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Everything posted by 1moRussian

  1. Since they have introduced coffee machine in 7/11, I generally got my morning espresso at the corner 7/11. It's better, than at Section #12. And only if I need to drink coffee with a guest near my chair or have a subject for small coffee talks with a chair guy... then I drink two
  2. Thanx for the report again. No beach photos this time? by the way, you mentioned 300 b for a foot massage and it used to be 200 for foot and 300 for full body. What do you think, was it a special newbie price or just inflation?
  3. Cost cutting as I realized, last year they increased all prices in miles - so my 2 possible trips to SEA region became only 1... And I am not sure what do do with leftover miles: do I have a reason to keep them or it's better to spend them next trip in Doha duty free shop
  4. Of course it was a joke. Party I will not complain about their English, if they could speak Russian The reason was to add a bit perspective to this Anglo Saxon centered over polite discussion. As it was mentioned earlier there are more English non-native speakers in the world, then native ones. So if it would be a kind of rude for native English speakers to expect it, but for non-natives, who managed to learn some English additionally to their French, Russian, German, Polish etc, it looks a bit more reasonable. Saying this, I should tell I always grateful for native English speakers who employ this rule for themselves and told me "Don't be shy about your non-fluent English, coz l don't know a word in Russian" and for Thais with their "Khun Ratseya pud pasaa Thai dai di mak" (the later is pure flattering, of course, I know just a hundred words in Thai and mispronounce tones. Always wanted to ask Christian how to ask "what about long time?" in Thai)
  5. Can I complain about their English?
  6. Thanx for adding photos to your post
  7. By the way, what is the current proportions of Thai / non-Thai boys in BBB in your view?
  8. Yep, maybe it were your words Christian, about number of the messages in avarage Thai app... Last time in Pattaya I saw a sexy guy in Hornet, presumably at BT. Tryed to contact him with simple questions - the communication was very slowly. After a week of it I spotted him in a gogo and had a quite nice overnight, we got along well despite his weak English and my weaker Thai, and even had occasional messages in Line/FB next half of the year later... When I asked him, why he was so slow in answering me, he showed his Hornet - it had something like 200 unread messages. So, it's really "out of the first screen, out of my mind" thing Hehe, I've found a present I left for the guy in his gogo and some of my Thai writings:
  9. Yep. Me too. And maybe some fresh contacts in PTT apps?
  10. You could add me. And I could add him - providing there are already two common Myanmar friends, he will do it, I think then you could add him, telling that it was you this morning
  11. Hi guys! Hmmmm, how many long haired Myanmar boys working at Dongtan, thought I? Especially I already saw one at my friends' Myanmar boys FB pages.... Bingo! hope, Spoon are happy with the FB-profile I shared with him
  12. Hehe, thanx for sharing and especially for the YouTube link
  13. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    And again Myanmar staff: (Looks like most Viet guys still back for NY in Vietnam) Sport is the best massage so far in this shop:
  14. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    Jayden, Myanmar - he looks somehow bulkier in photo, in real life he is more lean / swim built, nice chest, flat stomach with slightly visible six-pack. Not tall, not short. Can speak English, but I had difficulties to understand his accent, so not much conversation. He said he came from Penang - I joked "escaping from Chinese Pinang for Chinese NY?" Massage: hmm, there was no massage per se... although he performed some activities, but he need to learn more. Extras: he claimed himself top only (or it's a farang size issue again?), and extras were not bad, not bad... And after he will learn a trick or two and loose his bustle, he will be really nice
  15. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    Purrring and smiling By the way, he cans speak paasa Thai, so fully qualified for this web-site
  16. 1moRussian

