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Everything posted by bkkmfj2648

  1. I would say that this is a very good price - because they often quote from 1,500 to 2,000 for a ST session. So, 2,000 + 300 = 2,300 baht for the entire day is very reasonable. I paid 4.000 per day to import a very sexy muscle guy from Bangkok to stay with me in my condo here in Pattaya for 4 days.
  2. Forum member JD100 and myself, we attended the Friday 01-Nov-2024 Venue Cabaret Halloween special edition show. Neither one of us have ever seen the cabaret show here as we have frequently attended the M2M show in the Jomtien Complex and recently the stupendous cabaret show at Tiffany in Pattaya - recent review here: The Venue is one of the primary hotels in the Jomtien Complex (aka, Supertown) https://www.facebook.com/TheVenueCabaret/ The price for admission was 1 required drink (360 baht I believe - JD paid for mine) which is good value for money - as the cabaret show started at 10pm and we exited between 11:30pm - 11:45pm - as they then move everyone from the main stage to the pool area for the more sexy cabaret version (we did not stay for that show). We had front row seats - as I had made a reservation via email the prior day = thevenuejomtienpattaya@hotmail.com At first, neither of us felt an affinity with the performers - as we have been jaded by the excellent performers at M2M - as they seem to be more passionate about their performances and they work the audience more to draw you into their themed acts. The M2M audience is much more inclined to tip the performers throughout the show, whereas, The Venue audience was more subdued and reluctant to tip. However, after about 30 to 40 minutes into The Venue show, we started to feel enchanted with The Venue cabaret performers and by the end of the show we were totally in harmony with them. I would recommend our viewers/readers to see this show. I give a ranking as follows: 5 stars to the Tiffany show in Pattaya City, 4.4 stars to the M2M show in the Jomtien Complex, 4 stars to The Venue show in the Jomtien Complex. JD has decided to leave Thailand to return to his home country later this month - so we want to squeeze in one more night out to see the show at the Colosseum. I will post a review after we have seen that show. Here are some photos from The Venue Halloween show: My favorite scene was the dance number with the nuns with the picture frames - I found it unique and entertaining.
  3. You may be right. Today I disassembled the 2 smoke detectors and tried to locate the battery compartment and there was none. It seems that this integrated model that they installed is hard wired to the building electrical current - and would they function if the power goes out ? ๐Ÿค” Here is the smoke detector technical diagram and related specifications: Which is then integrated (hard wired) into the central command center: Does this mean that if the smoke detector senses a fire within you condo unit that it activates the ceiling water sprinklers ? ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿค” I will try to ask someone who understands technical things within the building and also understands English ?
  4. OMG ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  5. I can vouch that in the VT building where I live there are in fact BOTH automatic sprinklers (2) and smoke detector (1) in each room - excluding wardrobe room and bathroom. hmm @reader - now that I think about it I have NEVER seen any of the smoke detectors in my condo blink. I will add this to my project list for tomorrow - as I need to clean the 2 aircon filters. Thanks for potentially saving my life....
  6. @Olddaddy I would also become one of your regular customers if the music is good. Please no trance, electronic trash, metal, etcetra. Play music that us old farts can dance to = nostalgia high energy music. Get us out of our bar chairs and seats and get us moving and expending energy = more thirst to buy more bar drinks. Plus we will get healthy and plow more money into the local economy and live a more interesting life. The typical "farang sit and farang drink" type of bar that is everywhere is killing us = a lethargic slow death.
  7. or use another more friendly and cheaper app that does not make the process to find the guys that we want to be with much more easier ๐Ÿ‘
  8. finally - a glimpse of our @Olddaddy
  9. hahaha when @reader first posted this and I read it here - I ran out onto the balcony to see if there was any fire damage - but not. Then I resat down at my computer to give this alarming article another proper read and I realized that it was another VT building and not mine. Here in my VT we are still trying to recover from September's tragic event where a farang - one floor above my floor - died when somehow falling from his balcony - NAKED - which still to this day does not make any sense and the continuing rumor mill is like an Angela Christie unsolved mystery....
  10. @Olddaddy - you already discovered recently the way to success. You told us that you were bored in BKK and that you were heading back to Pattaya. Then I believe that you met a farang who took you to DJ Station to dance and you had the time of your life. SO - the Jomtien Supertown Complex DESPERATELY needs a fun place to dance. Yes there is already the Dragon Music Lounge but the music they play just does not get everyone very excited to dance. And in your NEW double shophouse - you can use one side for dancing and the other side to be the bar, BINGO, book store, and whatever else would be fun and UNIQUE in the complex. In my STRONG opinion, many of the bars do not last long because: they INSIST on the same boring "farang sit and farang drink" kind of operating mantra - which is just so lethargic and unexciting. There is so much potential with the right kind of FUN attitude..... ======================================================================== by the way, last night I was in the Jomtien Complex and they finally installed the 2nd NEW marquee at the secondary entrance to the complex - near the beach. Note - NO reference to the identifier = Supertown --> like there is on the primary entrance marquee near the Poseidon hotel/restaurant.
