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zombie last won the day on April 29 2023

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  1. OP writes: "These gay expats living around Jomtien must have high disposal income ?" -Well maybe some of them in Jomtien do have high disposable income, but many of the expats who frequent Jomtien Complex look like extreme low life. Some are so short of funds they need to walk around the Complex talking to the boys but avoiding taking a seat at a bar else they need to pay for a drink. And several of the boys are so desperate for cash that they will go with a foreigner for a tip of 500 baht. And I have it on insider knowledge that a lot of those in Jomtien Complex are HIV positive. So for anyone wanting to off a boy from there, taking Prep and/or using a condom is essential.
  2. And yesterday in Pattaya we had some rain too!
  3. Many variables though Allianz Ayudhya worth doing some research on. Been with them for many years. I have studied other companies and Allianz is possibly the best available in Thailand. Beware of ads by brokers saying cheap prices. However one broker firm that is first rate : Pacific Prime Consultants. No extra charge using them and believe me they are excellent.
  4. colom-bien: A first-class report entertaining and informative and great presentation. Thank u!
  5. OP: thank u for the report. The collection of boy tip upfront is a scam and u did well to question the bill etc.
  6. No I was not being serious in the sense when i made the post it was clear to me who was going to win so I headed the post sarcastically 'Well done USA electors!" (note the exclamation mark... I really meant the opposite) -then I increased the sarcasm by saying Make American Gay Again. Being from a British background sarcasm is part of our culture.... I am truly sorry to learn of your nephew's anxiety. Stay safe. And remember the UK also has a lot of idiots when it comes to voting...look what happened when they were asked to vote for Brexit... .....Take Care.
  7. MAGA= Make America Gay Again
  8. I assume there is no law against it in Thailand? (google search does not help) But if such a law exist here, does it apply to gay sex? Wikipedia explains: Non-consensual condom removal, or "stealthing",[1] is the practice of a person removing a condom during sexual intercourse without consent, when their sex partner has only consented to condom-protected sex.[2][3] Purposefully damaging a condom before or during intercourse may also be referred to as stealthing,[4] regardless of who damaged the condom. Victims are exposed to potential sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS, or unwanted pregnancies.[5] Such behaviour may be therefore regarded as sexual assault or rape, and sometimes as a form of reproductive coercion.[6] As of 2020, stealthing is punishable as a form of sexual violence in some countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom.[5]
  9. OP asks "- do people use condom for oral sex and how common is that being requested ?" My answer: In my experience very rare to use or request condom for oral here in Thailand. -But of course nothing to stop u using condoms for oral. And best you have plenty of your own condoms available.
  10. So as a foreigner living in Thailand when the law becomes reality, I can marry my Thai boyfriend? If so what are the advantages and disadvantages that arise from such a marriage?
  11. Thx for all the interesting replies. So it seems to me that BBB and Toy Boys aiming specifically at the Chinese market and I suppose with tour groups etc that is the way to go. I also noticed particularly in BBB the customers seemed like mainly straight and straight-laced Chinese...(how boring!)
  12. A few nights ago I was in BBB Pattaya .It was literally full up . Seems like full of Chinese who were taking up every seat and many seemed to be not drinking anything. Is this place now for only what appears to be Chinese tour groups or what?
  13. IMO blondie sounds an unpleasant individual......stay clear.... I would never pay 4k short time or longer. Though does seem there are some lonely and desperate farangs around...
  14. My view: you are entitled to assume he's not a MB. No need ask "how much".
  15. Bangkok Post - Jealous Myanmar man attacks boyfriend with hammer "He insisted he still loved his boyfriend and wanted to apologise for his actions"
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