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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. I'm mostly with Gaybutton and z909. If a guy has serious interest in learning English, chances are his English is already far above average by the time you meet him. There are many free resources available for those with a genuine interest. That said, at some point a more formal approach is beneficial, and then I'd second the recommendation to go with AUA. Several of my Thai colleagues have studied English at their Bangkok school and I'm very pleased with the results. Personally, I'd want to see some interest and effort using free resources first. Then I'd consider supporting these efforts by sponsoring an AUA class. That helps to avoid disappointments.
  2. Right, I don't really know anyone personally who feels afraid. It's mostly scaremongering by those who have a vested interest in having the sheeplets scared.
  3. Yes, Cambodian passports are very expensive, especially considering that Thai passports are so much cheaper. And that's not it, you also have to pay more if you want to get it within a reasonable time. Also, getting replacements for lost documents (e.g. a certificate of birth) is much more troublesome - and ultimately much costlier - than again in Thailand. I had my doubts about such claims a couple of times myself, but I could verify all of them. Cambodia's public service sucks big time!
  4. Thai Best Massage are still in Soi 6, yes, I just walked past on Saturday.
  5. I'm all for posting your report, numazu, loads of sex or not. I'm sure it will be a great read again. And how, pray tell, do you know WHO voted no in the poll? What am I missing?
  6. I kind of agree, I work in Sathorn but wouldn't really want to live there.
  7. I'd agree, and comparing an honest transaction such as hiring a prostitute with the shenanigans of religious bigots also seems fair game to me. Still I'd be curious what specifically it is ryanasia disagrees with - him having been on both sides of the trade, it's hard to imagine he finds it morally wrong in general.
  8. That is a great shirt, I love it. Exactly how I feel, no matter what the outcome will be...
  9. There's not an evil bone in Bernie, I think. I'd thus nominate him for sainthood, not for the presidency.
  10. OP, I'm afraid we cannot really answer your question without having seen a few hot pics of yourself.
  11. Now you've piqued my curiosity, which one is it in your case? Never been married or being of the effeminate flavor? Don't be shy, do tell!
  12. Not always, the winner of the popular vote isn't guaranteed to get elected by the electoral college. Just ask Al Gore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2000 But yes, the election in Austria has become a farce. Entertaining but still a farce.
  13. I don't think so, he's quite content with being the Board Clown. A nasty one, but a clown nevertheless. He might have been funny a few decades ago, who knows...
  14. Ha! You two crack me up...
  15. Well I have no intention of ignoring you, because some of your posts are good and you're quite entertaining, but really, as far as "abusive" is concerned, some of your posts qualify as well. If you cannot handle abuse, don't dish it out!
  16. Alexx

    What size tip?

    It might also be a boon that a passport picture doesn't extend to the waistline.
  17. Nice one.
  18. Nice report. As for living in Bangkok, you wouldn't have to put up with scammers and barkers. They are mostly confined to the tourist areas, as an expat living in Bangkok you don't really encounter them often.
  19. I staid at the Ambiance once and I had little doubt I could have climbed out through the window in case of a fire. It probably helped that I staid on 2nd floor, not on one of the higher floors, so I would have braved a jump if needed.
  20. Also, some Thai guys have most of their profile in English, and in Thai they only write that they like farang to deter fellow Thais from contacting them. Sometimes that's because of a genuine fetish/preference and in other cases moneyboys on the hunt, but in any case, that's a good example for the term being used not in a pejorative way, but simply as the catchiest or most concise expression to describe the group they are after.
  21. Air travel, it's a wonderful thing, you should try it some time. Hint: You can work in one country and visit several others, all in the same year...
  22. It sure looks increasingly worrisome. Hillary is more unpopular than ever - and I can see why - and Trump's followers don't seem to realize what a dangerous demagogue he is. If many of those who think Hillary is the lesser of two evils stay at home, while Trump's supporters excitedly go to vote, that might just be enough. Hopefully not.
  23. OP, could you name the SECOND bar? As all was fine and dandy THERE?
  24. I think so, too. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/10939164.html
  25. I'm totally used to having ATMs around. In fact I'm quite spoiled in that regard living in Bangkok, where the ATM density is obscene. I do have some extra cash at home, but when I'm out and about, I just take whatever I'm likely to spend that day. For everything else there's MasterCard. Or a trip to the nearest ATM.
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