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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. I think the problem there is that in general it seems that blood is / can only be kept for about 6 weeks in total before it's classed as usable so I guess to store it for 4 of those 6 weeks wouldn't be a option for large stocks perhaps.
  2. Which I guess does give some credit too and backs up the need for the ( in the UK anyway) three month deferral period between a gay man having sex and being allowed to donate blood. Of course it appears in this case the donor simply wasn't honest about his timeline, which of course simply backs up the complaints and prejudices of the straight community about gay men being able to donate blood at ALL - and you can see their point perhaps. Mind you the same could of course be said for said "straight" guys who are out fucking anything that moves too including other men ( MSM) or ladyboys or just plain old women who are fucking around with (lots) of other men who are all doing the same too and THEY dont have to declare and desist for 3 months before donating - but I guess the States argument ( again probably quite correctly) is that as gay men as we are the higher risk group that is why such rules are needed. its a tough one, on one hand one wants to argue for equality in all things, but when there's a sound medical logic behind medical decisions I personally think the three month deferral period os probably fair enough in the bigger scheme of things - my only thought might be that perhaps they should actually go in reverse and make it apply to EVERYONE to ensure things are as safe as they can be for everyone - mind you even if they did of course all you need is the one liar / forgetful person as appeared to happen here and you're right back at square one again. So, I guess in the absence of any solution or safer remedy the simple answer is to WEAR A CONDOM to minimise the risk to oneself ( and others should you be unlucky enough to have picked something / anything up that is still undiagnosed.
  3. I see you're in the UK - if so consider maybe applying for a MONZO card ( link below), they really are very good. Basically a debit card, but they charge NO international exchange fee charges and ( the best part for me anyway) when you use it the transaction INSTANTLY flashes up on your mobile phone screen, showing what you've bought and where and the amount charged by the place both in the local currency and also in UK Sterling cost too - so it's a great way of keeping tabs on whats being charged to your card "live" - and helps you stop being scammed as you'll notice instantly as they try it ! There are also several other nice features there too about showing your record of where and when you spent money ( handy if you want to find a place again days or months later). Just remember the card is linked to your UK phone so if you go away and change your sim over you'd need to be updating the app contact over to that new number then too until you get home again ( I presume as I haven't had to actually do that yet myself) https://monzo.com
  4. And then thankfully to balance such silly extremes out ..... we have Christian being up the rear - quite literally !! Lol
  5. Sad news for him.
  6. And now Banana Bar has just confirmed their earlier than planned Soi Twilight bar closure too - very sad, so many happy memories there with their end of an Era party on the 29th March :-(
  7. Actually in the UK at least I believe the threshold for additional scrutiny being required IS the £10k and over mark, so just take care that you're not quietly flagging up your own account for further attention else where if there's movements there you'd rather HRMC etc weren't looking at "too" closely ! I'm guessing it's fairly much little odds now as it seems HMRC etc have some super duper new joined up computer / software that is already pulling info about us from ALL sorts of places that we wouldn't immediately think if such as flight ticket purchases, ALL electronic money transfers, investment income and interest, property deeds held with rent due on them and an absolute ton of other stuff - I actually watched a programme about it a while back, all very interesting / scary IF true. Or a damned good well placed fake news story they've released to encourage people to play straight. I do know from conversations with HMRC staff that versions of the above DO actually exist so I'm guessing there is some truth to it all as well. Oh.....a quick google search confirms the existence of same it seems ....... https://www.companydebt.com/hmrc-tax-problems/hmrcs-connect-computer-system-used-tax-compliance/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tax/return/taxman-unleashes-snooper-computer-information-does-have/
  8. Ha, I'm glad someone else noticed as I thought it was just my OCD kicking in, but yes you're absolutely right, almost impossible to close the door without losing a knuckle each and every bloody time !
