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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Alexx

    Koh Lipe

    I've been there two years ago and I liked it, too! Have fun!
  2. I've often noticed much the same reaction, and it has left me just as baffled as you. However, I do have the feeling that something has changed within the last couple of years. When I talk to Thai friends nowadays, even those who used to be apolitical/indifferent do tend to have an opinion now. And are usually very firm and outspoken about it. Some have also switched sides over the years; I did have the impression that Khun Yinluck was quite popular at the beginning of her term, even among those whom I wouldn't have put in the TS/Red Shirt camp. I'm actually less concerned about the military than about the increasing polarization and determination of 'ordinary' people. The military will or won't do their thing, and if they do, some people will die and that's probably the end of it for a while (based on previous coups). What worries me, however, is the many violent clashes between opposing groups of more or less regular folks, and not just in Bangkok. Far too often something that should be limited to a verbal exchange of arguments leaves people injured or dead.
  3. Switzerland is the only country I know where the people really control their politicians, not the other way round. (If that's always a good thing there is, of course, another question.) All illusions aside, democracy doesn't really work all that well in most countries. Why should Thailand be any different? They don't even have hundreds of years of experience unlike others!
  4. Great buckbee, I'm looking forward to it!
  5. If you really need a triple-entry tourist visa, I'm pretty sure the only place nearby that issues (or used to issue) them is the consulate in Bali. Do check on Thai Visa. So that would be Indonesia. You'd need a visa, but you could get it on arrival. On the plus side, Bali is a great destination and well worth a visit. All things considered, a visit to a neighboring country would be cheaper, but the best you can hope for is a double-entry tourist visa.
  6. I'm shocked that this harmless set of clothes (left picture) is still considered "flamboyant". Only if you've got a bible in your rectum, I suppose.
  7. Why not post it here and make a collection of the most useful terms? I'm sure many of us can contribute (myself included), but it would be good to have some starting point.
  8. Fair enough I guess! Thanks for sharing the photos in any case.
  9. Yes, just post it to get it off your chest, that's a good idea. It might even serve as a warning for others.
  10. I'd avoid "risky unprotected behavior" in the first place. I wouldn't count on something like PEP bailing me out. That said, if an accident were to happen, I'd consider PEP. But I'd need much more information. From that point of view, I think it's great that you've raised this subject, because it would be a mess to come to an informed decision once in that situation and in a hurry.
  11. I actually like the "bad" shower photo, it leaves a lot to our imagination! Great reporting, as always.
  12. Your spelling "Kung Ten" seems alright, at least that's how it's spelled in the English-language publications. I've sometimes seen it spelled "Kungten" as well. Ah, the pleasures of transcribing Thai!
  13. Your problem was apparently that addresses are written differently in different countries, sometimes the house number precedes the name of the street (like in this case, house no. 65 on Sukhumvit Soi 11). That's also the case in the US, so Americans don't have the problem you've encountered. That said, house numbers in Thailand are often close to meaningless, houses with adjacent numbers aren't necessarily located next to each other, or even close. That's one of the reasons why many venues have maps and/or directions on their websites. Glad you could find it anyway! Just see it as an adventure in the urban jungle.
  14. Some Thai sites with translations of lyrics to English and/or transcriptions: http://deungdutjai.com/category/lyric-translations/ http://www.ethaimusic.com/
  15. Some Thai songs from my YouTube playlist that haven't been deleted over the years. Unfortunately, many "official" Thai music videos are deleted by the record labels sooner or later. Let's start with some Isaan music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvLRd3-Mh5U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahkGRFhyxx4 I like this nice, sad girl who has been plaid with by her mean lover. Although she's a girl. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAwXyufv7v4[/media] Ice Saranyu and Golf Pichaya are cuties, at least in my book. Whether they can actually sing or not. I saw both of them perform years ago, but of course they wouldn't remember me. [media] [/media][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbiG2blgAxM[/media]
  16. Same with me, I stay away whenever I can. Let's face it, festive mood or not, people are shot by mysterious gunmen or crippled by homemade explosives far too often. I don't see why a foreigner who really doesn't have any business there would want to go anywhere near.
  17. ChristianPFC's blog address: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/
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