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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. Ha well 7-11 mustn't be paying enough as I confirm I just got a message from him on gayromeo this morning ( which shortly of sending a polite "hi" reply to I haven't moved on yet, although I could be tarring the guy as "working" when in fact the truth is that he loved my profile and wants to be my actual boyfriend for free and forever lol ( yes I am joking about that last part just in case anyone's unsure :-) Edit - oh firecat I've just noticed your timing of the guy being with you after finishing at 7-11 - so if that was after 11 he's been a busy boy as I got my message from him at 2.15am and 3am respectively ....ohhh nearly to close to call, you could have brought him over for a cup of tea and a 3 some and perhaps we would have gotten a discount due to his lack of travel requirement ! Lol. Ha now as some on the boards are committed to saving their last baht perhaps there's the answer prearranged discounted group orgies - save 30 baht a fuck if the boy doesn't have to travel ! Again just for clarity that IS a joke ! As I'm sure we all agree we'd all pay the extra baht just to avoid having to endure such a nightmare sight ! Lol
  2. I believe the most common word they would all probably agree on would be "E Dok" lol And Anon you got me caught out even more than usual when after telling me the other day about a boy asking after me a thai friend said to me "oh I see your friend Anon al Tan Nam" so me thinking i was being smart jumped in and said " oh yes he tell me you ask him about me, how sweet of you" only for him to glare at me and scowl at me and grunt "hummph, i not even talk with him, i just see, you obviously thinking of some other boy who ask about you i think !" - OPPS ! :-)
  3. I'm almost sure I didn't use the words non stop in there anywhere and I did of course have a wee power nap between sessions - and in this particular case I wasn't the one with the sore ass ( seeing as you were asking :-)
  4. @ vinapu - you ARE joking aren't you, hell it took me four days to manage to get my arise in gear enough to take ONE photo, for me to list and rate all the bars I visit would mean I'd actually have to give some thought to the matter and that to me sounds like "work" - which should of course be avoided at all costs !! My type of bar hoping is much more of the have a wee walk and have a beer in each and any bar I drop into, have a few guys join me if I feel like it and take one or two on out with me if the mood so takes me - anything more than that would require "effort" and I'd be scared I'd turn into one of those odd people that the Thais talk about who walk in and out of bars, with note books and a pencil in hand, scribbling furiously as to what style colour and material length the boys under garments are and other "important" details like that for entry into the go Go boy bar database at a later date, so sorry no, as that would just be "strange" in my thinking so I think I'll just stick with my disorganised popping in and out of places and leave our other seasoned members to do the note taking and reporting :-) Although if it's any help I CAN tell you that I was in Wild West boys last night at around 12 midnight and there were two customers and around 15 boys, they totally screwed me over for 300 baht for a "vodka and red bull" and the only vodka my glass saw was in passing the vodka bottle on the way to my table perhaps, plus it was also a small glass for the red bill they used too and full of ice so I got only about a quarter bottle of red bull anyway ! Plus there was no show on at this point and for once even I said ( into myself) - well fuck that, you'll not get that out of me twice - and they didn't and I left shortly after. So I took off one of the boys I knew of old and after our going out drinking and playing pool in a lady boy bar until 4.30am or so we went home and had GREAT sex until 2pm today (1500 baht Christian in case you're wondering) and I am now at the beach recovering and recharging my batteries for whatever / whoever destiny throws my way tonight again ( that is if I don't stop off at sansuk Sauna on the way back to my room first perhaps :-). Oh and I DO love low season here WAY more than high, peace and quiet on the beach and everyone so much more chilled - lovely ! Ps @ Khortose - I'm afraid poundies ? must be a Southern Irish thing perhaps as they don't ring a bell with me. Pps - re bells - note to self - do NOT be ringing the bell in a last boy bar at 3.30am thunking "ack sure there's only three girls behind the bar" as aside from the "look customer has bought a bar round" I've realised that it's also an unsubtle sign for every lady boy, cleaner, cook, bottle washer and any Thai just generally passing to "appear" and "oh yes they staff here long time" - long time I think referring to the 7 years ago perhaps when they last worked there ! 1400 baht later - and as if that hasn't bad enough I rang the bloody thing TWICE LOL - but hey it was ok as I got a "free" shot of some I drinkable cheap crap as I had a "good heart" so all was well in the end lol.