    Gay Malaysia

    Went to Freshm2m 1st gallery today with idea of something like: Sport or Marco or Oscar or Rain or perhaps Rock So didn't bothered myself with booking by phone coz somebody certainly should be there and free. On actuall photo display just about 50% guys from their web-site. -Where are the others? -Left for Chinese NY. Sport was taken just before me, Marco was there. -Oscar left as a Vietnamese? -No, he is from Myanmar, but today he is off. So, it was Marco. He is from Nepal. A silent guy or limited English or both. He is not tall - you can see it from the photo. The shoulders and arms and chest are in place, a six-pack (ok, nice 4-pack at the photo) is absent now. And a bit older, than the look at the photo. Strong massage, not the best, but OK, not just some light clapping. Although he uses a 'towel technique' a lot and I don't like it as in these cases I pay to feel young skin and muscles and a towel.... I could feel a towel for free at home. Then he proceeded to oil b2b and then extras. He said he is a top and it looked like a bit tired one today. Generally good, but nothing to be excited about
  17. Because a Russian smile is 'genuine', it means the smiling person really likes you (but doesn't need something from you). And as Russians generally suspicious to strangers - why should we smile to these unknown [potentially dangerous] people?! No smiles, only hardcore! So for me, smiles actually needs translation - Western smiles and double so Asian smiles...
  18. Love some Lao boys too. One was introduced to me by Vinapu (thanks!). Another one I tried to introduce to Vinapu, later he reported that he saw the boy, but decided he is a Vietnamese - so counsionsly not testing this water he didn't approach the boy, hehehe That's about Pattaya. Regarding communism in Lao - as I understand, it was not so powerful and so penetrated as in Vietnam, luckily. Some shallow things in cities above traditional agrarian society. Of course it's my own understanding. Funny thing - it's only Lao boys who tried to hold my hand in my soi (Jomtien). Actually the last one - not approached by Vinapu, - was guessed as 'a Lao' by this holding hand gesture. My idea is that they feel themselves more freely in another country, so doesn't matter what all these people around you think...
  19. Just to add a bit - perpahs, it's a cultural thing because Vietnam is the most communist country from SEA? Guys, what are your views on Russians? Honestly? That we are a bit rude and pushy? Yep, because how you can trust a person, if it could be a communist party informant? So you have to be suspicious to strangers )). And all these double standards when newspaper and TV (controlled by the government) tell one story about the world and you see another story by your own eyes - should one trust words or better not? These are the rules of living in communist countries... Of course, it is unconscious thing - we just raised with it in our DNA - that we are surrounded by enemies ) Does it mean Russians couldn't be fun and loyal friends? Of course not (that's to DivineMadMan and Paulsf' friendship with Vietnamese guys), but generally the outer world is perceived as a dangerous place and you shouldn't budge - it's a kind of subcouncious attitude ) So perhaps it's a bit cultural? Communist society heritage?
  20. Quite like another version. It's hard to see the whites from colonial era as a referent group for mass of locals - these two groups too different (and speaking about Thailand - there were not white colonists there). But working at the sunlight (in a rice field) and getting dark tan vs working in a shop / in an office and not getting tan - that's the quite obvious differentiating and looks like a real reference point for rich&poor for locals. I heard many complaints from that time friend of mine, who is a beach massage guy and goes to his village for rice harvesting as well, that his skin was very dark. Actually I didn't notice the level of his darkness at all and he is sure not a man of complaints. But when we were buying his first smartphone in AIS shop at Festival from a snobbish AIS-girl - it struck me almost physically: she was very white skinned comparing to my friend and both of them at once became conversing as a first class person and a second class person. Later I noticed that he looked quite dark skinned for Bangkok MRT. So I think all these whitening things from Boots and Watsons are just capitalizing on this belief/segregation and of course, reinforces it, but it was not the first reason.
  21. There is no idea of privacy in Thai and all SEA cultures There is a guy (in Pattaya's BT soi although) who tried to me his line "remember me?" this May - and I am pretty sure I don't remember him, cause I had never seen him before. Still, he tried his chances (but I was in my own and it was in this special soi). Nice question on "nuad di" vs "nuad di mak". By the way, it's good and easy to remember these words: di - good, di mak - very good.
  22. The article tells that the owner is a Thai family and says that the hotel name is not because of the country, but because of the family surname - Ma-something... But this last statement is quite unclear from the article... Or perhaps it should be guessed that they wanted something starting with "Ma.." and well-known word and finally decided on "Malaysia". Realized just now - the hotel was opened in December 1967 - so it is certainly had some associations with Malaysia as a country, which was established earlier in 1967!
  23. On the second thought - could be true. If he was naked and wet, where he would have put it? Took the note out of curiosity, then taken by hand, he realized how it looks like - he could be confused by all the situation and impossibility to explain it...
  24. Hehe, nice face, stylish helmet and a bit aggressive bike with very funny way of attaching the suitcase
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