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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. Thank you Kokopeilli and yes it has been known that I look down, type, then hit post and then go MY GOD THAT LONG ! but hopefully people can both get the gist and also understand that not all of us are so careful / care so much about proof reading and double checking each and every line written. Believe it or not I do pay more attention than I used to to such matters, but only in passing it has to be said and thankfully the world keeps revolving either way it appears :-) Thankfully for the rest of you my lets say unique (i.e poor apparent) writing "style" means any hydra idea I would toy with would no doubt be spotted in seconds !
  2. I've always presumed there is no one reason for that and there are more likely to be several reasons, which might include : Sheer boredom on the persons part with them simply not having anything else productive to do in their lives ( even if they are not aware of that) and the internet ends up taking the place of them having a real life. Or perhaps a desire to keep a thread running and ( for their own twisted reasons) make it look like it's interesting and or create a debate where none perhaps previously existed all to suit their own (again usually twisted) ends. A desire to make a thread or a board appear busier than it actually it, either for commercial reasons or just to massage their own delicate ego. Or maybe a desire to "stir the pot" and create tension between other posters in a way they would not be able to do under their own name as they could not speak so freely and openly and say what they REALLY think about issues and fellow posters on whatever board they happen to be on, again either for maybe commercial reasons if they sell advertising as most boards seem to do these days or even for legal reasons ( as its not unknown I believe for some people online to actually use threats of legal action against other board members or internet users, even thought these individuals are the same people who frequently carry out the same actions they are so quick to threaten to sue others about but their new profile name/s allows them to do this with a measure of impunity (so they think anyway) - whilst they forget of course that this is still only the internet and they should perhaps just get a life and get over themselves - but again this goes back to my first point about them not actually having much of life in the first place perhaps and so using whatever tools they need to make them feel better about themselves and achieve the end result they desire in every situation) And finally the main reason of course - that they're probably just a little bit nuts and most sane people will never be able to work out the reasoning in their twisted minds so we really shouldn't even bother trying and once their fake Hydras are identified ) even if they do use fake spelling mistakes etc to cover their tracks as they are usually quite obvious to spot anyway) they should probably be just best ignored or pitied. Although it is sad state of affairs when what appears to be a very few number of people who do carry out this practice end up affecting the overall tone and sometimes even moderation of whatever board they happen to be on at that time and again as stated above the worst thing is that their actions are usually just to aid and achieve their own twisted motives, thankfully however this is something that we don't see here on this board to often now I believe, so that to me is in itself a big plus for being here as far as I'm concerned anyway. So, that's my best guess anyway.
  3. I'm sorry but if this board is turning into a Pussy appreciation club I'm out of here ! :-)
  4. It does indeed - now one more question - programma ?? ( I'm guessing you mean a hot sex session with one or more of the guys) yes ?
  5. I thought the same FH but assumed Micheal was perhaps talking about the public / bar areas where one might sit clothed - although to me that sort of defeats the purpose somewhat, but perhaps things are different there - Michael, care to enlighten us ?
  6. I doubt many posters on ANY Thailand board will need to worry to much as no matter who it is everyone seems to be just entering their forties - and have been for the last 20 years or so :-)
  7. Hi Micheal, I'm enjoying reading your reports, you've the stamina of a 20 year old it seems !! Lucky you ! :-) One question if I may - and I've asked this before elsewhere but never really received a sensible answer), when you decide to take a working boy ( or three in your case lol) whilst in the sauna how does that work payment wise ? I mean I'm assuming you ( and they) are mainly in just a towel or naked so do you work "on account" or is it strictly proforma payments only lol with a trip to your locker ( accompanied by them?) before you go into the private room or do they accompany you as you're leaving to enable you to settle up ( he there must be one hell of a queue following you some nights if that's the case :-)) Although I noticed you mentioned about not particularily wanting to leave your wallet in one place that looked a bit dodgy so does that imply one might take a small bag with some cash etc around with you in some places. Also again just for general info do all the saunas there tend to be "safe" with any amount of confirms and lube freely available in each cubicle or is it like the crazy system in Babylon Bkk etc where after using your two supplied confirms and one lube you have to traipse all the down to reception to ask for more - which in your case must be VERY tiring and cause sore legs with so many journeys being required in each trip !! :-)
  8. Hell I know we're all planning to get a bit wet during songkran but if we've got to start wearing fins now I'm seriously going to have to rethink my next trip - unless if course the fins are for the bedroom where it appears then that no, I've picked the perfect place after all perhaps - now where did I put that damned snorkel of mine ! Lol
  9. That's one big (incorrect) assumption you've made there as like yourself I don't read it and in fact I thought it was always members only generally (of which I'm not one).