  5. So, never let it be said that N.Irish guy wasn't prepared to risk life and limb for this boards readership - so Operation Shamrock is now complete AND took place at night time when Boystown was in full swing ( all / any medals or perhaps board pensions for life can be forwarded to me without further delay C/O most / just about all go go boys in Pattaya, as it's looking like they'll all see me at SOME stage on this trip ! So, for the sake of clarity I can confirm that there is ( no longer) any sign relating to "the gays" or anything of the like - now that's not to say there never was as I'm fairly sure I did see the old sign myself - but for now there isn't any and proof should it be needed that I competed this highly dangerous mission ( as I could have been lured into any number of go go bars at any time !) I have pasted a pic of the "sign wall" ( hopefully) in this post. So, if thats the owners view it appears he's now choosing to keep that view to himself - or perhaps their reputation negated the need for the continuation of the sign in the first place - who knows? Ok, so I'm off to scrap the Cam Creme off my face and ditch the webing and twigs that are sticking out of my hair and will now give myself over to a night full of gay abandon in several of BTs best / worst go go bars I think to reward myself for action over and above the call of duty in the face of the (possible) enemy :-) Oh and Christian, you'll be disappointed to hear there were no sausage rolls available on which I could report on but you'll see on the attached pic that I was sure to capture the full menu complete with PRICES all listed beside EACH item so hopefully that will suffice and keep you moist for the next few weeks ahead. Lol.
  6. He he I'm (almost but not quite) ashamed to say that it appears that you guys know my M.O better than I do as I have to confess that as suggested by a few members I WAS indeed waylaid by the lure of Boystown - on two different nights in fact lol. But I WILL make a POINT of going on my Recee, but may have to reschedule the time of my undercover agent reporting for somewhere more in the middle of the afternoon when boystown isn't in full swing - which based on the week I've had so far will be a problem in it's self as I don't believe myself and any boy wonder who's been kind enough to share my bed have been out of it before 5pm any day this week hardly ! And before I get castigated as being a lazy sod ( which I don't deny anyway of course) I would merely add in my defence your Honour that I haven't been getting home until 6 or 7am any morning and them only usually to carry on "manoeuvres" thereafter with perhaps a few hours of broken kip ( as the air con is CRAP in my room and is driving me nuts) after that, only to wake up around 2 or 3pm and perhaps pick up from one left off earlier - and when I them add in the one ( or two) seperate short time encounters I may have have had the evening before heading out on the night before I believe my sleep ( if you could call it that) is more than overdue and earned ( and NEEDED) by that stage. So yes, Operation Shamrock is still in full swing and assuming no cute guy says anything remotely vocal to me such as "hey sexy man where you go"or "I lie you" or "show it start now" I should just about be able to manage my task I feel - and especially for Christian I MAY even report of the size, shape, price and meat content of the Shamrocks sausage rolls too if I have time and don't get distracted again !!! :-)
  7. Yeah and for clarity I've eaten in the shamrock cafe / bar loads of times with no issues at all whatsoever as it's usually just the Thai lady staff on there anyway at night - albeit I'm usually alone and to be fair I generally pass as "straight" anyway. The funny thing was that one incident there was absolutely nothing to do with the bar or the management but just one asshole who just happened to be sitting next to me shooting his mouth off and what was even more funny / annoying was that it was after my travelling the 6000 kms or whatever from home that that ONE asshole who's mouthing off came from just up the road from me at home so I could just as easily stayed home and heard the same crap there and saved the air fare lol. Thankfully low brain people like that don't phase me one bit and I'm more than happy to stand my ground with them and find when you do they inevitably either spit their dummy out of the pram a bit and stomp off in a huff once they realise you're not going to be bullied or their mate ( who was probably joining in) ends up coming back had an hour later out of their mates earshot and apologising profusely for "their mate" ( funnily forgetting that they were joining in) and then launch into either the "I've got a lot of gay friends actually" conversation - or more interestingly " actually I've often wondered about the whole gay thing myself and whether "I" maybe wasn't a little gay when I was younger perhaps" - cue the pulling up or his bar stool and maybe moving on to another bar together later he he ;-) Re "the sign" I did always take it as more of "hey guys / gays this is just an ordinary wee Irish cafe, not a gay bar, not a sit and fondle your latest one hour hook up from boystown so PLEASE take your "boyfriends" elsewhere. Which I can sort of understand and even accept - but if it said "no gays" well "fuck em" ( except I am declaring an interest here and may well sell my gay soul for a quick bowl of stew or toasted sandwhich when the hunger is upon me in boystown or wherever as hunger wins over making a political statement everytime with me usually - what can I say I'm food Shallow ! Lol I think I'll nip back in there later this evening actually and see is said sign still up on display ! I'll post the answer later .
