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Everything posted by bkkmfj2648

  1. Truly heartbreaking to see this happening in 2022. Back in the late 1980s and 1990s, I used to live in Denver, Colorado. I fell madly in love with a US Airforce guy who was stationed in beautiful Colorado Springs. Consequently, for many years I frequented Colorado Springs. That was during the period where most of the gay world was boycotting Colorado for passing Amendment 2 in 1992 - which prohibited the state from enacting antidiscrimination protections for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Most of this evil was coming from a group called Focus on the Family. I was president of a gay group at that time and we were trying to get the gays in the other 49 states to not support this boycott because we wanted their help to fight the bigots of Focus on the Family. Consequently, the gay community in Colorado was left alone to fight the bigots by ourselves, which was very painful because the boycott was killing off our gay businesses who could have helped to support us financially during these battles. So, we held many in-state fundraisers to fight the battle. During this time, I agreed to meet with someone from Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs in a local Denny's restaurant. That was one of the longest drives from Denver to Colorado Springs, because I was scared to meet him. We had a very long heated discussion where he hit me with every bible verse about why we were wrong and I tried to convince him that his God also loved us gays and that he needed to accept our right to exist and have equal rights. It was a lost cause with him and we agreed to disagree. Then the incredible happened while we were leaving the Denny's restaurant in the parking lot. He yelled at me, and said, "Do you know why you gays cannot have any rights? Because we (Focus on the Family) need to cancel any temptations that may arise amongst us by eliminating you!!" Then he further said to me, "You gays are the reason why I have to hide from my wife in my bathroom and masturbate to hidden gay magazines...." So, I lost the battle to convince him - but I gained inside information about this cult and their homophobia. It was good intel. Eventually, the citizens of Colorado came to their senses and we overturned Amendment 2, and the gay boycott against us was eventually lifted and our state was once again allowed to be a part of the other 49 states from a gay life point of view. Focus on the Family - and many other groups like this - are mostly all headquartered in Colorado Springs - so it would not surprise me if we discover during yesterday's gay massacre in Club Q that the culprit was one of these repressed homophobic people that I met back in the 1990s or one of their offspring.....
  2. This explains a lot. Thanks for sharing it with us. As a newly retired guy here - there is still so much to discover, understand, and get up to speed with. So much is a mystery, if you do not know the history behind the facts.
  3. I also find what the true name of the Jomtien Complex really is to be confusing: Both of the external marquees in the 2 distinct fronts of the Complex are illuminated with the words: "SUPER TOWN JOMTIEN WALKING STREET" Then the webmaster of the https://www.gaysupertown.com/ Supertown web page labels it as: "SUPERTOWN JOMTIEN COMPLEX" Some of my Thai friends refer to it as "Supertown", or as "Jomtien Complek". Why do these differences exist ? Who is in charge ?
  4. Meanwhile, over in Jomtien last night - there were plenty of those illegal flying lanterns illuminating the entire sky (I am happy to report that none of them set our condo building on fire or the nearby beautiful palm trees at the Dongtan gay beach). There were also many fireworks going off and thousands upon thousands of Loy Krathong floaties that were launched into the sea. This was my first Loy Krathong as a new retiree living here - so I was one of those thousands, with my two Thai friends, who helped me to launch my Loy Krathong into the sea -->> BUT - we had to first follow the correct Thai ritual of: 1.) cut a piece of your hair and place it into the Loy Krathong flower piece made of banana, 2.) insert some loose coins into your Loy Krathong, 3.) light the candle that is in the center of the flowers, 4.) light the incense sticks that are also in the center of the flowers, 5.) say a prayer before launching your Loy Krathong into the water (expressing what you are happy to be relieved of - negative things - and what positive things you want to come into your life). Then you are ready to go. I was not dressed properly, so I had to take my shoes and socks off, and because of the shorts that I was wearing, I could not get out far enough into the water to properly launch my Loy Kratong for enough distance that it would not be washed back ashore (bad luck). There were some kids out in the water and after we launched our 3 Loy Krathongs (see below photo), they approached ours and pushed them further out to sea - and I was SO happy about that - but there was a hidden service charge - they quickly removed all of the loose coins that we had placed in our respective Loy Kratong's (see step 2 above). I became upset, but my 2 Thai friends said to me, "stay calm - these kids are very poor and they deserve what they took and you should know that it does not invalidate the above 5 steps - so our good wishes will still come to us." I am a new retiree here - so I need to learn so much about the Thai Buddhist ways - sabai sabai.... But, for my year 2023 Loy Krathong - I will be much better prepared.
  5. I agree with you. I went a step further - I want to a lamination shop (photo copy store) in Pattaya and they took my passport and copied both the ID page as well as the VISA stamp page. So, the end result is a laminated ID card with my passport photo ID on one side and my VISA stamp on the other side. I had 2 of them made (one as a backup) and I walk around with one of these and the actual passport stays in my room safe. They made it into the side of a credit card - so it fits perfectly into your pocket and/or wallet without having to bend it.
