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  • Birthday 08/01/1984

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  1. I've never been to Fake. How is it on Songkran? I considered going on one of the evenings but then I saw a video of a huge queue that they posted on IG last year. Do they sell tickets in advance?
  2. If you mean outdoors by "open public" than no. It's an indoors big room festival. I think it's not much of an explicit sex in dance floor event. More of a drugs in the dance floor event and sex afterwards at the after party.
  3. I'm 39yo. Limit draft age is 40 for most professions and 50 for some others including my own. A very big, Asian, gay annual party rave for Songkran. I think it's the biggest gay rave in Asia.
  4. Hey guys, Not a lot of things makes me happy these days. As the situation in my home country of Israel developes, I become more pessimistic about the future. Since October I'm drafted to the army and I expect that to end in several weeks. One thing that does make me happy, is planning. Due to the fragility of the situation, this trip has a high cancelation risk, so I'm booking it with full cancelation terms. After getting my husband approval, I'm booked for Songkran weekend in Bangkok! I'm expecting massive GCircuit parties and also will attend the Martin Garix set on the Siam Songkran event. First question, advice on lodging? Any particular advice regarding Songkran? I'm debating between Le Meridien, W, or staying near the GCircuit parties that will happen at the EmSphere on Sukhumvit. Also, any specific Songkran advice will be highly appreciated. Peace and Love ❤️
  5. Amen. My husband, daughters and I are currently safe and calm. We are also very sad and somewhat frightened. Hopefully the next months will allow the return for some more positive feelings.
  6. I think you mean MAD with AirEuropa. Problem with that flight is that the return leg is at 2PM which is bad for a night's sleep. ITA in both directions starts at the evening which is a better option on my opinion.
  7. Well, if I didn't get my trip as planned, I might as well relish on the memories of what did happen. My first trip to SP was planned for April 2020. That trip of course was canceled. Recently I realized that I can squeeze in a 2-week trip somewhere in the world. I kindly asked my husband his approval for a solo trip while he stays home with our kids. After his approval I started planning and planning and planning. In Hebrew there's a saying that is roughly translated to: man makes plans, and God laughs. That was so true this time. Booked a return ticket TLV->FCO->GRU with ITA business class since they gave a really good fare of 2500$. Flight was OK and I landed in GRU morning of Oct 5th. Checked in at the intercontinental. I think my money could do better. The hotel is totally fine but rather old. Went to a stroll in Paulista Av and was unimpressed. At about 5PM I decided it's my time for Lagoa. Was there a total of probably 2-3 hours. I know that making an impression based on one visit is totally misleading – but unfortunately that was my only opportunity to visit. Lagoa was kind of packed that evening. Way more Garatos than clients. But – very few if any of them were the guys I hoped to meet there. My type is muscle adonis guys which by what I read Lagoa is THE place for that. Well at that night it wasn't like that. But it was indeed OK and I didn't allow my self to leave before having one programa with a guy that was both sweet and my kind of type. That whole experience was fine but I expected more and planned on revisiting. It is possible that I expected too much or that it is just a one time miss. From there I took a taxi to Chili sauna. That place was wayyyy better. I was surprised by the facility size and high maintenance. But what surprised me more was the amount and quality of the crowd. Lot’s of guys there on a Thursday night. Crowd is friendly, hot, and engaging. I have been to ALL major saunas in Europe – this one exceeds them all in terms of crowd and facility. Spent there about five hours and had to force my self to leave lol. Security near the facility is high and it is encouraged to book the Uber from inside the facility and going straight in the car since it is rather scary outside that place. Morning after I went to a guided city bike tour. It was supposed to be a group tour but I was the only one enrolled that day which was excellent. My guide took me around the city stopping in major sights. It was a good way to experience the city and I came back to the hotel tired and satisfied. That afternoon was my time to try an online services. I saw on Gridndr a guy I also knew from OF. This guy was exactly the prototype of a guy I’m looking for in Lagoa and he was also incredibly handsome. I went to his place which was near my hotel and that session was incredibly hot. Passionate, fun, sexy. 10 out of 10. When evening came I went back to chilli. That evening and night that place was more packed as you’d expect from a Friday night. Again a great night and from there went at 1AM to a nice party near by with a guy I knew from home and saw on Grindr that he was also in SP. It was his last night here before returning home so we decided to party together. We danced and had fun and about 2AM SP time we both got the first text from home. Missiles at TLV. I thought to myself, that happens once a year, hopefully it will be just that missile. We kept dancing. 10 minutes later I got the first and only video I actually watched from that massacre. I immediately returned to my hotel. I felt so bad I just wanted home. At that moment I realized this trip is over. My husband told me that maybe I should wait another day before returning but I could not bare the fact not being close to my family at that time. I packed and took a Taxi to GRU. 30 hours later I got home. My husband and I had half an hour together before he got drafted. Situation is shit. But at least I’m home with my family. Till next time. Hopefully soon. Stay safe. Cheers!
