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Everything posted by bkkmfj2648

  1. A masseur that I frequented for a while in Rome, Italy - always started his 2 hour massages with a "happy beginning" and then at the termination of the 2 hour massage there was the traditional "happy ending". His massage philosophy was to remove the sexual tension at the beginning of the massage so that the client would enjoy the massage more. As one of his customers, I could not agree more..... so, I am not sure if there is a "you only cum one time" rule......
  2. what I try to do is when I feel the urge to cum is getting close I move the guys hand away or make him stop and do something else. However, many times, they insist and want to make you cum - in that case, just do as firecat suggested and point to the clock or your watch to make them understand that you have more time before the need to cum - this is also known as edging - stopping and going - to ride the pleasure to the edge of the end of the session. Good way to build up stamina and make the guys earn their $money$. Plus we need to remember that WE are the customer - not them!
  3. yes, I am still alive. today is my first day back into Chiang Mai - for the last 2 days I was way up north in Chiang Rai, and then some time at the Myanmar border crossing town, Mae Sai, and then the "Golden Triangle" area with Laos. Now I am back in Chiang Mai and I will fly to Koh Samui later today. I haven't had time nor Internet access to finish off my wonderful Chiang Mai trip report. I promise to do it - I just don't know when - things are moving too fast at the moment.... cheers, M.
  4. For New Year's Eve day and night I decided to relax and at the suggestion of the wonderful C17 staff decided to remain on site. Had a nice leisurely breakfast and had a great conversation with a 50 year old already retired farang from the UK (yes I am jealous). He is preparing for his relocation to Thailand and he bought a condo in Pattaya that is still under construction and he hopes to move in later in 2014. Since I am also very interested in retiring in Thailand I seized the opportunity to ask my million questions - mainly, "why not retire in Chiang Mai?" (since he was raving about CM). He said he chose Pattaya because it is on the seaside and it is very oriented towards the ex-pat community. He felt that CM did not yet have the same level of ex-pat infrastructures and by him living in Pattaya he could easily fly over to Chiang Mai when he would want. I sensed that he had a preference for the CM guys over the Pattaya guys. does anyone reading this who lives in Chiang Mai have any comments/opinions on what it is like for an ex-pat to live in CM? Then I decided to lay out in the sun - the Club One Seven (C17) has a great penis shaped pool. There is the on site bar, pool boy, and massage boys, who could ask for more to have a relaxing day. Then I took a massage with sexy 30 year old Kim. Massage was 90 minutes and I paid 800 to the house and I tipped Kim 1,000 baht. Of course there was the sensual happy ending but it was somewhat mechanical for my tastes and lacked some variety. Kim was obsessed on finding a farang to marry so that he could move to the USA or Europe. He said that the only good farangs are already in a relationship and taken and the rest are butterflies. To kill his conversation and where it was going I told Kim that I was a butterfly to avoid being asked to marry him. Then I had lunch on the terrace on the Ping river which was lovely and I had some great conversations with the wait staff and other farangs. Then off for a nap in my room. Then for the evening I wandered over to the bar and chatted with the staff to see what I should do for New Years Eve. They said that I should remain at the hotel for the naked party. I had been invited back to the "2 Brothers" bar for their party and I had thought to go to the Adam's Apple go-go bar for their celebration. I decided to stay at C17 since I already had a lovely day with them and I had not yet sern their sauna facilities. Disrobed and put on a towel to explore the facilities. I was surprised at how big they are. On the ground level, There is the locker area, showers, dry sauna and wet sauna where everyone was walking around with their towels on. Then up stairs, where you needed to remove your towel and shoes, was the naked zone. There is an inter-mix of cabins, hallways, open sex areas with beds, video porno sala, glass wall looking onto downstairs where you can see the new guests that are arriving and another dark room. Then there is another upstairs to a semi-closed area with a big bed, and a hallway with many cabins. We were about 30 guys of which 6 were falang. The guy from lunch had told me that the prior weeks naked party had 150 participants (speaking to the staff they told me that the exact count was 154). The space is very large and could easily accomodate 154 people spread out on 3 floors. For just 30 of us, the space was too large and in typical gay sauna fashion we walked kilometers in endless stand and model chases. I knew then that I had made a mistake for my New Years Eve choice. :<(( However, I did get to watch two hot Thai guys that wanted to show off fuck each other - but I was not allowed to touch them. That was pretty much the entire night - ok to look at the cute Thai boys but you could not touch them (except there were 2 that did touch me but they were not the type of Thai guys that I desired). So in the end, I was only able to play with another farang but after he came he ran away - so no orgasms for me. I am not much of a sauna guy to begin with as I hate the endless chase as it is a waste of time. I guess I thought "this time would be different" - but it wasn't - so I was angry at myself for making a bad New Years choice. It made me remember when I moved to Italy in 1999 when I visited the various Italian saunas and I saw how badly the Asians were treated as they were not desired and made to feel not welcome. Now I know what that feeling is like, "as I felt like the Asian in the Italian sauna last night". After going back to my room and sulking for a while I went outside on the balcony and saw an amazing sight for my sore eyes, the sky was full of kongming sky lanterns which illuminated the sky above the Ping river. They brought tears to my eyes and I was happy to be in "Amazing Thailand".
