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Everything posted by xiluzer

  1. " I'm actually looking for a hotel that have a modern concept room, but gay friendly hotel and not too far from gay area." For the first timer and you want to fully enjoy what Bangkok has to offer (especially gayhaven!) then YOU HAVE TO STAY AT SILOM! find a hotel near it, as Vinapu and paulfort pointed out. And if you want modern concept room, then try Bally Suite Silom, it's in the middle of gayverse Bangkok!! (and near to BTS/MRT) btw: sorry, but i wouldn't choose any of the hotels you listed.
  2. You lucky devil you......
  4. Finally, this is my final post for this report, thanks for the kind words guys, made me smile all day, the last time I felt this wonderful was when Hero’s Chiang Mai Boy gave a lot exaggerated compliments about me (no matter how false it may be…) it really made my day!! Day 13 Morning, stroll around Silom alone, trying to find Indian Hut, I was craving for Indian Food and I read in the net that it is one of the best in Bangkok. Had to search it alone, if I had brought my friends along, if there’s a chance that we got lost and couldn’t find it, then they would start complaining and I don’t like it. Anyway, couldn’t find it, but that’s ok, maybe in my trip yeah… Afternoon, went to Pratunam and Platinum for a last minute shopping. Got back to the hotel, felt so excited to go to Senso later in the evening. I really enjoyed Mr P’s outstanding service, since this is going to be my final night in Bangkok, I chose the best!! Something that would make my holiday a satisfying ending. It is imperative that I would get the best in the last day. I don’t want to take any chances trying out someone new, if it turned out badly, then that experience would spoil the holiday. No matter how many great times that I had with the boys throughout the holiday, I will always remember that last unsatisfying experience…one bad final moment will out weight all the great times that I had.. so no… not going to take any chances, would pick the best that I had .. And with Mr P… I am 100% sure that I will have the best closure for my holiday!! My friend L, also felt the same, that’s why at 6 pm, he went to Fan Club, searching for Mr Man, one of the top masseurs in his list (and mine too) The reason I didn’t take Mr Man from FC during this holiday was because I didn’t want to hurt my friend’s feeling. He likes Man so much, developed a feeling for him. It sounds funny since the masseurs (and gogo boys) don’t belong to anyone. I could tell him to stop being possessive that these guys are doing it for money.. I know that Man has a loooooooooot of customers other than him, but sometimes, we just need to turn a blind eye and live in our fantasy that he is the perfect man for us in this short period of time that we have. Besides, this is what Bangkok is all about, to escape our mundane world, and to live out our fantasy, making our dreams a reality. If he wants to make and feel that Man is his boyfriend and special, that’s his right, I don’t want to spoil it. Let him has his moment. If I were to be in his shoes, I’m sure I would want my best friends to do the same for me. Anyway, few hours later, L came back all smiles. Man was there in fan Club, and they had a wonderful time together. Good for him!!! L was so satisfied that he wanted to accompany me to Senso. I texted P, telling him that I was on my way (there wasn’t any reply though..). We got there, right on time, as Anne saw us, she quickly approached me : “ sorry!! Sorry!! Sorry!! Mr P not come work today, he go party last night and drunk, not come to work today.. sorry sorry sorry!!” Whattttt??!!! Wait…. Whoooaaa…. Whattt??? I DID NOT EXPECT THAT!!!! My hope was crushed, and suddenly I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t have a Plan B, I never expect that this would happen since I have already booked Mr P yesterday. And why didn’t Anne texted me earlier, informed me about this. Then again, if she would have done so, then she would lose a customer that day right? She knows that I will go somewhere else. Anne kept apologizing and asked me to pick someone in the line-up, and will give me discounts. At that moment, I couldn’t think straight, it was unexpected and I was really frustrated! The boys were standing in front of me, and Mr c was looking and smiling straight at me. I pretended not to notice him, and he tried harder, I looked away.. that was hard for me to do. I didn’t want to take him, and at the same time, I didn’t want to hurt his feeling, that is why I felt so bad ignoring him. I felt uncomfortable as the boys kept smiling, so I quickly chose Mr Vt, who kept flirting with me, and I was surprised that my friend L, also chose a boy, Mr Nc. Eh, I thought he had done for today… Anne gave me a VIP room, but I didn’t see anything special about the room.. extra large with a tv.. what was the point actually, are we supposed to see porn during the massage? I was beginning to become a whiner,, everything was wrong at that time. I kept complaining on all the little things, the shower was too hot, the boy was too quiet, where did that flirty personality had gone off too? The massage was not strong enough. Throughout the massage, I kept thinking that I should have called mr S, the Chiang Mai Boy, or go to Arena and take mr N instead.. why did I choose this boy? And I kept comparing him to Mr. P … oh… he’s not as good as Mr P, oh.. he didn’t do like Mr P did to me, oh…he doesn’t fuck like Mr P… I just cannot wait for it to over. Though the boy tried his best, his cock is big and hard as a rock and straight as an arrow… but my mind was somewhere else at that time… My rating for the boy: Looks : 3 / 5 Massage : 2.5/5 Extra service :2. 5 / 5 [side note: now I realized that it was all my fault, I should have enjoyed that last moment, the boys wasn’t that bad as I made it out to be, it’s just that, my mind was already set with Mr P, I kept thinking about him and how he would give a perfect ending to my Bangkok holiday!! It is all my fault, I kept obsessing of having a perfect night, that I sabotage myself of having a good time with a person who is not that I want in the first place. That, and maybe I have set the bar too high now for the boys now….] Got down, met up with Anne at the counter… “well, where’s the discount you promise me..?” “ok.. 800 bht only…” Well, that will do, still doesn’t change my mood that night and how I felt angry at her… As I went to sit at the sofa waiting for L, one of the boys , Mr J, whom I took last year was staring at me, he looked a bit angry…. What is his problem??? Does he have issues with me because I only took him once, and after that I never took him again… ugh!!! Anne then came near me and told me to wait for a while, she has something to do outside… Few minutes later, L came down.. and Anne has not come back yet.. Mr C whom I ignored earlier suddenly smiled at me and asked me how I was doing.. “sanook?” “sanook..” I smiled back… That was a surprised, I thought he was surely going to ignore me too.. I guess he understood the situation and ok with me being a butterfly… unlike Mr J… So we waited for Anne… I told L to look at Mr J, who kept staring at me as if he wanted to punch me… and that made me felt so uncomfortable… “no he doesn’t.. that’s