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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Don't be too shy firecat, you set bar high and anybody seems to be happy about it. An you are right, any report , even shot and devoid of pictures may be valuable to somebody either as warning or enticement. I will be definitely trying to visit A-Bomb and Vassa thanks to your post, Anonone earlier was praising Magnolia Spa, never planned but now certainly I'll go there too, Christians was happy with A-Bomb in summer, I placed it on my list along with few places everybody is complaining about / Dreamboys / as never hurts to check in person as we all have out likes and not-likes. As high season approaches hope more people will visit and post.
  2. I absolutely agree, this is fabulous thread , started with long-legged, brown- skinned Thai boy beauty and where we are on page 9 ? Balding American with unkempt long hair, old like Troy's ruins. /hope Franklin does not take any offence /. I will post report, sure thing but no chance for firecat style treat from me - my vacations are low-tech, Iaptop stays home and with pictures I limit myself to 7 a day. But yes , I think readers of this forum have a duty to repay favor with their own trip reports and I will chip in , promise.
  3. I'm taking blend of new and old notes and don't expect any problems with new ones but would not be surprised if somewhere deeper in the woods somebody will look at them with suspicion. I promise to alarm Esteemed Members if there's any problem with new notes, landing at Swampy Monday evening
  4. I will be able to answer late Monday or Tuesday morning the latest. I like 3D numbers in the vertical magnetic stripe. It looks that most technologically advanced nation on earth finally decided to upgrade its paper money from 19 to 20 century standards.
  5. Likely you are right, not in the mood. May be the heat you mentioned, tends to wear me out too. I don not frequent Soi Twilight bars too often when in BKK as I always somehow have better luck with massage boys but can't imagine myself being there and not to make at least stroll through Silom from Soi 6 to Rama and then to Soi Twilight just to be there and see the sights of cute variety. Even sight of Soi Twilight at 2.30 a.m , completely empty and dark I find fascinating in comparison to look of just 1 hour eariler . I'm waxing nostalgic I guess.
  6. Unfortunate reminder that Thailand is still only a developing country with corresponding lax standards enforcements. It's amazing that catastrophe of such magnitude resulted in relatively few casualties, each loss of life is tragic but it could be much worse
  7. I don't know Nirish, from what I see, hot and interesting interesting guys are out 7/24. Don't forget Christian works there so his sleep pattern is different than visitors. When in Thailand I sleep very little and I credit daily mid-day massages for that.
  8. 5 days for me, money exchanged,I like new 100 USD note, started packing already
  9. Look at bright side-if you there waiting for him at least you have some control over situation knowing he is around and he can see that you are interested because of wait.
  10. vinapu


    Very interesting and little known facts , at least to me. thank you for the link
  11. I second z909 case for modern cars, as my late father used to say ' Of things of old , only wine and violins are good" if somebody is interesting to see driving , Russian style, here it goes http://zasmejsa.com/videa/zobrazit/62877/rusko-ti-dava-druhu-sancu/
  12. You are not saying you like red car better, do you ?
  13. bench seats were very convenient for those spur of the moment encounters on the sides of back roads I guess
  14. If that's a case you and firecat are perfectly correct with your assessments of the said 'admirers '. It must be a frequent occurrence if boys are not afraid of posting such a possibly off-putting statements. In defense of both sides I think due to language barrier often neither side is lying but what one side said in not exactly what other side heard. I suspect such a case with me and one of Arena boys in May. After massage , afters and tip boy suggested he will go with me to my room, being jetlagged I refused for that night promising him to come back which I did 2 days later . Definitely from facial expression he was not happy to see me and did not even take part in usual presentation of masseurs available. I wonder to this day what went wrong .Only explanation I have for myself is that my 'other day' he interpreted as ' next day ' and when I did not show up he was pissed off Not that I was loser on this because replacement I found that evening was absolutely my dream come true but that is another story.
  15. Hey Christian, good for you ! I read your narrative as very promising . Why you wonder ? May be he likes you. Just follow your own advice and invest more time . By going to see him you are not upsetting yourself with him being late. Good luck and remember , often travel is as good as destination.
  16. It looks that government underestimated opposition resistance to the amnesty and they mat still reconsider.. And opposition does not presents any plausible argument for their case hiding behind the façade of ' defending monarchy '. Just my opinion, I may be wrong. Still believe electoral verdict on issue would be preferable than staged protests.
  17. But this is part of adventure - joy of discovery for both sides. I'm not on those sites but I assume that all users are not really expecting accuracy with stats and pictures. Just something like "Pattaya is popular family holiday destination on the Gulf of Thailand"
  18. opportunistic theft will always exist, not only in the sex trade. It's why sensible person needs to take precaution by removing temptation from pure view, spreading money between few pockets etc. But we can't create an impression that by bringing boys specials home we are at risk of being robbed as this is clearly not a case. It's why I have an issue with statement above that 'large percentage are liars and thieves and particularly in BKK". Clearly trailrider has bad experience and we would like to hear his side of story or he is trying to take us for a ride. For now I scream : ALL YOU NEWCOMERS TO JOYS OF THAILAND DO NOT BE AFRAID, CHANCES YOU WILL HAVE ANYTHING STOLEN ARE NOT BIGGER THAN IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY WHEN YOU INVITE COMPLETE STRANGER HOME.
  19. I did not want to make to lengthy post and wanted to include girls so opted for all -inclusive knee version, political correctness running amok, my fault
  20. forum very active this morning / evening, Hi everybody !
  21. You are right but one can replace Thailand in your post with Mexico, Egypt or India and rest is as accurate. Many countries simply don't have road infrastructure to handle number of vehicles on the roads and corruption allows everybody and his sister to obtain a license without proper training. But it looks from other posts that as soon as one leaves BKK driving becomes pleasant and easy. Farang drivers are source of few accidents because they mistake girl's or boy's knee for gear lever.
  22. Are you trying to inflame us here? What is your statistic sample so you venture with such an opinion ? Do what Christian did and tell us your stories so we may be warned. " Large percentage ' is pretty serious statement . As for me - 8 trips 1 week trips since 2001, almost always long time off for the night so possibilities of theft increasing with longer time and me inevitably falling asleep for hour or so -and never not only anything stolen but not even any hint they may be interested in looking in my staff. Firecact is talking about hundreds meetings with 1 snafu, rarely on forums one can see reports of thefts. Not saying it doesn't happen but for my personal use I feel safe with the boys . As for lies - as firecat noticed above it may be part of trade for both sides, they tell us we are handsome, we tell them they must be blind, but those are harmless lies. If boy promises to do something and doesn't deliver it may be deliberate lie to land a contract but also lack of chemistry or size / hygiene etc issues. But this is just misleading advertising - not a lie, all companies are doing this 8 days a week , 25 hours a day, turn your TV and watch the ads with all those dirty spots disappearing with wave of hand.
  23. No, I just went there seconds ago , all looks good at least for visitor / I'm not member there /
  24. vinapu


    They work hard to win , one must admit
  25. I think in any setting - commercial/ non commercial, straight / gay etc. Thais prefer just to do it instead of talking about it , you rarely see any display of affection in public even among young people, at least this are my observations. Even fact that those dens of sin - Patpong, Nana and Cowboy , prominent yet somehow hidden from main street perspective is telling. As for Rogie's comment above about "making friends and allowing possibility ..." even with commercial sworn king/top boys on few occasions when long time offed I noticed that while early during convention there's no way even of toughing their lower behinds without some growling, if everything goes right and you seem to built some rapport with guy in the morning resistance is disappearing / to toughing , not actual act - for this more time and likely more money is necessary /
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