  5. thanks Bob for this wealth of information about how the mass transit system works in Chiang Mai. It's a shame that this board does not organize the different threads by each of the Thailand cities. There is a wealth of information here but most of it is focused on Bangkok and Pattaya.
  6. Vinapu - it has been chilly in the evenings with the temperature dropping down to 11 or 12 degrees and you need a jacket or sweatshirt/jumper. During the day it reaches 26 with nice blue skies, so a t-shirt and shorts are just fine. oops, I forgot to put one of the most important details in my report = PRICE. Prices are MUCH cheaper than BKK. The massage place wanted 1,200 baht for the 2 hours and the recommended tip was only 800 baht per guy for the 2 hours. In BKK it was often 1,500 per guy. I tipped them 1,000 each instead of the suggested 800. Happy New Year to you!! Trailrider - I knew I was ripped off - but my legs were tired that I was willing to pay any price to not walk another step. I see the songtau (red trucks) everywhere and I did not understand how they work. do you just hail one down and tell them (or show them the desired destination on your smartphone map) where you desire to go? or do they follow a fixed route and you hope off when you are close enough? thanks for the compliment. cheers, m.
  7. Flew Bangkok Airways from BKK to CNG Chiang Mai. Flight was delayed 30 minutes due to late arrival of aircraft. Flight is short and pleasant, about 55 minutes. Fun began at the Chiang Mai airport - luggage quickly arrived but there were NO taxis and there was a huge number of people waiting for the limited number of taxis. After about a 50 minute wait, I was in a taxi and within 15 minutes I was at my hotel, Club One Seven - C17. http://www.clubonesevenchiangmai.com/ Hotel check-in was quick and easy - they only have 11 rooms. The guy brought me to my room but this being an antique 130 year old Lana Teak House you need to remove your shoes and I leaned on the side railing of the stairs to leverage myself and I immediately broke one of the wooden teak slats with my fat ass. How embarassing and what an awful way to begin my 6 day stay. I guess I need to continue dieting - the last time that I checked I was down to 78kg. But in typical great Thai "save face" style the manager said to me, "mister, it ok, house is very old". I have a nice room that overlooks the Ping river with a small outdoor terrace. The room has a large 4 poster bed. You feel as if you are staying in the country side. Breakfast is served outside in the terrace alongside the river. Prior to 5pm you feel that you are in an antique gay hotel but after 5pm the place starts to transform as the sauna activities start to pick up and all of a sudden we have many new cute Thai "guests". I have not yet tried the sauna yet - sorry guys - there hasn't been any free time yet with all there is to do in Chiang Mai. Unpacked my luggage and headed off to the "old walled city with a moat" which was about an hours walk away as the C17 is pretty far away from both the historic centre and popular Chang Phuak gay zone. I arrived on Sunday so that I could take advantage of the 1 time per week Sunday Walking Market. I think that this is the biggest open air market that I have seen in my life. It was packed with people just walking around enjoying the many concerts, handcraft shopping, art, performers, religious ceremonies, and incredible "food courts" that were set up in each of the grounds of the 3 or 4 Wats (Buddhist Temples) that I visited. I ate wonderful things that I have never eaten before. It was truly delightful to have seen this event for the several hours that I was able to. If you do visit Chiang Mai try to make sure that your visit includes a Sunday evening on the "Walking Street". I was so exhausted afterwards that I took the first tuk-tuk that I could find and payed the asking price of 200 bahts back to the hotel. Sauna already closed so I did not encounter any action (I would have been too tired anyway). Next day after the wonderful breakfast I headed off by foot to discover the Nimmanhaeminda and Chang Phuak gay zone. It took about a 2 hour leisurely walk to get there and it was nice to see the contrasts in the various Chiang Mai neighborhoods. The gay zone is in a nice newer part of Chiang Mai with nice shops, bars, and stores, with many new condo buidings being constructed. I had hoped to have lunch in one of the gay restaurants but it being both a monday and also a government holiday (making it a 5 day weekend) the ones I had hoped to go to were closed for lunch. So walking back towards the centre I ate lunch in the big mall (Kad Suan) on the Huay Kaew Road - it was full of falangs which I found interesting. Again exhausted, I took the first tuk-tuk from the mall to the "2 Brothers" massage place which is in the cool hippy backpacking hangout area of Chiang Mai which is near the main gate to the old city. To no surprise I chose the 4 hand 2 hour massage from 26 year old O (โอ) and 24 year old Aok (โอ๊ค). Showered alone and awaited their arrival in the small room with a low futon bed. Their massage was an excellent intense deep tissue massage for over 1.5 hours which is what I needed after all of the 2 days of walking. The "happy ending" was in the remaining 30 minutes and was less intense but ok. Then we showered together which was a lot of fun. Afterwards, I told them that I wanted to buy them a drink in the downstairs bar and we hung out for about an hour together before they were taken by new arriving customers. It was great because I got to see how the other massage guys are chosen by the other customers. I realized that my choosing style is very polite and shy like while I saw other customers reject and then re-select the same guys that they already chose. Maybe it was a power thing. I tried to get the various massage boys to help me find a gay tour guide as I want to go out of Chiang Mai to see the mountains, jungle, elephants, and possibly the famous white Wat in Chiang Rai. With their limited English we did not get very far - but it looks like we are close to finding a gay guide who can drive and speak English. http://www.2bmassage.com/ Wanted to take a short nap and either try out the sauna or head over to the Adams Apple go-go bar but my body slept until 23 - so I could not try either - so I wrote this trip update. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and they are having a party here - so I will check it out... hopefully my report was not too boring. This portion of my trip will be more cultural as Chiang Mai does not have a Twilight zone like in Bangkok.
  8. My last night in Bangkok Checked out the Uniman massage place and thanks to Vinapu‘s great directions from his November trip report of the BKK massage places, I was able to find it very quickly in the Korean Town building on the 4th floor. Upon walking in the guys lined up right away for the selection process. There were about 20 guys available. They are very different than the other massage places that I have gone to - they are on the rough side with that hot “working man“ look. They were older guys in the 28 to 37 year old range with a nice selection of body types. The man called Pu (age 36) got my immediate attention with his beautiful rough smile and nice muscled naked torso. This time I did not want to divide my attention ordering my typical 4 hand 2 hour massage. Instead, I took a 2 hand 2 hour massage. We went up to the room and as written in other posts about Uniman - the roomss have seen better days - it has that 1970s look as well as the shower - but it all worked well together as the guy was rough and so was the room. Pu gave me an EXCELLLENT massage - it was very strong and he found ALL of my muscle knots and worked them out right away. The massage was so good that I fell asleep - something that I NEVER do. The final part, the “happy ending“ was good and rough guy like - as if we were 2 car mechanic friends who decided to jerk off together. So, I give Uniman a “thumbs up“ even if it is in need of a home decor make over. Had dinner at Dick‘s Cafe and watched the electric scene out on the Twilight soi. After my great dinner (it was 10:45pm) I asked the waiter which go-go bar would he recommend for my last night having already been to Classic Boys, Dream Boys, Bangkok Boys, Zeus, and Tawan. He said, you MUST go to Jupiter 2002. So off to Jupiter I went and it was standing room only when I entered. It was SUPER packed and there were HOT guys already on the stage in the middle of their show. Prior to this moment, Dream Boys had been my favorite go-go bar - but rapidly Jupiter became my new favorite. Why? The show is less sleazy (there is no fuck show) and there is less dick in your face. But, instead they use a "hide and seek" approach, which is very stimulating and erotic. For example they have some sexy hot guys dancing on the stage with towels being moved in such a way that you get a 2 second glance at their enormous hard cocks and sexy ass muscles. In addition there was a hot shower soap seen in a shower with transparent glass where the boys put a lot of soap on the glass to create that “yes I can - no I can't see that hard cock“ effect. Many years ago, we had a similar shower show at the famous Muccassassina disco bar in Rome. So, I would say that Jupiter is a go-go bar with class that tries to stimulate you in an erotic way. In addition, the individual show scenes are short and intense and fun. In between the 2 shows the boy fill the stage, there must have been about 30 of them on the stage, to strut their stuff hoping to be picked. The Jupiter customers last night were about 85% Asian with at least 1/2 under the age of 40. The remaining balance were us falangs. I did not see any women there. What I found shocking was that I had to compete for the guys on the stage with a very young guy from China - he must have been about 28 and offed the guy that I wanted who was about 30 before I could make my first move. This totally surprised me - as in all of the other go-go bars it is usually the older guys offing the younger guys and not the other way around as I saw in Jupiter. So for my second choice I immediately set my eyes on number 5, called Jon - a nice 26 year old with a very cute smile and beautiful teeth. I rapidly asked the waiter to have him sit with me (before another young Asian beat me to it) and we chatted and we agreed that he would come back to the Babylon with me. He has a car, Jon is from Bangkok and he drove me back to the Babylon. He told me that he is 1 of 5 kids in his family and that no one knows about his secret life. We had a great time in bed even if I had to do more than him - I could tell that this guy did not have much experience in bed with men and he is most likely taken to be idolized. But more than idolize him I serviced him so well that he said, "Wow, it was so good". He finished me off and we both showered and then I paid him the standard 2,000 (no taxi money required as he has his own car). Unfortunately I don‘t remember the off bar fee but I think it was 600. Please correct me if I am wrong. Ok, I am leaving Bangkok a very happy and satisfied man - even if I was not able to realize my dream of meeting Noom the character from the bangkokbois blog, “I fell in love with a bar boy“ series. Hopefully I can meet Noom on another trip back to LOS. Now waiting for my plane to Chiang Mai. I will terminate this travel report as its focus was on BKK and I will start a new one for Chiang Mai.
