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Everything posted by t0oL1

  1. Trust me , after listening and observing, they're already fucked...
  2. you trying to convert us ALL to Republicans here?
  3. Just typed in Bismarck ND into "Travel" on Grindr. Plenty of closeted republicans to be had.
  4. Wish I had tried this before my bypass...AND you get to use it as a suppository (joking). Discount Code 20% OFF: Eliminationdiet Cavadex: https://cholrem-cavadex.com/ELIMINATI... Other less Australian doctors here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cavadex
  5. I am glad he is ready to ask for forgiveness and more money...
  6. OMFG https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ygx1LYdAHLbd44azx1Ynj7nbC3jRSZfgGz7LzWeknfMwpao6sWU59o5ZZNVLRRF3l&id=100067494271039&from_close_friend=1&notif_id=1721895517709149&notif_t=close_friend_activity&ref=notif Hello, this is Golf. I apologize for everything I lied to you about. I went to work abroad. I was deceived into working abroad. I let my friend talk and asked for money from you to give to me to pay for the expenses. Going abroad is required.It costs a lot. The person who took me to work said that the money was good but they didn't give me anything first. I sincerely apologize. Can you come back and talk like before? I beg you, I won't lie to you again. Great. Now bring back KONG.
  7. You didn't get the stuff that gets dragged back to the nest and kills them ALL? Termidor?
  8. https://www.denverpost.com/2024/07/13/the-secret-service-is-investigating-how-a-gunman-who-shot-and-injured-trump-was-able-to-get-so-close/ The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how a gunman armed with an AR-style rifle was able to get close enough to shoot and injure former President Donald Trump at a rally Saturday in Pennsylvania, a monumental failure of one the agency’s core duties. The gunman, who was killed by Secret Service personnel, fired multiple shots at the stage from an “elevated position outside of the rally venue,” the agency said. An Associated Press analysis of more than a dozen videos and photos taken at the Trump rally, as well as satellite imagery of the site, shows the shooter was able to get astonishingly close to the stage where the former president was speaking. A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows the body of a man wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds, where Trump’s rally was held. The roof was less than 150 meters (yards) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decent marksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target. For reference, 150 meters is a distance at which U.S. Army recruits must hit a scaled human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M16 assault rifle in basic training. The AR-15, like the shooter at the Trump rally had, is the semi-automatic civilian version of the military M16. The Secret Service didn’t have anybody at a late-night news conference where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation. FBI Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said it was “surprising” that the gunman was able to fire at the stage before he was killed.
  9. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-immunity-trump-biden-assassinate_n_66831f73e4b06575b36641d8 The Supreme Court’s decision that Donald Trump has full immunity for “official acts” he took as president is so sweeping and vague that it opens the door for sitting presidents to do whatever they want without any accountability, including assassinating a political rival. Legal experts said Monday that yes, as horrific and authoritarian as that sounds, the 6-3 decision by the court’s conservative supermajority means that President Joe Biden could theoretically order that Trump be killed and be immune from criminal prosecution. “Presumptively, he has the power to assassinate a rival,” John Dean, who was White House counsel to former President Richard Nixon, told HuffPost on a call with the Defend Democracy Project, a group that advocates for free and fair elections.
  10. I have done this. Usually Jomtien To Boystown - one way, but years ago (8-10). Couple times only, arrived too sweaty.
  11. We are much richer having/after having had a nice Thai friend, even for pay.
  12. t0oL1


    HBO I Thailand blew me away in the hotel. So many great movies to see and rotated well for selection. In the USA it sucks. Same old crap again and again. Months later I would see a great movie again in the USA and remember it was better because I saw it in Thailand first. Even their "HB trademark- audio logo"would bring chills through my spine while back home, reminding me of vacation.
  13. Low body weight is also a factor in TB. Both Gop and Kong were very skinny, as many Thai are.
  14. His name was Wanchai. His Nickname was Gop. Nicknames are often given to make them unappealing to spirits that may steal them. Ex: "Non" means "worm". Ever known a person with "Moo" as a nickname?https://www.bananathaischool.com/blog/thai-nicknames/
  15. But what does it mean? For instance, "Kong" MEANS "thing"...
  16. t0oL1

    Old music

  17. I hear Gop of Nice Boys has succumbed to an infection (TB?) in a hospital in Suphanburi Friday. The cremation is to be Wednesday. He was the boyfriend of Kong, a waiter there. He cared and lived with him until his passing from TB in 2019 (during CoVid). From the pictures of GOP, it just looked like bad acne and I didn't think it was serious. (And now his friend dumps gambling advertisments above the Facebook announcement- how rude!) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067494271039
  18. Just ordered it Thanks. Wow and the chance to meet a Thai author on the street. Trying to read (reread?) Cocktail Boys by Nicky Stewart. Just not into that one. But it's a funeral weekend here for me. Not into anything right now.
  19. The kid was EIGHT?
  20. By the time I would arrive I would need 10 hours of sleep
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