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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. vinapu

    Atlas bar

    swept along, possible . Forgotten , never mind completely , impossible. Certainly having competitor nearby and working in the same format, probably competing for the same customers and trying to attract the same guys as employees creates both danger and opportunity for BOTH bars. Is up to them how they manage that. I agree about mismanagement in Tawan and no doubt some boys lost a sense of good customer service , both in bar and when offed, thinking that asking for tip or drink at every turn endears them to prospective patrons. Days when my trip was on Tawan monodiet are long gone but in wouldn't mind in future one with simply alternating between those two , Atlas on even and Tawan on odd days but Tawan needs to improve and Atlas learn of Tawan mistakes
  2. I'm competitive and did not want you to beat me up, lol
  3. Thank you for reminder that on apps we (mostly ) are meeting people we don't even know really anything about the and often not even how they look like. And it's two way street, host may be prone to assault guest as much as other way around. Second warning is about loading EVERYTHING on one's phone for sake of convenience , not realising we possibly create trap for ourselves.
  4. and cooked ... ?
  5. you know how to cheer people up, don't you ?
  6. guy who thinks will be next president after Orange Overlord
  7. we care waiting for first brave member to try it and report
  8. That's welcomed although not really necessary as Thailand is really , all in , very secure country . Tourists worst enemy there are themselves as that behave recklessly , get carried over by friendliness around and forget to take basic precautions and then we have stories bout snatched golden chains, robberies etc , big chunk of which can be scams for insurance purposes I suspect . Whenever I see tourist, not even necessarily farang , pulling out fat wallet to pay for bus ticket or can of coke I wonder how long it will before somebody will be tempted to help him to count all that money.
  9. as long as we remember that we are dealing with boys , not saints and , mercifully rare but not unknown to science , maltreatment goes other way around
  10. it's hard to grow boys in the forest
  11. no. I was busy counting my blessings that I'm not UK pensioner living abroad in country where that rule applies. I agree that it's unfair and sometimes pensioner moves to other country he rather would not live but at least rule , while unfair is clear and known
  12. becausre he is Pakistani so he should be happy UAE are letting him to breathe their air ?
  13. knowing that is no doubt great consolation for person in question as everybody and his brother knows that being shot from legal gun is much better than from illegal one
  14. I do, I do, I do
  15. vinapu

    Atlas bar

    one bar at the time !
  16. by swimming across or using stolen kayak ? if you are Polish or Romanian girl from God forsaken village promised job in restaurant and end locked up on brothel in Sardinia certainly your options of escape are innumerable.
  17. for me is getting there as opposite of being there already. Or running after that 20 $ bill sudden wind blew away from my hands
  18. how to say it politely? Perhaps "There are things I tend to be better informed about" for some reason. Is not about semantics between passport or National ID , both can be withdrawn by sinister employer and locked as much as passport. And all of the sudden one is nobody.
  19. vinapu

    Atlas bar

    Great job jimbillp ! very thank you. It would be better if those bars co-existed instead of one cannibalizing other but that is beyond anybody's control as too many factors are involved - bosses, boys , customers and boys in brown. Certainly it gives Atlas much better exposure than kind of niche location The One enjoys.
  20. vinapu

    Atlas bar

    Gold badge ? What about Order of British Empire or something ? by the way in OP I see big black space but nothing in it , no picture , no video , nothing. What about you guys ?
  21. Gallows with dangling bodies right at exit from immigration would bring some order and sense to passengers behavior. I was one aboard the plane where drunk passenger was creating havoc and initially couldn't be restrained. It was scary experience and when on landing police came to pick him up , if they asked passengers if he should be shot on the spot my guess is we all would be for it bar one or two crybabies. No, it was not Indian
  22. They don't do anything which was not known before and still got quite strong mandate from that middle class to do whet benefits them only indeed. Unfortunately
  23. even water was more wet in those old glory (or was it gory ? ) days
  24. yes
  25. You are getting better and better by the hour, congratulations
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