  9. hello, welcome to the wonderful world of BKK you wrote, If you've been to BKK before, do you prefer to just offer money boys for fun, or prefer finding locals who are looking for real romance? Money boys - it's easier to negotiate and cut to the chase Locals (not money boys) - the sex is less of a transaction and includes real feelings I had the same exact questions/issues in my head before I came to Thailand. I voted for option 1 - money boys. why? because its your first vacation to BKK and the hunt for the go-go and massage boys is VERY exciting - especially in the context of the specific venues in which you do the hunting. It is a very unique and stimulating experience and can only be done in those places. So, to get the maximum out of your vacation - go for the money boys. Forget about the locals and real romance and Gay Romeo - those are all things you can do back in your home country and are not unique to BKK. Go for what makes BKK unique and special. Have fun and we look forward to your trip reports posted here.
  10. hello xiluzer I love your reports - they are great. to post pictures you need to click at the bottom of the screen on the "more reply options" and in the new screen that will appear there is an option to browse for your picture to upload it. Then click on preview to make sure that it appears and if you are happy with the result click on the post button - then the picture should appear.
  11. Vinapu - today I had a good day - I felt like you going at almost your full cycle. woke up at almost 1pm - read some internet stuff and headed over to the Eat Me restaurant off the Convent street but they were not open - they only open at 3pm. So I went to the Coyote bar/restaurant and ate a great Taco Salad. To date I have not had breakfast at Babylon as the stop serving breakfast by 11am - so this is a negative for me as the first thing that I must do everyday is to search out a place to eat. You would think that gay hotels would understand the needs of many of us late nighters. Then I went to my favorite massage place, Guy Spa (28/7 Sukhumvit 19 near the BTS stop Asoke - behind the Uno Hotel). I reguested a 2 hour 4 hand massage and I chose the 2 guys myself and then asked the mamasaan if they would work well together and he said they would. One guy was from Chiang Mai (I forgot his name) and the other guy was from Myanmar (a first for me) and his name was Ban. They were both about 25 years old. First Ban scrubed my feet in a wooden bucket of water in the reception area which was busy - there were many customers coming and going and about 20 guys available. Then we headed upstairs and we took a shower together which was erotic. Then they started the cream massage with me laying on my stomach and themgiving me a very strong massage. Then I turned over and they massaged everywhere but the happy ending zone causing a build up of anticipation. Then they moved in for the kill, with the Myanmar guy going too fast and was told to relax and the Ching Mai guy gave a GREAT edging massage to my cock - he had an incredible talent in the way he massages cock - then after a while the mutual Big Bang in 3 happened and we headed off to the shower to clean up. It was a great experience - but not as good as my first time at the Guy Spa last March (read that trip report to see the difference). Paid the same prices as reported by Vinapu for his 4 hand massage. Then I was starving so I headed over to Firecats suggested place to eat at the Firehouse (3/26 Sukhumvit 11 - at the very end of the street turn left and you will see it on left hand side). As written by many people here in this forum, the have one of the best hamburgers that I have eaten in my life. Be warned, the place is small and fills up fast and they turned many people away that did not have a reservation - I was lucky as I arrived just as the rush started. Went back to th Babylon to rest and then change clothes for the night out. First stop was Maxi's bar on the Twilight for a beer and to watch the action. It was about 11:10pm and the Twilight was hoping. As reported by Vinapu, you have an excellent view from Maxi's of the other go-go bars and massage places with the guys sitting outside. Then at midnight I headed into Dream Boys where I had a great time - first with the cute bar guy from Chiang Mai who took my drink orders and sat with me giving me comments on ALL the guys up on the stage - it was like having your own NSA spy or Wikileaks report. The 12:15am show is much shorter than the 10:30pm show. There are only 3 short acts and everything takes place downstairs on the smaller stage. The shows were not as good as 2 nights ago, but that was ok, as the objective was to off the man with the biggest cock and he is 32 year old Akom from Isaan. One of you wrote that the biggest cocks come from Isaan in Thailand and I can say to date it is true. :>)) we basically just chuckwowed (reciprocal JO) but I was evil as I tried to keep him on the edge for quite a while and at least 2 times when he was going to cum I lightened up my touch to make him work for that orgasm and when he did he let out a big masculine yelll and he was tired but he still managed to get me off. It was hot fun to play with and worship a hot straight man. I think the off fee to the bar was 1,100 (it was combined with the drinks total so it was hard to decipher) and I gave the guy 2,000 plus 100 taxi money.