  11. Well if you make: the awareness of said fund quasi hidden from those who would need it, the rules on what is and is not covered opaque. then of course you will not spend what has been allocated - even though you plan to add a new arrival tax on said tourists that is supposed to boost funds into this central medical fund. How crazy. Brace yourself for the potential outcome of this committee - as it might try to link to the new initiatives that the Thai Revenue Department has been touting with this proposed "streamlining" change for retirees..... hmmmmmmm ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  12. I don't think that the X-Boys management played a trick, because after I told them that I would off John (not me - but the guy from Myanmar) the main manager guy (who handles all of the invoicing - those pieces of paper that are electronically printed and placed in our check bin) came over and took my already existing invoice that was in the check-bin receptacle and went over to the cash desk and a new printed invoice was presented to me with the line-by-line itemization, where there was a specific line entry for the off fee of 800 baht and the ST tip to the guy of 2.000 baht - and of course there were additional line items for the already consumed drinks. What is unknown is: is it the X-Boys management policy to have the customer pre-pay for the ST fee as part of the settlement of the check bin before the client leaves the X-Boys premises? or, as I have learned and shared in this forum previously - that sometimes our guys use their employers and/or mamasans as banks and finance agents - especially if they are non-Thai - as they may have difficulties in obtaining a legal Thai bank account. If this would be true, then perhaps, the X-Boys management uses this system to top-up and/or pay off any existing financing arrangements for said guy. We need to remember that my Myanmar off told me that he lived in a building on the same street of X-Boys (he pointed it out to me when we were in the taxi heading off to Jomtien) and he said that many of the X-Boys live there in the communal type of housing provided by the bar - BUT the guys need to pay for it. So, maybe this type of check-bin settlement system acts as a clearing system for said guy to allow that X-Boys is properly paid for any debts and our guys who cannot have proper banking in our LOS wonderful Thailand have a way to have a sudo type of banking arrangement offered by their kind employer? Thoughts?
  13. "John" was the phonetic sound that was said to my ear when I asked both: 1.) the guy I offed what his name was, 2.) and to the papasan when I said, I want to off the Myanmar guy up on the stage now and the papasan replies with the sound = John. I am not familiar with Myanmar culture to understand if they give themselves English sounding nicknames like our Thai guys do - like Bank, Oat, Boat, Boss, Pee, etc. I looked in Google and it does not appear that "John" is a Burmese name.
  14. No idea. I would need to off another guy or two to see if the same bar procedure would be repeated - consequently, I cannot state if this was specific to John or specific to it being the X-Boy policy. it would seem that perhaps @Keithambrose has already attended @vinapu boot camp training, where the indoctrination is that there is NO time to waste and that every free moment is a possible off.
  15. @emiel1981 I hope that you are doing well and enjoying China. As this thread is your thread and I promised to followup with OUR Mr. Tuesday - I can report that he was my Halloween treat last night, on a Thursday. So, I went to my Thai friend's bar in the Jomtien Complex and hung out there for a while but my friend was home sick so it just did not have a fun vibe and by 11pm most of the customers moved on. So, I still had some energy and power left in me (even though it was a gym day - but I took a BIG nap in the afternoon and I refrained from a 4 hands massage) so I took the bahtbus (songthaew) over to Pattaya City to X-Boys - it was around 11:30pm and they were in the middle of their 11pm show. Ironically Emiel, I was placed in the same seat as you and I were, but what was great was that none of the mamasans, papasans, or managers remembered me - which allowed me to be incognito (as I feared that they would all pounce on me like during our visit for a massive amount of drinks) so that I could watch / stalk for our Mr. Tuesday. Out he came for the mini golf show and I knew that I had to ask the papasan to get him down from the stage to sit with me. After the mini-golf was done she had him sitting with me and I bought him a drink. His name is John and as we both know, he is from Myanmar, and if I remember correctly he is from the Kayah part of Burma. By now the show was over and slowly slowly the various bar staff started coming over to get a free drink and I was pretty good this time as I only bought John and the related papasan a drink. You may remember that this was the same papasan who would not get off of my lap when we were there together. Some of the