the way he looks at people.. “ L tried to console me, as he also knew that the massage session that I had didn’t go well .. L had another wonderful massage, he told me that the boy, Mr NC was chatty and gave a good massage and extra.. Oh great…. My best friend is having one of the best nights of his life, and I’m here sulking… It was around 9.15 and I kept texting chiang Mai boy… asking if he is available.. hmmph.. no reply!! I also texted Somsak , asking him about hero but he kept replying me with emoticons. WTF??!! [ side note again – I realized again that some of the boys do not know how to spell in English, yes, they can understand you, and speak little English, but typing/writing is a big obstacle for them, hence the use of emoticons… ] 930 pm and Anne is nowhere to be found. Where the hell is she? I told L to just give the money to the boy, but he doesn’t trust him, L was paranoid that he thought the boy will not give the money to Anne… 945 pm, and I was fuming mad!! Where the fucking hell is Anne??. We had wasted a lot of time waiting for her, I could have gone off and maybe go to Hero… And the boys didn’t seem to care either… not one would volunteer to look for her (or call her, even if they did, it was pointless, I called her so many times and she didn’t pick up!!).. “just give the damn money to the boy.. if Anne didn’t get it, then it’s her fault..” So L gave 800 bht to Mr Nc and asked him to give it to Anne. Finally, we got out of Senso… and I quickly called Arena, asked for Mr N.. “N go back already..” Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!! There goes my final night in Bangkok… L told me that we could try Jupiter or Tawan, but I wasn’t in the mood. As we were walking around Silom, we discussed about anne’s erratic behavior just now… I mean why the hell did she abandoned Senso at that time, where did she ran off to?? Boy problem?????. We concluded that since she was still post ops.. so maybe it was her hormones that made her acted all crazy .. ha ha ha!! L asked me if we could stopped at Tawan, he wanted to know if Mr P is there.. “are you going to take P tonight?? Going for a 3rd round? Are you crazy??” L smiled.. “why not? 1st night in Bangkok in his arms, why not the last night too” I just kept quiet while we were walking… yeah.. deep inside I was really jealous of him for having such a great night.. “I’m tired.. I just want to go back and pack…let’s just call it a day…” L agreed, and as we were walking passed Tawan.. suddenly I saw a familiar face smiling at me from a far…. Tall, great body, cute, manly.. and wearing that sexy white singlet.. The Sun Massage’s signature attire… It was Mr B… Suddenly the dark clouds hovering on my head had been lifted.. It was nice to see him again… Mr B stood and kept smiling at me, flirting with his eyes, inviting me to stopped by.. “heyyy, that’s your boyfriend, where has he been? We haven’t seen him like, for ages” teased L.. I just smiled, feeling all excited inside… I wanted to stop by, but instead, we kept on walking… I was still conflicted at that time, to take him or not, I know deep inside I wanted him.. but I didn’t know why I did not act on it… As we got to our hotel, I stopped and suggested to L for another round of a walkabout around Silom… “heyy.. maybe if we’re lucky, there could be a handsome prossies near the bus stop..” “well, we better stop at 7e and buy extra condoms then…” We laughed out loud… but I don’t think it will happen, I have not encountered any good looking money boys at that area.. most of them seem “not so fresh” looking… Anyway, it was just my excuse to give me time to contemplate about taking mr B.. As we were walking, L couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful Mr NC was.. and my mind was drifting somewhere else.. should I take Mr B or not… to take nor not to take.. As we passed tawan for the second time, my eyes were focused on its neighbor..the Sun massage.. Yes, I had made up my mind… I couldn’t find Mr. B at first, he wasn’t standing in front of the door, like just now.. I began to panic… what if someone has taken him…??? Oh no!! “there he is.. he’e eating..” L pointed out where Mr B was, eating with his friends in the corner. The Captain quickly asked me if I wanted a massage, i nodded yes and told him that I want Mr B.. Mr B turned around as he heard his name was called, and he smiled beautifully at me… The Sun Massage, has all the typical “no sex” massage, on its’ menu, foot massage, thai massage, etc etc. I chose the 1 hour Thai massage, for only 300 bht. Mr B took me to the room, or should I say, just a cubicle where you can actually hear the person next room to you talking. Mr B came back with a pair of pajamas for me to wear… is that necessary? Because I know with him, there won’t be any massages, he’s going to straight away devour me. And I was right, he didn’t waste any time kissing my neck and squeezed me in his arms. And slowly he traced my body with his tongue, and slowly suckled my nipple.. “leng leng…” i whispered to his ear… B soft suckle now turned to a pearcing bite.. I moaned in ecstassy (though I tried to keep my voice down) and he gnawed my nipple with his teeth… Part of it felt painful, like a razor shard blade slicing my nipple, but part of felt good.. guess I like the pain huh.. It is good to know that B still remembers what I like… Then he was on top of me… he was so heavy like a big log… I could hardly breathe… but I loved it!!! Then came the fucking part, he was like a beast… however, it was hard for him to cum, and I felt like forever waiting for him to stop.. Finally I stopped him… “it’s ok… it’s ok… mai ben laii..” then I asked him to lie besides me.. And off with the cuddling part… B kept talking in Thai.. I didn’t understand a word.. but his tone was soft and assuring… maybe he was saying that he was glad to see me again, that he misses me (hah ha ha.. I girl can only dream right?) Finally we had to part… oh how I wish I could have stayed in his arms a little bit longer… Got down and paid the mamasan 300 baht, and of course B was waiting for me in front.. I gave him his tips and he kissed my cheek.. I walked alone back to my hotel… Smiled… well… suffice to say.. I got the ending that I wanted… all the bad moments that I had earlier tonight were magically erased… I may not get Mr P, but I got Mr B who was a wonderful person, one that fell head over heels during my early visits to Bangkok… I knocked on L’s door to share with him the stories, he opened door slowly and smiled, and revealed Mr P from tawan was on his bed.. “you devil!!” I smiled.. “later..” L grinned.. and Mr P waved at me.. Wow.. L had 3 straight homerun tonight… good for him… and I didn’t feel envy at all now… because I felt wonderful and happy!! Packed my bags and stuff.. and had good night sleep… Day 14. Morning, L and I exchanged stories of our holiday’s ”finale”.. it was great that both of us felt like walking on air, and at the same time, were sad to leave Bangkok… Good things must come to an end… right..?? But this is Bangkok… it always hypnotises you to come back again… the ending will always lead to a new beginning… a new planning, and a new found desire and urge… to come back again… because part of you is still there…. See you soon Bangkok.. See you soon…… XoXo.... EYE CANDIES...!!!
