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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. Pity that water seems to be a shitty brown colour and hadn't got more of a Red tint Moses or you could have organised a quick parting or two for them while you were there perhaps ! :-)
  2. Yes RIP - and worse as I assume his lung infection was perhaps linked to some other initial cause such as TB ( or worse) ....and if so so sad as that and whatever else if the case could and should have been curable if treated early and consistently :-(
  3. The last time I checked ( about 4 months ago now) I was told that they hadn't their website up yet and that it was "under construction", but I got the feeling that that was the Thai version of under construction ie well you might see one someday but I wouldn't hold your breath on that for a while perhaps.
  4. :-) thank you for the thought that that one was down to me but unfortunately there is no credit die and that entire post was a cut a paste from the linked source I'd copied in below it. I had added my comment to the too of the post which would have made it obvious the rest was a paste but GB edited my one line contribution out but annoyingly left the rest, so credit in this instance goes to some BBC staff reporter and not me I'm afraid.
  5. He he for a minute there I thought I was reading the venerable teachings and text from of some ancient Porn God scriptures lol :-)
  6. Alas I wish I could lay claim to such a well thought out phrase but as anyone who reads most of my posts will agree the above is way beyond my level of a basic grasp of english ( and not even that most times lol) so someone else must get the credit for the above unfortunately but certainly not me.
  7. ^^^ Really ?? - even if a totally unelected one who secured their position by means of force or the threat of same - and that's not a comment on the activities of the current PM or otherwise but more just a question as to is it worth having a PM in ANY Country at ANY price and to hell with everything else ?
  8. NIrishGuy


    it seems to change as the day / night goes on with perhaps older guys earlier and younger later ( especially the days when the foam parties are on !! ). i have meet both of the types that you describe there and in fact I am still seeing and talking daily to one of those same twinky types that you mention and he's a really lovely guy, I never in a million years imagined I would hook up with some random guy in a sauna and a year and a half later still be in touch and seeing him and bringing him to Pattaya from Bkk etc, just shows you never know how a random sauna trip can end up, so just go, with no preconceptions and take things as they come ( no pun intended) is my advice.
  9. NIrishGuy


    I consider a trip to Babylon to be nothing more than a good exercise work out usually, with perhaps the vague chance of a fuck thrown in for good measure if ones lucky just usually, as by the time you do that whole walking aimlessly round and round and round thing like some crazed zoo animal pacing in its cage you've usually burnt off way more calories than a typical gym session anyway ! :-)
  10. The no wallet thing is probably sound advice in general but alas for me not always practical as my massage tends to be a spur of the moment thing when I'm out and about and so inevitably I usually have some form of wallet on me already. The spreading cash between pockets thing - to be honest I'm not sure just how much use that would be, ok maybe if you only have a few thousand baht on you then perhaps, but as I was one of the guys who got dipped last year in one of those very massage places when I walked in to find the wee bugger rifling through my wallet ( and so pockets to get that) I'm not sure that not having a wallet would have helped much unfortunately and if anything might actually have made it easier for him to try and clean me out even faster than he was already doing as the thing that slowed him down was having to go through my wallet and try to work out what he could pinch without the theft being immediately noticed. He had actually totally ignored a reasonably large bunch of 1000 and 500 baht notes that I'd had in my pockets ( which he'd placed carefully on the bed to be no doubt returned carefully to my pockets intact when he was done as he obviously assumed ( wrongly) that I would be aware of just how much was there in the first place and that I was probably going to use that amount to pay him later, but so he was intent on going for the BIG money towards the back of my wallet but all whilst still carefully covering his tracks by even leaving the existing correct denomination of notes sitting to the front of my wallet untouched in case i had a quick look he unfortunately for him screwed up as for all his smartness his entire plan was blown away by being to bloody ( or deaf ?) stupid to think that I just might have intentionally returned from the shower early and was literally standing watching him the whole time while he was engrossed doing all of this ! lol If it's any help to the OP Blue Boy massage provide you with secure lockers in which you can leave your valuables and you retain the key ( although being Thailand I STILL wouldn't say that system is fool proof but it's better than nothing and I've never experienced any problems there)
  11. NIrishGuy


    Damn !! So THAT"S where I've been going wrong then ! :-(( lol
  12. NIrishGuy


    From reading it I'm guessing that was from the previous moral clean up campaign, which like all things in LOS seem to come and go like the seasons in order to benefit just whichever person happens to be in power that month when they believe it suits them / their moral crusade ( which just like the incumbent rulers all usually end up being equally all short-lived - thankfully), so based on my last visit I would say that yes Babylon is certainly worth a visit, just to say you've been of nothing else.
  13. And be sure to watch your wallet like a hawk in at least one if not more of those venues :-(
  14. NIrishGuy


