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Everything posted by paulfort

  1. I think for muscular guys you might find V Club 7, Prince, Arena and perhaps the new Hero in Bangkok a lot better, a lot of the Pattaya massage joints tend to have the slimmer/twink type guys but you could try the place next to or part of the Ambiance hotel in Boys town as sometimes a few more muscular boys appear to be sat out there
  2. There have been quite a few posts recently on the above topic, I personally live in the UK, work and can only spend a couple of two week holidays a year in Thailand which I have done for the past ten or so years, always with a few days in Bangkok and longer in normally Pattaya or occasionally Phuket. I have previously casually met a few members of this forum, often almost by chance and enjoyed a drink and a chat, though always I guess for any of us not resident in Thailand my main focus is the boys! I am sure that I am not alone as the earlier posts I mentioned would suggest, in that I would love to share a drink and catch up with any members of this forum one evening during my visits if our itineraries allowed. I am no I.T. or forum posting expert but would it be worth and feasible to have some form of ongoing posting trail where any member interested in briefly meeting up with any other members during their holiday or those now resident in Thailand posted basic details and dates with the option for anyone interested in meeting to private message to get in touch - unsure how best to make it work but i think doable and no doubt someone will have a better system if of any interest? Only a thought but guess a lot of us have holidays that coincide and a if in the same area would be nice to say hello and perhaps enjoy a drink?
  3. In addition well worth taking in to account and using the airline loyalty programs normally available booking direct or via a third party site but ensure you register before your first reservation and consider that airline favorably with subsequent trips, as any miles normally expire after a couple of years. In the past with about 20 trips to Thailand in the last 12 or so years years from the UK I have elevated to "Silver Status" with Gulf, Jet and now Eva - historically with Gulf and then Jet this has given me lounge access and a few upgrades, since using EVA more recently as a longer single leg flight I have always used their Elite (Premium Economy) class their Silver status gives me various advantages including lounge access and the occasional "Special Treat" such as a pre booked up grade in to their "Premium Laurel" business class cabin as with my next trip in March - so very well worth the loyalty if possibly making a few trips! ,
  4. I work in the hotel industry and would agree the points below are correct in that Booking.com and a lot of other strict booking sites with feedback reviews are fairer in that a client has to have booked via them to place feedback V Trip Advisor where anyone can log in and post a review I would encourage anyone to book direct with their chosen hotel (so simply google hotel name and you will find their site) in order to sometimes get the best deal, often more flexibility on room types and packages. However with hotels in Thailand, whilst they migh claim "best rate guarantee" I sometimes find they simply admit that you will get a better deal via an online agent (crazy as they then have a huge commision cost!) If you do end up looking at this option consider the likes of topcashback.co.uk or .com, first before logging in and searching the individual TPIs, whislt I hate their TV adverts they often offer up to about 10% cash back if you transfer via them to one of the booking TPIs such as hotels.com so in addition to a better rate than the hotel will offer you direct you get a fair ammount of "cash back" so effectivly discount in addition! They also offer a fair incentive to any registered user if anyone refers a customer to them, so please let me know with your email address if you want me to refer you - (happy to split any reward !)
  5. Whilst certainly not a definative answer as I have never stayed there, on my visit in October I asked a young boy from Tawan Bar I spent a few evening with the same question on Le Meridian and also Tawana Hotel as I felt Tarntawan Hotel was going down hill a bit. His English was pretty basic (but better than my Thai!) and his reply was to the effect "Tawana no problem is good .... I think Le Meridian maybe not good, not like boy you must give them mony take boy back - no good" I quized him further and learnt that him and some of his friends had experinced problems - I guess guy they are with being politly escorted to reception to pay a joiners fee - which I hate! However you could always email the hotel direct and ask the question - though from what I learnt I am not hopefull (hense rulled it out and looking at the Raya hotel, which from what I am learning sound OK!)
