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Everything posted by 1moRussian

  1. Thanks numazu for a really interesting story! Returning to English learning discussion - I am thinking of using it for my English studies. There is an exercise when you are just sitting and copying down a book by your hand and a pen; but it is time consuming, so it should be an intresting book
  2. Read carefully next time, samebb - Rollingstone asked about guys, who never make to the stage
  3. Yep, that is, discussed at ToyBoyz trend here: http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/forum/36-gay-pattaya/ They are freelancers, but I believe they get something from the bar to be there. Most are available as ST tops, one or two are reported to refuse to go with male customers.
  4. That could be a coyote boy off before 23:00 - had it that April. Anyway, 3 times paid 500 - but no drinks cause I knew who I want, so I thought they just tried to take a drink price from me. The boy kept saying that he is paying BBB those 300 baht next day...
  5. Guilty. Had 4 offs from Toy Boys in May (two guys): - 2 ST * 1500, the same boy from the outside team, and offered him 3000 for LT - first time he refused, last night agreed, but I had other plans, - 2 LT * 3000 the second boy, but actually I took him from Hornet, so no drinks and no off-fees were involved. UPD: just realized, 2 LT was actually 3000 and 2500, as the second time was something in between ST and LT - MidT
  6. Thanx for the report and especially for photos Please continue. Siting to close to the stage for the first visit could be a bit uncomfortable, true. What beach section are sitting at? They have numbers, actually. "Girlfriend" could be mistranslated Thai word "fan", which has this "girl/boyfriend" meaning without any specific regarding boy or girl this special friend actually is.
  7. Thanx TMax for the topic! For me - it's add a much to my experience. If I am correct - in Prince's mirrors I see mostly me, but not the masseur. And adding to Vessey's words, I can see myself in a mirror for free. To my surprise good positioned mirrors were in Bantai spa (Bangkok's nowhere), but they were quite dirty. Spoon - is it Fresh-1 with ceiling mirrors? And I think, it is possible to ask about a room with a mirror (if it will not slip from your mind completely, because you just have chosen a hot masseur). I was to Crowns Spa in May, the whole experience was good, but a mirror would add a little bit more. When a couple of the days later I lined the manager "what if you add a mirror to the room?", he replied "I have a room with a mirror". So one can just ask about a room with a mirror, perhaps the spa has it, actually.
  8. I've seen "no money" posts at this 360's boy FB account recently, so perhaps it's because the bar was closed. And judging by my May impressions, it is really understandable... I just hope this certain boy still be in Pattaya, when I come next time
  9. I've already had this question - numazu, do they use 'farang' word to you too? You are an American, so certainly you qualify for a farang, but you are Asian, so you are not a farang And if numazu doesn't object, another language related picture: (but with a Lao boy, not Burmese) PS I saw "how do you think" recently at another boy's Instagram, must be Thai language influence. Actually, in Russian it's possible to say both: what/how do you think
  10. Just as a slightest sidenote - letting the boy to go to his off outside the soi at 23:50 and saying him to return at 01:00 is a bit non-realistic. Providing MonBoy has already suggested 02:00, he really could think about 01:00 just as a spoken face-saving figure, but not as an actually expected time. So in this case I am more with Christian. But the episode has a good end anyway
  11. I was held by hand twice in Pattaya - both cases it was Lao boys
  12. Correct me, if it's not a spoon they use to eat ALL in Thailand, including meat )))(just teasing, Moses, just teasing) Yaletown605 - indeed, there are some guys in Hornet, who suggests "guide you around" - but nobody knows are they good as a guide or not. But you always can contact them and ask some questions to see how it's going. And it's better to decide what do you want more - a guided tour, a social interaction or a quasi boyfriend experience (in this case stick with Numazu advice)
  13. Not sure about numbers - both boys I mentioned were without numbers when I saw them. Although first time I saw Di, it was in the toilet and he actually was oiling himself But boys quickly copy successful tactics - so perhaps few boys doing it now.
