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Everything posted by t0oL1

  1. sildenafil gives me monster heartburn...
  2. https://www.dreadedned.com/directory/map/1/1/
  3. winnerboybar.com
  4. Even after such a flight - can't sleep for all the anticipation - all you will be able to think about is a shower/change of clothes/shave. Quick walk around after and then try to sleep for as long as you can.
  5. Have read if you jailbreak your iPhone you can change/view different locations on Grindr. Either of the other two have this feature without jailbreaking?
  6. general shape of viagra but in "blister pack" marked only sildenafil. Only effect was like viagra heartburn. 30% of the cost of viagra. Probably from a compounding shop overseas. Won't be in TH until Feb and have some local entertaining to do . Hence I am looking "online" more for cialis
  7. looking online my last delivery re a link on cruisingforsex.com was cheap but not exactly effective formulation. any one have a better site online? Want to spice up my encounters before my February TH trip.
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MINI-DVR-USB-HIDDEN-CAMERA-MOTION-DETECTOR-VIDEO-RECORDER-LIGHTER-SPY-CAMERA-/391073033987?hash=item5b0dc4ef03:g:rEwAAOSw41xXPDMB $6.99
  9. "BBB Inn" burgled? Missed that news. Always careful when I have stayed there and would really miss my vacation cash- especially on arrival - being stolen. Can't search for "BBB Inn" here- under four letters. Also haven't seen any cute Viet masseurs on their website for ages (three years).
  10. Did Nice Boys move to a new location?
  11. http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/11075-2-men-caned-in-indonesia/
  12. BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — Two men in Indonesia's Aceh province were publicly caned dozens of times on Tuesday for consensual gay sex, a punishment that intensifies an anti-gay backlash in the world's most populous Muslim country and which rights advocates denounced as "medieval torture." More than a thousand people packed the courtyard of a mosque to witness the caning, which was the first time that Aceh, the only province in Indonesia to practice Shariah law, has caned people for homosexuality. The crowd shouted insults and cheered as the men, aged 20 and 23, were whipped across the back and winced with pain. Many in the crush of spectators filmed the caning with cellphones as a team of five robed and hooded enforcers took turns to inflict the punishment, relieving one another after every 20 strokes for one of the men and 40 for the other. Sarojini Mutia Irfan, a female university student who witnessed the caning, said it was a necessary deterrent. "What they have done is like a virus that can harm people's morale," she said. "This kind of public punishment is an attempt to stop the spread of the virus to other communities in Aceh." The couple were arrested in March after neighborhood vigilantes in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, suspected them of being gay and broke into their rented room to catch them having sex. A Shariah court last week sentenced each man to 85 strokes, but they were caned 83 times after a remission for time spent in prison. Four heterosexual couples also were caned Tuesday, receiving a far lesser number of strokes for affection outside marriage. Banda Aceh resident Ibrahim Muhayat said far more people attended the publicly meted-out punishment than usual because like him, many wanted to witness Indonesia's first-ever caning of gay men. The Islamic Defenders Front, a hard-line group known for acts of vigilante violence throughout Indonesia, erected a banner at the mosque that declared the group was ready to defend Shariah law whatever the cost. With the exception of Aceh, homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, but the country's low-profile LGBT community has been under siege in the past year. Prejudice has been fanned by stridently anti-gay comments from politicians and Islamic hard-liners, and a case before the country's top court is seeking to criminalize gay sex and sex outside marriage. On Monday, 141 men were detained in a police raid on a gay sauna in Jakarta, the capital. New York-based Human Rights Watch said the caning was torture under international law and had called on Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to intervene. Caning is also a punishment in Aceh for gambling, drinking alcohol, women who wear tight clothes and men who skip Friday prayers. More than 300 people were caned for such offenses in 2016. Indonesia's reputation for practicing a moderate form of Islam has been battered in the past year due to attacks on religious minorities, a surge in persecution of gays and a polarizing election campaign for governor of Jakarta that highlighted the growing strength of hard-line Islamic groups. Earlier this month, the outgoing Jakarta governor, a minority Christian, was sentenced to two years in prison for campaign comments deemed as blaspheming the Quran. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/2-men-in-indonesia-caned-dozens-of-times-for-gay-sex/ar-BBBrpC4
  13. vinapu- he wants a *hottie*...
  14. In Pattaya check out the barber on Soi Yensabai just past Nice Boys on your left. The barbers son cut my hair and I wanted to go back again the next day! 20 yo super masculine with spiked hair and sideburns, super skinny and hot as fuck. Sign looked Arabic? Think the sign said 100bT. He quoted 150 and got the nicest knowing smile when I gave him 200 and refused the change.
  15. More farang in Pattaya have the whole keg...
  16. I used to do mainly short time having the same worries with a new boy and also being a very light sleeper. I am accustomed to sleeping alone and 2 weeks out of 52/year doesn't change that. But after meeting a friend I want to be hospitable and offer him to stay the night if he wishes. He doesn't accept last time- he would wake up and look at me unsleeping and smiling from his presence. "You not sleep all night!" In the middle of the night I can look over and see perfection Yes- I do not settle for less. I scour all the bars before I fall into lust and what he prefers is "up to him" - ST or LT. Also a big fan of the Netherlands.
  17. I would start with a little attempted eye contact and nice smile and see how that is received. Then I head for G.O.D. or Soi Pratuchai...
  18. Maybe she would like to go to a boy bar also?
  19. I am not familiar with host bars in Saphan Kwai and Sukumvit. Can anyone update me?
  20. Any hot bars in Russia?- we'll all go there .
  21. certainly we will all benefit from al your rope learning...
  22. I want to know what happened as the shooter was "confronted" by an armed off duty policeman outside the club working "security."
  23. Speaking of GPS, specifically Garmin- wearable GRS smartwatch http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-010-01297-00-v%C3%ADvoactive-Black/dp/B00RE1UL52?ie=UTF8&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER Damn smart ads- knew I was reading about GPS before I went to amazon site.
  24. don't bother with the stuff sold by the pharmacy by Jomtien beach. Fell for it in 1997 and, forgetting, again around 2008 (deja vu- no nothing) ~950bT
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