queeny twink guys also came over to get a free drink, but I barked at them NO - as I was just freshly arrived from the twink heaven Supertown and I now wanted to play with only manly masculine men. So, I offed John for ST and my total bill was: 300 baht my drink 300 baht papasan drink 300 baht drink for John 800 ST off fee paid to bar 2000 ST fee paid to bar for John (not given to John) ------- 3,700 baht total @emiel1981 when you compare what we spent on our EXCITING night together at X-Boys - what I paid for my Halloween treat was a bargain. So, was John good ? Yes and no. As you may remember he has a very charming personality and is VERY similar in nature as the visiting B-Boys that travel to perform throughout the Pattaya entertainment areas. For those who are not familiar with the amazing B-Boys - here is a short 10 second video of them in action: I have over the years, to no avail, tried to off a B-Boy but with ZERO luck. They even joke with me now as they are so aware of my useless attempts but every once and a while I try to see if my luck will change. Anyway, I had John in my room and I was told back at X-Boys that he is very straight and is VERY limited at what he will do with another man in bed. So, back in my condo he was very uptight and so I took him out onto the balcony so that he could look at the sea and drink some beer where I engaged him in an intense discussion of the current plight of Myanmar and their struggle. He seemed to loosen up a bit. What I like about John is that he has a vision/dream (which is often lacking in the guys that we off) where he wants to stay in Pattaya for another 2 years to improve his English where his goal is to eventually relocate to Malaysia to obtain his undergraduate degree - so he saves part of his X-Boys income towards his Malaysia dream and I commend him for this. I told him that for us who live here in Pattaya it is very hard to meet guys from Myanmar, as they tend to congregate in Bangkok and/or in Chiang Mai. I asked him why he came to Pattaya instead of these more popular Myanmar destination places (BKK and CM) and he said that the Thai people in BKK are very unfriendly to the Burmese people and he said that here in Pattaya - because he is so rare and Myanmar people are so few - nobody treats him badly. He said that the X-Boys owners (a Thai guy and his French partner) created a family like feeling where our guys are looked after and given housing (for a fee) in a building very near to the X-Boys facility and he really likes this. He also mentioned that he is currently the ONLY Myanmar person on the current X-Boys staff and none of the Thai staff treat him badly - like he was treated back in BKK. I asked him, then why do so many Myanmar guys congregate to BKK?? He said because there are more opportunities to make money, more fellow co-nationals to create friendships with, and this one amazed me - he said that BKK is more conservative than Pattaya and this appeals to the Myanmar people because they are shy, reserved, and conservative in nature - whereas, Pattaya is seen as being wild and too open. I love these insights. By now he has finished his big bottle of beer and he takes a shower and I wait for him naked in my bed. It is already 2am and I am so tired but all of my systems were in working order and as soon as he touched me I was already rock hard. Unfortunately, his systems were not like the ones that I saw on the stage back at X-Boys and he apologized because he said that it is difficult for him to be with a man. I got him hard a few times but I could not make him get an orgasm. However, for me, I was very easy, as he exemplifies my B-Boys street dancer fantasy, that I had to stop him several times from cumming prematurely as I wanted to enjoy every moment. Normally, I would exchange LINE, but I decided not to because life has taught me that this realized fantasy and the extreme excitement that came with it most likely could not be recreated knowing what I already know about his limitations in the bed. So, I give him an 8 out of 10 with the decision to not repeat with him. Lastly, there is a NEW performer at X-Boys who does the candle show with the other HOT star - the muscle guy that is infamous because of his gigantic cock who wears the fluorescent glow in the dark glasses. This new guy is also very sexy with a BIG cock and the fact that the X-Boy owners have paired them together for this candle show without any of the other dancers was a good choice in my opinion. Hopefully, our KFC who is very familiar with the fluorescent glow in the dark glasses big cock muscle guy might find this new entry more appetizing than Mr. Fluroescent ??
  16. @Olddaddy I am happy to see / learn that you found your vibe in BKK at the famous DJ Station. so, no need to return to Pattaya, as I don't believe that we have a DJ Station equivalent - some say that the Dragon Music Lounge in the Jomtien Complex is this - but in my mind it is a very different animal and I never wanted to dance until closing there as I did when I visited DJ Station in the past.
