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Everything posted by rollingstone

  1. I have almost always done ST; but dont mind doing LT if I have a boy I really like (meaning I will do repeat off). LT seldoms happens to me (and I sense most boys prefer ST). And possibly I am quite boring myself as well LOL.
  2. Never had issues with visitor's ID at COPA. But I always check boys' IDs before leaving gogo/host bar premises to ensure IDs are legible and boys are of legal age. Ambiance suites are of funny shapes and the bedroom is quite small (I suspect they have different sizes). Thought they need to buy new bed sheets, pillows, towels etc. Liked Executive suite at Copa (~2000 b). Could laze on the comfortable sofa to do some reading if not feeling like going out during hot early afternoons. Liked the fans as well (ambiance also fitted with fans). Aircon throughout the night will be too cold; fans are just nice.
  3. Sorry to hear this - that's where I am to go for a noodle soup, coffee and a smoke (yep:) on the mornings. The closure ought to have happened in recent months. Was there in Feb 2017 and thought they had good business.
  4. Food wise you can go across the second road to boat bakery, all tastes for a small price. Stayed at Ambiance for a few times but did not quite like the rooms so moved to Copa and liked it. Will give another try at LCR later this year.
  5. did I say the sensors I was referring to were from Thailand hotels? i have been travelling quite a bit in Asia Pac and Europe for the last few years so could not recall where it was / they were. Next time I bump into another I will probably include a photoshot.
  6. Today is the anniversary, please do activities report Oh wait a minute, you could be at a foreign (US?) airport yesterday. If so enjoy the flight.
  7. But you did not use periods so I would not insist on that. But commas pls. As you did with this post
  8. LOL Christian, I guess reader has got it right. There might be some 'kink' in you doing all these, risking your money and without the intention to confront the boys and get the money back. I have to admit I do enjoy the stories. Do carry on!
  9. Christian, I 'liked' your post but does not mean I agreed, far from it. I mean you could lock your wallet up or take it to shower, to remove the temptation. And (in jest), if you are videotaping, you ought to provide warning signage - 'the place is under CCTV surveilance' lol. Some hotels have weight sensors in minibars. When an item is removed from its stowage, the charge is automatically added to the guest's bill. So not sure in this case, whether one could still buy the same stuff from 7-11 and put it back? Potentially you could argue your way out, but ...
  10. Once talked with a friend working in hospitality sector, he said most times the reported theft cases in hotels have been the guests forgot they had spent their money or misplaced somewhere else. Good hotels have separate entrances/exits for staff members and they are subject to thorough checks. Do report to hotel security immediately if you find something missing; not sure about the theft of a 500b whiskey though.lol.
  11. Prague was nice (been there still during their communist days, mind you I was a very young adult then). Lisbon nice as well. Plan to go Madrid in 2018.
  12. Could you announce the dates of your future (next) visit? I am keen to meet you although our tastes (be food or boy lol) differ a great deal.
  13. Would appreciate if you could break this long sentence to shorter ones, perhaps with commas? lol.
  14. You must be travelling very light with all these transfers.
  15. Haven't been to Istanbul nor Toronto. Liked Berlin (albeit the visit was short) and maybe New York (the visit was very short many years ago). Been to London many times (10+ and counting) but it is not on my top city list...not yet anyway.
  16. Sorry bucky. What's your point?
  17. ROFL:) Anyway I find time and again that Thai logics are sometimes quite foreign. Other times corrupt. An example is the police (or whatever the agency involved) has been enforcing a 'no-litter' rule along Sumkumvit road in Bangkok; but one could not find a dust bin along a long stretch. Why? because they want you to litter so they can fine you. Oh my!
  18. Precisely! Could not have said it better ... agree 100%.
  19. Good one ... quite credible! Naive me ... lol
  20. I also consider myself a person loving big/busy city. Pattaya, while not big, has the right elements, e.g. booze, boys, food, entertainment comes with these and ... what else Top cities I like most (have perhaps been to most times): Bangkok and Pattaya (dont know which one wins so far). Other places I like (almost in the right order): Rome, San Francisco, Sydney, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Venice, Washington DC, Hawaii, Paris, Nice, Taipei, Auckland (a bit too quiet though). Maybe a couple of others. Among places I could care less: LAX, MEL,HKG (but food is good).
  21. Agree. It's better not visit Thailand that period. Without being disrespectful, let people move on with their lives.
  22. Glad that you finally got here I used to like Bangkok a lot; partly because from the old airport to Pattaya was a trip like 3 hours + (?) with not-so-good roads. Since the opening of the 'new' airport (still cant spell the name) and I started to frequent more often to Pattaya. Nowadays the default holiday destination for me is Pattaya; though I still pass through Bangkok now and then and enjoy BKK scene as much as I can.
  23. I applaud your humility and courage! We are all (fallible) humans after all. We can't help drawing conclusions on things happening to or around us. Till this date, I stil think I am right about my 'accusation' of a certain Bangkok massage shop despite so many loyal supporters uttering kind words. The bottom line is, if nothing else, the shop has been poorly managed.
  24. Had some personal experience with one of the BT hotels. On one occasion I checked out and the reception said I had a bottle of water. Pretty sure I did not take but I paid up (60 baht or something). Did not give a second thought about it. Maybe I forgot maybe a boy took it; never mind. A few months later, exactly same situation, I said this time I did not take the water. And the hotel reception said 'OK, you not pay', which was appreciated. Not because I saved some money but because the attitude and management of the hotel. And I am happy to return. I gave some thought at that moment - could well be the cleaners; but (disclaimer) I do not have proof.
  25. Went to read Christian's blog about this incident. No offence but Christian was setting the boy up. I am a believer to not place 'vulnerable' people in situations where they are 'lured into' committing a theft (No, I did not mean taking a small bottle of whiskey worth 500 baht is a theft). Christian's case is such a situation. I recall my personal experience years ago. I was staying at the old Le Meridien hotel (now Holiday Inn Bangkok across Intercontinental). I went downstairs to buy cigerrettes but forgot to lock the bag (with combination locks) and I had a wallet inside awash with cash - my home currency. I discovered the wallet missing when I returned some 20 minutes later. Long story short, I got my money back evetually and one of the cleaners was the thief. My point is the lure of that much money was too great for a (poor) cleaner to resist so I was to blame in part. Another lesson I learnt was staying at a good hotel helped (in this case I recovered all money which was 'temporarily lost'). Imagine this happened in a massage shop (as a447 recounted his experience) or an 'anything goes' hotel? I was about to chalking that to experience.
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