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Starbucks Plans to Double Number of Stores in Thailand
NIrishGuy replied to TotallyOz's topic in Gay Thailand
Khortose I'm not sure where you reside but I can assure you that Starbucks name is generally mud here in the UK of late and I am absolutely not alone in my dislike of them or their morally questionable ( but I accept fully legal) tax avoidance practices. That's not to say that they don't have a following and are profitable, but I can assure you my thoughts on them are not restricted to just myself. To the point where a UK wide public boycott was called for and instigated in Dec 2012 / Jan 13 in tge UK and urgent talks were held by Starbucks management and the UK Government which prompted Starbucks to immediately VOLUNTEER to pay an impromptu £20 million pounds in UK corporation tax in January of this year - not many firms would do that unless under direct PR and sales pressure from their customers and it should be noted that amount paid is still only a fraction of the money they WOULD have been due to be paid if they hadn't of moved their profits offshore in order to avoid UK Corporation tax. Source : type in Starbucks and UK tax to google and there's a mountain of pages of current info about all of the above ( so maybe not quite just me thinking that after all it seems perhaps eh? ) -
Starbucks Plans to Double Number of Stores in Thailand
NIrishGuy replied to TotallyOz's topic in Gay Thailand
I wonder will they decide to pay an tax in Thailand or just have a go at raping that country too just like they're doing here in the UK ( although to be fair I blame the Government more than Starbucks perhaps for putting in place rules which allow them to do it ) And also I think for a coffee chain such as Starbucks to charge for wifi in this day and age when it is expected and assumed to be free in so many places and especially after what they do charge is verging on criminal and personally I'd see them in hell first before I'd give them it. And as for this new marketing bulllshit of asking your first name and writing it on your cup and then calling you up by your first name as they're your "personal frend" - screw that, I'll just wait at the counter like I always did and "here's your coffee Sir" will do nicely thanks - Americianism gone mad. So, they're a "friend" who charges you for a slow, poor connection wifi and over charges you for your coffee - some friend, I think I'll stick to the independents where I can thanks where REAL service actually means something still. -
^^^ perhaps the wisest thing to be said on any board - ever ! Sound advice which sound be heeded at all costs !
Not to mention Moses obviously being an old British motorcycle fan, as evidenced by the Bible passage declaring that "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills". Whereas poor old Joshua on the other hand it seems could only afford an old beat up Triumph sports car with a hole in its exhaust as the bible clearly states that : "Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land" :-)
Well if that's the same as "disco fucking" as per a previous post I made elsewhere about that re being in Eros bar one night then yes I guess it is ! :-)
ha ha I was actually debating going to the george tonight actually and you've just put me off the notion now ! ;-) And likewise if I may deviate off the thread just for a second as I've one too.......here in Belfast the religious right ( who very seldom are) rule the place and so there are no lap dancing clubs etc, however it was announced that one club had foudn a loop law in the law and it was opening the next week, so immediately the religious pickets with placards like something out of Father Ted and the "down with this sort of thing" episode where outside the doors to harass, embarrass and stop any self respecting god fearing person from entering - which of course meant I immediately made a bee line for the place to intentionally run the gauntlet on its opening night just for sheer badness. So, on arrival the waitress who took our drinks order (who lived about a mile from my house actually ) said the licence required that we order food, but they understood it was a nonsense so all they had on the menu was either a burger or a cheeseburger and both were almost inedible. Obviously as food wasn't the purpose of our visit we didn't care anyway so ordered four burgers and sat down to wait and watch the show, our food came ( it was terrible) then the waitress disappeared and five minutes later reappeared as the bloody pole / lap dancer as apparently due to the protests they couldn't get any proper dancers and had no staff - and trust me this girl should have stuck to being a waitress as "I" would have made a better pole dancer ( and have done on occassion actually but that's a whole other story), she then nearly shit herself on finding out where I lived as she was terrified I'd tell her father she was working as a pole dancer in the first place, so in the end both she and we gave up on the whole idea and just sat drinking together the rest of the night and as we were leaving went out to the street and told the DUP protesters what a GREAT night we'd had and that there was actually a great live sex show and EVERYTHING which made them even crazier than they already were ! :-) Needless to say of course Belfast being Belfast the club only lasted about two weeks and was shut down by the DUP controlled Council under some other vague licensing law apparently.