  5. Vinapu... i think she was busy with her handphones behind the counter. Ha ha.. 1 more post and i'm done with the report... no more lettering...
  6. Vipanu, CFS is where i learn A LOT about TAWAN !!!!
  7. Thanks Firecat69!!! Abang, not sure about Bangkok since yesterday was the Bangkok Shutdown... though i believe it is still safe, but hard to move around and the congested of people are very annoying.. and your date is also close to the election... who knows what might happen...
  8. anonone - thanks!! Guidneeded - thanks, and can't wait for the reports!!!
  9. DAY 12 Afternoon - I am getting addicted to foot and Thai massage, and my favourite place so far is Prime, just behind my hotel/ on the route to Tawan. Although we can’t choose the masseur, Prime has one of the best looking ‘no sex’ boys around. It also has many flow of customers, 3 – 5 pm are always full!!! I also find myself a lot more stimulated during a Thai massage, especially the part where he puts my leg on his lap, as he is working on it.. I got aroused and felt like crushing his hard rock body with my two legs… oh my… I sometimes wonder if I could ask for a happy ending…. But I was too scared… since it is strictly a no-sex massage, and I can’t speak Thai.. Hurmm.. Anyway… 6pm we went to Hero (my third time this holiday) as my friend M already booked my favourite. We arrived, flamboyant unreliable gay mamasan was there, we asked about the guy that we booked.. and he seemed to forget about it…. Whattt? Then he said.. “oh I thought you not come, many customers book and not come..” Really…??? He asked us which boy that we booked, but luckily my favourite saw me, and quickly came to us. And from a far I saw Somsak… my favourite captain at Hero!! Finally, someone who I can rely on!! My friend M went off with his masseur, I sat and chat with Somsak… and behind the glass I noticed the boy that I saw the other night, the one that I liked but gay mamasan made faces at him as if he is not worth it. The boy seemed to be on his own, doing his own thing, kept lifting weight and checking out his phone. Unlike others, who kept looking at the customers, flirting and trying their luck. “ the guy at the back, great body, playing with his phone” I told Somsak.. “is he good.?” “oh Mr S.. he is good!!” replied Somsak “are you sure??” I was still in doubt, as the gay mamasan’s reaction to my question the other night was still lingering in my head. “yes he’s good.. he is Mr S. I call him.. you want..” Ok here goes nothing… time to go with my instinct.. besides.. Somsak’s recommendation was always spot on. I remembered last august, I brought two of my friends to hero, one decided to choose a young pretty looking guy.. but somsak warned him that the boy is “no good”, but my friend took him anyway…. And he came back very very disappointed... Somsak even told him after that “ I warn you right? Waste your money.. “ My friend had no one to blame but himself for a bad 1st time experience at Hero. So anyway… Somsak called Mr S. and they were talking about something, looked like Somsak was briefing him or something. Then we went together to the room. Mr S went to shower first (or so I thought), so I waited for him to finish.. few minutes later, he opened the shower’s door and asked me of I had finished undressing, and to come and join him… Oh…. Then as we got ready… Mr S smiled and said “ only massage, no sex ok..” Was he serious? Or was he joking? Mr S started off with a strong massage.. good good!!! I started to chat with him, asking the usual questions, where is he from, how old is he, how long has he been working in Hero.. Then I asked him if he has a girlfriend… he said no.. “boyfriend?” “Yes.. you are my boyfriend” Mr S laughed.. “heyyy I am not a boy.. I am a girl…” I laughed.. “ok ok.. you my girlfriend..” “cheeky boy aren’t you..” “my girl like massage? Chiang mai boy make sure my girl happy!” Mr self now referred himself as Chiang mai boy (since he is fom Chiang Mai) and started to call me “my girl” I smile throughout the massage… Mr S was really really fun and cheeky.. Mr S started to finger me.. and I slapped his hand “ heeyyy.. you said no sex.. just massage!!” “Chiang Mai boy horny!! Chiang Mai boy look my girl.. chiang mai boy horny!!” I laughed out loud… and continued taunting him.. “no ! No! No! No sex.. you said no sex!! Just massage!! You liar!!” “Chiang Mai Boy look my girl very beautiful.. very soft skin.. Chiang Mai Boy horny!! Chiang Mai boy horny!! What can Chiang Mai boy do? Chiang Mai Boy horny!!” Hah ha ha ha.. this guy is such a character.. I know that it was just an overblown exaggeration, but it was a very nice compliment, don’t mind if he was just faking it, fishing for extra tips!! But that made me really felt so good about myself…Ha ha!!! Mr S finally got his way with me.. he started to finger me, that felt so good.. then he started to hug me, slowly kissed my neck.. and I finally lost in his arms.. lost to him… And this boy GOOD!!!! I spent 20 minutes or so in heaven, he really knows how to work around my g spots, great at fucking, he likes to thrust deeper and deeper, it was non-stop journey of ecstasy. Pure pleasure non-stop!! Fucking Awesome!! I came, and he came too.. on my chest.. I can’t believe it was over, I didn’t want it to stop… “Ok.. my girl happy??” “sanook makkk krapp” I replied glowingly!! We got up, Mr S went to shower and asked me to join.. Then I realized on the bed sheet… It was something disgusting… There was a little bit of Phad Thai that I had this afternoon on it.. bit and pieces.. “oh no.. I’m so sorry .. I feel so embarrassed.. I’m so sorry .. sorry…” “no no no.. it’s ok…. It’s ok…” So he knew about the “leakage”, and that me felt more embarrassed… I was far off on cloud nine, that I didn’t realize about it… Goodness… I thought I had cleaned my sewage system.. Oh dear….!! I felt so disgusted with myself… I wonder if Chiang Mai Boy felt the same… However, Chiang Mai boy was being a real darling, he told me not to think about it, it was nothing…. Showered together, and a little bit of TLC after that… The leakage incident was all behind me… Gave him extra tips for such an extraordinary time and experience… So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4.7 / 5 Massage : 5/5 Extra service : 5 / 5 Got back to the lounge.. all my friends were already there with Somsak.. And I hugged Somsak with joy….!!! And also gave him tips.. hee hee hee.. We got back to Silom, my head was still in the cloud… Had a very wonderful time with Mr S the Chiang mai boy… never met such a cheeky and fun loving character… oh no…. have my heart fallen for him ??.. no no no no…!! This is the time for fun… not for that…. Anyway… around 8.. my friend M wanted