  6. I have had this experience many times. This is one of the reasons that I try to prepare a small map (even if it needs to be homemade) with my trip reports. My worst fear is to find myself lost in one of these unknown far away sois with the soi dogs on the prowl.
  7. If Thailand created a unique word, kathoey, to describe what we call ladyboy in the west perhaps the aficionados / fans of people who frequent / desire them should have their own word to describe them: kathoey-lover kathoey-appassionato kathoey-fan I would not consider someone who goes with a kathoey / ladyboy as gay. why? I am gay, and I have NO desire to go with a kathoey / ladyboy. What do you all think?
  8. There is a lot of speculation as to when this will be. My initial thoughts were that after President Xi secured his third term as leader of the ruling communist party that they would open up the flood gates. But unfortunately, the Covid lockdowns in dozens of Chinese cities continue as part of their zero-Covid policy. This recent Bloomberg article suggests that the flood gates won't open until sometime into 2023. Bloomberg article - when will China reopen
  9. Well there are many of them here in Jomtien and I see no "for pay" activity originating from them here.
  10. It was after Bangkok Pat posted that video on Patpong that I asked him to do another video on the evolution of gay nightlife in Bangkok and Soi Twilight. But crickets - no response.
  11. Honestly, I do not know. From how they act at the Dongtan gay beach and in the Jomtien Supertown Complex - I would argue that they are competition.
  12. I wish Bangkok Pat would do a report on our former Soi Twilight and related history. I have written to him to ask him to do it but there was no reply from him - so perhaps that is not his cup of tea..... But I believe many of us follow him and watch his excellent reports.
  13. Check out this dated article (23-Apr-2020) about the 76 Garage and its supposed COVID delivery queerbaiting.... The SMART Local article about the 76 Garage
  14. Last night in the Jomtien Supertown Complex - I encountered many Russian guys. What is notable is that they are much younger than us retirees :>))
  15. I just moved to Jomtien from Europe as a new retiree. BOLT is an easy to use transportation app. It amalgamates various transportation options and displays them to you. You open it up and it displays where you currently are and then you just type in where you want to go and then it displays the prices for the various types of available transportation methodologies and their related price. In the below example I was shown 3 options: Economy - usually relates to a private person's personal car, Taxi - is a bonafide Taxi - I choose this option when I am returning from a shopping trip - like to Tukcom, Big C, HomePro, etc. and I need space to carry all of the goods that I just bought for my new flat. The genuine taxis, especially the yellow/blue ones tend to be very large with lots of storage space. Motor - a motorbike taxi. This option tends to be the cheapest and most adventurous. BOLT is very popular in Budapest - where I moved from - but in Hungary - there are many payment options - such as from your personal bank account, credit/debit card, or cash. Unfortunately, the BOLT that exists here in Pattaya/Jomtien only has the CASH option for payment - so keep some100 note bills around for payment. The below image is from my BOLT app on my mobile phone. I hope that this helps. Cheers, M.
  16. Thanks for the night out again, Emiel. At our pre warmup dinner at Natans in Jomtien, our time together went too fast. We had SO much gossip to catch up on. Note to the other readers - it is really cool to meet up with members because you can get ALL of the juicy details and if the person with whom you are meeting with is willing - you can see the HOT HOT HOT photos of the guys that were encountered. I can ascertain that ALL of Emiel's conquests were definitely hotties, especially those 6 pack abs guys. The waitress at Natans was trying to be very descrete when I was observing the Phuket African HOT naked photo that I almost dropped Emiel's phone when I realized that her neck was stretched as far as possible to see that lovely cock that I was observing. As Emiel mentioned in his report, he saved me from over accomodating the papasan and mamasan requests to celebrate in drinks Emiel's success in offing the cute Boyz Town waiter. Truly, everyone was happy.
  17. Hello, Yesterday, I attended my first exPat club meeting at the PCEC meeting place, which is held at the Holiday Inn Pattaya's Bay Tower - 4th floor conference rooms. I liked what I saw and decided to become a member. They even bought my breakfast because I was a newbie. My question to all of you is that some of the PCEC members mentioned to me that there are more than one ex-Pat group in Pattaya. Using the Google search function - I only see 3, as follows: PCEC - Pattaya City Expats Club - Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC) web page --> seems to have an American USA focus PEC - Pattaya Expats Club - Pattaya Expats Club (PEC) web page --> seems to have a British focus ATEC - Association of Thailand Expats Clubs - I could not find any related web page or facebook group --> seems to be an association where all of the various exPat groups throughout Thailand network So, my questions to all of you are: 1.) Which exPat group here in Pattaya would you recommend - and why? 2.) Are they worthwhile for networking and knowledge sharing ? even for us gays ? Thanks, M.
