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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. Not to mention your self-deprecating sense of humor that tops all these qualities you've already mentioned!
  2. It's irrelevant when compared with other risks you face coming to Thailand that are much more substantial, most notably dying in an accident on the road. Maybe you should worry about that first and foremost, it's the number one killer of foreign visitors to Thailand.
  3. Reader, Stick links to exactly the same Bangkok Post article I've linked to above. He simply states, "From 2019, all arriving luggage will be x-rayed at international airports in Thailand." - I cannot find any fault with that. See the difference between you and him? He posted a very brief summary and a link to his source. You falsified the news by adding a fictious extra bit of information and provided no link. If you see pointing that out as an attack, I will do my best to word it in a more snowflake-friendly way next time. See you around.
  4. Maybe. Try, "I keep fresh fish in my fridge", next time...
  5. Reader, we're writing the year 2017 A.D. (or 2560 B.E.) and we are on the WWW. I don't think that asking you to add a "deep link" to your source for convenience is asking too much. For someone who's interested in subject matters you bring to their attention, that just makes it a lot easier to continue reading. Please consider that a constructive suggestion, not an "instruction". If your luggage is scanned by customs or by airport security does make a difference. They're looking for different things. So there IS value in reporting that truthfully. Same as with your other recent post that insinuated that foreigners will soon be allowed to own land in Thailand, when in fact that isn't on the books.
  6. I think that has less to do with "love in Thailand" than it is simply the result of economic realities. As long as a Western tourist (or expat, for that matter) has an income of typically more than five times of what their Thai partner makes (often even much more, especially if you only consider discretionary income), it's hard to see how a Thai and a farang could be in a relationship without some kind of a transfer taking place. Classic example, dining out together. For something as basic as that, what the two parties can be expected to spend varies wildly. That a "free" romantic interest can end up being much more expensive than the occasional shag with a moneyboy really goes without saying.
  7. I'm not sure if you're misquoting Stick or if he wrote it like that (for crying out loud, link straight to your source instead of just mentioning the site!). But it's wrong in any case, why would AoT be interested in the luggage of inbound passengers who don't transfer to connecting flights? They pose no threat to aviation security, and that's not what this is about. It's customs, not AoT, that plans to scan the luggage of all incoming passengers on international flights at major Thai airports. Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/travel/in-thailand/1219878/all-arriving-luggage-to-be-x-rayed-at-main-airports
  8. I know many foreigners below the age of 50 who are living in Bangkok, and I am one of them. Most of us work here, others are students or have retired early. Bangkok is huge and there are opportunities beyond teaching English. As for "free boys", I've said it before and I will say it again, quite some young Thai gays are interested in foreigners and their lifestyle. With Thais who choose to hang out in Silom Sois 2-4, the percentage of those who might be interested is certainly higher than with Thais who choose to hang out in places where hardly a foreigner goes. Be approachable and you will be approached, would be my advice. I think it's a bad idea to try to force yourself on someone who is hanging out with his friends. Being somewhat more subtle works better.
  9. No, even if and when that is passed into law, foreigners still won't be allowed to own land in their name. It's still a lease, although it can be registered for 50 instead of now 30 years and could be resold.
  10. But looking at your new name, was it worth it ?
  11. Isn't that the beauty? You can "steal" data, and yet it won't be missing.
  12. Makes no sense to generalize that, I think. Some earn a lot and most others probably not, for various reasons.
  13. Boys will be boys. In a gay relationship between male grown-ups, both partners realize that and act accordingly.
  14. I'd say his leitmotif is precisely that, being an incoherent drifter. I think that's quite charming, and Bangkok makes an excellent backdrop for such a character and his exploits.
  15. Ouch. Not exactly my idea of nice.
  16. I've always enjoyed reading what Osborne has written. And I like his take on Bangkok, although or maybe just because it's quite different from mine. The man is often drunk, so I'm more than willing to forgive him the occasional error here and there.
  17. Maybe she'd be up for a massage? Just tell her that it's bad form to accuse her therapist of rape afterwards.
  18. I don't think Songkran will be particularly subdued and I'd expect April 13th to 15th to be the main dates in Bangkok, as always. The last day tends to be the least crazy one, as (some) people will be exhausted / hung over / penniless by then. I've usually had enough after two days myself.
  19. Well, ideally you check before paying the off fee and venturing to your hotel. The embarrassment of having your boy sent away for being underage is best avoided! Not to mention that it would be easier to find a suitable replacement while you're still at the bar.
  20. Makes me sad, too, but it seems inevitable. Land prices in that area have skyrocketed and the existing buildings simply don't make good use of that land plot by today's standards. There's no other way to fix that.
  21. Yes, firecat69, the owners are doing something right, a lot actually. If only they would own up to being the owners, so that us mere mortals could officially heap some well-deserved praise upon them, instead of asking us to talk to a dog who apparently never replies or to take their spokesperson's word as gospel...
  22. Dream on, guys!
  23. I can honestly say that no Thai guy I've met has ever insisted on a condom when giving me a blowjob. But I guess the day will come, and I wouldn't make any effort to change his mind - I do acknowledge that there's some risk. At the very least, the first time it will happen will be an interesting experience for me. So I wouldn't even rule out a repeat, depending on how it goes.
  24. These dates have to be chosen to be auspicious, I'm sure the enjoyment of tourists isn't a major concern. And really, it shouldn't be. But yes, for someone who will come for just a few weeks and is looking for entertainment in the first place, this event will put a damper on their plans. It's pretty much a given that these days will be declared dry days and that entertainment will have to be toned down. Rescheduling such a trip, if possible, sounds like a wise decision.
  25. Excellent news.
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