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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Alexx

    High season?

    I'm friends with a Chinese guy who works in Bangkok as an engineer. He assures me that those Chinese who travel individually, not as part of one of these infamous tour groups, do quite often off boys. And their numbers are increasing, so there's hope.
  2. When I moved to Thailand, Bangkok really was the only possible choice. I could choose to relocate elsewhere in about 10 years, but from what I've seen in Thailand, I wouldn't want to.
  3. Personally, I think my odds with Bangkok's taxi drivers, straight or otherwise, aren't in my favor: Over a decade, there was one who who indicated he might be up for it, and another (!) one I'd have been interested in. That's two potential candidates in ten years, and in both cases the interest wasn't mutual. Your mileage may vary.
  4. That's direct democracy in a nutshell. The coffin dodgers (given the demographics), the uneducated and those on the dole come out on top. That said, while "Europe" is a great idea, the EU is also great in making a mess, so it's understandable that its institutions and many of the regulations they come up with are unpopular. The Brexit proponents are basically gamblers, I think. If the UK is the proverbial first brick in the wall, being the first to leave might ultimately prove beneficial. But what if not? Then the Brexit will sink the UK. I think it's impossible to predict which one it will be, as of now.
  5. Do people actually sign up here just to request a PM? Looks like that to me.
  6. Alexx

    High season?

    And I'm sure I'm not the only one who is looking forward to your reports, Vessey. The previous ones sure put a smile on my face.
  7. Sums it up nicely, bkkguy. Quack quack.
  8. Quite sick. Still, I find what people do to fellow humans even more sickening, and sadly there's no lack of news covering that either.
  9. Don't be afraid of Gaybutton, he's the internet equivalent of the teddy bear you always wanted to give a hug when you were a little boy.
  10. Don't be shy, post which hotels you are gracing with your presence, so that we can put your reviews in perspective.
  11. Okay, that works with your car insurance, but how about your car (hint, hint)?
  12. Strange choice of new location, indeed. If their goal is to keep attracting their existing clientele, I predict failure.
  13. Hilarious, keep it up!
  14. So I take it these PMs do in fact exist, otherwise he couldn't post them and get banned for doing so?
  15. If that's a fact then you haven't seen much.
  16. That just leads to different problems, not necessarily to less, as the movie "In Time" shows.
  17. And then you come along and rub it in, as if the break up by itself weren't bad enough for the OP. Your lack of empathy is appalling.
  18. I think it's actually not as uncommon as some want to lead us to believe that the temple is asking for a substantial donation from the family. Obviously that will depend on the individual temple/abbot and his business model. From my experience, some temples can be quite aggressive in soliciting donations, and for a religious Thai it can be very hard to resist that pressure.
  19. He'd have to do what Gorbachev did to the Soviet Union.
  20. Very beautiful photos, thanks a lot for sharing and please keep them coming.
  21. As others have pointed out, the "customs" in Thailand depend on where exactly you are. That, and things are changing. Where I happen to spend most of my time, I see young Thai couples holding hands all the time. Even a hushed kiss here and there isn't entirely unheard of.
  22. I'm surprised to hear that. Last time I went to Wat Pho (January or February), they actually provided bags for visitors to carry around their shoes in. Part of me found that silly, to be honest, but on the other hand, having your shoes stolen is far worse. So the question is, have they done away with the bags in the meantime or did he opt not to use one?
  23. Alexx

    is it safe

    Right, the only thing appropriate to ask from a money boy is to join you for tea and biscuits.
  24. Great reports all around, thanks a lot for posting!
  25. The airport branch is on the Airport Rail Link level, so unless you use that train, you are unlikely to walk past SuperRich by chance.
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