  8. Hey guys, After canceling my April 2020 trip to Brazil, it's now time for my first dip. I've got most of the info I need from this forums so big thanks to all. 39 yo Israeli here. My itinerary is spending this weekend (5 to 9 oct) in SP, mid week rio (9 to 13) and returning for next weekend to SP (13 to 16 oct) with one night at Tomorrowland. It would be great to meet someone from this forum and go to the GP sauna or any other adventure, PM me if interested. I'll also go clubbing and to the regular saunas. One piece of info I didn't find here or any other online resource is regarding gyms. I'll be staying in Paulista Av in SP and Ipanema in Rio. I'm looking for a gay gym. And by gay gym, I mean a gym that is a regular preferably high end gym that is also frequented by a high concentration of gay guys. That combination usually leads to shower fun / steam room action. For reference, imagine the old David Burton gym in NYC. Any inspiration or suggestions on where should I workout? Thanks again for all the info!
  9. Well, several months ago my second daughter was born so solo travel has been rare and short... hopefully will return to BKK for a more proper trip in the next year. For now I'm counting the days till my first Brazil trip As always, YMMV.
  10. Hey guys, I recently came back from a 12 day BKK-SAMUI family trip. Since the vast majority of my trip was child related activities, I'll spare you the report. In BKK I had the opportunity to go 3 times to massage places. Since I had zero place for spontaneity I pre booked them online. I Lined with all the recommended massage places and found my types (Asian Muscle) in 2 places: Jay Spa & S'sense Suan Plu. S'sense – I first booked Singha. 90m massage was heaven with him. When I wanted to book him again he was unavailable so I booked Knott – and it was just as satisfying. Great men & great place. 1150 THB for the house and minimum 800 THB for the guy (I gave them both double than that). Jay – I booked Phong - 2000 THB minimum tip as Jay Spa wrote me. He is built perfectly in my opinion. But I wouldn't call that a massage nor did he succeed on bottoming as he said. It was all and all OK but I would not repeat. My husband picked a stunner there for a minimum tip of 3K. Guy's name was Veel and my husband was satisfied. That’s about it. Was unable to fulfil all the usual stuff I get to do in BKK. But in just one more month I will get my compensation as my husband gave me his blessing for a 2 week Rio & Sao Paulo solo trip. Cheers!
  11. Hello, I'm excited to go on my first Brazil trip in just 2 months. As a circuit queen, I always wanted to go for a party of TheWeek which is for some reason permanently closed. My question is, is there somewhere else all the Brazilian barbies go clubbing for nowadays? Thanks!
  12. Oh not ready at all. Basically TLV is nowadays one big construction site. They say first metro ride should start mid 2023 but that still means they'll be building in the next decade or so. If anyone plans a visit here come with some patience
  13. Lets wrap up this trip report! Day 4 Again, my alarm woke us for at breakfast 10:15AM. This time after not enough sleep, so we go, eat like zombies and return for another 2-hour sleep. After we wake up, I again tell V I’ll be out till night and this time will return by 11PM. I arrive to meet my friend at Cahtuchak weekend market. Although he lives several years in Thailand, he had never been there. For me it is probably the 4th or 5th time there. I’m getting better at doing that experience and I bought an additional suitcase right upon arrival. After about 2 hours my suitcase (which was a big one!) was full of clothes, toys and other stuff for my daughter, husband and myself. I also bought a small present for V as I knew tomorrow, we say our goodbyes. From there I managed to drag my friend for a late lunch at the Ari area since I had business there. And by business, I mean Chakran. Had Shabu Shabu and scheduled to meet tomorrow for more shopping at the Emporium mall. What I really like about Chakran is that you get 2 for 1 in the same compound. You can get a massage from what is usually a very good variety, and/or you can enter the sauna. I arrived there at 6PM with a two-hour time gap from my next plan so I decided I’ll first have a look at the massage at VCK’s and if I’ll see a stunner, I’ll go for the massage otherwise I’ll enter the sauna. I shared with the manager my plans upon arrival and he took good care of me, he stored my shopping luggage and took me to see the guys on display. He also mentioned that the Chakran compound is now also a hotel. With guests getting free all access to the place’s facilities. That reminded me of Babylon but I don’t think they’ll be able to pull it off the same way – Location Location Location. Ari is just too far away from the other gay points of interests. Anyways, I wished him luck with that and went with him to see the guys. About 10 guys on display, mostly handsome twunks. If I had more time I’d stay for a combo of massage and sauna but having to choose I decided to go to the sauna. Guys on display were of good choice but just no one there, at that time, that made me wanna skip the HOMO FOMO of not going to the sauna. Entered Chakran, about 50 guys on site, with a couple of foreigners besides me. I