  14. The questions is do they have local clone of FB or not? I've never heard about such the clone, meanwhile I see 4000+ followers at some bar boys accounts and tonns of posts at Thai accounts about any slightest moves and smallest things happen. Looks like Thai people appreciate FB very much. If such, TISPA (what is it by the way? Thailand Internet Service Provider Association?) and local providers will send letters to FB, because they need to demonstrate some activities, and FB will keep silence. All are happy. Russian government shut down Line recently (they are training to shut down messengers, people think, and started from ont so popular ones here). So I came to Russia and I could not communicate with my friends from Thailand Five minutes search and I got this at my phone - works very well and free of charge - now I am using Line again despite the official shut down:
  15. Two more comments: On Friday they had actually one more - third - show at 01:00. More relaxed, "old BBB" style It's not indicated at their outside advert plates. They keep their hard selling tactics - after getting my boy sited next to me, a boy drink arrived: a drink in the whiskey style glass and a plate of snacks(!). Certainly not the boy initiated it - he just nodded to the waiter speech and later proved to be very modest in his asking. The waiter didn't ever bother to catch my eyes during this "ordering" - so I just send the "order" back, when it's arrived. Later gave the boy 100 baht as a compensation for non getting his drink commission.
  16. http://www.cherrytaxiservice.com Was taken today from the begging of Jomtien road to Suvarnabum for 1000 baht including toll at 06:00. Actually, I saw the car from my balcony at 5:45 already. And it took 1,5 hours.
  17. Actually, guys - there is a magic power of "cannot (mai dai)" here. Western style final answer: "I can, but I don't want to [you have your own right to want or not to want]". But it works loosely in Thailand. Here the final answer is "Cannot" - maybe a face saving thing as well... And correction regarding the outside bare chested jeansed team - some can do overnight. Yesterday came to the soi with idea to get that Di for a short time, if I see him; but decided to start with overnight question - just to tease him a little bit (sorry, Vinapu, there are some tricks ). To my surprise he answered "yes, tonight I can". So it was my turn to say "no, only a short time today". He is from Chang Mai and works in Pattaya by 2-3 months
  18. Thanx Vinapu, I surrendered to my laziness - decided not to go to BKK
  19. Yep again - saw that my Good Lucky_boy_substitute (the boy's name is Di - Good) yesterday. Actually on purpose - it was an option for overnight, if any. No soo good for me, but nice body. He was sitting in the outside team - shirtless in jeans. Playing with iPhone 6 (I was refused in sharing Line with me - "no proper phone, just simplest one" - hahaha): - smile - smile - how are you? - good. Tip 100 baht please, nothing to eat (actually, a day before I gave 100 baht to the boy, sitting now next to Di, he came with me before, so it is not very "out of the blue" request from Di's side) - hmmmm, overnight maybe? So you get your money - no, today cannot overnight. Short time can - no, I don't want short time, I want overnight - cannot. 100 baht for food? - cannot, see you )))
  20. Finally got the boy I wanted. A proper mamasan that evening (yep, pushy) and no #38 again. They had a "show" at 22:24 as well
  21. Hi guys, Could someone share MyHero's phone, please? And what about their price now? And I still should discount to a manager?
  22. After I realized this selling tactics, I took 3 boys (one of them 3 times) outside of ToyBoys - all well defined muscled straights, a bit cocky, not very keen, but need to make money sometimes. And most of the times it was made without me coming inside the bar and ordering a drink. A couple of times with their boss sitting outside - he looked OK with it. So nothing strange, that finally they have somebody as Lucky boy - stunning womanizer. As I understand, they all are freelancers - but I think, should have some salary from ToyBoys, as they are a part of its selling tactics. Oh, not 3 boys - actually 4 - one more boy Nid transferred from HappyBoys to ToyBoys and after getting more muscles on him, he spends more time outside the bar, than inside.
  23. Yep, the same experience with the outside ToyBoys boys
  24. Certainly a muscular tall handsome boy )) Probably with tattoo. Don't remember about the piercing. When you mentioned it, I realized that we just have had this "refussal man offers at ToyBoys" in the gay vs boy bar trend in the main forum...
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