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Everything posted by xiluzer

  1. Jasper.. i was there last night too. I was sitting at my usual favourite seat at the back next to the entrance of the boys changing room.. its a plus when you can take a quick peek at them behind the scene. 74 Mr Mekhin looks younger than before. Few oldies returned (no 50) There wasnt any outstanding shows last night.. just the same old stuff.
  2. The old Jupiter will be named Boys 66 Club.. Mekhin (and also my faves.. no 44) told me personally that he will stay. Its a brand new bar with brand new shows...
  3. xiluzer

    Jupiter Star

    All that glitter aint gold... All that gorgeousness means nothing when in bed.. u r as rotten as the dog sleeping in corner of Silom's Big 7E
  4. xiluzer

    Jupiter Star

    Is this no 20?
  5. Yes, if they are not wearing their number, that means they are already booked.
  6. i totally agree with you... despite being a superstar in Tawan, a stuntman, appeared in tv dramas and reality shows competition, he doesn't have an ounce of arrogance in his bone.
  7. Just got back from Jupiter. Nobody offed Mekhin tonight.. and i thought he was out of place being surrounded by those youthful looking boys. Maybe he should start doing botox on his face rather than on his cock... hihi... Yes.. i like 74 too.. his body is to die for.. planning to off him in few days time since he was the one who came near me and talked to me.. good attitude that is hard to find among jupiter boys.
  8. and our currency is getting worse too yeah....
  9. oh stop it, i know what you're thinking Mr. Vinapu.. so here they are : (photos taken from his modelling portfolios)
  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Mega Bangna!!! The Mall is huge and there are occasionally fashion shows and promotional visits from big Thai stars there.. my last visit there was a memorable one as i got the chance to meet Mario Maurer (internationally known actor) and Nadech (huge Thai actor) both are gorgeous in real life. I also got the chance to meet Dee, a famous Thai muslim Model. Mari-oh- Maurer Nadech had to go through legion of fans and sea of people to get these shots! Fashion show @ Mega Bangna Mr Dee and silly me.. i didn't any take photos of the actual mall itself.. maybe i was too flabbergasted. and i will go to Ikea one day.. been wanting to go there eversince.. too bad it;s just too far away from central Bangkok..
  11. oh goody!!! can you do so cuz currently i am in that kind of profession and so needing the money to go to Bangkok.. ha ha... i am sooooo poor and ugly.. surely Vinapu, Christian and among other in this forum who have seen me in real life can agree with that.. ha ha!!! btw.. i am not angry .. it is just a personal opinion about most of the sado men in our country.. if it sounds harsh then i am sorry.
  12. yes they are stupid because they do not fully use the advantage that they have.. don't tell me it never cross your mind when you see the gorgeous sado men and wish that they would go for the gay for pay route... and.. when asked politely.. they felt offended said it is so immoral and sinful.. yet behind closed doors, they would still do it with beautiful trannies.. i come from the most islamic state in malaysia.. i've been around the block for too long and seen so many things... sometimes it feels frustrated if i don't turn myself into a drag queen.. straight men would curse me and said that the Prophet will disown me and i would go straight to Hell... but if i come back with a wig and turn myself into a beautiful fake woman.. they would straight away flirt with you and gladly give their dick to you... no questions asked... but they never realise that they are actually fucking a man in a wig and a dress... ha ha.. they could have made money instead by involving in that kind of scenario... and that is one of the reason why i said some of them are stupid!!! heyyyyyyyyy!!! don't you dare patronise my beloved Thai people.. just because you have an adequate background in English means you are far better than them...!! thanks ct2005 and witty.. glad that there are actually Malaysians in this forum who are aware of what is going on with our country today...
  13. i loved ( past tense) my country too.. but with the current state that it is in.. if have nothing but the feeling of sad, anger and disgust.. we could have been in par with Singapore yet such corruption and mismanagement had hindered us from achieving it. When in Bangkok, instead of salivating our Tawan muscle men, please spend time opening your eyes and mind and notice the good things that Bangkok has to offer that are different than Malaysia ( price of things, public transport and service, etc etc). I would in a heartbeat move to that country not because of the men.. but because i could get a better life and treatment than here in Malaysia... ops... misspelled there.. huhuhuhuhu...
