even if imperfect. Then screen on arrival for fever (and presumably before embarkation as well). It all seems to be the understandable result of practical people trying to do the right thing. Again, it would certainly be simpler to ban everyone from those countries. ThaiVisa had a report that the same thing was being required for visa applications in Penang.
  23. For your amusement, Exact same article in Free Malaysia Today news website. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2020/03/09/thailand-makes-airlines-liable-for-virus-infected-passengers-medical-bills/ Same "the Asian nation." Credited to Bloomberg.
  24. To be fair I think the Thai aurthorites -- and the article --- didn't try to say that the thai regulators were applying that rule to flights to all asian nations. "Travellers who can’t provide documentation should be prevented from boarding flights to the Asian nation." (emphasis added by me.). It says "the" not "a" or "any". So it's referring back to, and describing, "the" Asian country ... Thailand. That's how a lot of press agencies seem to write dispatches. "Bhutan shuts it's borders.... No foreigners will be allowed into the Himalayan kingdom....."
  25. I forget what my google maps search was. It's possible that because I am in Thailand I get a google map on a server over here that differs from yours. Haven't a clue. Or it might be that my search history is such that Google knows I want a gay bar no matter what I type. I read/write a bit, but so poorly that I only use Thai addresses in Thai language when absolutely necessary. I wouldn't discourage you to visit Chiang Mai this summer. I think the governor of Chiang Mai said that COVID-19 is afraid of the heat. And I trust him. (hehe). These Thai-for-Thai clubs are great to visit if you bring local guys with you as a treat. It's just that in my experience as an observer when I've gone to these sorts of places in BKK with my young friends, predatory sex pats are not particularly welcome. By all means go with some young friends, bring ear plugs and enjoy (if you are so inclined).
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