to go to Senso… it seemed that he was really wanted to try P, based on my raving review…. So off we went to Senso.. As we got there, the boys were there, but the ladyboy boss was at the counter, she was doing something, didn’t notice that we were there.. And the boys didn’t even bother to call her up… Now this was awkward…. L told me that he noticed that there is something off between the ladyboy boss and her boys… We sat there for about 5 to 10 minutes.. until she got up and saw us… she screamed happily when she saw us (like a true queen that she is!!) Mr P thought that I was going to take him, but was surprised it was my friend instead. L and I didn’t take any boys.. L was tired, I was already head over heels with Mr S.. so we just hung out with the boss.. She was being very very friendly, we exchanged phone numbers, Line and such.. and she told me that, if there’s a new boy, she would video call me and show him to me… Oh really??? Anyway, M finished his session.. And I told Anne (the ladyboy boss)that I would like to book mr P tomorrow at 8 for 1 and a half hour session… hee hee hee…. We went back to our hotel… now M was over the moon… he kept saying that he is now falling in love with Mr P.. and if he could, he wanted to bring him back home.. Hah hah hah… Later that night, the three of us went to Jupiter.. I must say it was really crowded… lots of nice looking boys and the show was superb.. There was also a Mariah Carey drag and both M and I were singing to the song “Without You”, and we screamed on the top of our lungs… there were others were looking and staring at us… hee hee hee.. heyyy it was a wonderful night… we felt like on the top of the world at that time!!! After Jupiter, we went off to ONO… L wanted to go there, and it was our first time. We went there a bit late.. I was told that there was a fashion show earlier… uhmm… We sat and saw one tall and sexy guy dancing on the stage… it was such a sight!! Few minutes later another guy came to the stage and dance!! The tall sexy guy then came to our table and greeted.. “I like this one..” he told L and pointed at me.. “really…??” my jaw dropped when he said that… did he really mean it?? Of course he was “socializing” with us for just about 10 minutes.. then he went off entertaining others.. Hurmppphhh.. But I like ONO, for me much better than DJ Station… Hummm about ONO.. can we off the guys there?? can someone who has experience there care to share? We got back to our hotel and I helped M packed since he is going back tomorrow morning.. We kept talking about or night.. what a wonderful night it was… Why did this happen to us… It was getting marvellous as we are about to go home… Damn you Bangkok.. damn you..!!! eye candy pics :
  10. Vinapu, i'll stick with the letters... thank you very much... but don't worry, i have 3 more posts and after that, i'll pm you their real names... heee hee!
  11. same way i feel about piratebay.. huhuhu!! I use IPTorrent.. great site.... but that one you have to pay... opsss!!
  12. Hey Khun Bao Bao.. this is a nice surprise!!! Well, you are right about me!!!! Will try and do that one day. Thanks!! Vinapu.. well said about the kissing the boss' ass statement!! huhuhuhu!!!
  13. DAY 11. My friend, L wanted to go to The Prince today, since he has his favourite there. Our last visit in June was fantastic, the selection of boys could rival Hero and Senso. In august however, the number of boys had dwindled down… 6 pm we took a taxi from Silom, L was very exctited, hoping that he could be reunited with Mr Tee. He wasn’t around in August, mamasan just told us that “he didn’t come to work today”. As we arrived, my friend M was flabbergasted to see the Prince. It was a fancy and luxurious place. We got in, the boys made a line behind the glass window. There were many boys, but to me, none were stood out. I even noticed some of them had gotten fat. L asked the mamasan about Tee, and he told us he is not working today, same old excuse. My friend was very frustrated, and so was i. The selection of boys at Prince this time was really nothing to shout about. It is a shame because the place is really beautiful and lavish. We left the place and didn’t take any boys at all. We had a feeling that Mr Tee is no longer working there… so next time, it’s better to get our favourite boy’s phone number, just in case… Anyway, before this, The Prince was on our must visit list, now, he have to cross that one out. Frustrated, we went on to plan B, Fan Club. Though it is not on my list, my friend, L has his favourite there (and mine too), Mr Man, who has an excellent skill in massage, and also a very nice person. As usual, Fan Club line up consists of 95% gays (some pretended to be butch) and 5% straight manly man guys. Well, my friend L received another bad news, Man was also not working that day. Bummer!!! We left the place since there was not any interesting guy at all to choose. I could see that L was really really frustrated…the night didn’t turn out they way we planned…. L had given up and wanted to check out the gogo bars instead. Suddenly, I thought maybe we should check out Senso… try to take a chance.. L didn’t want to go because our last 3 visits there, we didn’t take any boys. He thought that the boys and the ladyboy boss will get annoyed when they see us. I persuaded L, told him that if it is still 5 boys available and the ladyboy boss is being bitcy again.. then, that’s it… R.I.P Senso!! Finally we agreed, and I must admit, as we were walking, I kept expecting the worst in Senso. Arrived at Senso, not feeling excited at all. As we opened the door, MY JAW DROPPED!!! L suddenly smiled from ear to ear, like a kid in a candy store!! In front of us, there were so many gorgeous men, and some of the old favourites were there too (whom previously had ran off to other massages) We were really really surprised. Lady boy boss greeted us happily and this time around she was being very very very nice. I was also surprised to see Mr C was back at senso, last time he was working at fan Club, and later gone AWOL, my nemesis back home went to Bangkok twice this year to look for him, he kept going to Senso and Fan Club, wanting to get the royal treatment from Mr C, but he got back disappointed, Mr C was no where to be found. So, maybe this is my chance to spite him, take Mr C, take photos with him, show it to my friend back home, and I know he will report and show it to that bitch, and I am sure he will start throwing things, and cry for days!! ( that’s what us queens like to do, gossip, and put up a good catfight…ha ha!!)