  12. ok, I solved the mystery about the origins of the mysterious number 65 - where it came from and why it creates confusion for those seeking to find the Hero massage place. as you can see from the attached business card, their legal street address is: 65 Soi Chaiyod, Sukhumvit 11 since Hero does not keep its own web page, it becomes a victim of random internet users posting its address with several various permutations, such as the one that I found of : Sukhumvit 65, Soi 11. so lesson learned - if a business does not maintain its own web page, be careful on what to trust from the internet....
  13. Yesterday I went to MBK for some shopping - I do love that place - everything that you can immagine (and more) all under one roof with some VERY good prices. For example, a fake Armani shirt for 700 baht (17 euro) where the real one back in Italy would cost 4,200 baht (100 euro). I found the following address for Hero Massage from the internet at 65 Sukhumvit Soi 11. I put that address in my smartphone map navigation program and it told me to take the Sukhumvit BTS to the Ekamai station, which let me out at 63 Sukhumvit. I walked to 65 Sukhumvit and then walked and walked and walked trying to find Soi 11. Unfortunately, 65 Sukhumvit becomes Sukhumvit 71 after Soi 10 - there is NO Soi 11. So I walked back to the main Sukhumvit where there is the BTS line to ask the local mocy drivers for help. Unfortunately noone could help me. So, I returned to the BTS station and a cute mocy boy stopped me and said to me, "you call friend I speak". I called Hero and the mocy guy spoke to them and the problem was resolved - but it required a hair raising nervous 30 minute drive through rush hour traffic. The correct address is Soi 11 (near the Nana BTS station) which is off the Sukhumvit - the number 65 has nothing to do with it. So much for using technology to your advantage. I tipped that great mocy guy very well - he was an amazingly great driver and smart at solving problems. so ventured into the Hero Massage place needing a stiff drink but settled for ice water when I saw ALL of those HOT and sexy guys behind the giant glass wall. There must have been at least 30 guys - it was around 7pm and the reception area only had two other customers who were also choosing. What a sight for sore eyes. I told the mamasaan that I wanted a 4 hand 2 hour massage and then I picked out what I thought were the 2 hottest guys. I asked the mamasaan to go and see if the guys would have any problems working together. He returned to tell me and said, "one is man the other is gay". I said no problem and then the guys brought me into a nearby room and we disrobed and took a sexy shower together. Then they put me on a marble slab to give me an intense rub down. Then we washed off together and dried ourselves and went into the next room where the bed is to start the cream massage. By this point I understood that the gay guy is very queeny for my tastes (but very entertaining). That big glass wall in reception that separates the customer from the guys - does not help you to understand if the guy has a masculine or non masculine voice - something that is important to me. Anyway back to the fun. So after they finished massaging my back and front with a combined Sports Sensual and Traditional Thai massage (which was excellent by the way) we took yet another shower (very clean guys I must say). Then we dried ourselves and we got back into the bed. The gay guy started to kiss my neck and cheecks while I caressed his hot body meanwhile the man put on a condom and tried to start to penetrate me when I said to him, "wait, I am man like you". He replied, "Ok we fuck gay guy" and then the gay guy screamed in ecstasy in a girly way - he could not wait any longer and sat on my cock after putting on the condom while I tried to caress the sexy man guy. Then we switched roles and the man massage guy fucked the gay guy while I caressed both of them - it was very hot. Then they chuckwowed me and we all came together and then had a fun final shower together. The rapport between them was very entertaining, as Ping, the 24 year old gay guy is from Bangkok and Jon the 26 year old man guy is from Chiang Mai - so there was a lot of rivalry between them on "who does it better". So, Hero is definitely all worth what everyone writes about. The house asked for 1,400 for the 2 hours and the guys got 1,500 each plus an extra tip for their great and entertaining performance. Hero could do ALL of us a great service by creating their own webpage to avoid confusion on finding the place and implement a way to let us hear the guys speak during the selection process, as the glass blocks this important step. Then went to eat dinner and then back to the hotel and remained in for the night as I was too tired for the 12:15 Dream Boys show. So that shall be for tonights adventure.
