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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. MichaeI, I'm glad you restored your health and a vivid imagination, almost peed laughing reading about "Osama porn" Mah , If one is able to compose input to the board just after coming home from night od drinking I wonder what he was drinking all night, buttermilk only perhaps ?. Christian, I agree with you about need for thick skin on some forums and admire sometimes that you are able to keep cool when attacked. In similar situations I would be tempted to remind my adversaries how their grandmother conducted herself when she was still in the high school. And by the way, I noticed you are travelling and posting about less frequently recently. Did you fall in love or you are devoting rainy season to wealth accumulation?
  2. Not only leave animals alone but also local people and their environment. There's no need to push cameras in everybody's face just because they look exotic for us. I had taste of it when visiting Borobudur on Java in May, everyone of 5000 school children visiting place wanted to take their pictures with me. It was fun first 10 times but after that became just nuisance even if they asked for permission every single time. Like Christian I don't attend any animal shows neither in Thailand nor elsewhere , only exception being venom milking at Snake Farm in Bangkok as this is for a good cause of producing anti-venom.
  3. Likely on their website somewhere like all things those days
  4. I agree with Michael but if it's done in non-invasive and non-sarcastic manner I don't mind small correction as long as it's free of unnecessary side comments. As not a native speaker I would treat this as part of learning process but it's may be just me. Great advantage of this forum is being relatively free of sarcasm and poke remarks
  5. Thanks God you are alive ! Was worried when all of the sudden you fell silent for couple days. Joy of travelling-and so called Montezuma revenge unfortunately. If you can eat cheeseburger obviously you are better now. I'd stay away from meat and sugar for few days until you recover. Most important -you still have a good trip
  6. In cases like that usually both sides are right, dams are ruining environment but are very handy for clean electricity generation and if emptied and closed at right time great for flood containment. All over the world story is the same - strong government, authoritarian or with strong electoral mandate goes ahead with dams, one looking for re-election and with wobbly mandate back off till better time. It looks as toss a coin situation.
  7. I'm glad you feel better this morning. Trip to Killing Fields will not be nice one but you are right you want to give boys an exposure to recent Khmer history . Tuol Sleng prison in PP is even more moving with it's map of Cambodia made from the human sculls. Considering distance taxi to PP would be good deal even at quoted 90$ for three of you but for one person I think flying or taking bus is better option than lunatic driver. Boats between PP and SR have very mixed reviews in travelling community . After reading recent post advised my friend to take a bus since you liked scenery , thank you again.
  8. Travelling by land has advantage of seeing scenery and meeting local people and in case bumpy road as one Michael just described , added bonus of chance of loosing one's kidney stones.
  9. Great and very informative post about day 4. Hope you feel better tomorrow and will have a chance to do some sightseeing in Phnom Penh, I would not miss Silver pagoda in Royal Place compound. You are right about taking blame for mini-bar miscalculation, how they supposed to know, treat this as non-deductible tuition fee for lesson learned and thank you for sharing this with us so we can have free tutorial on the subject too. It is shocking how hotels are milking their clients, 50 % mark-up for just calling taxi for you is gross. I know that they are milking motorcycle drivers arranged for tourists through reception the same way. Another great lesson for others , this at least not at your expense ! Shortchanging could happen everywhere, I feel sorry for boys as they may feel bad they were taken for a ride by asshole Gatorade peddler . But to be fair it could be honest mistake on his part, I doubt it though. So this is lesson three-ask for piece and count your change. By the way, why the hell somebody needs gold necklace while travelling ? This is always an invitation for crooks. And lesson 4 is that between Phnom and Siem Reap to road condition bus option may be cheaper and more comfortable if there are few travelers and for one flying for 30 $ more is viable option. I know somebody who is going there with his son in 10 days and your post happened to be very timely with is information I could share with them. They were planning to go by car to Reap from Phnom Penh to see scenery , now I can tell them to forget that. And boy is extremely happy he will be able to climb to the top of Angkor Wat as you told us it's possible, he was told by somebody it was closed few years ago. Hope you will wake up without fever to continues your adventure, too bad that seemed over budget on day 4.
  10. I all countries I don't speak at least a little bit of local language I'm leaving driving to locals unless in company of local residents. Things are happening and it something happens you are helpless, been there , done that. No Thailand experience though
  11. Rogie, thank you for the Pagan link above , link in 2nd post there leads to absolutely fabulous pictures and a story
  12. I'm sorry to hear that rain spoiled your adventure but look at bright side - now you have new reason to go back to this one of most unique places in the whole wide world. How much they are charging for balloon flight over ruins ? 200$ I paid for similar experience over Pagan in Burma few years ago I was worth every single penny.