  6. The off fees and boys expected tips are much less in Pattaya and lots of views on the amounts you need to pay are on this on this forum, though I doubt you would get very far negoiating with any bar on discounts for multiple off fees. In Pattaya depending what your loooking for perhaps consider talking to a boy in Boyz Boyz Boyz, off him and pay the bar, then have a drink with him on the outside terace (make sure you order the drinks out there as less than half the price of inside!) and get to know him, if you get on well and want to buy a few more drinks you will get a load of his friends joining you see who you like, talk to your new found friend and perhaps agree with him that the other boy meets you later, but to be fair to the bar and the boys suggest only once the bar has closed. For something diferent in Pattaya consider hiring a private speedboat (about 2,500THB for a day with driver) and take a trip to Kho Larne - the beaches are great as is the swiming and fantastic simple seafood restauratnts which any new Thai friend will love, lso easy to suggest the idea to your Thai friend, then invite him to ask a friend to join the trip (though can mean they just talk all day in Thai and you end up feeling out of it so be carefull!) Suggest just get to know a few off them and offer something on these lines, needless to say with your main Thai friend you need to pay the bar and his tip, you will cover all food and drinks and idealy any boys joining your little excursion will welcome a few baht tip also - but can be a great day out!
  7. I have stayed at Tarntawan Place loads of times, was there in October after the change of ownership and whilst still OK clearly they are cutting back in a number of areas so time for a change! Have also used the Rose a few times but the rooms are pretty small and Malaysia but even the new rooms are fairly basic and loation not ideal for me. I have been looking at the Raya Hotel - has any one used it and if so what is your view especialy with regards to ease of taking a Thai guest back - hate the joiner fee crap! Also what are the rooms, is there much diference to justify the higher spec/priced rooms and what is breakfast like - is breakfast availble on room service or just in restaurant and any other info would be welcome? Thanks
  8. Thanks Vinapu for your clarification, when last there in October over the sad period of their beoved King passing away it was a bit depresing that the "hot male" bar area we all love, nearby bars and Maxi's restaurant had to ensure they were closed and no drinks after midnight, sounds like getting back to near normal so I cant wait to return in March!
  9. Noctiluca I couldnt agree more with the previous posts/answers to your questioms following my own reply ... But to be clear, whilst you are not looking for sex, the "off fee" in the bar and expected tip will be very much the same as per the norm and detailed in many other posts on this forum - that is how it is in Thailand and and you must accept it - your paying for the boys time irespective of if you want some extreem radical gay sex or simply friendly company for a nice meal and of course anything between ! That is how it is unless of course you develop a further stronger relationship in time, however many guys especaily the straight and more muscular that you are perhaps looking for will enjoy what you are wanting more than perhaps what is normally expected of them! As stated before most if not all the boys in Tawan and most of the more muscular that work out in the other bars will happily provide all the flexing/muscle worship you could desire, also consider watching the "Sexy Boy show" at Boyz Boyz Boyz in Pattaya every alternate night they have a sort of oiled flexing/possing muscle show and as soon as it is over or before just express an interest in who ever turns you on! - just be clear discuss before with any boy as whilst most that work out and have muscle will be happy to flex for you if you want to try and partake in a bit of wrestling/domination with the boy as some are not as keen so simply discuss with the mamasan or boy himself over a drink before you make a final dessision to "off him" (pay the batr and take him away for the evening) However relax and enjoy - you will SIMPLY love it1
  10. To be honest sad as it is, I alternate my "official/honest trips" to some friends and work collugueas so efectivly whilt I normally vist Thiland twice a year, I make up some fictitious local trip to a near Europeon popular destinations every other time, then moan about how expensive it was and poor value compared to Thailand - then next visit I admit to Thailand!
  11. Hi Mate I share extreemly similar objectives to you and have enjoyed Thailand about 20 times in the past ten years (so guess says something!) and cant wait to return in March! In Bangkok you may well find what you are looking for in Tawan bar, but also in any other bar, certainly or more likely in Jupiter and perhaps Dream Boys and Hotmale - just look if you see a boy you like talk with him and explain what you want, guess your not really looking for a gay boy, however a lot of the straight boys who train and take pride in their physique and strength will be happy to oblidge with exactly what you are looking for! Often worth enjoying a beer at Hot male's outside bar in Soi Twighlight to observe as the boys head to work and if you see one that looks straight and hard with a good muscled physique, clock which bar he heads in to and then visit later.... Pattaya is also very worth considiration, Boyz Boyz Boyz will give you the best chance for what you want, they have even introduced a couple of heavy duty weight/bench training units on their terace recently so good in the late evening watching the boys show off as to who can bench the most, enjoy a few drinks with them on the terace, doesent take much of a hint (all be it buying a few beers will help!) to get a bit of an Arm Wrestling contest going between them! Cost/tip wise I think you will find it is there time you are paying for so just accept that and will be in line with the guidence on many other posts on this forum. A load of muscle worship fun is easily to be had so enjoy!
