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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. Assuming you're double jabbed take care and enjoy your dat at Manchester, I've been several years in a row but gave it a miss this year as I CBA with the flights and it IS always jam packed with people and there would be trouble enforcing any form of social distancing even if they wanted to I think, especially later in the day when everyone's half cut. If not double jabbed personally I wouldn't be going anywhere near it for the above reason. I've four friends who all tested positive after attending a Tom Jones outdoor concert here ( yes I know I cant think what possessed them to go either, I think it was just more a case of going SOMEWHERE for a night out". The two of the unjabbed friends ended up in hospital straight after it ( one of them had it seems decided that she intended to ward off Covid in her own unique way using natural remedies and herbs it seems !! ). The other two jabbed friends still got it but with very much less drama and no need for medical intervention other than paracetemol thankfully. My point being, even at an outdoor event the four of them DID still pick up Covid. Away from Covid I see there have been several protests this year re the management and "goals' of the Manchester Pride committee after they stopped giving out free comdoms and things, with the usual ( probably correct) cries that they're forgetting what PRIDE was MEANT to be all about and allowing it to become far to commercial etc, so Im sure that that's a debate that's going to run and run this year now perhaps.
  2. I thought it was the Temples and the food we all mainly visited for ? No ? Thats just me then ? Hmm ok.....
  3. Likewise...I'm literally walking out the door to the airport to head for a flight to Gibraltar and just realised that perhaps this isn't the best thread to be reading just now :-)
  4. Just to clarify my post was a joke based on that "why are non gay things posted on this board" post by someone else in another thread. I enjoyed reading your post and found it interesting - imagine that, a "gay" being able to find something interesting that didn't mean Asian cocks, who'd of believed it eh ! :-)
  5. Ahh but was the beautiful Asian cock connected to a GAY man or a straight man !?? If not gay well "obviously" it's of no interest to any of us and probably shouldn't even be posted on a "gay" board anyway ! lol Personally I'm just jealous and hope you get indigestion from all your greedy overeating !! :-)
  6. Just for the record and to appease any other members who may be wondering why this post is here - can you please clarify were there any "Gays" on the flight( apart from the cabin crew of course)- just so it makes the subject a little more relevant to the Board perhaps !? :-)
  7. Also are we assuming that "gays" have such a limited interest span that we can't be interested or follow topics that don't involve overly "gay' subjects - surely if sitting chatting in a (gay) bar over a beer with a fellow "gay" it would sometimes be perfectly acceptable to chat and discuss the weather, or covid, or some new pension / visa rules that just came out, or some smart piece of investment advice we'd just picked up or the host of other topics that crop up here and on other "gay" boards occasionally too. Whilst I'm all for the "Wow what a lovely big Asian cock he has" post I do also welcome the other stuff as well as life ( for most of us at least) doesn't just revolve around the big cock topics but also includes those other subjects too, even if they aren't exclusively, exceptionally or overtly "gay" perhaps.
  8. Oh and for those who didn't get the movie reference above......it was a clip from the Thai movie "Love of Siam"- of course
  9. And perhaps a nice loving christmas present to your forbidden sweetheart along with something cute to hang from the tree ......( if you know you know :-)) I really will have to cut down watching that movie ! :-)
  10. Well if you're going to bother........I hope that you're going to go the whole hog with the tree and all then ! . :-)
  11. Me thinking iTS JULY so why would you be thinking about Christmas already !
  12. See is it only me who thinks that of ALL the people we DO let into the UK - that bar boys and sex workers should be the ones we are actively ENCOURAGING to come stay only yearly visas ! There should be extra points given to them on their visa applications just as we do with brain surgeons and engineers and the like, with bar boys being classed as "essential workers" ( as they are for some of us at least ! :-)
  13. What you mean that after BREXIT the UK passport isn't Number ONE in the world........why that would almost sound like Boris is on lying sod who lead people up a garden path on promises of glory that he hasn't yet been able to deliver on or something ! lol * perhaps with the exception of buying vaccines early, where to be fair the UK does appear to have royally stuffed the EU, mind you as they screwed up their Covid handling so badly I think they needed to SOMETHING radical to offset that perhaps so it sort of all balances out in the end.
  14. As airport to hotel taxi rip offs go the world over 100 baht is hardly at the upper end of the rip off scam scale though.......
  15. Because I want to be sure I’m buried somewhere that at least has a nice view “of course” :-)
  16. Im just glad that it seems I've quickly made it past the "collaborator" stage - as we all know how THAT usually ends up i.e a firing squad at dawn and being buried in a hole in the ground in the woods somewhere ! :-)
  17. I guess that all depends in what you got more experienced at and for how long perhaps !!? :-))
  18. Maybe once you've been you'll perhaps remember to come back and drop us all a quick "trip report" lol as to how that went - this time perhaps not so much the "now many guys were available and what the price of a beer was" :-) but more how the cruise handled the whole Covid end of things and was it no masks everywhere on board - or the opposite ! and as to whether you had the nice relaxing trip you'd hoped for or did Covid make the whole thing just a bit to annoying / stressful for you perhaps to bother anyway soon again perhaps?? This being for those of us perhaps thinking of booking a cruise ourselves but waiting to hear how others get on of course. Tks.
  19. Im disgusted to say that my first flight after vaccines and tests etc will be nothing more exciting that Gibraltar - but as that's purely to visit family there I'm pretending ( to myself ) that that doesn't even count as a holiday destination just - mind you I'm that bored and stressed out here in the UK it's ridiculous how much I'm even looking forward to getting away, even if only to there !
  20. Or if it's the Ph's Govt we're referring to and how they're handling things then perhaps INGOT might be closer to the truth !
  21. I've told you before - you better chew that more before swallowing it or you're going to end up with wind !
  22. Pass the warm chocolate sauce and jug of whipped cream please.....:)
  23. So he basically said "think on guys, this could cost us points!" - But at no time ( in the above comments anyway) did he actually say "Look please STOP doing this guys, it is wrong and it's not what we ever want to hear from you!" Interesting. Perhaps THAT is the message the Mexican Football Federation should be reinforcing more forcibly to it's supporters and enough with the carefully clinically worded PR statements !
  24. Sad mind you that even writing that excellent piece above that the BBC still couldn't bring themselves to inform people of the terrible homophobia that Alan Turing faced during his career which lead to him being castrated no less and his feeling that he would have to end his own life because of it !!! And people ask us why we need "PRIDE" - it's to remind others ( and the BBC it seems) that LGBT DO actually exist and shouldn't and CANT be treated like that any longer !
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