  10. Funny I seem to remember another of this board and myself saying exactly the same thing not so very long ago, nice to see others agreeing ( albeit eventually), I wonder do some other members here who took part also agree or perhaps still think it was all should have been quite acceptable to reasonably minded adults - I'm guessing not mind now due to their new found home, oh how the fickle wind of change blows eh :-)
  11. Turns out we're not the only moaning old farts though it seems as even if you just type Adult only flights into Google there is a mountain of people and surveys talking about it and up to half the people surveyed ( who have children themselves even) say it's not an unreasonable idea - but of course only in business class it seems - us cattle class low lifes will just have to suffer and smile it seems for a while longer :-( http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=adult+only+flights&oq=adult+only+flights&gs_l=hp.3..0i22i30.1050.3253.1.3892.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.d2k&fp=de49eac6adf4710e&biw=1838&bih=944
  12. "Will he be another homophobic fascist who will try to impose his immoral views on the rest of the world" ?? Why is there any other kind of Priest or Cardinal - if so I haven't met them. Just like the Father Ted episode where Father Ted is trying to convince people that priests are not likeNazi's and says "oh no, you've got us all wrong, Nazi's dress all in black and go round telling people what to do all day, whereas priests..........Oh, right fair enough so :-( lol
  13. I feel his pain, I try to get away with the bare minimum of work everyday myself and usually manage it quite well most days too ! And no delete button - shameful behaviour ! who came up with THAT idea ? :-) Oh, that wasn't quite please and pretty please delete my post as I'd intended it to be it seems ! opps :-)
  14. Apologies, i didn't see that post - point me in the right direction if you would, where's the delete button, I am looking but don't see it anywhere obvious ( or I may just be being blind of course !)
  15. Speaking of haircuts, firstly one of the things i LOVE about going to Thailand is going in and getting my hair cut and styled ( especially in soi twilight etc as gay hairdressers in Thailand are SOOOO fussy about their and your hair, which I love - however aside from that has anyone tried one of the new very small "pop up" style barbers that seem to be appearing in the MRT / train stations / shopping malls etc, where basically it's a proper barbers chair plonked in the middle of any busy area and away they go, basically working on the shoe shine type concept except cutting your hair instead - oh and it's ridiculously cheap I seem to recall like 100-200 baht or something I think, but I also think your hairs cut in super fast time ( as you were probably there to catch a train I assume). Personally I wouldn't risk it in case it was a crap haircut but any stalls that I've seen seem to have a queue so they must be doing something right I guess ! oh and just to stay on topic about favourite pics etc - the guy below was obviously ahead of his time as his barbers shop in Vietnam was simply a briefcase opened up and nailed to a tree every day with his cutting gear and razor ( with new clean blades, I did check first !) stuffed in to it and away he went - and to be fair to him his haircut and wet shave was first class ! :-)
  16. Ha you've obviously been listening in to my justification meetings here in the office as everytime I debate going away I go through the above "I really shouldn't go it's getting to dear" ritual, only my office manage to agree with me and say I'm right that it is awfully expensive for two weeks away - only for me to then use your logic ( which usually starts with but if I was going out locally it would cost me £50 in taxis alone before I even bought a drink and that's half a night out paid for in sunee ) of course in reality I don't go out in said taxi for 16 nights in a row and I most certainly always spend more than £50 a night - EVERY night so my and your recouping plan doesn't quite work either it seems :-(
  17. Ha you've obviously been listening in to my justification meetings here in the office as everytime I debate going away I go through the above "I really shouldn't go it's getting to dear" ritual, only my office manage to agree with me and say I'm right that it is awfully expensive for two weeks away - only for me to then use your logic ( which usually starts with but if I was going out locally it would cost me £50 in taxis alone before I even bought a drink and that's half a night out paid for in sunee ) of course in reality I don't go out in said taxi for 16 nights in a row and I most certainly always spend more than £50 a night - EVERY night so my and your recouping plan doesn't quite work either it seems :-(
  18. ha and there I was fully expecting the " You started it" "no we didn't" " yes you did you invaded Poland" clip ! :-)
  19. So just to clarify - are we blaming Ryan Air ( also spit) for the founding of the Nazi Empire and all that followed -the crazy thing is is this was posted on facebook rather than be shocked and demand an immediate redaction that bugger O'Leary would probably run the story for a few days first to get the free PR out of it ! And as for a reduction for having a screaming baby within 10 feet oh you - listen up airlines as he's a tip - I would pay EXTRA just to ensure there was no such annoyance with 50 foot of my on a long haul flight, creche areas / nominated baby areas on flights are WAY over due if you ask me to enable those of us who DON"T want to be tortured for 11 hours listening to someone else's kid brawling its lungs out to have the right not to ! * note - and the award for Gumpy Bastard of the week goes to ......NIrish guy it seems ! lol
  20. I take it you've flown air India / Jet Airways before then :-) OH MY GOD deodorant people, it isn't that difficult and surely can only be considered good manners to your fellow passengers when travelling ! Mind you I guess perhaps the Indian gentleman sitting beside me is probably sitting cursing the waft of soap shop and all over smelly stuff that's sitting beside him that's polluting HIS airways, each to their own and all that then i guess, but I know which smell I would rather have, washed and clean or 3 day old armpit ! :-( And going back to the weight thing when you think about it as you've mentioned they already charge your bags by weight once you're over the basic figure so why NOT charge by weight for the person to ! Ha I'd just need to be sure not to book my ticket too far in advance perhaps based on how my scales seem to go up and down with a mind of their own these days !
