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Everything posted by rollingstone

  1. I would love to meet but am going back soon; perhaps next time. Mind you I am not the 'social' type. And, we may compete for the boys since I believe our tastes overlap quite a bit. Enjoy your upcoming Pattaya visit and do report back.
  2. I was there tonight as well (20th) and as soon as I arrived I asked for a drink and an ashtray but I did not light up. I suspect I saw Kokopelli as a gentleman was pointing to my ashtray and talking to his friends (cohort) about something relating to smoking (or ashtrays). I could be wrong though LOL. Agreed that we should not sidetrack the thread into a debate on smoking or not (no pun intended) and I wish the bar every success.
  3. Smoking is illegal in bars? What else is also illegal as far as the bars' existence is concerned, could you enlighten me? Actually I do not mind stepping outside for an occasional smoke; but associating smoking with self-fishness etc is over the top it seems.
  4. Was there last couple of nights but typically I do not stay long. Looked like each time there was a farang surrounded by 4 or 5 boys. Not my kind of thing as I am a bit shy. But I guess those boys all get partial employment. So win-win situation.
  5. Went to Cupidol for the last two nights. The bar suits my taste; altough did not off any boy from this particular bar. About 30 boys (did not do an exact count). Mostly twinkish. And I shall return.
  6. I did go to Winner boys last night and echo what others have said about the bar. Just like the Sunny boys; the deco, set up is exactly the same and the selection of boys is good taste (mostly twinkish. Sorry my opinion only). I still miss the Happy Boys which do not seem to come back. As for smoking, I think the bar allows smoking and they would provide ashtrays if asked. I know many do not like smoking. I do smoke and if a premise allows smoking, I will light up.
  7. The other day I flagged down a taxi outside Soi Twilight, taking a boy to Suhkumvit, the driver quoted 200 baht. I countered 150 (and I was generous there) and he would not budge. I walked off and flagged down another one. This one turned on meter (a small surprise for me which I did not expect) and the fare came close to 70 baht only.
  8. Agreed that the Black Cab in London is outrageous. Could not understand why the British government allows sheer robbery in broad daylight. LOL. And another pain, if you want to pay credit cards, you generally have to endure a painful process, e.g. the driver will have to contact their controls and register cc details etc., if they are willing to accept cc in the first place. Why can't they make this easier for riders? This is United Kingdom; and in London. Excuse me ...
  9. Hotel - Holiday Inn 1 Suhmkumvit 22 Bangkok Visitors Allowed - Yes Joiner Fee - No Security - nobody cared. The concierge is at the ground level and check-in at 9th. You do not have to pass the check-in reception to gain access to your room. And by the way, after a few days bar hopping in Soi Twilight, I do find Pattaya drink prices very affordable!
  10. I can confirm that the boybar was open 18th Feb. When I passed there 9.30ish (I was on my way to Eros), the bar was full so just had a glance or two of the boys on stage. Will visit tonight.
  11. I am ethnic Chinese and have been visiting Thailand for the last fifteen years or so and also have some work relationship with Thais. From those work relationships I do find the Thais generally consider Caucasians superior (which is a minor annoyance to me) and suspect that Thai working boys would perhaps have the same tendency. I could not remember instances the working boys discriminate against me. But they do remember your behaviors in their bars if you are a repeat customer. If you behave just like any other falang and importantly pay the going rates, you will do fine. And being youngish could actually help. Enjoy.
  12. I was a fan of this joint some ten years ago before I found Pattaya to be a greener pastures; but still visit Bangkok from time to time. Never went back to Banana since I discovered that my money was stolen. It perhaps happened multiple times during that single trip (I would go to Banana a few times in a trip typically during lazy afternoons).The very last time I was absolutely sure my money dissappeared. I did not make a scene of any sort and paid up, left and never returned. I almost concluded that the manager had a hand in this. Now I can conclude that he did. I assume all the boys during my days of visits to Banana would have left; but at any rate, this kind of things should not have reoccurred inside a same shop. Pretty sure the manager is the same one according to other accounts of customer visits.
  13. Thought this place was called Dusit D2? Stayed a few times in the past; nice room, pool, breakfast etc, if a bit pricy.
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