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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Just how wet Songkran will be this year remains to be seen. The drought keeps getting worse and water shortage has already become critical in a growing number of provinces.
  2. Speak for yourself, FossilGay. I hope it was therapeutic for you to vent.
  3. They might not disappear, but that they totally botched the first version of their app certainly didn't help. People, including myself, seem reluctant to try newer versions of it. I think their touch.planetromeo.com website is quite okay for mobile phones.
  4. My vote still goes to GayRomeo, but nowadays I see Grindr and Hornet as very good alternatives. In Bangkok, specifically.
  5. Regarding the short 2h stay: Yes, it happens all the time, also with people transferring from one of Bangkok's airports to the other one. Nothing to worry about.
  6. Motorcycle taxis look unsafer than they are. You see quite many mocy taxi drivers of advanced age, so they've survived for a considerable amount of time and that alone means something. I've had a number of close encounters using them, but never an actual accident. In my 10 years here, only one person I know ever got hurt using them. Several more got hurt driving themselves, to put that in perspective.
  7. It has become quite painful to read that exchange. Seriously, is that really necessary? I'd think you both - Michael & Moses, in alphabetical order - have good intentions, just let each other live if possible...
  8. I think you've got that upside down. I'd say country boys are more familiar with giving care, if anything; city dwellers are more likely to outsource that. Two former boyfriends of mine had taken care of their ageing grandparents who had lived with them in their respective village home, and they were great with me whenever I felt unwell (nothing serious), too. To be clear, I agree with you that it's unreasonable to expect that your boyfriend nurses you when you're dying, I just wouldn't single out country boys in the way you did. If anyone has experienced nursing dying people at home, if only for a lack of alternatives, it's them.
  9. I never read and wasn't even aware of that stuff and I'm glad that someone brings it back online. If the heirs object, let them do the complaining. If they won't, why should anyone else?
  10. I went to some girl bars with straight friends earlier this week, and one of these bars was a pool bar. Girls play their among themselves, if there aren't any customers, but their goal is to lure guys in and play with them. There and then I thought, actually that would be a nice thing stocked with boys. Just playing a few rounds and getting acquainted, quite a relaxing setup... Seems to work well in these girl bars.
  11. Alexx


    I think PrEP mostly makes sense for those who are prone to being forced or coerced into unprotected sex (e.g. sex workers), those who are in a relationship with someone who is HIV positive and those who go on a sex binge. In all these cases, ideally as an additional layer of protection, of course they should still use condoms if and whenever possible. Personally, I wouldn't like the idea to take such a potent antiviral drug over a long period of time unless I really had to. But that's just me, I try to minimize the number of pills I pop in general. I've survived living in Bangkok for 10 years without catching anything major, so I consider my safe sex practices sufficient.
  12. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_slang_terms, where they make some interesting remarks regarding the acceptability of these terms in general and of the term "fairy" in particular. My take is that it's not the term "fairy" as such that causes offence, but the way it was used by gay bashers. The term "fairy" doesn't have any intrinsic bad meaning, unlike some others on that list. Therefor it should be us, not the haters, who determine which connotations to attach to it. As always, context also matters: If I call an effeminate, ageing member of the gay community from a Western country a fairy, that could be seen as insensitive, because he might well have encountered that term used as an insult flung at him a few decades ago. For that reason, personally I don't use the term for that group at all, while others might think it's okay among friends or in jest. If I call a Thai femboy a fairy, on the other hand, I don't see any problem at all. Thais of that age and flavor will think of mythical and beautiful creatures (most will have watched Peter Pan and Maleficent, few if any will know about the bad connotations), and quite possibly feel flattered if anything. It's not uncommon to see them adorning pictures of themselves with fairy- or angel-like wings and wearing such costumes. A Thai friend of mine recently went to his company's New Year party dressed as a Maleficent lookalike. Our situation here is a bit funny, because I clearly wrote about the latter group, but the audience of this forum is just as clearly (more of) the former. Still, when I saw that photo and pictured that lovely fairy fluttering along that beach, it was just the perfect term to use.
  13. Definitely not that uncommon. I remember a cute waiter of the now closed Bed Supperclub who really loved it, and several others who have rimmed me without me asking for it.
  14. It's illegal, for starters. Designating a nude beach as done in some other countries is thus out of the question, and with anything informal you'd risk being shaken down by the police. A Thai friend of mine became a very excited nudist when he moved to Europe, so there are Thais who are interested, jusf like in any other country I'd guess.
  15. You're in desperate need of a chill pill, I think. For the record, the fairy in that picture is very much my type. If you take offence to using the term fairy because people have used it in a mean-spirited way, I'm afraid I cannot help you. Reading comprehension skills, that you accused other members of lacking, also include not to be biased towards any particular interpretation when several are plausible. Not only do I believe in fairies, I also like the term and I shall continue to use it, with or without your blessing.
  16. Yes, every gay beach should have plenty of fairies.
  17. I'd tend to think the same.
  18. Each and every of these airlines is much safer than the train operator, State Railway of Thailand. If safety is your biggest concern, then don't take a train in Thailand. (In fairness though, most people who die in train accidents in Thailand collide with a train, don't ride it.)
  19. Alexx


    Wasn't YSL a regular in Morocco? I'm pretty sure he had something going.
  20. I watched it twice in the cinema (with different companions, hehe), by now it is probably available on (legitimate) DVD as well.
  21. I'm not convinced that's the way it works in Cambodia with elections and public opinion.
  22. While I understand your reasoning, if you don't send him away that kind of encourages using others' photos. So ultimately it's a choice between doing what's best for you in that situation OR doing what's best for the "market".
  23. whall, your clever verification method reminds me of a bank that recently asked me to not only send them a photocopy of my passport, but also a photo of myself holding said passport next to my face. I'm still pondering whether I should comply or tell them to stuff it, but I'm leaning towards the former because that kind of request seems to get more common anyway and complying beats having to travel to their office that is thousands of miles away...
  24. It might be somewhat special in Pattaya, but elsewhere and here in Bangkok in particular, there are many "regular" Thai guys on Gay Romeo and Hornet. Many of them aren't particularly interested in foreigners, obviously, and use these platforms primarily to connect with each other. Line groups are also popular among Thai gays.
  25. Hehe, that picture with the "sign" that isn't really a sign would have fooled me, too... Great reports indeed, please keep them coming!
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