  12. Thanks guys Really value your replies and feel much more confident to confirm my planned return trip in March - I was in Pattaya in Ocober when it all occured, as I posted on this forum so encouraging to read getting back to nearer normal! Thanks
  13. Whilst I fully appreciate that Thailand remains in a state of mourning for a year following the sad loss of their beloved king, I wondered if following the initial period whilst the entertinment venues were asked to "tone it down" for a month are things a bit more back to normal on an evening now, with for example some music outside the bars, the lights back fully on and the bars staying open beyond midnight?
  14. I have flown many times recently in Eva Premium Economy (or their Elite class) from London to Bangkok on their 777 of which recently a lot have been upgraded and I believe the offer is the same from the US as from the UK . The priority check in, boarding, luggage allowance and priority delivery, good quality head phones on the excellent entertainment system along with decent food and drink service and quality is all a great benefit V economy, if you use them a few times it doesn't take long to get to silver status on their star alliance "Infinity miles" program which gives other benefits including lounge access (their new lounge at BKK is pretty impressive!) and on my forthcoming trip I have used my accumulated miles to upgrade into their "Royal Laurel" premium flat bed business/first class cabin. But more in answer to your question their Elite cabin is pretty spacious (I am 6ft 2") the seats are comfortable and whilst not a flat bed so more like a modern version of an old business class seat they have a good recline with no real issue in getting past a fellow sleeping fellow passenger to the aisle and certainly for me after a pretty decent meal and several glasses of wine an OK nights sleep! I have also used Gulf and Jet in the past with changes from the UK in Bahrain or Mumbai always paying for economy but go the odd upgrade after a few trips and flyer status but for the little extra would certainly recommend EVA!
  15. All the above I suggest is very correct.... I last stayed at the Ambiance in March, I chose a "Penthouse Suite" on the top floor (which is more a decent sized room than what I understand as a suite!) with patio style doors on to the corridor/balcony area) the room is definitely pretty tired/old fashioned but to be fair extremely clean and the staff are friendly with no question of bringing a boy back providing they have ID, location is clearly great for Boys town - but then less continent for Jomtian during the day!. I have just returned from Pattaya and this time selected Baan Souy where I have stayed many times before, on this occasion travelled with a friend from the UK. As before Baan Souy was excellent in every respect, whilst the location was not as convenient for Boyz town as say the Ambiance there is never any issue getting a motor bike taxi so you are there in minutes, and the location is more convenient for Jomtian as mid way between the two. Jim (the owner) was on holiday during our stay but still impossible to fault the overall general standards and very warm welcome from Tom (X Café Royal) who was covering in Jim's absence and made us so welcome and comfortable. So in summary whilst a Boystown hotel has the location advantage do consider the likes of Bann Souy which are still very convenient for the Boystown area!
  16. Last night in Boystown no music outside and minimal lighting but BBB were open but boys in trowsers and music much lower, toy biys also open but being discreet about it, other bars all open apart from Castro and Cupid but all pretty quiet.walking street about half of bars appeared open but much less neon and again music all very low or off! During the day all appears notmal though understanably a lot of the Thai's not as happy as normal clearly in mourning but all aplear to be trying to ensure visitors are looked after as well as always
  17. The bars in Boys town tried to open last night but the police closed them at about 8.30 (though one had a "lock in!" We are advised that entertainment bars expect an official notice any time now from the police that will enforce closure for either 3 or 7 days including last night but truth is no one seems to know for certain yet, one suggestion is boys town bars might be open but no music, some boys are being told they should turn up for work still! I will update once I know any more as still planning to head back in to Boys town area tonight though not hopefull of much!