  8. That'll be the Shamerock bar / cafe you'll be thinking of I believe, ha I'm always torn as on one hand with an owner like that of course one wouldn't want to give him a single baht BUT they do loads of "ordinary" every day Irish grub and "sometimes" when I'm all Thai fooded out I have to admit I do nip in for a quick bowl of stew or something just to ride me over. But I promise I keep my fingers crossed under the table the while time I'm there AND make a point of sashchying up to the counter just as gayly as I can to pay my bill as my token protest lol Actually seriously the one and only time I ever had an issue in that place was some drink dickhead who when he asked and I told him I was gay started to be a homophobic prick which of course got the standard go fuck yourself you tosser response from me - only for me to discover he actually lived about 3 miles from my home in N Ireland !! To say I was both wasn't surprised at all and was also disgusted at the small minded price all in the same breath just about covers it !! :-(
  9. ah I understand now - what a crappy experience for you - and there I thought the Finnish were a very liberal torrent group of people, I guess you'll always get the exception no matter where you go :-( Oh well, thanks for posting that then as it's always good to know where NOT to spend your money when in Pattaya !
  10. "LAST YEAR he found out I have a male partner." ​And you're only posting about this now ?? How very strange - what's wrong did you have another run in with him over something else maybe in the meantime or did you just perhaps recall this incident and so decided to post about it now by chance.
  11. I used it on my last trip back and yes it was certainly great for catching up on emails etc but also just for killing the boredom by sitting on Grindr as you went over all the various Countries whilst watching which ones were trying to blocking it ( and failing mainly now it seems ) and then getting the odd "hey, how are you, I'm in the city centre, you closem wanna meet ?") sort of message where it was worth every penny of the sign up fee just to be able to say " ha I would love to but you really wouldn't believe where I am even if I told you" :-) Looking forward to the day ( very soon I'm sure) when it becomes standard practice to have it on all planes - and FOC too hopefully at that !
  12. "But this guy is different" OMG ​I don't believe YOU just said that.....and you with all your years experience in Thailand :-) Oh well, lets hope you're right, but hey even if not I know you're having lots of fun there "in the moment" anyway so either way it's big loss to you. Oh and I'm now setting my watch to see how long it takes until you find and nail that Russian again once boy wonder is away playing on his new device sometime ! :-)
  13. Where exactly do you think they are allowed in Pattaya as whilst you may find go go bars and guys in shorts etc pushing the edges of what's allowed in the likes of Eros bar etc I doubt you'll find any "actual" SEX shows anywhere in Pattaya as I believe they were banned there long before Bangkok.
  14. Yes enjoy your trip, I just literally got around to booking my own hotel today too in Pattaya from the 30th of this month onwards for a while for after I leave BKK so yes, roll on the summer :-).....well actually roll on the rainy season I guess, but you know what I mean :-)
  15. Do keep up Ron as speaking personally I have been a member here for quite some time - as you may have noticed at some time if you'd been concentrating when reading any one of my 260 odd posts - well that is if you had been reading and posting here with any "genuine" interest and not just scouring the boards for something / anything to dig and poke people with like some kind of frothing at the mouth demented kid in a school playground over there on YOUR / Neal's PERSONAL bitching board - which of course was all along just a mechanism for Neal to spew his bile and play his twisted game on but that you helped keep afloat for him until you both had YOUR fall out. And as for "let they (sic) come forward" - it seems you don't read the other boards then eh (even though they are 100% public and available for anyone on the net to read without their having to be a member) as if you did you will see that in fact no, not everyone shares your view with regards to your friend. So, I'll leave it at that, I've said my bit elsewhere and I've no wish to drag this discussion onto this board as well as you may have noticed that I specifically have avoided mentioning Neal, you or the other boards issues anywhere in any posts made to this board up until now and have only did so in reply to your post. To conclude Ron my view of you was always more as one who was more misguided than genuinely mean and I always likened you to the dim boy standing behind the bully in the playground shouting "yeah thats right, yeah go on Neal" but not quite truly understanding why you were saying it as I believe that you honestly and genuinely believed the shit that you were feed and you merely acted on that accordingly - along with your own little bit of chip on your shoulder of course when ALL the other board owners blocked you for being hateful on their boards, which was unfortunate but not I guess entirely not understandable. However your bitterness and the childish way in which chose to manifest your dislike of others was the saddest thing I felt and it did you no favours, so, as your "friend" is now gone to meet the great moderator in the sky I hope that YOU now can find some peace and lose this silly bitterness that you have wasted SO long over and return to being a solid genuine poster wherever you chose to post as opposed to the intense insane nut job that you had appeared to become - because just as I told Neal many times "life's really is to short" to waste on nonsense like that and bitterness will only eat YOU up in the end. Best of luck with that ( and I mean that sincerely)
  16. "Neal hated un-truthfulness" HA, you'll excuse me as I choke on my breakfast here on reading that particular line. But hey if you believed Neal to be your friend then I'm sorry for YOUR loss.