ha you're right SG I DO like the bottle, it's much prettier than all the rest for sure :-) BUT I do also honestly think the taste of the gin is by far more superior to many others around the same price, although in most bars it's usually a bit more expensive than the rest too I find, but to me is worth the difference - and if the lovely blue bottle getting served to me gives off the vibe of "look, screaming fag in the corner" and so another screaming fag decides to come over and join me for some gayer gin then so much the better :-) ps who's that in your pic ? I was going to say "was that you when you were young?" - but surely colour film only came out in the last 60 years or there about's or something so that would rule that option out then no ?? :-)) he he
Why drink either when you can have Bombay Sapphire - SO much nicer IMHO.
I'm glad you said that gerefan as I too had looked at that travelling on cargo ships once just for the crack and on investigation it was as you've said expensive for what it was and the accommodation was anything but luxurious and ultimately you ended up dining with the crew ( albeit in the lot to be desired officers mess perhaps), so for the money, the time required and the boredom level that might ensue I decided to forego that particular pleasure.
I actually find the sometimes vast difference in peoples perception of their shared experience an amazing insight in to the human mind and it shows just how different we all are, it also on occasion also shows just how anal some people can be and what their expectations are versus the price their paid for the goods i.e. " I was HORRIFIED that on checking into our half star hotel that we found on a last minute booking website with unnamed accommodation for £29 for a week for full board that on arrival and being checked into room 17 I had my husband go out to the pool and bring back four people to help him move the cupboard away from the wall so that I could inspect behind it LOW AND BEHOLD I found a feather which OBVIOUSLY came from the duvet AND it looked like it had been there at least two days !! I was disgusted and we will most certainly will never be back and on my demanding £5000 compensation from the Spanish receptionist who I complained to every day of my holiday she was VERY rude to me in the way she looked at me and said "I'm really sorry but we can't do that for you", I mean just WHO do these people think they are ! You'd never find this sort of service in Skegness at the B&B we usually go - so I'll not be back and I suggest you avoid Villa el Cheapo at all costs !" And then you read the next "We stayed at Villa El Cheapo, room 17, had a great week, the staff were wonderful, the room spotless, can't wait to go back ! " God love the poor hoteliers as I'm sure sometimes they feel they just can't win with some of the moaning Minnies who are out there and expect the Ritz at bargain basement prices ! ( actually just on that - true story - the Ritz in London is highly overrated anyway as the last time I was there I was propositioned by two hookers in the bar !) I was HIGHLY OFFENDED and I'll never be back next week ! lol So like you SG I tend to take the middle view and just use the review sites for practical information such as it a 30 minutes taxi ride from the airport and has ( or has not) loads of bars right outside the door etc.
Actually on that point what ever happened to that great thread with all the wonderful pics of hot Asian guys, I so looked forward to opening it each morning and starting each day with a hard on smile :-) And getting back on track I laughed on reading the logo for the magazine company - taking PRIDE in Business - but obviously not enough pride to actually research their bullshit editorial it seems !
Damn :-( When I noticed this threads title of gay mazagines cock up I was hoping to open it to find a photo spread feature - no such luck ! :-)
Islam forbids cremation it seems so that's a big no no apparently.
"I do have high hopes that the Supremes will rule favorably on this issue" I was going to say well I wish they would hurry up but then remembered their famous 1967 hit " you keep me hanging on"..........oh wait no, it was the "other" Supremes you were talking about I guess :-)
I'm just surmising but I had always thought it was standard practice and actually a rule that if one of the pilots got up to leave the cockpit for some / any reason that they HAD to ask a steward to come in to the cockpit and take their place whilst covering their absence just in case the other pilot had a heart attack or something equally dramatic whilst at the wheel - or am I mistaken about that ?
