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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. tons of hunks wasting their time in police station instead of being put to productive use at Jey or Moonlight
  2. not if they are adorned with mooks or , God forbid, siliconized
  3. no big cocks normal cocks
  4. you are clearly on the roll after that party !
  5. in communist countries targets are / were always reached, I bet it will be 5.07 %. In matured economies there's neither need nor room for such increases as each percentage means zillions in money. 50% growth in Haiti or NIcaragua and the like will be big improvement but country will be still poor.
  6. exactly , with so many hot bodies and apparently all hi-so guys as a bonus
  7. great response, thank you for a good laugh
  8. I think you overestimate his abilities big time
  9. no
  10. nothing wrong with BRICS+ influence in world's affairs as long as it moves world toward being better place. Starting wars , making out of blue territorial claims, cutting rainforests, and killing own dissidents living in other countries seems not advancing that goal particularly well.
  11. percentages are good for speeches, I'm talking about money value. Stalling of internal consumption seem to be main reason Chairman XI is using more and more color on his hairs
  12. I got it, BRISC+, source of cheap oil, gas, labour and boys
  13. visa free access for poor countries in reality means hat they can go and find an informal job more easily , not tourism. Both EU and Georgia knows that. You think Tajiks or Uzbeks are travelling to Russia to see Kremlin? Perhpas on Sunday , their day off. Unfortunately visa free access means also that spies and other bad guys may have easier go - why risk it by allowing that treatment to unfriendly countries .
  14. this exactly confirms what I pointed out. China , export based economy is not yet in position " because it can " as it could shatter it's prosperity. But they are getting there thanks to greed of Western corporations and consumers. Hope not too soon, they already changed name of Vladivostok on their maps. It's only matter of time they will find map from 127 B.C. showing Kamchatka belonged to China. This will be moment Russia will follow Serbia and apply for EU and NATO membership .
  15. One needs to take bad with good. EU is not threatening those countries but signalizes that if you like EU funds it would be good to like EU rules. Very few EU citizens will object to such policy, why to send money way of people who don't like you. It's like paying to prostitute who refuses to take shower and undress before the deed - happened to me once
  16. not my government, I'm not American but like green color on American money Like all mighty countries always - because it can, that harsh even if unpleasant reality. Why your government is pointing it out in it's propaganda - not because is peace loving but because is short of that might.
  17. yes , but belongs to archives like all pics of maltreated people, not as part of argument on public domain
  18. too small fish compared to Asad, and doesn't have his supposed fortune of 2 bln so no, no good example
  19. Taking example of another bombed countries like Japan and South Korea, he still applies for membership of EU so still wants to be part of flawed democracies
  20. valid points but as explained above , democracy had advantages over autocracies, advantages recognized by autocracies own elites. For common folk advantage is simple , we are not afraid to voice our displeasure with those in charge and it serves well all. Many autocrats would finish lives sleeping well in own bed if they had somebody to tell them in right time that they choose poor path.
  21. sometimes too thick, specially when treating your own people
  22. that is low, even if no doubt true. we can produce similar pics of action by any army everywhere, it's why war is thing to be avoided at all cost. I don't think such picture belongs in discussion here , being you I'd ask administrator to remove it. Honestly.
  23. while true , look at benefits - Russian oligarchs are not sending their children to BRICS countries and not buying real estate there but using, in your speak ' democratic" countries to shelter their families and ill gotten gains. No part of Bejing is called Bejjingrad but we have Londongrad in UK , so it must be some advantage , no ? I don't even start in which currency they keep their money abroad ? Rand or reais ? I don't think so. While you have a point about sins of democracies , overall picture , as supported by actions of those mentioned point to democracy being quite attractive model. At least Asad escaped to Russia , not UK , country he was schooled in. But how long he will use Russia's hospitality ? Week, month ? we will see.
  24. all of them I was talking about the future which we don't know what brings. Unfortunately one of options is regimes are so preoccupied with surviving and butchering their own people that their neighbours can breath easily i.e USSR between 1924 -1938 just as an example
  25. your country never came to terms to deal those own who murdered millions of their own people during Stalin' rule as for Japan bombing never forget to praise it as Russia acquired Kurile Islands as result and spoils of war she joined so late (which considering effort with war in Europe is understandable but spoils they are)
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