  17. I think there's a world of difference between a travel warning or advisory which is intended simply to update it's citizens of certain possible risks in Country and give general advice as to how to lessen those risks as opposed to a formal "advising their citizens NOT to travel to a Country" that applies here. In my understanding the first is just purely helpful advice issued as a service by your Government and this ongoing advice does not affect your travel insurance in any way ( although I'm guessing that if you blatantly ignored that advice and perhaps ended up getting shot while visiting protest sites right in the middle of a riot etc, then your choices whilst there may well give your insurers some grounds for contesting your cover later on on your return maybe, hence I believe it's only the specific "do not travel to" advice that actually invalidates your cover perhaps if you chose to ignore it.
  18. As a diet coke drinker I had to adapt too and Coke Zero is usually given as basically the same thing ( just no caffeine I think is the only difference) but as that's a minimal difference ( to me anyway) it is sa close to diet coke to be almost indistinguishable thankfully.
  19. That "new" website is quite old - and some of the information on it is quite out of date, but Bas, Ton and Ar are still there certainly and all are nice, friendly, chilled out guys who are good at their jobs and always good to call in with and have a drink with (or whatever )........and as the last time I left their bar four nights in a row at well after 5am it's a good bar for that last late night drink if you're out somewhere else in the Soi or even elsewhere in Pattaya perhaps. ( and yes this is a shameless plug for them as they're all nice guys and deserve it so why not :-)
  20. But enough about your fetish for 4ft midgets wearing raincoats who you want to shag you - you should perhaps be more concerned about the welfare of your cock ! :-)
  21. To be clear just in case there's someone reading this online who is rushing out to break down their pharmacy door to buy this new drug Truvada and all whilst throwing way all their pack of condoms as they go, Truvada does NOT claim to 100% prevent HIV infection, it merely reduces the risk ( albeit quite a lot) but it also can result in quite a few unwanted side effects and obviously if safe sex is not being practiced you are also then leaving yourself and others wide open to picking up the full spectrum of the other large amount of STI's out there - with Syphillis especially making a rampant come back of late right throughout the gay world unfortunately again it seems. So, if you're a health care worker or such like then perhaps maybe this new drug can be seen as an added shield to help protect yourself just that little bit more against accidental HIV infection, but to think for even a moment that this is a new way to enable you to practice unsafe sex whilst 100% staying STI / HIV free - guaranteed - would be VERY mistaken. So keep using those condoms guys as is it REALLY worth risking your good health for the rest of your life for the sake of just one quick random fuck ......
  22. Sounds like fun, but I hope they remember to take pics as they go so they don't end up with the same problem as this (lucky) guy when immigration in Phuket wouldn't let him leave the Country as they didn't believe it was the same person that they had allowed to enter as he had lost that much weight !! - lucky guy ! :-) http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/13/fat-boxer-who-lost-incredible-eight-stone-during-thailand-training-camp-detained-at-airport-because-no-one-believed-he-was-the-same-person-4726891/?ITO=facebook
  23. Since when did a country have the right to stop you LEAVING their country by whatever means YOU chose ! This sounds more like someone on the border post has misinterpreted the new instructions handed down to them and are perhaps applying them ( incorrectly) as THEY believe they should so surely this can't be as the Thai Government intend - surely ? and even allowing for TIT etc ?
  24. So, I'm in Thailand on holiday on a 30 day visa on arrival and I then decide on a whim to go visit Siem Reap for a few days and short of going an finding an open Thai Consulate or Embassy to issue me a new visa Ican't return ? Am I reading that correctly - surely not ? Or does this only apply to same day re-entry perhaps ( although it doesn't say that). And yes I know I could / should have perhaps just apply and get a double / triple entry visa or something when still in my own home Country "just in case" and long before travelling ( at an extra cost) but that's why I said "on a whim" - which certainly in my case is anytime I decide to take a trip what usually happens. This also then buggers up any other further side trips I might want to add in as well - or again have I missed something as already there appears to be quite a bit of confusion as to the new rule application re does it also apply to fly in travellers or not, who I understand is also set to take effect with from August 2014 ??
  25. And confirmed just now on the BBC news website also ...So Thai's can maybe now expect yet more of the lowest of low seasons ahead perhaps as on reading this type of news if the Government being left in a vacuum yet more droves tourists from various countries all decide just to play it safe and book their summer holidays elsewhere rather than risk yet more fresh political uncertainty in Thailand over their valuable and time precious summer holiday break period. :-(
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