  17. Here is an article written by a Thai official of the Thai Revenue department. You will need to translate it = easy peasy. You can clearly see that these tax changes already implemented for tax year 2024 are only the beginning of a greater global tax harmonization master plan. So, it is prudent to get ahead of what is potentially coming down the road. https://pantip.com/topic/42949323/
  18. @MaxBKK Thanks for this advice. I have already met with 2 different tax experts located here in Thailand, and in my personal situation, it made most prudent fiscal sense for me to: 1.) Leave Thailand for > 180 days in tax year 2025 to avoid being deemed a tax resident and to top-up my Thai bank account in 2025 for my 2025 and 2026 living expenses, 2.) As a result of step 1, I can live in Thailand for all of year 2026 without any assessable income to declare, 3.) Repeat this 2 year alternating cycle until I can qualify for the BOI Wealthy Pensioner visa, which exempts you from having to pay income tax. However, the requirement for this type of visa is to have had $80,000 USD of passive income verifiable in 2 prior years of your home country tax returns. I will only meet this threshold at age 67 (I am now 63) when I will start to collect social security + 2 years = age 69. So I will need to repeat the above steps 1 +2, for 3 cycles = 6 years. Who knows, maybe I will find a place in a different country that is more beautiful in a high rise condo right on the sea with stunning views like I already have here in Jomtien. I am up for this exciting challenge and I thank the Thai government for forcing me to do it. p.s. for this year 2024, I already topped up my Thai bank account at the end of year 2023, when the Thai Revenue Department issued its Order No. Por. 161/2023 re: Payment of Income Tax under Section 41, Paragraph 2, of the Revenue Code dated 15th September 2023 to set up a new rule on payment of the personal income tax from overseas income, which came into force from 1st January 2024.
  19. I promise to give said trip report in December. I truly appreciate all of your concerns and friendly valid recommendations. But, we need to remember that I am leaving Thailand in 2025 for more than 180 days to avoid the new Thai tax problem. So, I want to conclude my medical work plan with my known doctors here in Pattaya, instead of having to try to find doctors in The Philippines and Vietnam - when in these 2 countries I want to fulfill my objectives of: know that I already found the right solution for my dick problem, minimize my potential Thailand tax bill, determine if Jomtien is the proper place for me to continue to live for my retirement years, see if another retirement place like Jomtien (high rise condo living on the sea) exists in either The Philippines or Vietnam. So, I can squeeze a trip to BKK and JJ in December before I depart for The Philippines. p.s. I am truly sorry to hear that your best friend did not get to fulfill his dream to sail around the Mediterranean. Please note that I took early retirement with a reduced pension from my former job because I knew that the stress from that job was going to either kill me or cause me to have permanent health damage - so, I left and I moved to Thailand.
  20. hahaha Dr. Vinapu hasn't spoken to my medical doctor. If you want a properly working dick after working a job for too many years that stressed me out to no end where I totally ignored to take care of my body, lost control of my left eye, and with very high blood pressure - my cock stopped working. So, the sacrifice that I make today is so that I can have many JJs tomorrow :>)) And that is an sacrifice (following doctor's orders) that I am willing to make :>)) Because a retirement without good sex would cause me to join the PFC .....
  21. @Raposa did you get to play with JJ yet ? if yes - happy ?
  22. Wow @Raposa - thanks for sharing this find with us. I took a look at his X profile and now I am even more interested to meet JJ. Unfortunately, it will have to wait until December when I will free myself up from the gym, TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), and ED Shockwave treatments. Hallelujah !! my reward will be a trip over to BKK to play with JJ.
  23. no, it was not Lukas Ridgeton. For the life of me, I cannot remember his name - but back in the late 1990s I had a crush on this Czech porn star. He had jet black hair and was very sexy with the perfect cock - which I diligently fluffed for him. Maybe if I could see some photos of famous 1998 Czech porn stars I could remember who it was.
  24. @reader how ironic. I learned what the word "fluffer" meant when I went to the Gay Games that were held in Amsterdam in 1998 - my first trip ever to Europe to support Team Colorado. Afterwards, I toured Europe, with a stop in Prague, at the famous bar = DRAKE (then owned my William Higgins). It was at DRAKE that you could "rent" a room where your chosen famous porn star would join you in said room, after paying the bartender the then equivalent $100 USD for 1 hour. I was so young and horny back then that I already shot my load within 10 minutes with this super sexy Czech porn star. He said to me, what do you want to do for the remaining 50 minutes? I said, please let me interview you (as I had secret desires to also be in the porn industry). He told me a story of envy about when they had to make porn films with American porn stars --> in that said USA porn stars came equipped with their personal "fluffers". The European porn industry had no such equivalent - they had to make themselves hard via self masturbation. I replied - what is a fluffer? He said the sexy guy who will drop to his knees to blow the porn star before he needs to go onto the set to perform. In that moment I knew what role that I wanted in the porn industry --> but unfortunately, @reader was always on his knees before I could even start to kneel down ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ข
  25. @simcity - you are right - It seems that Hornet disabled the Following hyperlink. I do remember in the past being able to see a list of who a certain user is following. Consequently, I opened a Help Desk ticket at Hornet and they gave the below explanation: Hopefully, they will reactivate this feature, as I found it very useful when trying to determine which "birds of a feather flock together**" to get in touch with --> versus which ones to not get in touch with - depending on the similarities that we might have or not have. **https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_a_feather_flock_together
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