  18. Kind of related to this topic - I was recently apartment/condo hunting with some real estate agents. It was difficult to find a decent apartment in front of Dongtan beach. I asked the agent why - when at night time perhaps only 20% of the condos are illuminated at night. I said, where are the other 80% of the condo owners? She replied, well have you heard of the PFC (Pattaya Flying Club) ? I said yes. She said that some of those dark condos that you see at night cannot be rented or sold because of Thai superstition of ghosts. I said, if we find one, can you help me get a monk to ask the ghosts to leave before moving in ?
  19. I don't think so. But I am not sure. Some were very friendly and some were reserved.
  20. You enter at the cash desk and pay the entrance fee. Then you enter a very large locker room - the cute attendent will issue you a lock, key, and wrist band with your "lucky number" - which is used in the restaurant, pool side service, and with the 2 masseurs who are upstairs. The restaurant has a decent menu of both Western and Thai food. There are many types of smoothies available as well as beer and hard alcohol. There are 2 pools - one for swimming and bathing and the other is lije a giant circular jacuzzi. All alongside the 2 pools are chairs and lounge chairs to relax and watch the sexy guys. Alongside the pool area, slightly elevated is the gym enclosed in a large glass room where you can watch your favorite cutie workout. There was a steam room, sauna, bathrooms, and showers on the opposite side from the gym. Upstairs are the 2 masseurs - and yes extras are available for a fee. This fee needs to be paid directly to the masseur in cash. The standard massage fee is charged to your "lucky number" that was given to you when you entered. Above the massage floor are some cabin rooms for privacy, a dark room, bathrooms, and I saw more stairs that went up to an attic area - I did not venture up there. Then there is the Hotel section of this complex, which was closed off as it will open next month in October. So, action can be had by talking to the guys by the pool or in the gym. Or upstairs in the cabins or dark maze area. Also, you can arrange something with the masseurs - but for payment.
  21. Good questions GB. Since I was still at Sansuk Sauna when I read your reply, I was able to chase down Pun in real time to get the answers. Here they are: For this Grand Reopening period (September) the entry fees are as follows: Thais pay 150 baht to enter Non-Thais pay 200 baht to enter During October the prices will change as the Grand Reopening will be over. The proposes entry fees will be: Thais will continue to pay 150 baht. Non-Thais will pay 220 baht to enter. Pun wanted to increase the Thai price to 170 but I implored him to NOT increase the Thai price. We then had a LONG conversation about Pun's worry that the non-Thais who live here in Jomtien/Pattaya will complain about having to pay more when they live here. I told him look Pun, the falangs are complaining that the Thais don't come to the sauna. I suggested that he remind those falangs who will complain that it is intentionally priced this way so that the falangs will have an opportunity to chase, meet, and play with Thai guys thanks to this pricing scheme. When I left at 8pm it was more busy than when I entered at 5pm. The approximate ratio of Thai to non-Thai was 25% falang and 75% Thai (Asian). Lastly, I decided to walk home and it took 25 minutes to my View Talay complex that is in front of Dongtan beach. Again, let us support Pun and his wonderful team after being closed for almost 3 years due to covid restrictions. Enjoy, M. p.s. The hotel part of Sanuk is scheduled to open in October. Sorry, no price information as I forgot to ask. Since I live here now I can ask the next time that I visit.
  22. I went to the Sansuk Sauna today in Pattaya around 5pm - I can confirm that it is open. 73 baht Bolt taxi ride from Dongtan beach. 200 baht fee to enter - includes locker, 2 towels, and condom. Bring your own sandals or flip-flops if you don't want to be barefoot. There were about 15 customers, of which 6 of us were falang and the rest were Thai. All of the Thai guys were in good shape - fit swimmer bodies. Perhaps only 2 were older Thais --> above 35 years old. The remainder were all younger. I met Pun, the long time manager (perhaps owner ?). He said after almost 3 long years of being closed he is truly happy to be open since the 15th of September. Staff wise, there are plenty, around 8 guys and some were good eye candy. A couple of sexy Thais were working out in the gym. I ate in the bar/restaurant. There is a good menu with Thai and Western food. There is also a wide selection of alcoholic beverages. One masseur was on duty during my visit. Let us support Sansuk and Pun. Enjoy, M.
  23. Emiel, I knew from the first moment that I met you that you were an honorable man who would step up to do the necessary duty for his fellow forum members to take on this HOT speciman of a man for all of us. BRAVO!!! Your pictures and story made me so horny for a new try of African meat. Yummy. Regarding Number 19, I have not yet ventured back over to Pattaya. However, I did try to find him in Grindr and Hornet - but with no luck.
  24. I just started my freshly new retirement life 1.5 weeks ago here in Jomtien and I am loving it. My retirement dream was to retire with a view onto the sea and to be near a vibrant gay life and beach. Jomtien offers all that and more.
  25. But then you would of not have had the HOT time with Number 20 from Dream Boys. Or do you think that the BoyzBoyzBoyz waiter would have been more hot than Number 20?
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