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Everything posted by 1moRussian

  1. 1moRussian


    Couldn't find ToyBoys / Toyboyz trend, maybe due to 3-letters search like "toy" is not allowed at the forum. Went yesterday. Actually no - 3 days ago, passing from BBB and saw a really stunning boy smoking outside. And ToyBoys is famous for having very good bodies outside as a hook to get customers inside. But sooo stunning, so I returned back - what's your name? Are you working here? And so on... The name is Lucky, the attitude matches his stunning look, working, but already has a booking with a culient (hahaha, at 00:00, sitting and smoking lazily - a booking, of course). Didn't see him 2 days ago - especially passed by ToyBoys. Yesterday decided to go to ToyBoys directly and check Got inside, 220 for a beer; again more muscular bodies outside, more twinkish inside. Later some swimmers type joined the stage. Asked the boss about Lucky - the boy will be later. Is he really working or just to look at? yes he is working. Ok, drinking and waiting... after a while I see a boy who I spoke in Hornet before my November trip, but didn't meet during the trip - he reacted to my looks - gave him 100 baht later. Then this Lucky boy came in and rush to the staff only rooms. Three minutes later I said to the boss, that Lucky is here - he fetched me another boy - no, not this. Boy Lucky passed us to outside - I pointed at him to the boss - OK, said the boss, later - and went to outside as well. Five minutes later I paid my bill and went outside with my beer, sat next to the boss, asked about Lucky - oh, sorry he has a booking already. So, confirmed - this guy only to look at and getting customers inside )) Yep, boys inside are in underwear and with number tags. Including non-Thai boys. So it looks like BBB has its own special issue with authorities - if it's only BBB in BT, where the boys is fully dressed and only Thais.
  2. Looks like it Actually, I want to see a boy, I saw in Hornet before, but due to no English couldn't communicate with him in Hornet/Line normally. I liked what I saw, but left the bar hoping get him through online - but he didn't understand me, unfortunately. That time had a very pleasant conversation with numer #38 who was kind of a captan that day. He is a bit older, so bigger than their twinkish type - I would say a swimmer type. Good English, client oriented, good body. Yesterday came to late - just to get my drink and see how the first boy was offed to a farang... And no #38 that day. The captain boy yesterday has no English - how he is working with farangs? There were a Thai party inside - a girl birthday? Screaming teenager Thai party... Later came her Mather and take them home. So I just used an air con place to sit and search Hornet for another option. Yep - boys shirtless and in jeans.
  3. Should add: all boys were shirtless and with number tags
  4. Yep, so the best thing here was a combination of photos and discussion about them of course, when it is not a "muscle vs slim" war
  5. 200 baht for a beer yesterday. 4 twinks at the stage, about 4 more in the club at 23:30 "Show" started at 24:00. Good things: no ladyboys at all, 3 nice boys. Other things: it is hard to call it show, just three performances/parts (but the boys tried their best)
  6. Very strange comment - let's face it: all photos at the forum either private photos taken by the forum members or they are stolen (copied) from other sites and the forum members don't have rights to post them here, actually...
  7. You guys have been way too mean and jealous I think, most of the readers of this forum (including me myself) have the same size tits or even bigger. But from pure fat and completely unshaped
  8. Update: 10 Thai boys at 45 minutes prior the 22:30 show. Then slowly they come and before the show there were about 20-25 Thai boys. Then, just in 5 minutes to the show about 10 non-Thai boys came into the club, and spent these 5 mins at the stage (the mystery of seen my Lao friend in 80 m in Hornet and another Cambo boy outside the club was solved). All dressed: jeans and shirts. For the first show the club was full, not overload, but full. There were some groups of women - one of the group has about 10 women and 2 man. They took boys from the stage, some of these boys I saw later in the club, some were off. The first show was quite moderate, all in underwear. At the end of the show about 12 boys were naked and in underwear and went through the club for "checking of merchandise". Then all the boys come back to the stage fully dressed. Just before the second show the club was half full. I left, walked along BT and went to my room waiting my Lao friend for an overnight
  9. Very sad - just 6 boys at the big stage and 4 at smalls. All Thai, all in shirts. Although some around the club. And my Hornet show my Lao friend in 80 m - somewhere here
  10. Yep - big bus from Ekkamai makes a fuel stop now But we have not done a pick up stop at Bangna at least (11:40 bus from
  11. Unfortunately, no 9pm clapping today (1st May, Monday)
  12. No warm sea in Russia. People used to go to Turkey and Egypt, but now Egypt is closed completely from Russia and Turkey is closed for charter flights. And Thailand (as Egypt) is available all year round, especially during winter season in Russia.