  14. sorry for letting you down vinapu - but the backstory on why I slowed down on the massage and go-go visits was because I was fighting off the early beginings of a sore throat and an attack in the bowels. It has been chilly here in the evenings (and I did not bring a jacket) and driving around on the mocys with the cold breeze killed my throat. Plus on this trip I challenged myself to eat from the food carts, as the food is SO good, but it seems that something has set my system off. So, I am remedying the situation for the throat with propoliz spray and the bowel problem by switching my diet back to western food and consequently, tonight I was able to venture into the famous Tawan muscle go-go bar, www.tawanbarbangkok.com/eng/ They put on a good show (not as good as the acrobatic show I saw at Dream Boys). The Tawan guys cannot dance very well, as their huge muscles get in the way. They did the typical showing off of their muscles by striking various poses, followed by a fucking show where they came down off the stage and placed the persons being fucked onto various customers to get that in your face feeling, then a lame love story, and a finale with a jerk-off contest with 3 muscle guys to see who could shoot their load the farthest. The mamasaans encouraged the customers to give money tips to the various JO contestants to encourage them on. It was hot and I placed a bet on contestant number 3 and it was the right choice, as his load shot to the end of the stage right up to the customers sitting in the front row. hot,hot, hot!! I offed a sexy 40 year old muscle guy called Silom (is there such a name?). Back at my room he started things off with a hot massage and then things progressed from there. It was hot and worth the 2000 going rate. Not bad considering that I heard that Dream Boys guys ask for more - so I will have to return to Dream Boys to off a guy to see how it works.... so vinapu, are you happy that I am back in service? :>)) cheers, m.
  15. Since the Babylon is so near the Lumpini Park I ventured there yesterday. It's very lovely and reminded me of being in Central Park in New York with all of the skyscrapers in the background. I did manage to come across a monitor lizard. I tried to get close to take a picture but not close enough. They are amazing creatures - like something from Jurassic Park just wandering about in Bangkok's Central Park. I also walked by the famous outdoor gym where all the buff macho Thai guys were working out. What bodies and testosterone. I saw a couple of people-like-us sitting on nearby park benches - I would immagine for a post workout hook-up.....so, Lumpini Park is well worth a visit. I was still feeling hung-over from the night before (I normally don't over do it but last night being in 4 different go-go bars did me in) so I decided to rest by the pool at Babylon. It was nice and relaxing and very quit, as us gay falang can be when everybody is being in that cautious I don't know you mood. Then around 5:15pm off to start the long journey to the otherside of Bangkok in rush-hour to meet Christian for dinner in the famous backpacking shopping tourist zone called, Khao San Road. First MRT to Silom, then change to BTS to the Saphan Taksin station to transfer to the Chao Phraya River boat service, exiting at the Phra Arthit Pier. Total transit time was 1.5 hours - which included the extra time at Silom as the first train to arrive was too packed to be able to get on. Met the infamous ChristianPFC at around 7:25pm and we had a nice pizza together. For me it was great to ask him a million questions about what it is like to live and work in Thailand - as I also have this wish for myself if I can manage to win an interview competition that we will have next year for a new position that will be created in our Bangkok office. Then Christian took me to the nearby gigantic night market which is on the way to Saranrom Park, our objective for the night. Basically, you walk an entire area that consists of the outer perimeter of Saranrom Park and the Grand Palace, which takes around 35 minutes to make one loop. On the first loop there were only a few boys out and about. For me, the most interesting ones were on the river side of the Grand Palace along the sidewalk opposite more towards the river. There was also an interesting bunch on the road between the Grand Palace and the park itself on the park side walk side. The boys were super friendly to Christian as he speaks Thai and is young looking like the boys. Things picked up on our 2nd loop with even more guys out and about. Perhaps I saw about 15 to 20 guys - but spread out over a vast distance - some were solo and others were in small groups of 3 to 4. What was the most amazing to me was the older men in taxis driving by trying to chat up the boy from inside the taxi from the window. I have never seen anything like this and I can only immagine the stories that the taxi drivers have to tell. Like in the go-go bars, you have to be fast to get the cuter guys because with only 20 guys available the people in private cars and taxis had a clear advantage over Christian and myself. Christian mentioned that tonight was a slow night and that there are usually more boys out and about. On the third loop, Christian and myself, we parted ways and went in opposite directions. I chatted with 2 different boys along the way - but the first guy wanted to know where Christian was and the second guy could not speak English. So, it being almost midnight and after hiking for more than 2 hours, I called it quits and took a taxi back to Babylon. So, would I do it again? Probably not, as the area is just too vast that one must cover on foot. I would have prefered a smaller more dense area. However, it was a fun and stimulating adventure, even if I did go home alone. I think Twilight and Silom 2 and 4 are more my cup of tea. Thanks Christian for the great adventure....
