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Everything posted by 1moRussian

  1. I wouldn't pay much attention to the address at this MyHero banner - TMB could just put the old one without thinking much...Still need to visit Prince, I've never been there
  2. I saw MyHero banner at TMB too. Just happened to have the old Hero card nearby me:
  3. Perhaps, this will entertain you: the Private Dancer novel (could be find here: http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11018 for example) Of course, it's a fiction novel, but... at Russian Thai forums (straight) this is the common advise to read it
  4. Oh, it is firecat again chasing out new people from the board ("I am not a sex touri", "OK, I am a sex touri, but nobody is entitled to contradict me here") - what a stupid behavior...
  5. So, you just took your own statements and marked them as "correct" - quite simple way to have a discussion, isn't it? Or maybe you become experienced when you suggest to a boy to start cheating in the app, because all other cheat (that was your own words)? [really?! All?! Cheating?!!] Or maybe you become experienced when you say "you [Firecat] have idea about 90% of the money boys lives ." [really?! You have spoken with 90%?!] Or maybe when you start to speak ภาษา ไทย นิด หน่อย? [never saw a Thai word in your posts] Anyway, that's not very fruitful discussion - you have your own opinion, I have my own, and they sometimes the same (no good to pay 300 baht), sometimes they are different...
  6. Gaybutton, I know you are agree with some of Firecat' statements - actually, I am agree with some too. But I just quoted Firecat's favorite "who cares what you think, if you dare to have your own opinion"
  7. You certainly have being rude most of the times, Firecat - because of it nobody cares what are you saying and when you are saying quite sensible things as well after this part of little trolling, please, reveal me - when a poster becames "an experienced one"? Only after 50+ trips to Thailand, as you said it before about your trips? Or after 49 trips? Where is this experienced expert border?
  8. And this is the problem with these posts, Firecat - something irritates you and you starts to lecture quite grown up people in direct (that's substitute for "rude") manner... Some believe that a 20 yo could earn 24k and save a half, other believe you can lecture a 40-60+ yo stingy guy and he becames a generous one. This is a market - if there is nobody around here, 300 baht could buy a boy food and bed. If there is Firecat around the corner, who pays 1000, the boy will choose 1000 pretty quick. My last off from BBB (22 yo, Cambodian, good lean body, common face, 'straight', basic English - so, an average BT guy; and it was lunch + 3000 overnight) proudly said me he made 20k+ for the last month in BBB - his first month in BBB. And it was late June, quite low season. A month before he made only 3k+ in a massage shop (looks like a non-HE shop). So he moved from an unprofitable place to the more profitable place, they can understand a difference between a 300 baht farang and a 1000 baht farang by themselves. As another member wrote "btw, do the boys know, you set a minimum at 1000?". So, can a boy earn 24k per month - sure. Can he save a half - I am not sure. (after he got 3000 from me, I asked him what were his plans - the answer was "Oishi bar, gym and sleep". And Oishi costs 650 baht, if I am correct. And this guy didn't have a phone at all, but he prefers to spend money for Oishi, but not to buy a cheap 1600 baht phone to be in touch with customers. His money - his right to spend them as he wants. Of course, he couldn't save a half, I think, but some can, maybe not in 20 yo, but later)
  9. I think, BBB charges 280 and Xboys 260, although I was disappointed by Xboys this June - it looked quite average in terms of show and boys selection. I like Toy Boys, but they tend to have more muscular boys outside the bar as touts and more average inside - at least that was my cases with TB. So some last offs from TB were without going inside and ordering drinks.
  10. Late June - sat inside from 10:30 till 23:50 once: - yes, they really have coyotes now: there are particular 5-6 boys, who dances at small stages around the bar. These boys sometimes go to the big stage, but not vise versa - the majority of boys doesn't go to dance at small stages, they just stay at the big stage (or leave it sometimes), - so probably, it really costs 800 baht to off a coyote boy before 23:00. But why the bar decided to have those separate coyote boys, I could not understand. Thai guys don't want to dance/move? (two of those 5-6 coyotes are Lao without numbers, couldn't say anything about other four) And the bar still wants to have dancing boys? "You dance" means "you are gay"? And straight and semi-straight guys could participate in "check the merchandise" performance, but could not dance in the bar?
  11. June, all BBB, so all offs were 500 baht: - LT, didn't agreed anything in advance, but actually I saw and caught the boy in Hornet, 2500 + small dinner (and still getting messages on Line), and 100 to a manager for translation, - ST, "non-working star" of the bar , 1500, and 2 drinks at the terrace for the boy and a manager, - LT, a manager was involved, told me "LT is 3000" (actually, it's "up to me", but I was OK with 3000), + small dinner, - LT with the guy from the previous night, so 3000 and small dinner again. April: - ToyBoys - 400 off, 3 ST * 1500 for 2 guys standing at the entrance to the bar (got broad smiles from both of the guys in June, but no offs this time) - BBB - I wrote a post, it was mentioned here already, will add to it a little bit later.
  12. 1moRussian

    High season?

    Thanx, Abang. Have found one with this kind of background:
  13. But what are you asking for? You already know Thai sex for pay scene, just go to a bar in BoysTown and choose a boy.
  14. To off a boy once from the bar and get his number and trust?
  15. Yep, from PTT By the ferry And a motorcycle could be rented for the whole 24 hours, not just daytime Although never made it to the top of the mountain (Still smiling remembering)
  16. Actually, you can stay a night at Ko Larn, but don't choose a hotel close to the village peer. But no boys bar there... Looks like it's quite safe to visit a mall with Alek (not so with said Win )
  17. Speaking about Tawan:
  18. I always try to mention with boys that we clients have our own means of communications (without giving specific url addresses, of course). And with bar/spa managers too. PS great reports, thanx, Vinapu
  19. Was in Superrich Silom three times, they asked my passport as well, but were OK with photocopy of my passport once. Could be many people sometimes, if there is a group of tourists there. That was confirmed by my local friend, who worked about 3 years accross the street - he didn't know it's a currency exchange, but did see groups of people often there. Funny how local and tourists have different experience at the same place In April I saw a booth with "Superrich" sign at a couple of the central BTS stations as well
  20. 1moRussian

    Hero closing

    So, what is the best spa now in your opinion?
  21. Some details form May 2016, Hanoi: - went to Zspa (map below), - very simple, - 250k dong for spa for 1 hour in simple room (they have superior and VIP), 250k to the boy (written in receipt and paid to the manager) and 100k in his hands, - nothing serious during or after, - and generally - "nothing to write home about". Next day I was in Hero in BKK and Hero was 10 times better Upper right corner: The second (gray) building from the left, but better to take a taxi/motocy
  22. Thanx Pong! So we are waiting others to report more details...
  23. 1moRussian

    Hero closing

    Yes, some details are posted there: http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/10372-bangkok-visit-may-5-12/?p=91719
  24. I was given this card, so it's Super Hero now: (but I took it as a phone numbers card; I could not read this modern font yet - somebody can?)
  25. Yes, yesterday got confirmation about 31 May from a captain and a guy. The guy said they are moving to the last BTS station - Bearing. Sounds as a strange location for an upmarket spa for me, but perhaps I lost something in translation
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