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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. I'm more optimistic than you. I think the Cuban government will move in The Donald's direction, especially now that Fidel is out of the picture. How quickly and how far, that I don't know.
  2. What abidismaili is conveniently sweeping under the rug when mentioning that (certain) gay acts attract the death sentence in (certain) Arab countries is the burden of proof required for a conviction. In many cases, you need actual eye witnesses. Providing some flimsy video material of Ahmed X hugging twinks in Boyztown simply won't be enough. Then there's the question of jurisdiction. It's not a given that all those countries that criminalize "sodomy" will try acts that have been committed on foreign soil. All things considered, a potential extortionist will have to do quite a lot of homework when selecting their mark. Hardly something feasible for a sex tourist who is busy, well, having sex.
  3. So, now that Cuba is done with Fidel Castro, what changes can we expect?
  4. @numazu: I'm definitely interested in your upcoming Myanmar trip. I've been a few times myself, but I haven't had much time for touristy activities. That's why I plan another visit in spring, just for fun this time, so getting some additional ideas from your report would come just at the right time for me.
  5. That's a great business idea, thank you! Seriously though, I think you are nuts. It's not the first time you've brought that up, yet you've never presented any kind of evidence for that kind of extortion actually taking place. The thought that sex tourists, of all people, would engage in that kind of activity while on holiday is quite ludicrous. Now, had you claimed that some shady members of Pattaya's illustrious expat community might be up for it, I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand.
  6. The qualifying age for the existing "retirement visa" IS 50, and has been for quite some time.
  7. That was another epic series of trip reports that was well worth the time spent reading. And I'm sure writing them took much more time, thanks a lot! I, too, am looking forward to your Burma report, numazu, I'm sure you will have an amazing time there. I'm not that sure that BurBoy will find what he's hoping to find returning to Burma, but I guess time will tell.
  8. Thanks a lot for posting, my dear Vessey, from me as well. I really loved reading your reports, especially the explicit parts. I'm looking forward to your next trip, much like Vit!
  9. Unlike with the straight forums, here it's quite manageable to keep an overview of those who post trip reports. So my advice would be, if the reports of a particular member offend you, just don't open future trip reports of that member. I don't see any benefit in commenting negatively or requesting changes - those who provide us with trip reports should be free to post them the way THEY want to share them with us.
  10. Bless her heart.
  11. True, in hindsight her selection of states to focus her efforts on looks incredibly uninformed for someone who had such a wealth of resources at her disposal.
  12. I think Ryan is pretty spot on. The reason why he's still here is probably the entertainment these sad characters provide for our amusement (involuntarily, for the most part). Keep it up, you know who you are!
  13. Glad to read about Vit again, Vessey, I remember him from your earlier reports and I've got to admit that I've had some fantasies about him on my own.
  14. Back in kindergarten, I had fun putting words in someone's mouth, too. (Hint: I don't subscribe to the oligarchy theory and said as much.) I don't think it works that well with an adult audience, but hey, that hasn't stopped you from trying before.
  15. I've never understood why some have loathed the Clintons that much. Disagree with their policies and personal conduct, okay, but I think the amount of hatred they've had to cope with is irrational. The "Fuck Bush" shirts sold on campus when I went to college were almost affectionate in comparison.
  16. Those who suggest that the US is effectively an oligarchy consider elections mere window dressing, because they allege that the real decisions are being made by "the oligarchs" behind closed doors. So indeed, that has nothing to do with the way elections are designed. But that also isn't the point. There's an element of truth in it when looking at the influence lobbyists wield, etc., but still I'd say it's over the top. Hillary was "the oligarchs'" wet dream and yet failed to get elected - case in point. Oh, and if I ever need a dictionary, it's unlikely that I'll turn to someone semi-literate who notoriously mixes up "than" and "then". Thanks for your help anyway, I'm sure you mean well.
  17. I'd think that those who have been trafficked from neighboring countries usually serve Thai clientele in low-end brothels, often in and nearby border towns, so it's unlikely for a farang visitor to encounter trafficked persons in Thailand's sex trade.
  18. Exactly, I think it's obvious that Michael's situation is quite unique in that regard. That really had nothing to do with tossers who use several handles at the same time AND even use their account B to concur with their account A and other such wanker games.
  19. When Hillary was a senator, did she push any legislation to change that? Serious question; I don't remember any such effort, but that doesn't mean much. It's a moot point to discuss it retroactively, the only legal standard that can be applied to last week's election is the law as it is. Based on that, Trump won, rightfully.
  20. Vessey, great report as always, just continue and don't be discouraged by the occasional flak you draw. Everyone and their mother knows what's going on in these bars. And has known since decades. Suggesting anything else is just nonsense. These bars have been raided and they will be raided again. All part of doing that kind of business there.
  21. If the US were an oligarchy, Hillary had won the election. So that theory has just been debunked, I'd say.
  22. December 5 remains a public holiday as well as Father's Day this year.
  23. The Electoral College is archaic, granted. But it isn't undemocratic as such, because democracy can mean several different things. In the case of the US, one fundamental element of its political system is that the federal government derives its legitimacy from the states the union consists of. Not directly from all the citizens/voters of all of its states combined. I think that's a legitimate system. Personally, I find the "winner takes it all" concept far more problematic. It's what ultimately colors the map so rigidly and gives a few states an importance that is totally blown out of proportion.
  24. That's something I wondered about, too. Why would a pretty legit sports bar on Sukhumvit want to be associated with a dodgy street vendor who is selling fake poppers? The "rent" payment cannot be THAT impressive.
  25. The tessakit were kind enough to post the following statistics of them soliciting opinions from locals and visitors in October. I took the photo at one of their info tents on Lower Sukhumvit, so that's not the numbers for Silom just to make that clear.
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