  16. so after the hair treatment, I then went back to the hotel for a nap - too much walking - as the negative about Babylon is that it is kind of far from Silom and Twilight. I often walked it - it takes about 45 minutes if you don't get lost like I sometimes do. Later in the evening I went out for the night to The Zeus - formerly Ocean Boys - with the hope of finding Noom. No luck, mamasaan checked for me and confirmed the Noom does work there but went home. So I offed Ton, a sexy 30 year old guy from Laos who by the way worked for 3 years with Noom at Hotmale. Ton also told me that Noom went home for a while. So it seems that the search for the illustrious Noom is over yesterday, I went shopping at Siam Paragon to buy various requested stuff for friends back in Italy. Like Firecat says, the mall was all decked out for Christmas in a very beautiful way. It is pretty amazing that a Buddhist country is so into Christmas. Even my hotel, Babylon, has transformed their beautiful Thai gardens into a Christmas wonderland. Anyway, there was lot's of exciting eye candy at Paragon to view. Then I went back to Cutey and Beauty for my first ever pedicure. It was great as they transformed my rugged feet into nice feet. When I left I felt like I had a pair of new feet. They are great guys over at Cutey and Beauty. Then I was walking around crowded Silom and a cute boy grabbed onto me and asked me to follow him and he brought me to Fanclub on Soi Convent. As we were walking away from Silom I thought to myself why am I allowing myself to be led away by a complete stranger - then I remembered that I am in "Amazing Thailand". So we enter Fanclub and with the mamasaan I selected the 2 hour 4 hand massage with coffee scrub and I picked 2 very sexy guys - I believe they were between 28 and 30 years old. They brought me upstairs to the last floor to a big room with a big massage bed and seperate shower area. At first I thought that the coffee power scrub was going to take my skin off as it felt like sandpaper. Then after thay finished that part we took a shower together to remove the coffee scrub mixture. Then we moved onto the cream massage - my favorite part. For the final part, they made the "happy ending" long and intense. Consequently they were tipped very well (I will not mention the amount as I do not want to cause problems with the other post regarding "they are paying too much"). One guy was from Issan and the other was from the very south near the border with Malaysia. Massage package cost 1,400 paid to the house - well worth it. Back to the Babylon guest house for a nap and then afterwards to meet Firecat at Classic Boys where I watched him off a VERY sexy and cute boy. Check out his Xmas post that has pictures of the sexy boy and my comments relating to the rest of the night at Dreamboys and Bangkok Boys and going home alone because I drank too much. One of the great pleasures (at least for me) of this board is to pass from "virtual reality" to "reality" - for instance to meet and know the wonderful Firecat last night and then tonight I will meet Christian for dinner and a tour of the night market and then a tour of Saranrom Park. More than the info that this great board provides is the availability of its members to meet up. More to cum later regarding my Christmas Eve adventure with Christian....
  17. I could not agree more with this statement. I went home to New York at the end of September for 1 month and I was picked out of the line for "a special interview". The TSA lady made it sound like I won a prize and said come with me. When I responded to the question that I have lived out of the USA since 1999 - they get weird and want to know every country you have lived in. They took my laptop from me and then wiped the external borders of it with a peice of paper. When I asked what were they doing with my computer they did not respond to me. Then they let me go. I don't believe that I will be retiring in the USA when I finish working. I hate the way they treat us "fellow Americans". If I complain to my family or friends they say that I am being un-American and un-patriotic. What happened to the America I left in 1999? I feel they have been brainwashed or body-snatched.....