  14. YOU GOTTA BE JOKING RIGHT???? Bangkok has the most tourists from every corner of the world and the love Bangkok more than KL... come Songkran and you wouldn't believe your eyes... i think your are confused with the ones from Bangladesh Pakistan Indonesia.. those illegal immigrants who are flooding in Kuala Lumpur and loveeeeeeee KL so much!!
  15. Which year did you get this data??.. guess you haven't been around Thailand long enough to see the difference between our failing country now.. or haven't you noticed our currency is keep on falling into abyss compared to Thai baths.. that means something isn't it? plus do you know that we are wayyyy behind Thailand and Vietnam in terms of PISA ( maths and science test) i guess maybe you are one of those people who are in denial that our country is in a sad pathetic situation..
  16. newsflash : after 1 month working in SuperHero.. most of the original Hero boys now have migrated to.... ARENA.. including that captain / mamasan.. hah... Vinapu.. i am afraid we will be seeing a lot of Arena boys come this december.. ha ha!!
  17. 1. "sado" originally means big and stupid.. but it evolves into muscular because most of these malay men are really stupid... they force the public into thinking that sado really means muscular... 2. though the spa tempted me.. but i will give it a pass because based from my experience.. these so called muscular men working in the spa are bunch of fairies.. unlike the ones in Bangkok. 3. Majority of these malay "sado" straight men (i hate that word... because as CT2005 said.. it gives your the feeling of the word sadoisms) are NOT gay friendly. Muslim Malays are bunch of hypocrites.. u can say that gays are an abomination and this and that ... yet other sins they are ok with... some of them are just clueless about how bodybuilding world also involves the gays... last year a famous body builder was caught red handed having an affair with a transvestite.. and they whole malay bodybuilding community crucified him... poor guy... 4. again most malay muscular sado men are stupid.. they beautify their physical appearance for the sake of.. oh i am muscular and great. They won't take advantage of what they have.. like selling their body for money like the ones in bangkok.. i know it is their right.. but it is a shame and a waste. 5. Malaysia will never be a highly developed country because there are too many restrictions because of the closed minded öh we are muslim and we cannot do this and that".. i giggled everytime i saw pictures of malay muscular men posted their shirtless ripped body in the facebook, and yet they blackened the lower part of the body because it is against their religion to show that part... then why show at all in the first place.. hah!! 6. let us wait and see how long will that spa lasts... there will be jealous malays report it to the authority (if there are any hanky panky going around behind the scenes).. raids will happen most of the time... ha ha... that's the way of life in malaysia and yes.. i have been around the block long enough and had many distasteful experience with these malay muscular men... so. i'll pass.. i would rather go to Bangkok and get me some Tawan/ hero/ prince/ jupiter etc etc... men rather than torturing myself with these vain useless sado men.
  18. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    at the moment, Tawan guys are out of shape... seriously... i felt like walking into a waterworld watching whales and dugongs on stage!!! they really need to shape up!!!
  19. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    chaotou, thanks for the update... yes i was told too that one of the former massage boys (he is tall, handsome and has those magic hands!!) holds 50% ownership of the new SuperHero. hopefully the we will see the new Hero rises from the ashes...!!!
  20. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    Yeah.. 550 bht.. not sure about the minimum tip for the boy..
  21. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    Judge for yourself...
  22. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    I think PRINCE is the best substitution for now...
  23. xiluzer

    Hero closing

    If you are planning to go to Hero/SuperHero or "SubParHero"... save it!!! Wait for another 3 or 4 months until they renovate the place (if they are still operating)... the new (old) place is horrible... its not just the distance but the venue is totally messed up!! only 3 rooms available and very bad ones.. the rest they will send us to a cheap dirty hotel (which traumatised my friend). The new hero is totally different from the one we knew and loved! and yes.. 7 boys only and we had difficulty in choosing because there are no other choices and not really our liking... i felt sorry and sad for the management... at the moment i don't see how it is going to survive... 4 of my friends had already crossed it out from their list... and i am sure if they don't renovate the place and add more boys... it will share the same fate with Albury....
  24. yes i think most of the boys in Hero will move to Prince as some of them had already been working there since last year.
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