… This is going to be the best revenge ever!!! Ha ha ha ha!! Well, back to Senso, i guess it is back to its former glory. The one that I fell in love with. Good job on the ladyboy boss, she managed to improve the line up and convinced the old ones to come back…!! And L this time couldn’t stop smiling, because there was one guy whom he had lusted years ago, but couldn’t get a hold of him since the boy had always jumped from one massage place to another. And now he is standing in front of him and is available!!! Without any hesitation , my friend L, made his pick, Mr JK.. while I was still torn between picking Mr C, as an agenda to have my revenge on my nemesis, or pick out Mr P, who is extremely tall and sexy!! My friend M, decided not to take any boy from Senso, because he was tired and needed a one day break, but he kept lusting over Mr P. That made me wanting to take mr P even more. Finally I chose Mr C. Vengeance is sweet!!! I had Mr C before, and he didn’t change/ improve at all. We still showered seperately, he still likes to move the massage bed near the window, and still likes to look outside the window while massaging me. Weird guy, he told me he likes to look at the trees whille doing his job. Huh….!! It was a so so treatment, and I didn’t come, there wasn’t any connection at all with him, unlike the last time. Based on my experience, if you take a boy more than once (massage or gogo), he will treat you far much better than before, but I guess not all are like that!! I asked him why did he leave Senso, went to fan Club and came back to Senso. He told me that, “Senso boss not nice” So he tried his luck at Fan Club because he has friends working there, however that did not turn out well, he didn’t get any customers there, compared to Senso. That is why he came back. I was also informed that the reason the min tip for the boys at Senso is 1200 bht (other places is just 1000 bht, or lower) is because they have to give the boss 200 bht from each customer that they get. Meaning, they actually only get 1000 bht if we give them the min tips…. That is why some of the boys ran off to other massages…. After we’re done, we took photos together, and he told me not to put the photos in the internet or facebook. Hmmm.. last time he didn’t say anything about taking photos together, he was ok with it…. I wonder why the sudden change of heart… I told him that I do show his photos to my friends back home, and that is good for him because when they come to Bangkok, they would love to have him (I already recommended him to 2 of my friends). And I wonder why is he afraid that his photo will be in the net, he has one in Senso’s websites… so I wonder what’s the big deal…. So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4 / 5 Massage : 2/5 Extra service : 2 / 5 I got down back at the lounge. M was still lusting over mr P. I talked to the ladyboy boss, and she asked me how long have I been in Bangkok.. I told her I arrived last week.. “Last week!! Where have you been?? Why not come to Senso??” Bitch please!!! If I knew you have improved the line up and got Senso back on its feet, I would have come earlier!!! Anyway, I kept eyeing on Mr P.. what an amazing specimen!!! Since taking Mr C was solely for getting back at the my nemesis, I think I should take Mr P for myself now!! “is it ok if I take another one?” I told the ladyboy boss “you want another round? Ok ok ok!! Fine with me!!!” she looked extremely happy So I chose Mr P!!! I made the right decision. Mr P was absolutely amazing!! The massage was strong, (most boys in Senso are stunning, but some are lack in their massage skill). The extra was superb!! The best one so far!!! I loved it so much that I gave him lots of extra tips. So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4.5 / 5 Massage : 5/5 Extra service : 5 / 5 Got down to the lounge feeling like walking on air. LadyBoy Boss smiled at me because she can see that I was a very satisfied customer. (and maybe she was happy too since business is bad nowadays in Bangkok) We got back to our hotel and exchanged notes about our adventure just now. L, was disappointed with his guy, he said that he guy was terrible, bad massage and boring extra. But at least, he finally got what he wished for, even though it was not as beautiful as he hoped. Mr. JK is just a handsome guy, but he gives lousy service. He also told me that Mr JK also didn’t like his photos taken, and told him not to put it up in the net… hmmm…. Before this, I have taken 8 or more boys from Senso, and none of them had the displeasure of getting their photos taken…. have the Senso boys been briefed or warned by their boss about this?? Hmmmm… Nevertheless, we agreed that it was a very exciting night, it didn’t turn out the way we planned, but it got better. Life never fails to surprise you!!! Anyway, midnight, we went to DJ Station, it was my first time there, and honestly, I didn’t like it… it wasn’t my scene. Around 1 am. We went to back to our hotel, again, via Suriwong. Saw few of the Tawan boys hanging out near 7E. One of them suddenly said hi to me. “you don’t like me anymore…” Mr Tawan Famous softly grabbed my hand.. “well, you are very famous, always busy, always with someone..” I teased.. “no.. If you want me, you can always say..” “well what about tonight? Are you busy.. want to follow me back to my hotel..?” Mr tawan famous nodded.. I just can’t believe I did that…. Offing a famous Tawan guy on the street… getting away with the drink charge and the off fee.. I read in bangkokbois blog that it is a dangerous thing to do, because if the mamasan finds out, the boy might be fired from work.. As we walked past tawan, I kept looking left and right, feeling nervous and scared if any of the mamasans/ waiter was around and saw this.. But the coast was clear.. phewww… Mr Tawan Famous asked me why I looked so nervous, and kept looking left and right.. I told him about my worries, and he laughed at me.. He told me that I don’t need to worry, it is after work.. he can do whatever he wants!! Phewwww.. what a relief….!! Had a great time with Mr Tawan Famous, he made sure that he came and that I was really satisfied with him. He told me that business was bad due to the mob. He hated Suthep for scaring away the tourists. Mr Tawan Famous didn’t stay the night, but that’s ok. He already gave me pleasure beyond words! It was quite an unexpected night indeed, Senso.. and Mr Tawan Famous… this really is a memorable holiday!! Eye Candy : xiluzer the stalker!! ha ha!!
  14. Vinapu, My friends and i have come to a conclusion that the gay mamasan at Hero is practising favourtism. He would only recommend those that he likes. I remember reading an article, bangkokbois maybe, saying that, gogo boys need to have a good relationship with the mamasans so that they can recommend them to the customers, so same is applied in massage maybe?
  15. nice!