  13. In defence of Christian I need to add that he did not even indicated he has this forum in mind, he just said 'forum ' , not ' this forum ' so no need to get hot under collar about this remark In defence of firecat he clearly said that there are people who are considering Christian's stores fiction which may be a case since forums are frequented by slanderous types who are attacking all stores bar their own. He did not say he doubts anything. In defence of Bob I second that I have no doubt about Christian stories being accurate and truthful. And they made good read too being free of any personal acid toward anybody.
  14. I mentioned before, in ideal word this should be a case. Unfortunately forum like every other social gathering situation tends to draw different kinds of people including baron Muenhausen type of storytellers presenting inventions as truth or just coloring their stories . Point I tried clumsily made is that nobody can prevent this type of stories and sometimes even if truth is stretched three's really no harm done. The same like stories we are trading around the Christmas table or on high school reunion 20 years later. So instead of fighting for elusive truth we should enjoy what is presented and do not take it too seriously if in doubt. We are not debating world peace on this forum but rather equally enjoyable things like silky smooth skin , butt shape and dick sizes.
  15. Glitz looks quite impressive, what was the rate if you remember ?
  16. You are perfectly correct with assessment of contents of link I provided but thought somebody enticed by the original tittle may want to check the subject there.
  17. Subject of access to the bathroom when one travels is may be not tasty but definitely very serious one. So abandon all this sophistry and advise plainly- were bathroom on the train VERY basic but usable or any traveler should forget about using them, this is after all 6 hours trip . After reading 2nd day adventures I'm even much , much greener with envy then yesterday Great idea with asking kid to count to 100 ! Yes , he earned his tip. Can one climb to the top level of Angkor Wat those days ? . I heard that access is no longer permitted . Certainly you did not have weather for such a exercise as steps are very steep, not for rainy day.
  18. Which is mixed blessing, little slope means water is draining very slowly / bad / but also that flow of water is less damaging , also bad but could by much worse with such mass of water flowing at higher speed
  19. If feel misguided just go there http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?s=c44095ffde80705528172da54d8511d3&showtopic=3131&page=1
  20. Great pictures and great story, I'm green with envy, waiting for more. From lesser visited places I recommend trip to Mt. Phnom Kulen , sacred mountain of Cambodia,40 km from Siem Reap, Kobal Spien / river of 1000 lingas ! / with carved riverbed and miniature but picturesque Ta Som temple. Heed firecat's advice about less popular ruin- Banteay Samre I had to myself for quite a while for example. For carvings Banteai Srei can't be beaten, it will be crowded though but is on way to both Kobal Spien and Mt.Kulen. If you are man of size watch your head in some passages in ruins.
  21. Hey, no idea until he would be naked. I suspect he is hairy everywhere so answer is rather no. I did not know Engels was a gay ! LOL
  22. In ideal world Christian would be right - reviews should be written by people who actually visited the place. In real world this is often unnecessary dream. Dream because there's no way of assessing if review was based on actual visit or just compilation of other's opinions made out of boredom or due to need of expressing oneself in writing. As Michael rightly noticed it still may be of great value for potential information seekers. Never been in Pattaya but being well acquainted with country, go-go system, massages etc. I can easily write very accurate and detailed review of scene there including boys names and numbers based on posters entries in this and other forums. Somebody would follow and comment, o yes vinapu, you were right, this hotel was noisy, drinks at that bar were too diluted , this boy was great kisser and I saw drunk Taiwanese guy throwing baht notes at boys in the same bar you saw him. Would this compilation be less useful for somebody going there than actual visitor's testimony ? Not being pizza eater with clear conscience I can recommend Mama Dolores to everybody based on recent Michael's post about the place, even if I choose to dress it as personal experience -where will be harm? Michael, his BF and Christian dined there last weekend and are posting today , obviously they weren't poisoned, right ?. So nobody would be deceived. Unnecessary part is here: even most accurate review is just this, review with reviewer opinion thrown in. It may be correct , it may be not, our preferences , tastes , wallet capacity and myriad of other factors are influencing what we say. Crappy place may receive good review because of mood of poster or great company he was with. Excellent place may stumble just once- remember Michaels's bad experience in HERO few weeks ago and he isfrequent visitor and great fan of the place. Imagine if the same happened to somebody who was there for first time, review would be full of disgust by eyewitness observation but would it do HERO a justice? So no reason to carp about reviews, read it , digest, take grain of salt, finish your drink and experience place for yourself.
  23. Yes, my guess is you will be surprised how little time you will spent in you room and even if there likely your companion will be far more interesting than room's décor and size of mirror in the bathroom
  24. One hopes you are right about eradication but it is long shot. It seems that nothing works and no nation seems to be brave enough to legalize it in order to be able to control usage and distribution better. Not that I'm advocate of legalizing but it nothing works may be trying new approach will. By the way, if somebody passed through Taipei airport recently, do they still have those big signs " Consumption and distribution of drugs is penalized by death in the Republic of China" ? Saw plenty of those when transiting to BKK few years back
  25. It was very nice of him, Russian subtitle translates ' true man"
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