  21. leading on nicely to the whole debate then about should very large people ( I mean fat of course) but asked to pay for TWO seats on a plane, the No\s of course state human rights etc which is a fair point however if I'm the person stuck wedged in in the middle of two fat people on a long haul flight and find I can't move either arm for fear of elbowing someone at that point I would be an advocate for non voluntary euthanasia never mind charging more ! lol Mind you I guess the simple answer is the airlines should provide us all with a seat that's comfortable and roomy no matter WHAT for the prices they charge ! Oh and to stay on topic I TOTALLY agree re the advertising, especially re the airline trade where it seems to be rife, i get an email from "cheapflights.co.uk" once a week with some GREAT deals such as London - Bangkok for £300 etc - until you actually ring and try to book and then it seems that flight has "just been sold" ( always) and turns on they have one a year at that price and the others involve crazy layovers and are only available if you are accompanied by people over 125 years old or something and of course the next "normal" fare you get is actually dearer than the standard airline price !! SOOOO annoying !
  22. well now you see to perhaps TOTALLY contradict what I've just said above over the last few years like you I've covered several of the main the Europeans gay hot spots such as Siteges, Gran Can, Barcelona, Amsterdam etc etc as well as squeezing in SE Asia and around the time of booking I being a creature of habit go through the same stupid ritual of saying NO, I'm going to LOS this time, it's too bloody expensive, I'll just stay "local" i.e. in the E.U BUT ! then after sitting down and going over the flights to "somewhere" then the (usually gay) hotel and the single room supplement in some places ( or at least the room price being mentally set by the hotels to accommodate more than one person) by the time I've worked all that out a week or so say in Siteges can come to around say £900 all in with no effort - and then I work out the £600 flight to LOS and the "cheap" hotel ( which it isn't anymore) and somehow convince myself that LOS is still better value and think fuck it and book that. THEN however after deciding to just go to LOS and to hell with it think "but it's so far to fly, a weeks hardly enough, fuck it I'll make it two weeks, then also think well there's no point travelling on a friday and being wrecked for thew weekend when I arrive so plan to leave on the Thursday and return on the Monday / Tuesday so my two weeks becomes two and a half with the added hotel costs of course and THEN you factor in the partying and boy/ drink/ boys drinks costs etc etc and low and behold your "I'll nip away for a cheap week somewhere" has turned into a three week main bloody holiday costing £3 or 4k by the time I've finished without even trying - so I guess it's maybe not the Baht rates fault and more just my own lack of sticking to the original plan ! lol - But no, bugger it, I'll keep blaming the drop in the pound, that sounds like a MUCH better excuse for me I think :-)
  23. Well I'm sure I'm not the only one but whilst not 100% to do with the exchange rate but in some large part to do with it I am now actively looking at going to somewhere other than Thailand for my summer break as it is just getting dearer and dearer to go there at every level. Obviously the Pound dropping screws up everything no matter where you're travelling to, but as has already been pointed out when you factor in things like the high drinks prices etc it DOES all start to add up and whilst I am by no means a cheap charlie or a Baht watcher when I'm on holiday I do return after each trip now and after each and every trip now say WHAT ! HOW MUCH ! - and yes the sex is good of course and I do enjoy Thailand but you can also find similar places such as the Philippines etc for much less and the local bars etc could do well to remember that when continually scamming us in so many ways - mind you I doubt they give a shit as western farang are now of course somewhere close to the bottom of the pecking order I would imagine compared to the Asian and Russian market these days when it comes to who they want to keep coming back.
  24. I took this pic myself when in Vietnam - I've heard of getting a carry out meal delivered perhaps but this guy takes the biscuit - and the poor old cow was still alive and looking up at me every time we stopped beside it in traffic, god know WHAT it was thinking was going on ! :-(
  25. Two nuns sharing a bath, one Nun says to the other Nun "oh where's the soap" the other nun smiling mischievously as she rubs herself under the water looks up and replies "yes, it does doesn't it" :-)
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