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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Sure, you can deliberately ignore the context and deal in absolutes. That's always an option; I've already stated what I think about that. That I'm privileged goes without saying. We all are, leisurely discussing gay sex shows here.
  2. If I had a magic wand, I'd make all racists disappear from the face of the Earth in an instant. My very next move would do the same with paranoid dogooders who see racism, sexism and whatever other isms there are in even the most harmless acts. Paranoid panic mongering and thought policing is just as harmful to society as racism.
  3. It did happen, the only thing that didn't happen were public countdowns and fireworks. I don't know any Thais who refrained from welcoming the New Year because they were mourning. I'd guess that most Chinese New Year activities can go ahead as usual.
  4. In fairness though, if I were an ordinary Vietnamese citizen (not a member of the elite), I would also try my best to avoid any interactions with my country's officialdom. That he wasn't too keen to go to his embassy is quite understandable, so to me it looks as if he was in need of some support. I think ggobkk did a great job!
  5. @abidismaili, apparently you're a resident of The Netherlands. Might I suggest that you use your ample time and energy to investigate alleged and/or suspicious social security recipients in The Netherlands, where you presumably contribute. If you're overzealous with your reporting, it might even result in you being offered professional help.
  6. I've never heard "nahm wow", but I have heard "nahm rak" which sounds SO romantic coz it means "Love Water".
  7. Ah yes, I had secret crushes on some of my straight classmates, too... They made for nice "dreams". I do believe unfulfilled fantasies often beat reality.
  8. I wouldn't be so harsh, infatuation is quite possible even if you don't share a common language - there's lots of nonverbal communication going on in bed, after all!
  9. And it's got nothing to do with English, "chuck wow" is (transliterated) Thai.
  10. There are rooms available with shower (catch: cold water only) and air-conditioning (catch: electricity is charged with a significant mark-up at these places) for about 3,500 baht per month all over Bangkok. Somewhat cheaper in old buildings without air-conditioning and with a shower that might be defunct since 15 years. Often shared, often not in the most convenient locations. Obviously, someone earning 9,000 or 12,000 baht per month cannot afford to pay a lot for rent (nowhere near 5,000+ baht) - and there are many of these people in and around Bangkok, all of them living somewhere (!). Quite a typical example is a friend of mine whose salary is 11,000 baht (shop clerk); he pays 1,500 baht for rent. Food and groceries 4,500 baht, gas and installments for his motorbike another 1,500 baht, 2,000 baht for his mom. There's not much left to save or party away. And he better doesn't get sick.
  11. Chile for me.
  12. Quite easy to answer that question! It's free if I consider you sexy, but would cost you significantly more than 1000 baht if not. I believe almost everyone can be tempted for the right amount, just what that amount might be does vary quite a bit. Not that I think anyone would actually pay my asking price...
  13. It's true that they usually aren't very educated in money matters, and it's not that uncommon for this to run in the family. So even if a boy diligently sends a large chunk of his earnings back home, the money might ultimately still be "wasted". Drinking fathers, gambling mothers, pregnant teenage sisters and jailed brothers are not that uncommon, unfortunately. If someone coming from such a family can make good money AND use it wisely, more power to them! I wouldn't diss those who fail though.
  14. Alexx

    Holiday Time

    Sounds a lot like a welcome excuse to me, I mean who would stay longer just to wait for some unfinished glasses?!
  15. Real killers quite often don't spend that much time in prison, for a variety of reasons. Just saying though, I don't know anything about that particular case.
  16. Well I guess for tourists who don't want to waste time "dating", going the P4P way sounds quite appealing. But it's no requirement whatsoever. From when I first visited Thailand (at age 28) over moving to Bangkok to this very day (at age 41), I've always been able to find both locals and visitors who simply want to have fun. Different rules apply, obviously, and both P4P and free sex come with certain ups and downs, but I cannot agree that there's a prevailing "P4P Culture" in the sense that that's the only realistic way of having sex with hot guys here. If anything, it's a subculture, for particular groups (sex tourists, sexpats, local sugar daddies vs. poor farm boys, college boys looking for a more luxurious lifestyle, etc.).
  17. Alexx

    Holiday Time

    I'm looking forward to reading your reports, Vessey, I'm sure you will have a blast again. I won't make it to Pattaya until January 15th or so, too late for your birthday but maybe we'll find another reason to have a drink.
  18. Very nice reports, vinapu, as always it was a great pleasure to read about your adventures.
  19. Right, just be glad that you live nearby! It could be far, FAR worse...
  20. Nice photos, thanks for posting!
  21. Alexx

    Turning 55 today

    And hair in the right place, I might add.
  22. I think Thailand really isn't the best country for size queens. It's almost unavoidable to compare appendages when "meeting someone", and except for two occasions, I've always come out on top. In more than 12 years, my time as a tourist included. Now keep in mind that I'd be considered just slightly above average at home. And before someone says, "But, but, Isaan cocks!" - yes, I know they are bigger than other Thais'. Many of my encounters are with guys from Isaan, after all... They are HUGE compared to let's say Vietnamese or Thai-Chinese standard issue, but on a global scale, it's not that impressive really.
  23. Alexx

    Air Fares

    For me there are two factors: First, who is paying for the flight? If it's a business trip, I fly business class. If I have to pay, I'd rather spend the difference between business and cattle class on something else. Second, how well do you fit into a cattle class seat? Can you easily find sleep on a plane? Do you have any special needs or health issues? I've seen tall and obese people who hardly fit in, for them it clearly is torture. Others cannot easily sleep or flying cattle class would otherwise be a major hardship for them. For me, on the other hand, none of that applies. I choose a night flight when possible, have my dinner, sleep and I'm already at my destination.
  24. Brummbaer, you've got that upside down, it's not the addressee that matters, but the speaker. If you're male, you say "krab", no matter if you are addressing males or females. If you are female, you say "kha", and again it doesn't matter if the person you're addressing is male or female. It's worth noting that many gays choose to use "kha" as well.
  25. If you are male, you do say "krab" to both males and females. Maybe you pronounced it in a funny way, or what you said as a whole didn't compute, otherwise there's nothing wrong with that.
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