  16. Spend the rest of the time cuddling...
  17. I hope it is not too late to wish u guys Happy new Year.. had so many problems with the internet, and hopefully, there are some of you who are still interested to read my delayed report.. So let’s continue with .. DAY 9.. The three of us decided to go to V Club 7, 2nd time for me, and 1st time for my 2 best friends. As we arrived, we were greeted by the famed Muay Thai guy (in their website/ FB). Unlike last time, the mamasan quickly attended us, my friend M, quickly chose mr K, the one that I took on my Day 2 trip. It was quite hectic that time, many boys were walking around here and there. L and I noticed that Mr Muay Thai kept walking back and forth near us… maybe he wanted us to pick him. I persuaded L to take one mature guy behind the glass, and the mamasan kept recommending me a gay guy, who is also a model and a porn actor. Yes, he is good looking, but the last time I chose a masseur who was also model and a porn actor, he kept looking at himself, checking himself out in the mirror while he was massaging and fucking me… you’re suppose to give your full attention to me, not to yourself. Vanity much!! So no thanks!! Then I saw one guy on the telly whom I recognized, he was working at Senso, and it was a nice surprise that he is working in V Club now. I asked the mamasan for him, and he went off to ask his staff. He came back later and told me that he couldn’t find that guy.. I was really frustrated… and while I was waiting, there was this one tall guy that noticed me. He was cute and has this huge pecs. He smiled at me, and seemed to be very very very interested with me… I smiled back, and I gave a look that I wanted him, as he was walking towards me. The mamasan suddenly appeared in front of me with mr T… DAMN!!!! The tall big guy looked at me frustrated… Well.. maybe next time. So I went to the room with mr T.. he is very very cute, and has an amazing body!! However.. Mr T only speaks little English, and his massage.. was AWFUL!!! I couldn’t feel anything at all!! It is ironic because he had the best body of the bunch, and yet, his massage wasn’t as strong as him arms!! I asked him about Senso, why did he move to V Club, and he told me he doesn’t like the lady boy boss. It seems that a lot of boys from Senso ran off to other massages because of the same problem. They simply hated the new boss. I wonder why they hated her so much. I wanted to ask more, but we had problems communicating.. urgh!!! BTW : I was a big Senso fan, it was a compulsory visit everytime I came to Bangkok… but my last 3 visits were a bit a disappointment.. there were just 5 boys available, and when I asked the ladyboy boss politely about what happened to the rest of the boys, he told me that, “this is what we have, you come tomorrow, if you come at any time, this is what we have” Wow… She was simply giving me that “ well fuck you, if you don’t like it, then don’t come” vibe.. It was not the Senso that I remembered and love….. ouch!! Oh anyway, the sex was also bad, I just stopped him halfway, and we just cuddled after that. Bad massage, horrible sex… worst experience ever?? Not really… I had a wonderful time taking his photos, lots of cute and sexy pose. Something that I will treasure forever… hu hu hu!! So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4.7 / 5 Massage : 1/5 Extra service : 1 / 5 Bad score heh? Hu huh hu!! I waited at the lounge, M was there too, he had just finished with his massage. I was surprised that now, there were only 4 boys left. Busy night I guess. It was quite a long time waiting for L to finish, but it was fun observing the boys. I saw one boy who had just finished with his massage, went back to the glass room, and chat with his friends, they were laughing. I bet they were talking about their customers huh? So I guess, these boys really do gossip about us.. huh u hu!! Anyway, L came back looking radiant! He had a great time! Well.. two of my friends had a great massage.. as for me… it it wasn’t for the amazing photos he posed for me.. well…. DAY 10. I am going to skip talking about my daytime activity… let’s just get on with the best part.. HERO!!! Day 10, I took my 2 best friends to Hero since they have never been there before. There were many customers and boys that time. I could feel the excitement (unlike my Day 1 visit). My favourite captain, Somsak was not there, I was told that he took a break that night to join the mob. Ha ha!! There were 2 mamasans on duty, the big sized guy, and the small flamboyant gay with a seasoned gray sweater. The gay one attended us. And my friend asked him about wanting a gorgeous guy who is also good at massage. He told him that it is impossible to get that type of person, “if you want a guy with good massage, then his face looks like a monster.” We laughed. I scanned for the guys and saw my favourite was there. I quickly told the overdramatic gay mamasan, and asked for a 1 and half hour massage. “ we don’t have 1 and half hour, we only have two hours. Why do you want 2 hours? he is bad, it is a waste of time and money..” I was put off with his answer… I know the guy and I know personally that he is GOOD!!! However, I opted for the usual 1 hour massage. My friend L, asked the mamasan about one guy that he liked.. Mamasan told him that the guys is bad, and has a small dick… He made a sign with his little finger and laughed… in front of that boy.. while my friends also laughed at mamasan’s dramatic flair, i personally thought it was rude!!! Nevertheless, my friend L was still interested with that boy, and willing to take his chance. My favourite boy came and took me to the room. We showered together and had a really great time. He is tall, great body, good at fucking, and the best part about him that, he’s good at sucking balls and licking your pleasure hole… nobody does that better than him. We were very intimate together, and he cuddled me after we finished. It was a wonderful moment!! So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4 / 5 Massage : 5/5 Extra service : 5 / 5 I got back to the lounge, my friend M was already there, he was silent and did not say anything about the guy that he took.. As we were waiting for L, I saw one guy who just turned up.. Great Body and gorgeous!!! I asked the gay mamasan about him.. Then he made faces at the boy, “he’s ok..” (meaning he is bad!! ) “can he speak English?” I asked him “is it important? It’s just massage and sex” and then he laughed.. Hrmphhhh…. I was really interested with that guy… thinking of taking him for the second round… but the mamasan doesn’t seem to recommend him at all… Anyway, I told M about my favourite.. and he was really really interested to take him next time… I called the gay mamasan (he was the only one available) and told him that my friend would like to book my favourite on day 12.. Mamasan called the boy, and informed him about our plan, while he was talking to him in Thai.. I could sense that his tone was a bit harsh, as if he was warning him something… L came , and gay mamasan quicky asked him : “how was it…? Small cock right?” “well I can still find it in the dark” L smiled Gay mamasan burst out in laughter… overdramtic much!! L then sat next to me and told me that the small cock guy that he took just now was amazing.. great strong massage and his cock wasn’t that small… he thought that the mamasan was being overdramatic… and he doesn’t mind to take the guy again.. Hmmm.. first he slammed about my favourite, discouraged my friend about the guy who