  9. Moses said - "Good try. But I will not buy it dear.' Hmmm? There was no attempt at "trying" anything, dont be getting all defensive again there Moses. I (wrongly it seems) assumed that you farmed out your server hosting and back up etc to another company to do and so assumed that it was their systems that had fallen over and also assumed that they'd simply reloaded from the wrong back up ( as I said in my post). As apparently that's not the case and it is just you yourself hosting on your own server there then fair enough, these things happen I guess and if you've only lost 12 hours of posts then it's not the end of the world. My point about maybe losing random pearls of wisdom "forever" by posters was of course totally tongue in cheek as I doubt the world revolves on anything posted on any of the boards ( no matter how much some posters might like to think otherwise about the importance of their and our collective posts !)
  10. Looks like someone has reloaded from an old back up - lets just hope that they HAD made their more recent back ups as they should have and that it's just a matter of they've selected the wrong file to go from otherwise it looks like posts will be forced back to 10th November perhaps and anything past that lost maybe - fingers crossed. I'm sure Moses will be having words with those responsible, either for the breakdown or lack of swift action to repair and or replacement of correct last back up as for any server company to tell you "sorry it's the weekend we'll have a look at that but it might be Monday before we get anywhere with it - and then install the wrong / an old backup " maybe wouldn't be a company you'd instantly be thinking of hosting your site on. But maybe there's a simple explanation and all will be repaired and updated back to normal again shortly - lets hope so anyway - as I dont know WHAT we'll all do if even just some of the many pearls of ( alleged) wit and wisdom that are shared there between some of us are lost FOREVER never to be recovered !! Ohhh the very thought if that - God FORBID!!! lol
  11. And ( perhaps NOT) more surprisingly do you mean that farang are STILL hammering out "My Way" as out go to standard karaoke song !?? I mean COME ON guys. get with the times, it was funny when the boys were laughing at us 10 and 15 years ago as "my way" was apparently the only song they thought farang knew, but hell it's 2018 we're STILL at it it seems, it's just embarrassing ! I mean surely come on as ....now.......the end is near and so we face the final curtain...... SHIT ! we're off again it seems ! :-)
  12. Actually I'm with Bucky on that one as the amount of Chinese tat that's being sold in the malls and stalls in Thailand now is ridiculous - and the same for many other Asian Countries - and actually even bloody Benidorm in spain etc ! The Chinese seem to have set up a world wide distribution and supply centre for "tourist tat" as no matter where I go it's the same shite from the same factories and if you're lucky it's got the correct name of the Country you're in printed on it - and actually sometimes I've even seem gifts with the WRONG Country name on it too no less ! ( Handy if needing to lie to the metaphorical missus that "no love of COURSE I was in London at a business meeting - whilst actually getting sucked off in Bangkok ! :-) The above items ( especially in Europe) do all seem to be distributed in Chinese owned shops, all selling at roughly the same prices and EXACTLY the same Tat and I wouldn't be surprised to find in years to come that it was a Chinese Government programme to flood the west with their goods and was used as a vehicle for people smuggling and god knows what ( just like chinese restaurants are known to do still even now!)
  13. Foolish shop keeper, I'd of told you to crack on and buy it from China then - in the hope that it eventually arrives with you, in one piece and is of a similar quality of that which you hoped for, especially without you being able to stop and look at it and decide on the purchase, whilst standing in her shop that she's paying the rent for that enables you to have that very benefit - to which your reply is "I can get it cheaper in China" - yep, you'd be told to go head - and to stick your phone where the sun doesn't shine on your way out the door as you went.
