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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Who would have guessed that you're able to have a laugh! You don't come across as a happy camper.
  2. More details please, is that cute guy offering homestays or something like that?
  3. Alexx


    Let me address that, so that you don't need to guess (as far as my post is concerned). You obviously just want to stir up shit here, where it doesn't belong. So there's no point in even looking at potential merits of your case. It's much like when you file a court case, but do so in the wrong court for whatever reason. Even if you do have a case, the court would still throw it out merely for not having jurisdiction. Which is the equivalent of what I proposed we should do here; it would be unhealthy to discuss posters of another forum on this one.
  4. True, but not for the international edition per se, just for the part printed in and for Thailand (and possibly some neighboring countries as well). The website, however, isn't blocked in Thailand, so anyone who wants to read the article here in Thailand can do so for the time being. As for the Thai printer, I do actually understand their decision, considering that they are subjected to Thai law. The way the law is applied, publishing this article might well amount to a crime. Speaking of crime, one non-controversial part of the article that I can confirm from my own experience is that many Thais are now more fearful of crime (theft and robbery in particular) than they used to be.
  5. Alexx


    I've never understood that sort of post. If you have a problem with a poster or topic on another forum, you should post your reply OVER THERE. It's a long thread and many different opinions have been exchanged, so add yours by all means - where it belongs. It doesn't do any good to discuss GB threads here and GT threads on GB's forum. And yes, I'm deliberately ignoring your excuse for not posting there. Because that's what it is.
  6. Typical Thai, that's exactly what came to my mind as well. A few days ago, a gay Thai friend of mine looked through pictures of two of his girl friends, both present. He commented that one looked fat and black, and the other one very beautiful. You'd think that the former would be offended, but among Thai friends, it really doesn't seem to be such a big thing.
  7. Unless the hell freezes over or Thailand runs out of water by then, yes.
  8. Thanks for the warning, something to stay away from then (for myself).
  9. That's an unfair thing to say, GB's reaction on his own board in similar cases is usually just the same like here. I can say from considerable experience that merely disagreeing with him doesn't get your posts deleted either. Finally, I think he's actually given sensible advice to the OP: Go see a doctor if the symptoms persist after trying the usual cold remedies for a few days. Anything else is madness. Now, if we could get an update from the OP, it would be interesting to know how he's feeling!
  10. I haven't tried, but from my experience at other late-night saunas in Bangkok, I'd say it's unlikely that they'll give you blankets, etc. That said, you could indeed sleep in one of the private rooms, a friend of mine did just that while I was keeping myself, uhm, busy.
  11. Really a wonderful series of reports, it took a lot of time to read all of 'em but it was definitely worth every minute. Thank you very much, Vessey, and I hope you'll keep us posted when you'll head to Thailand again. A friend of mine likes to stay at the very same Queen Victoria Hotel and he's a ladyboy aficionado, while I'm gay. We've talked about me joining him a couple of times, but we weren't sure how bringing boys back would be received at that hotel. Thanks to your reports, that's one worry I can cross off my list, next time I'll join.
  12. Alexx


    I agree, I just watched it today and I loved it, too. Great movie all around.
  13. How would you even know that any particular member is NOT an owner or moderator? Any account can have more privileges than regular users can see. Just because it doesn't say "Admin" or "Moderator" in the profile doesn't mean anything.
  14. Considering that she's got a net worth in the range of $11 to $53 million, I think it's fair to say that it wouldn't make any to her. To mere mortals, on the other hand...
  15. That's unnecessarily nasty. You could have just done so, if you felt the need, without explaining yourself.
  16. The greeter probably needed just one good look at you to know that you're hardcore. I'd feel flattered. More importantly though, how was the massage and how was the hardcore part? Worth the money or not?
  17. Yeah, but if nobody had ever complained anywhere at all, how could you have armed yourself? You could do that precisely because others had shared their bad experiences. In other words, negative reviews have value, too. Not to deter you from visiting a place, that I fully agree with, but to know what to watch out for specifically. It certainly helped me, just as being pretty cautious by nature also helped.
  18. I recently went to a gay nightclub in Bangkok with a straight male European friend and a straight female American friend. When we approached the entrance, one of the doormen whispered in my ear, "This is a gay club!". I whispered back, "I know, I've visited before!", and that was it. I think he honestly just wanted to save us from being disappointed. Next time we'll probably go in drag to make things more clear.
  19. Looking forward to it, release in Thailand this week (Oct 22).
  20. Also, sometimes the fluctuations between morning and afternoon make a bigger difference than which particular exchange booth to use. So it can actually pay off to get up early, or to sleep in (you just never know before).
  21. I think every good movie of that genre needs to be an implausible (by defying Murphy's Law way too often in a row), but not outright theoretically impossible, success story. I'd say The Martian passes that test. I don't think this movie benefits from 3D as much as others. One upcoming movie I will definitely watch in 3D at IMAX is "The Walk". Even just watching the trailer there scared me shitless.
  22. I can only agree, I liked it as well. Great story and very well told/pictured.
  23. I think that argument needs to be narrowed down. Expecting free sex from a prostitute is as foolish as expecting free lodging from a hotel. Expecting free sex from a non-prostitute much hotter and/or younger can be considered foolish as well (or lucky, when it happens against all odds). These specific scenarios aside, I know many people who travel to Thailand and aren't willing to pay for sex, and there's nothing wrong with that at all.
  24. We could call that a Happy Ending. Thanks for the reports you posted earlier.
  25. I'd say splitting the thread in SGT fashion might have been the best option, to get the main thread back on topic and continue the sideline discussion elsewhere. That said, I think the sideline discussion has run its course, so as long as Firecat resumes his trip report in a new thread, that's fine as well.
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