turned out to be amazing… I wonder if this mamasan is reliable at all.. I miss my favourite captain, Somsak… The three of us walked back and stopped at Chilli Culture for dinner ( courtesy of Khun bao bao’s blog). It was nice!! Back at Silom, we went to DreamBoy, that is M’s favourite gogo bar, me.. not so much.. The drag queens this time were well behaved, unlike during my last visits, I really don’t like when they forced the patrons to involve in their shows, it is embarrassing..!! Anyway, there were just 3 to 5 manly men on the stage.. the rests were effeminate gays. I saw one guy that I took last year with an asian guy. Then they went out. Then the boy came back about 1 and half hour later, got offed again… wow.. this boy was on fire!!! There was this one boy that I liked, saw him last June.. that time he was bald and shaved his eyebrow ( still looked cute though) meaning that he had just finished becoming a monk.. right? My friend L, joked “ well well well, he had just repented, and now he’s back committing sins!!” ha ha ha!! Anyway, he is really cute, but he seemed to be focusing on much older and rich looking farang… Well ok then.. The three of us went back without offing anyone… Then around 1 am, we walked back to our hotel via the Surawong road. Saw few of the Tawan boys hanging out near the 7e… Hmmmmm.. interesting… I guess some of the reports that I read were right.. this is the perfect time to off these men without paying the drink charge and the off fee.. I didn’t take any of them home, since none of them pay any attention to us at all… Maybe next time…. End of Day 10. Eye Candy from Day 9 and 10 :
  18. DAY 7 – My two best friends will arrive in Bangkok today, so basically my afternoon and evening was spent around Silom. I went to have a Thai Massage at Chang and I was assigned to a young gay guy. I was paranoid at first, wondered if he could deliver a good massage. And he did, it was a strong massage. We chat a bit and he told me that he learned massages at a massage training school, and has a certificate. I fact, in order to work here, one must have a valid cert and also must massage the boss first, and get his approval. Bravo!!! I mean, I’m sure not all of the boys in Hero, Senso, Arena, etc etc have that kind of cert, hence the poor massage performance. But then again, to quote someone (I forgot who) “Thai men learn massages since in their mother’s womb” ha ha!! He also told me, that he will get only 80 baht per customer, and some customers did not even give tips. Poor them, the pay is very cheap. I remembered one boy in Jupiter, (it was in June 2013) who performed an unforgettable sexy Muay Thai show ( with Bon Jovi’s It’s My Life song). When I offed him, he told me Jupiter only paid him 100 baht to do that show.. ONLY 100 baht!!! Come on!! He was worth more than that. Later back to my hotel, got to hang out with a straight aussie, we discussed a bit how the workers here were paid unfairly….. Around 930 pm, my best friend L arrived and we went to Tawan since he has his favourite there. That night, there were many new faces, but none were stand outs. There was one guy who looked like Mekhin the Superman, but not as handsome.. D came sat next to me, while my friend was being lovey dovey with Mr P. I noticed about the old small tvs in Tawan, and told D that the boss should upgrade it to, at least a small lcd tv. He told me that the boss here is very stingy!!! Ha ha!! I saw one guy that has this killer body, but as soon as he got on stage… urghh.. his face was not fresh looking…. Also, during the JO segment, none were willing to give tips.. that was awkward... Mr D was trying his hard persuading me to take him, hugging and kissing and fondling me. I told him that if I want him, I will text him later tonight. As we were about to leave Tawan (and my friend L, with Mr P is his arm), D looked at me with his puppy dog eyes…. Around 12am, I texted D, told him that if he didn’t get any customers, I would love to have him tonight. Then my friend L, came to my room, told me about his reunion with P, and how he was treated like a queen!! His first night in Bangkok for this holiday, is already awesome!! 1 am, I received a text from, D. He was outside the hotel, waiting for me. I went down to pick him up and as we went back to my room, D was surprised that my friend L was there. Then I got a call from my other best friend, M, who had just arrived. I told him to come to my rom. “oh.. another friend?” asked D.. “ehh.. why you look so different..?” L noticed a sudden change in D’s face.. as if he was terrified.. D stood behind me and kept hugging me tight. “Don’t do that… you know that’s my weakness… not now, my friend is coming” but D sort of like didn’t want to let me go.. “are you scared..?” asked my friend L. “ no.. no… “ D stuttered. L suddenly let out a big laugh.. “you think we are going to have an orgy?? Don’t you..? you are scared!!, I will never forget that face!! Ha ha ha” L teased D. I wished I could see D’s ‘terrified” look, but he was behind me, hugging me, and not letting me go.. M came, and we queens hugged and laughed as if we haven’t seen each other for ages. L was still teasing D. He told him that all 3 of us are going to rape him!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I went back to D and hugged him, told him that my friend was joking. As I kicked my two best friends out of my room, I told D that I was disappointed with him of thinking that I would do such thing to him, or let alone, share him with my friends. And that night, D showed his appreciation with a wild and raunchy sex. The best part of it, throughout the night, he kept hugging me tightly. That is one of the things I like most when with a guy. Spent the entire night in his strong big arms… it was a moment to remember….. DAY 7 EYE CANDY : DAY 8 Early morning, heard a commotion outside the hotel. So the three of us went outside to see. It was the “mob”. I was surprised that it was actually peaceful, unlike what has been portrayed in the news. I felt like as if it was a celebration. Then we went shopping at Platinum. Had our favourite mango sticky rice at mango Tango. 6 pm. We went to Arena, since my friend really wanted to check out Mr N. We got there, as usual, the boys were trying their best to win our attention. My friend M, picked Mr N. While L and I, chose to sit and wait for him. This is one of the fun things we like to do in a massage place. We didn’t take any guys, instead, we wait and observe the boys (and the customers who come in). I love to see which customers pick which boys, and sometimes, looking at the customers, I felt that the boys are lucky to have us.. ha ha ha!! Oh I remember one time at Fan club. We did the same thing, and there was this one boy, whenever a customer comes in, he would act all butch, and when the customers got out, he went back to his sofa back to being girly girly… and he was KNITTING to pass the time!!!! Oh yeah, also, I remembered looking at the gay fem boys in Fan club “harassing” the straight ones, slapping their ass and such. I noticed one guy didn’t like it. Hee hee hee.. this why I like waiting for my friend, you could see what is happening behind the scene in a massage place!! My friend M came down and kept raving about Mr N… glad he had a wonderful time. DAY 8 EYE CANDY :
  19. Thanks!!!
  20. Totally agree about Uniman. major makeover is needed!!! The boys are ok... but the room, especially the shower was a turn off!! Hey, glad you like Jupiter. That is my faves gogo bar in Bangkok!!