  18. Thanks ggobkk for your report Have you noticed if still the same policy when bringing a guest back so far as security goes and do they appear to be still doing the breakfast 24/7 - I am due back in a couple of weeks and would be good to know? Thanks
  19. I agree with a lot of what is said about Malaysia, it is very friendly, I have stayed a couple of times in their Premier wing which is a separate building at the end of the pool, the rooms in that wing (or room I always had) were spacious and comfy but certainly not luxurious, cant recall the price but was fair value the one I always chose came with a spacious patio area overlooking the pool, and the pool was pleasant but nothing special - certainly not up to the charm of the Rose hotel or others in Bangkok. No issue in bringing a friend back, their simple café place is fine for a light snack and open 24/7 but it is a bit of a walk to the main road then an easy motorbike taxi ride in to Silom area. I think a decent option if you don't want to spend too much and a pool is important - I have switched back to Tarntawan place again - but will see how it goes with change of ownership now!
  20. I agree with all said above, they are all a great team at Tarntawan Place and part of my reason for returning so often (not to mention the ease and helpful security if I happen to be fortunate to take a guest back!) I am due back there in a few weeks time and so I asked Lukas for some clarification, his reply in addition to confirming change of management company and that all reservations will be honoured - which you would fully expect, also confirmed in response to my question re joiners and ease that "I have been assured current policies will be maintained" I will update this board following my visit next month, but I am reasonably confident nothing will change very quickly, hopefully the hotel will remain under the day to day stewardship of Lukas but will advise following my visit.
  21. Hi Ryan Yes the rooms have a limited amount of plates and cutlery but I have only stayed in the poolside rooms which have a large fridge and microwave, - so really only OK for a snack if your wanting to cook more I think their suites offer a better kitchen facility but unsure as never tried them - best to check direct with Jim or his team at the hotel.
  22. In my view Prince is excellent but not the cheapest place though a great selection, decent rooms and a convenient location to walk to if staying in the Silom area, there is always a good choice of boys and many are the the more muscular type that I like and as Vinapo also points out less intimidating as they are all behind a glass screen, though as soon as a client enters off come the shirts and they look at you encouraging for business! Would also recommend V Club 7 - again a great selection and very friendly!
  23. Hi Ryan In answer to your questions on Baan Souy I have stayed there many times in the past and am looking forward to returning with a friend from the UK in October. Like you I am no early riser whilst on holiday, so often just chill out at Baan Souy by the pool during the day, which is simply beautiful and absolute relaxation - they have a pleasant poolside bar and also the food both Thai and Western is good value and excellent. However the location is also fine for exploring further a field I find it a pleasant walk via the Jomtian Park area to the beach, then it is easy to get a motorbike taxi or Baht bus in to either Jomtian or Boys town at night. The rooms are of a really good standard and the pool is fantastic, absolutely no problem taking any one back and any boys you meet will certainly love the pool and perhaps the gym. My understanding with the Boyz town connection is that Jim the Manager/Owner and an excellent mine host is one of the original founders of Boys town - used to run the Ambiance I believe. Couldn't recommend the place enough if you want a good location, pretty gay resort type place with high standards of comfort, service and certainly welcome!
  24. With regards to Lumphini Park gym Anddy very fair point..... Try sitting in the seating area oposite the larger outdoor gym in the park or near the fitness park area just passed the main gym. I have tried many times however on one occassion in each location one of the guys working out has noticed my admiring glances, wanderd over and from there interaction & conversation starts, from there on if you are staying nearby an easy conversation.............
  25. I would agree with all the valid recomendations from Vinapu as they completly link in with the places I probably go to and love ... However you must encourage your friend to explore, briefly look in the various bars and if notheing takes his fancy from a very quick 5 second look (but no more as unfair on the bar) then move on before buying a drink, all the bars on Soi Twighlight can suddenly have a more muscular boy with in their line up so whilst the sugested bars offer the best and more likly bet, try them all! Also often worth sitting for a beer at the terace at Hotmale at the enterance to Soi Twilight, watch the boys turn up for work and if one catches your eye just watch which bar he is heading too...
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