What a SHIT ! One guy with a grudge and he's going to screw up so many peoples summer holidays if they don't get the place sorted ASAP. I hope they throw away the key ! - Oh and not to mention he could have killed someone of course ! ( I really should have put that part first I guess before the ruining someones night out at a gay bar part bit perhaps !!! :-)
(UK) iPhone accessories bought in Thailand ??
NIrishGuy replied to NIrishGuy's topic in Gay Thailand
That of course assumes you're at a stall where they sell both iPhone accessories and also portable idock music players and are also buying from someone who gives a shit enough about a 300 baht sale to rig all that up for you test in the first place. Its certainly worth asking but I'm guessing if I had of asked the shop keeper, Thai or otherwise, I would have been given a short answer perhaps. -
(UK) iPhone accessories bought in Thailand ??
NIrishGuy replied to NIrishGuy's topic in Gay Thailand
Just to answer my own question in case it helps anyone else ( as I've just rang the Apple store to check) - apparently whilst there are many issues re "regions" with Apple and many other products, where stuff you buy here / there won't work in the other place ( to stop you buying them cheap there or here) and exporting them I assume, apparently there is no reason why a simple iphone 5 to 4 adaptor shouldn't work and it looks like the stall in Tuk com were probably selling black market copy duds, which I guess is why they were charging only £6 each as opposed to the £25 each price normally charged here - true what they say "if it looks to good to be true it probably is" so caveat emptor applies as always it seems ! -
When in Tuk com the other week I bought several iPhone 5 down to to 4 dock adaptors but on getting them home and checking them in several different docking devices none of them work, so is anyone aware perhaps is there a difference in the Asian market adaptors over the UK model ones that would be causing this ? I do know that can be the case with some other iPhone products but was surprised if it stretches as far as simple adaptors? Thankfully they weren't expensive so it's no big deal but I'd just like to know to perhaps save any future fruitless purchases.
Whilst the above may be correct and we'd all like that level of action to be taken I'm sure if we actually knew the number of times this sort of thing happens on many airlines ( without the autopilot switching off perhaps) we'd be horrified and I'm quite sure many in the airline business would see this as unfortunate that it was reported rather than something very rare and as something to be disciplined over but just more a case of them being "unlucky" to be found out - scarily for the rest of us poor unsuspecting passengers perhaps - but what is it they say "ignorance is bliss" - and just one of the reasons I keep my seat belt fastened at all times "just in case" !
petit bourgeoise - the new diet yoghurt that makes you THINK you're SO much better than everyone else when you're dieting and is especially suitable for those that want to end up well hung ! :-)
Actually on reflection we'll reserve judgement on the vote and will promise not yo try to swing the vote in our favour anymore - IF you promise to keep her !!! Just imagine going home a fiver short in your pay packet to her on a Friday night !! ugghhhhh the very thought of it :-)
And just just for Clarity SG if the rest of the former UK states are to be known as FUKS - does that make the rest of us Fukers !!?? - Actually no, probably best you don't answer that one just in case goes in the wrong direction and you all have to come back to us fukers saying you want to remain as we might have taken great offence by then at the very idea of your even suggesting leaving and start building the wall anyway - either way you're still sending the money - right ?? :-)
Well now when it comes to storing bombs you'd think we would have been the FIRST people the UK Government would have looked to as lets face it we have more experience on that front than the rest of you put together !!!! lol
I fear perhaps you are mistaken there FH as what with it being the English building and paying said wall I'm guessing the concrete steps needed to get to the top of the wall to enable the throwing of Haggii or anything else for that matter will be firmly and solely built on the English side only just like in the past and should the Scots feel the need to chuck haggii or deep friend Mars bars over the wall at any point they are going to have to rely on some form of a good old fashioned tried and tested Roman catapult device.