  13. Have delivered underwear once But no repeating off with the guy that trip and it wasn't a trick. Although on another trip was looking at a guy with a beautiful body in ToyBoys bar already and thinking "why he looks familiar?". He was cruising between the entrance and back zones, and when he finally made it to the stage - in the underwear - it was funny. He got really bigger, but still used it. So an off at once for Nid and maybe more that trip and an off next trip, when I realized some notes from my jeans were missed so I stopped, although he was eager when saw me in BT. Didn't see him around ToyBoys in 2016.
  14. For 1q2017 the fist three are Chinese, Russians and Malaysians - have seen articles today in Russian media.
  15. But does this "ไม่มีตัง" move Thai mind to do something actively? Or just go with the flow passively bitching/chatting about "ไม่มีตัง"? Especially with all these sabai and sanuk mindset? I understand, it is a generalization, but anyway...
  16. Aaaah, bpii as a "year" Thanx. Didn't know that you can use "sawatdee" for such kind of greetings
  17. Sorry for offtop from such the high discussion - but what does it mean "sawatdi pii mai", please? "phii" - as older brother/sister? But what is "mai" in this case then? "No" or "question word" or "new" looks non-logical...
  18. "Vietnam boy" - that could be a reason - he is a foreigner there, staying temporary. So cheapest room, less friends, less included in local social life, no "fan". I mean for Thai-Thai boys generally it's a bit complicated to stay a whole night, than for Thai-notThai boys... So maybe it's a good strategy to choose newcomers or foreigners for long time. Happy Songkran too
  19. PS if you want a Vietnamese boy bottoming for you - come to Kuala Lumpur. Local massage shops have enough employees from Vietnam.
  20. But updates have been irregular at TBM web-site lately - I get more use from gboysiam web-site: some massage shops post there as well. And yes, as DivineMadMan I am subscribed at some shops' news flow in Line.
  21. Hope it will calm down soon - judging by last article they already has the "result" to report above... Asked one of my 'sources' in BBB, but this one is stil strangling with English (although getting better) and perhaps one of those two boys danced at small stages - will see what he write back.
  22. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    Yep, really great body. As for massage - after kind of complimenting him at strongest massage, he said "could do stronger". On Sunday wanted to try the third guy - Forever (Thai?) - got an answer " he is not available today", so turned my steps to their "1st shop / gallery". The way was more convenient from were I stayed, but had some real troubles finding the actual unit/lot within the building due to the manager's accent by phone.
  23. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    have made it to freshm2m two times, their second place/galery, as people already advised you need Mandi Manda sauna in Uber (they are getting worse) or Grab (had recommendation today from a local to use Grab). The massage shop has no sign board, but it's the same building. Facilities are very basic, comparing with Thai I would say 'simple shop for Thais in non-tourist area'. For prices - you pay 190 rm for how they call it "full service". Both time it was rough massage, fist guy was more willing (but he was just the second day working at the shop), the other guy was a bit aggorant. As you pay upfront to a manager, tips are recomended if you want to repeat with this certain guy. Although both times no slitest requests for tips from me - and i didnt leave any, as both times I was cut in time a little bit. But bodies both times were excellent (although pics at the web-site are photoshoped) first guy from Vietnam The other is from Myanmar
  24. Yep, a motocy is very convenient for evening Jomtien-Boyztown rides in the high season and baht bases are just stuck Regarding Bangkok - could be useful video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NeTMeNvRXaY The presenter starts with car taxi, but explains motorbike taxi fare rules in the video as well
  25. It's 500. When it was last time you were to BBB and offed a boy? Next time try to off a coyote star (dancing around small platforms, not a star staying at the stage) until 11 pm and please report here the off price you will be told.
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