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Everything posted by zombie

  1. The discrimination was that the gay customers were ordered to move aside to allow the chinese to occupy most of one side of the bar; then the boys were ordered off the stage to let the screaming women to take over the stage and dance as shown in the photo. I wonder if I and a group of other gays went to a go go bar in walking street and ordered the girls off the stage, and my group started to gyrate on the stage instead....how would the straight customers react?!
  2. Willie: do not dispute most of what you say. Maybe you or anyone else here can suggest where in Pattaya there is a gay bar which is not at risk of being invaded by females in their hordes. Or is it the case that you say there are no gay bars in Pattaya?
  3. Last night I was enjoying myself with some others in Toy Boy, when suddenly a large group of loud mouthed Chinese females-led by a tour operator- barge into the bar, take over almost one side of the place and start screaming non stop as they consume their beer bottles and command boys of their choosing come down and sit with them. To make way for the rabble, regular gay customers are shunted to the side lines, most of whom decide to pay up and leave. The bitches get louder and louder and even try to pinch boys already sitting with customers. Some of them order the stage to be cleared to parade themselves on it as shown below. By this time most of the gays already in the bar have left and several other potential gay customers who had come to the bar entrance once they see what is going on inside the bar conclude, rightly, to go elsewhere. When these females decide it is time to do a conga around the bar, it is well past the time for my group to get out. Is there no where safe for us gays?!
  4. OP: Very enjoyable post, so keep us entertained. Especially more detail about the "blah blah blah"!
  5. zombie

    Koh Samet

    OP: Ko Samet, in my view, is good for a day out, or at best 1 night. Difficult to find gay scene there, so if you decide to go to KS and stay for any length of time bring someone with you. But take heed of what travellerdave says re the "stare factor." Agree what others say above re Phuket. Far better for what you want than Ko Samet. Easy to get there by air.
  6. http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2014/07/briton-who-abused-boy-at-point-of-gun.html I am pasting this for information only as its' Thai related and reports on someone who got away with his sordid behavior in Thailand but has now received what he deserves elsewhere. Good riddance!
  7. "So I took off one of the boys I knew of old and after our going out drinking and playing pool in a lady boy bar until 4.30am or so we went home and had GREAT sex until 2pm today" -Wow. 9 and a half hours of great sex. Who is superman ? And who has the sore rear end?!
  8. http://www.page10hotel.com/ -Some straights I know tell me this is a good centrally located hotel though I am unsure how gay friendly it is.
  9. OP: can't you tell us the name of the dentist/clinic concerned? A few years back I was in BKK and had some dental work done at a clinic there. It was so bad I had to travel down to Pattaya twice to get Dr Tappasit to remove the offending work and replace it. Dr T said the work was so bad(pictures taken) the dentist doing it ought to be struck off.
  10. A friend just called me to say that the Bitch Forum is gone. I looked for it and it seems to be off line. Does anyone know what has happened?
  11. OP: This really is a marvelous report so well done indeed. it is highly entertaining and informative. The links and illustrations are useful and appropriate. Congrats!
  12. Being scammed by a B/F is not unique to you. Assuming you are genuine tell us your story in detail as there are plenty of astute posters here who can give their opinion.
  13. Congrats: its a winner!
  14. Entertaining reports OP, so keep them coming. I agree with anonone the massage scene in BKK is much better than Pattaya. Maybe the punters in BKK are more generous but who knows............
  15. OP: excellent thorough report, so well done!
  16. Avoid black or brown, use white backgrounds and perhaps rain bow type colors. Or whatever. Bright bold colors will be a plus! Also, get some better/bigger "smilies" and encourage members to use them more.
  17. As if to prove my point, take a look at the new style SGT. It is uncluttered, with a totally white background and plenty of attractive colors. Now all that is needed there is some interesting topics.................
  18. Thanks for replies to my initial post. I hope in future to make a more positive contribution to this forum. Ironically it seems to often be the case that the posting topics that get the most responses (and interest) are those that have an attitude or edge to them. I have looked at some other gay Thailand forums and this forum in my opinion could learn from their presentation, layout, coloring etc. I think one problem I have is the gaythailand home page is too cluttered plus literally as I write this reply the black border on each side of the reply box are so negative and looks like carpeting at a typical funeral parlour!
  19. This web site sent me an email with reference to me not logging in for 30 days. Thanks for your concern. The reason I have not done so is unfortunately: This site, its layout, presentation and content is very boring. It badly needs redesign, some fresh input with interesting topics to get me interested. ok?!
  20. OP: what you write is neither interesting nor is it amusing. As you say you are an Editor of a magazine, surely we can expect better.
  21. Levine is Thailand's answer to B. Madoff...say no more
  22. I am informed by those who have visited the place, both farang and Thai, that the lighting and music is dreadful. Indeed people are laughing about the fact that 4 million baht is said to have been spent on the place which is a sure loser.
  23. I appreciate the clarification SG.
  24. SG: perhaps you are right and I do not understand the OP. I do not know him. I just got the impression from his own words he claims to have so far failed on his main objectives for being in Thailand. My point is that his admitted failure is in my opinion due to his lack of money. But if what u are saying is that he actually has the money but is just too miserly to spent it, well I agree that puts a wholly different complexion on things. And it does seem to be the case that Thailand attracts quite a lot of cheap charlies.......
  25. OP writes: "Summary: my main objective for my relocation to Thailand was to have sex regularly, for free or cheap (definitely not Soi Twilight prices) and maybe even find a boyfriend. So far, complete failure in all aspects." -Whilst I was mildly entertained by your posting OP, at the same time it irritated me. The bottom line is, you like many others come to live in Thailand with insufficient money and then you moan about your failure etc. Cash is king in Thailand and if you do not have enough, then you will always be dis-satisfied. Why don't you go to work in somewhere like Saudi or Hong Kong; make your fortune, and then come and live in Thailand when hopefully you will have sufficient income to enjoy all that Thailand can offer.
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