had my share of fun there, not anything that blew my mind but enough to say that I was happy to leave and I think that place has the best product to offer now in the post Babylon era. I leave for Soi 4 and meet another old friend from another trip report for drinks at Pride bar. Even though it’s Sunday Eve, Soi 4 is still pleasantly full with people. After that I meet V at my room to discover he too bought me a present, so we exchange gifts. It’s my last night so we decide to go to GOD for a quickie. We arrive to GOD to discover an almost empty and open club. I love that and V is disappointed. For me, clubbing is more for the music than about the crowd and I prefer, especially nowadays, to have my space. We enjoy dancing and at 1:20 when the lights turn on, we go back to the room. That night’s sex is V wanting to please me. I always ask V what are his “likes and don’t likes” about sex, in order to know what turns him on or off. When I am presented with a similar question, I am able to produce a long-detailed list of things that I like or don’t. He claims that he is mostly turned on when his partner is turned on by him and that he can satisfy his partner needs. So, V remembers that as much as I can be tender and loving, I can also enjoy being rough. He puts on a feminine thong which he already knows will make me crazy and tells me he’s my whore for the night. Whether he likes it or not, it is still a mystery to me, but he totally obliged that night and to my request, V turned into a total submissive sex toy. And by that, I mean that he let me pound him the way I want, the rhythm I want and to apply the amount of force that I want. I verified with him every 10 minutes that he is OK as I was uncertain if he is enjoying this. For me, it was Christmas. Or Chanukah. He took all of my aggression like a champ and asked for more. That cardio workout ended at about 4AM and we went to sleep knowing that he needs to go to work by noon so we have an early goodbye tomorrow. Day 5 After our routine alarm and breakfast V and I say goodbye. It’s Monday and he needs to be at work by noon and is kind of late already. Goodbye this time is easier than it was last time, less emotional. We promise each other to keep in touch and we both kind of know and feel it’s not the last time we meet so I think it’s less dramatic. I negotiate a late checkout at the W and get a 6PM for free which was awesome. I leave for Emporium and Emquartier malls to meet my friend. Already in the Taxi I realize I have some time to kill after checkout and before the flight back home. I text Sabaideespa’s LINE asking what’s on the menu for this evening. I spot a stunner on of the pics and book him. I meet my friend for shopping and late lunch, we say our goodbyes and I return for my checkout. I arrive at Sabaideespa just to actually see that the stunning guy in the picture is indeed stunning in real. If you want also to admire that guy’s beauty and body, you can either PM me (I don’t feel comfortable posting his pics in public) or send a Line to Sabaideespa enquiring about “Mr A.”. This seems like a case of guy that has little experience if any in the massage scene but his presence compensated on that. In this case a 90 mins turned to be 70 minutes. These is a precise case that is a good thing I asked for 90 mins cause I’m sure that 60 mins would have probably turned into 45. Regarding the session, a lot of red lights were there: he wore a mask and a towel for the first 15 minutes until he dropped them. He did not shower with me and in general had a shy vibe which I respected until he got warmer with the minutes passing by. Also, if Vinapu’s pouring direct oil on skin is a turn off – than he totally did that. As an amateur masseur he was done with the official innocent part in about 20 minutes. The rest of the session was half him edging me (like a pro!) and half muscle worship. Does this qualify as a good massage? Probably not. Did I have a good time? Oh, fuck yes! I left there extremely happy to conclude my trip with that climax. That’s all. Taxi, Flights and I’m back home overwhelmed once again by the big change of rhythm between that intense BKK weekend and returning back to normal life. Negative Covid test upon arrival home surprises me, as I had so much close contact with too many people this trip. God bless Pfizer. When is next time? Hopefully I’ll return for next January’s White Party. I am happy to say we are expecting a second child in the upcoming fall so some trips are in the near future to the USA. If all goes well, then I expect a much-needed vacation will align just in time for WPBKK. Will update. Thank you all for reading and commenting and sharing your thoughts. This is a video from last pride (June 2021) after a year and a half without my queen's appearance during Covid. This was her new opening song. I’m dedicating this song to all BKK lovers out there, trying to have fun like there is no tomorrow. I try my best to do so during my trips 😊
  14. I didn't feel like the last posts were judgmental. I think people were just sharing their thoughts, opinions and own experience regarding a subject which is usually sensitive.
  15. This narrow but somehow precise forum definition made me laugh in this freezing Israeli morning!
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