  18. you are so right. I am 52 and I already have started the great adventure to Thailand. It is simply amazing the number of young guys that want to hang out with you here in LOS with and without money boys. Where I live in Italy, most Italians don't want anything to do with older men. I had originally thought to retire in Italy but after seeing with my own eyes how Italians treat old men - there is no way I will retire there. Italy, like my native USA, is obsessed with youth, muscles, fashion, and showing off your financial assets. Here in LOS there is less of that. cheers, m.
  19. I can attest to what firecat wrote. I saw him off that VERY sexy boy...bravo... he is SO foto-genic and cute and handsome...thanks for posting his fotos... I agree that many boys were being offed while I had the privelege to meet and know firecat I took firecats suggestion and headed over to Dreamboys and Bangkok Boys. I was very impressed as Dream Boys had one of the best erotic shows that I have ever seen in my life. Both bars were packed - mostly Asians - but us non Asians were very welcome even if we were only 10% of the audience. I sat next to an Asian women and one of the straight go-go boys took a fancy to her - I tried to encourage her to go for it as the guy was super hot but she was too shy. I told her that I wished I was her as I would of definitely offed that guy. In the end I did not off anyone as I drank too much (I did not want to waste my money and then to have performance problems) - but I had a great time with firecat and then with the waiter at Dreamboys and then Bangkok Boys - and of course to have drooled over all of the multitudes of sexy masculine guys...
  20. my turn to contribute to the trip reports series I flew on Thai Airways from Rome to BKK - leaving Rome on 20 Dec and arriving at 5:45am on 21 Dec. This is the only non stop from Rome to BKK and it only flies 3 times per week. Flight was 9.5 hours. I was in peasant class - so not easy to sleep as flight was packed. service was good. This trip I am staying at the Babylon Bulgari Suites - very nice small suite with a beautiful garden view all decked out for Christmas. After an 8am check-in I crashed and went right to bed. Woke up about 2pm - showered and shaved and went to check out the sauna - my first time to a sauna in Thailand. I was starving, so I went to eat at the nice restaurant on the first floor with the view if the pool and of all of the falang boys. After eating went to cruise and I hit it off with a nice Thai guy and we consummated our new time together. afterwards we went to the bar for a drink. I was very impressed with the sauna as it is very beautiful with beautiful grounds and architecture. It was packed with around 80% falang and the balance to Thai and otherthe way is 53 Asians. Then back to room for a shower and change of clothes to head off to Dick's Cafe for dinner - which was very good. Then off to Hotmale for the big dick show and with the hope to meet Noom - the character of infatuation from the bangkokbois blog. But, sadly found out that he no longer works there. I had a secret crush to meet him...so, I offed Nop and took him home for a short stay - as he had to be in Lumpini park to jog for 2 hours at 5am and the to workout with his maestro at the Lumpini gym - who by and has a body of death - I saw him perform in the acrobatic fuck show at hotmale - incredibile. Then woke up at 1pm and then headed to "Cutey and Beauty" for a hair dying session. yes, I am 52 and I hate when my hair turns white. so the wonderful guys there transformed me and let me have the allusion of looking young again. Their hair salon was in the middle of the political protests - but I found the millions of Thais out and about to be and they appeared to tranquil and to be in a very festive mood and non threatening to us tourists. I was pleased to have experienced this - even though I was very apprehensive about coming to BKK based on the media reports. ok, that is all for now...more later cheers, m.
  21. an update... I heard from the owner of the blog bangkokbois and he told me that Noom switched bars - from Hotmale to The Zeus (formerly Ocean Boys). so tonight I went to The Zeus and there was no Noom - because they said he went home. how sad for me - I really became infatuated with the mystique of the character, Noom from the bangkokbois blog and really wanted to meet him. I guess it was not meant to be...... cheers, m.
  22. hello everybody, I arrived in BKK yesterday morning with high hopes to meet and hopefully off Noom from the Hotmale go-go bar. I am an avid reader of the bangkokbois blog and my desire to meet Noom was thanks to its blog owner (I do not know his name). anyway, would any of you kind readers know how I can find Noom? Both the mamasaans at Hotmale do not know what happened to Noom. any help from any of you would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks, M.
  23. Wow - Vinapu, This is your BEST trip report yet. I truly enjoyed it - I think because I have a similar massage passion like you. I will conserve your report so I can use it for my upcoming trip later this month. Thanks again. M.
  24. hello Vinapu great stories and updates. I see that you have the same passion for massage that I have. I am happy that you liked the 4 hand massage at Guy Spa. I am also happy to hear that it is still open as I will return to BKK next month. You gave me many new ideas for my next visit to LOS and I say "Thanks". ok, I cannot wait for your next update, martin
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