    Can anyone expand on this as Babylon was never quite that dark a place anyway so with the exception of the very small dark area there I can't imagine the lighting would or could have changed that much or at least enough to diminish the enjoyment of a visit and what of the "more rules" - what rules exactly perhaps ?
  15. ......... and the difference from many other places we all frequent would be ?? :-)
  16. We should add that that's the name of the Go go bar and not an instruction as to how you should attend, although being Thailand that is of course up to you, but definitely not recommended. lol
  17. While Nong is a nice guy etc if you're booking make 110% sure you tell him something like if you give me a room with a hard bed I'm checking out immediately as like you I had put my request in writing to him and both he and I know we've had that same conversation several times now and much to my annoyance he TOTALLY ignored me in the hope that I'd have just have forgotten about it by the time I got there it - which I didn't, but after my giving off a little bit to him and him then going and getting a softer mattress for me the next morning it turned I got my own back as by the time we got it sorted and up to my room I was "busy" again so I told him not to bother ( much to his annoyance at that stage) so our mutual annoyance all sort of balanced out, so do be VERY clear with him that you're not just "hoping" for a soft bed but BOOKING as a MUST and not as a hopeful request perhaps.
  18. good luck with that last part .........
  19. "Interesting that Mosaic was willing to give you a soft bed....do you pay extra for the daily cleaning" Yes although I was fairly pissed off with Nong the last time as I'd pre booked my usual room in writing well in advance and when i turned up he'd moved to to another ( lesser) room, but the cop out was that it was still a "suite" but the furniture was older and it ws facing the main street as opposed to round the back where I usually stay and everyone COULD see my comings and goings and the massage guys ( who I entertained a few times in my room) were able to tell me my every move and with who and for how long ( and how I'd been cutting it fine with one arriving as one was leaving etc :-) Re the cleaning yes I believe they do charge you per clean albeit it was only something like 200 baht or something ( don't quote me on that figure) but I've also a funny feeling that my cleaning was ex gratia and unofficial seeing as I'd tipped the head cleaner lady well, but I could be wrong about that as I rarely check my bill, although just on that point I DID check my overall bill on checking out last time and they'd charged my for an extra night, I'm guessing this was a genuine mistake as he just looked at the calendar and charged me whatever the rate was ( 1300 ?) times "x" amount of nights and got that figure wrong, but I've also a sneaking suspicion it maybe wasn't just as innocent as it appeared either perhaps so checking your bill is of course always a good idea after a longish stay perhaps.
  20. " I thought quite a bit about Mosaic again, but I just can't risk having the concrete bed again." I know what you mean and on my last trip I told them on day one to change it to a softer bed ( which they were quite happy to do by the way so be aware you can ask) but actually after the first night I found it was ok and I stuck with it without any discomfort the rest of my trip, maybe I'm just getting used to it !? "I also like a full service place much better, with the room cleaned everyday, fresh towels and such. I have to wonder how you handle the logistics at Mosaic. How many towels do they supply you with? Or do they just hire on some additional laundry help during your stays? " You do know that they'll clean your room, change your bed, fresh towels every day no problem if you ask, it's actually the opposite for me as the head woman of house keeping now "takes care" of me as a) she knows me and I give her a couple of 100 baht and something for the girls under here each trip. But my problem now is that they are TOO efficient and knock my door EVERY morning at around 10am to come in a change everything and we've now worked out that i put the chain on the door to stop them entering when I'm entertaining. ( which is usually every night anyway) then they turn the lock to let me know they've been and tried then when I eventually open my door about 3 or 4 pm to go for breakfast lol they're now always about ready to swoop so it all works out fine and likewise I just tell then to leave extra towels etc as they are fully aware of my pastimes and are always happy to oblige. "I am sure to run into you around Christmas time." He he I'll alert the whisky warehouse to make sure they're fully stocked lol. "Anyway, I was hoping not to be the lead party on this place, but at least it will be low season." ?? Just be careful with that low season assertion as over the Brest dates Christmas I know mosaik for example can be fully booked many months in advance sometimes and actually I'll be sending off my booking shortly once I get my flights sorted. And Colmx - not sure if your BF means it's NOT that private there and if so maybe I can maybe see how a Thai might think that as I know the security / reception staff don't miss much that goes on, especially around the front area, but they have NEVER said a negative word or caused and issue with me or anyone SE I see going in EVER, so I still think in terms of being left alone to get on with things it's hard to beat personally.
  21. he he and there I was waiting on YOU to try it so I could see were the beds any softer and how they reacted to joiners etc, the rooms are of course a little smaller than across the road but it's also cheaper, newer and (maybe) has softer beds, although I'm not sure after my staying in Mosaik all these years that I could hand on heart walk past them every day and into there and I do like and appreciate the privacy aspect of Mosaik and as I stay in the suites always going back to a "room" in a hotel might put me off somewhat, but hey once we hear YOUR review I guess we'll see ! :-) And speaking of holidays I much to my own surprise found myself sitting checking out airline fares this afternoon - and there are some really good bargains going just now it seems too so i guess once I find one with suitable flight times thats Christmas sorted, ha I don't know why I always sound surprised when I say that considered the number of years I've been doing EXACTLY the same ! :-) So, see you in you know where no doubt Anon. lol
  22. Whats it called, the Bitch Bar perhaps ??
  23. Tried that - and actually I struck lucky there too both on the tables and I also managed to fuck Jesus ( I kid you not !! Lol )
  24. And firecat after what reading what you've said about timings unfortunately that'll have to be that boy off my list now for at least two weeks as I always insist that the boy hasn't been with any other sex partner for at LEAST two weeks before I will take them, so I'm always very clear in asking that question and thankfully I seem to Choose my partners well as so far that rule hasn't caused one single problem yet as not ONE of the boys I've ask had been with either another farang or Thai guy even in that time - I guess I'm just really lucky eh :-)
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