  21. Thanks buckbee!!
  22. Hmmm.. maybe it was Dit that raised his hand at me.. he he he he!! Yes, Man is a gem!! More stories about him.. coming up... hu hu hu!
  23. Hey there newbie!!! In my honest opinion.. i don't think free sex with a Thai exists at all... you will be spending your money on him, in any forms.. As for me, going to massages and gogo is a lot more fun, there are duds here and there, but it is something worth exploring... And believe me, Bangkok has this kind of spell on you... you will be coming back for more!!!
  24. Vinapu - i wonder how many of us already had Man .. ha ha... such a famous guy!! it was my original plan to hang out at maxis and watch the boys there... but i had such a chaotic time there, i forgot all about it!! Maybe next time. Thanks for sharing williewllie.
  25. DAY 6 Woke up in the afternoon and got ready to find the infamous “Penis Shrine” that I read so much in the internet. Actually, it was not that hard to find. Then, the first time I used the skywalk, connecting all the big Malls in Bangkok, Gaysorn, Central World and Paragon. I was a nice walk, very convenient. Stopped at Mont Blanc in Siam Center and had my first delicious Honey Toast…!! Got back to my hotel, got to know an Indian flamboyant gay from Bombay. He told me that he never had a good experience in any of the massages in Bangkok. He kept complaining that Thais are racists, especially towards Indians. I don’t know about that, but this guy does have some bad attitude, controlling, demanding, bitchy and over the top. Maybe that his attitude that turned off some of the guys in the massage places that he went. Who knows?? Anyway, 6 pm I went to another massage near to my hotel. Arena. Last time I went there was in August, and it was around 9.30 pm. There were only 4 boys at that time, and none were up to my liking. Since Vinapu gave another rave review for that place. I’m going to give it another try. There were two boys outside and opened the door for me. As I entered, the boys all lined up and started to flirt with me. There was one boy who kept raising his hand at me, another one called me and asked me to turn around and look to the right side, where he was standing. Oh boy.. these guys were really trying to win my attention. Again, in my honest opinion, the boys were not as stunning as the ones in Hero or Senso. My eyes caught one cute guy with a great body, however, he was looking away all the time, showing no interest at all. Hah.. his lost!! Suddenly, my eyes turned to this one guy. He didn’t smile, he just stared at me and slowly took off his jacket to reveal his gorgeous body.. and BOOMM!!! Lightning strike and I found myself dripping wet salivating over him!!! “Mr N.. he is very famous here.. you want??” asked the mamasan. Do I need to answer that? Can’t you see my crazy eyes and my tongue sticking out, and the slight bulge in my pants!!! OF COURSE I WANT HIM!! I WANT NOWWWW!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! So Mr N took me to the room. It was big and spacious with two massage tables.. ehhhh… two?? Anyway, I showered alone and got ready. Mr N, is not the chatty type, he doesn’t like to smile at all… he has this sour looking face.. but that’s ok.. that looks is really good on him. Ha ha!! Then came the massage. He started with the usual stuff, then, as he was massaging my back with his two strong arms. I could feel his cock was hard and started to play around my arse. And slowly, it started to like, as if trying to penetrate it. It felt as if it was knocking on my back door, asking permission to enter. Ha ha!! The tease made it felt so good, I felt more horny than before. Slowly and slowly I felt the tip of his cock inside me. It felt wonderful, but it also made me scared. So I asked him to put on the condom. He did, but soon after that, he straight away fucked me!! No no no… I don’t want that.. not just yet… I want him to continue doing that cock tease up my ass with a condom… Urghh!!! God I wish I could speak Thai!!! Anyway, the fucking was wonderful. We showered together. Had a great time with him. I told him to smile, and he grinned a little. Ha ha!! Got down, and felt so wonderful. Told the mamasan that I will come back and hopefully Mr N will be here. So my rating for the boy: Looks : 4.7 / 5 Massage : 5/5 Extra service : 5 / 5 It was a perfect night for me… I stood outside Silom Plaza, enjoying my moment, with the cool breeze and the unforgettable time I had just now…. I wanted that moment to never go away. Suddenly a guy in his bike greeted me. Asked me where I was from and why was I standing alone. He thought that I was lost. Yeah.. I was lost.. lost in the moment of pleasure and excitement!! Hu hu hu! I walked back to the main Silom streets, feeling as if walking on air. Suddenly, I heard someone called out my name, as I turned a round, I was greeted with a nice smile. I was Mr D from Tawan, and he looked damn gorgous in his simple street clothes. He told me he was supposed to meet a guy but he didn’t turn up. We walked together to my hotel (and he, on his way back to Tawan), and he asked me if he can join me tonight, I politely said that I just had a massage, and too tired to be “entertained” by him. He understood and gave me a hug. I was in my room still feeling on cloud 9. It was 10pm… and the night was still early. So I decided to check one of the gogo bars that I have not yet stepped my foot in. I chose X-Boys, and as I got in… my mind went “what the hell is this!!!” 6 femme boys!! Totally not my type!! There were only 3 customers (including myself). After few minutes there, I decided to haul ass!!! Since it was still early, I decided to visit my favourite gogo bar.. JUPITER!! As I got in.. I was surprised to see many boys were not on the stage, but in their street clothes, hanging out in the bar. The ones on the stage were the slightly gay ones, and very not attractive boys. I was really disappointed. One boy whom I took last august greeted me, I asked him if he remembered me, he said no. Whatttt???? I pulled out my phone and showed him the photos of us together. He smiled and pretended as if he remembered now… He sat together and he asked if he can go back with me.. nahhh.. not tonight.. maybe next time, I’ll give him a call… Then he asked for some money, said that he wanted to eat, bla bla bla… I pretended that I didn’t hear him and focusing on “Whitney Houston” belting out I Have Nothing on the stage! He left and told me to give me a call tomorrow… There weren’t many customers at all in Jupiter, and the show was lame. Many grade A boys were in their street clothes? What gives?? Maybe this is how gogo bars looks in normal night. The boys know that there won’t be any customers, so why bother waste their time prancing in their undies on the stage… I got out early, this was not the Jupiter that u remembered… I got back to my hotel around 1115pm. Though the night was still young… let’s just call it a day… I already had a wonderful wonderful time at Arena… that’s enough for today…. Eye Candy for day 6..
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