  14. Whilst if I took the notion I would help whoever if I so chose ( I VERY rarely do !) but when I receive the usual random "can you help me" bullshit punts I always use the same (half) true answer i.e "Awww I'm so sorry, I'd love to help you if I could but I have an Asian BF here and he and his family need my money first and this month he needs even more than I even have for him, I'm sorry". So, whilst they KNOW that's all probably just as much bullshit as their original request they somehow respect the reverse bullshit and realise you're playing their game right back at them, but if they're left with an doubt somehow it seems that they also seem to accept and believe that if I do and did have an (Asian) BF here that sure as hell MUST be already getting his claws into whatever spare cash they think I've got and so to them my ship has sailed and they just say "ok, no problem" and quickly move on to their next more gullible victim. It's also interesting when they tell you some very specific detail about why thy need the money ( sick parent, motorbike breakdown etc) and a few months from now you ask "so, hows your mothers kidney op going now or how's your new exhaust that you needed?" the first response you usually get is " what, my mums fine what do you mean" quickly followed by a " OHHHH yeah, my mum, yeah she's fine now, her kidney grew back just last week" etc lol - meaning you KNOW they were full of shit the whole time. The crazy thing for us then being that we assume we'll never hear from them again once they've been busted whereas they think nothing of being caught out and just carry on as normal ( if we're stupid enough to let them that is !)
  15. What if the last digit is 2 - so, no tip then ?
  16. Thank god that a Pattaya resident has FINALLY realised that there is life (and sex .....and free sex at that) outside of the pattaya bubble. I've been saying this for years and some just cant' imagine it and I think their own self worth has dropped that low that they figure ( incorrectly) that thats all they'll ever be able to get now - they're wrong - there's a whole big world out there and its definitely worth checking it out sometimes ! PS....."topped me in his prison officer uniform" no less.....now there's the start of a good porn movie scene if there ever was one !
  17. Some pics taken about 3 weeks ago or so I think for what they're worth, they show both the newly concreted Soi and the building work going on in LCR ( I took the pics as I knew that "someone" would be sure to ask ) and also the ( usually) crazy, busy, hard to cross main street at the end of the Soi - so if some one wonders what the quietest of the low season looks like this perhaps gives you some idea !
  18. Yes Christian said that you were very rude to him and just walked on........ shame on you !! lol ( sorry Christian :-)
  19. Thanks for posting, a lovely read on a relaxed Sunday morning here, sounds like a wonderful trip.
  20. BB Inn rooms - basic but fine for short time. Bottom end of Soi twilight, turn right and they're 30 seconds up that street, very close. Or any of the boys will happily take you there / show you I'm sure ( for a drink / tip / fuck).
  21. NIrishGuy

    The 13

    Oh many MONTHS unfortunately if the boys aren't taught to dive to get themselves out it seems ( and that being diving in 100% pitch black darkness and through muddy fast flowing water and 90 degree bends over distances of a two miles or so :-( So, lets hope the rescuers work something else out for them or perhaps find some other access route to avoid the boys being held down there any longer than they already have been, but still, at least they're alive and no matter what else happens in their rescue that's a wonderful piece of news for the families. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-44692813
  22. Depends on what sort of massage you're after I guess, these days i find myself looking out more likely for the oldest WOMAN I can find sitting outside, in the hope that she's had years of massage experience and can give me a genuinely GREAT massage in order to keep my usually aching ( hungover) body on the go for just a little while longer so that I can put up a half decent performance later if needed. I also tend solely in the interests of fairness to tip said ladies a reasonable amount just as I would a guy ( ok maybe not the FULL amount) but certainly a little more than their tip average perhaps and it always makes me smile to see the other women outside looking and thinking "HMMMM so I wonder what SHE just did for him that earned THAT tip indeed - and at HER age too no less !!! lol note - my autocorrect very nearly had my saying that I made a point of TOPPING said old woman - I would emphasise the word WAS TIP and not not .......but hey, on a slow day, who knows eh ! :-)
  23. Based on the purchase of an ( over priced) elite visa and then suggesting a spend of only 1300 dollars a month to live in Silom I just automatically that the OP was either joking, trolling or just having a bit of a Water Mitty style la la land "oh if only I could" moment more just perhaps ?
  24. Not really Vinapu, otherwise that's like saying the Ankor Wat etc wasn't a glorious place in it's day otherwise it would not be in ruins today - when obviously that's simply not the case.
  25. A handy link below that answers many of the usual questions that normally pop up about Prep. https://men.prepfacts.org/the-questions/
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