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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Care to name a few specific ones that are good in your opinion? It's a given that many Thai charities are riddled with corruption and money-grabbing executives, so a huge chunk of the money you donate to them doesn't go to "poor people" at all. And even when it does, guess what, they still have to make a selection whom to help! Personally, I prefer to help people I know directly. Not necessarily money boys, but why exclude them from being generous when you learn that they have a problem you can easily help with? Works for me, it makes both the recipients and myself happy.
  2. Alexx


    Now that you've mentioned it, I've never had sex with a guy half my age. As I'm getting older, however, and having sex with someone half my age would be legal now, maybe it's about time.
  3. Alexx


    I've been living in Bangkok since almost a decade, take your guess. Still doesn't mean I won't get hit by a car tonight... After all, that guy Rob Hall who died in that blizzard had successfully returned from the very same summit a whopping four times before...
  4. It would only be fair if there existed something like our GayRomeo forum where someone like Tan-Suphan2005 can name and shame them (by posting their denigrating messages along with their profile names). I don't think it's practical or even helpful, it just seems unfair to me that clients have a forum to vent about "duds" or "thieves" while those preying on the boys' desperation don't need to fear a similar public shaming. That said, I'm pretty sure that your pics will help him in the long run. I think his profile is very attractive now.
  5. Alexx


    I watched it at the IMAX at Siam Paragon in 3D and it's really impressive. Definitely worth the extra 100-200 baht for IMAX in this particular case, for those who have an IMAX theater nearby. Also considering that they actually sent an IMAX film crew up to Everest (not to shoot this movie, obviously, but a documentary in 1998) after the 1996 disaster that's the plot of the current film. Not in my wildest dreams would I ever consider such a climb. Helicopters cannot fly right to the top, that chap (Beck Weathers) was ultimately rescued quite a bit lower and even that was incredibly daring. He's the ultimate die hard, both in the movie and in real life, un-freaking-believable.
  6. That's great, I liked that movie and I think the story is one that will interest an international audience with no particular connection to Thailand as well (unlike many other Thai movies). I'm somewhat surprised that the committee had the spine to select it, given the plot and the situation of the country, as summarized in Michael's OP. Well done.
  7. Alexx


    Sadly, I'm most popular with MINLF type ladies. So chances are whenever someone is feeling me, when I look in their direction it's one of these instead of a hot young guy...
  8. Do your homework before making accusations. Blogger, where Christian's blog is hosted, is owned by Google and it's rather obvious they would allow no such service to interfere with their traffic (if only to protect their own business).
  9. Alexx


    Nice series, I agree, but with regards to eye candy, I'd say my BTS ride to the cinema had a higher yield than watching the movie.
  10. Just to concur, I've seen the same in Bangkok more than once, guys staying at some kind of guest house paying an inflated daily rate simply because they don't have the money to pay for the deposit plus rent upfront. Tough indeed, and it's nice that you could work something out for him. And wow, gorgeous pics.
  11. (Duplicate post, as useless as tits on a bull...)
  12. No big deal, I'm on a sabbatical this year and it has been easy to "survive" on tourist visa. They're easy enough to secure, at least as of now and for those having a Western passport. Next year I'll resume working, so no visa issues from then on again, but yes, I can imagine that it is somewhat more difficult for foreign bar boys, at least right now. I hope the implementation of the rules will be relaxed after a while, and I think so, as it has always been the case. I for one like to see a diverse crowd.
  13. Too early to say, as of now, as the rainy season isn't over yet. More rain might come. But it's rather unlikely that all the reservoirs will be replenished to a level that will be sufficient until the next rainy season (next year) will come.
  14. "Can Do", indeed.
  15. I guess the reason for this policy is a rather obscure law that allows the parents of a minor to file a criminal complaint if they claim that someone is removing their child from their care. I don't mean outright abduction, just influencing a minor to stay away from their home would suffice. That applies to all minors under Thai law, i.e. under the age of 20. While having sex with someone who is 18+ but not yet 20 isn't against the law as such, if they are younger than 20, there's at least a theoretical risk. It's quite possible that some hotels and condos attempt to protect themselves against such claims; maybe the current climate makes it appear more likely that such a charge would stick.
  16. Great to see that you're back in Pattaya and having fun, Firecat! Regarding the USD, I was a bit disappointed when I got "only" 35.87 for an incoming wire transfer yesterday. SuperRich here in Bangkok quote 35.85 for cash today. Last week both looked like 36+. But yes, it's still great compared to what the Canadians and Aussies get nowadays...
  17. I learn something new on here every day. In all seriousness though, have a great trip!
  18. Truth to be told, New Year is pretty much the same all over the world. Countdown, fireworks, dinner, drinking, not necessarily in that order... I'll stay in Bangkok because being able to celebrate with my friends beats going to a place that is "better" for NYE in one way or another. If I lived in Pattaya, I'd probably stay there.
  19. I've actually said that explicitly: "Discrimination should be outlawed where evading it isn't that easy or outright impossible." If any business owner in a competitive line of business wants to discriminate, that's fine with me. Others won't. I'm very much against policing business decisions, misguided as they might be.
  20. You mean he's a sexpat?
  21. I'm really tired of all that "should be illegal" nonsense. What's next, outlawing the Roman Catholic Church because they don't provide religious ceremonies for Muslims (or even Protestants, lol)? It's a hotel, for crying out loud, not a government agency. If you've got the feeling that they discriminate against you, for whatever reason, simply take your business elsewhere and be done with it. Discrimination should be outlawed where evading it isn't that easy or outright impossible.
  22. Fingers crossed, Firecat! When I went to Siem Reap the last time, I got lucky on Guy Spy. I'm not sure if that app is still any popular there now, but maybe it's worth trying? I also made eye contact with some friendly young guys around Pub Street. In one case, that led to more. I also didn't find GayRomeo very useful there, unlike in Phnom Penh.
  23. At the contrary, if everyone did exactly that and they'd find that one of their hotels is fully booked while the other one is empty, they'd have to be very dumb not to get the message. Also, what's the point in "punishing" a company? Just choose whatever is most suitable for you, end of the story.
  24. Great reporting again, Firecat, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of adventures in Siem Reap as well.
  25. Come on, in most theaters you can simply watch this movie and nobody will do anything more than just watching it. You almost make it sound as if it's banned almost everywhere (in fact I've only read about a single screening that was canceled, because of a "suspicious reservation" by a group of students) and as if moviegoers routinely flash the three-finger "mockingjay" salute when watching it. I watched it on opening day in Bangkok and it was completely eventless, except for the action on the screen of course. In other words, a country of wannabe revolutionaries this Kingdom is not.
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