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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. And lets face it if the guy WAS going to get stung like that I'm guessing it would be for a hell of a sight more than 2500 baht ! Hell he talked about the sex being no good, so there's 1500 before you even start, so this shocking Thai hoodlum was threatening him for all of 1000 baht....hardly ! OP - you're so full of shit your eyes are brown ! As another poster said......get a life.
  2. Did they not have several nubile Young guys wearing skimpy loin clothes standing not 5 feet away constantly fanning them and taking care of their every need - oh I don't know I could maybe put up with that for a day or two - hmm that's just giving me an idea for an interesting multiple off !!!! Lol
  3. [quote name="vinapu" Where you are taking boys from Bamboo, do they have rooms or there's short term hotel nearby I normally just nip back to my room in Mosaik as I much prefer it usually so I'm not 100% sure. I belueve Bamboo does have a ST room upstairs although Ive never used it and also there's the gay B&B just behind it that I think is suitable too ( rainbow rooms I think ?) but others might know better re that aa again I've never used it. I take a deluxe room / suite in Mosaik so prefer to get back to my room and relax with the guy properly to unitise the large ( clean) bed there plus I find the fun is always better when in your territory so to speak, with your own comdoms, lube in bottłes and not those damned awkward to open scathets and maybe some toys :-) also even though it's short term and I make that clear of course the guys always seem to think that by being extra nice to you the short time might turn into long time, plus as it's usually around 5-6pm the bar is empty so they're in no hurry to head back either so sometimes we chill out and get food in etc. Then come maybe 8.30pm I then "have to go meet my farang friend for drink now in Sunnee plaza so you can go back to the bar now thanks" ( he he the reverse of "my friend he forget key so I have to go let him in loom" lol - billshit works both ways and they know fine well of course but face is saved all round - the only decision then once they go is as to whether to stay in the room and reply to the usual traunch of Grindr or GR "hello, can I come your room" messages to squeeze in another quick romp until around 11.30pm before heading out for the night or whether to conserve my energy - have to say the first option usually wins based on my usual life's short, Im not getting any younger and tomorrow is promised to no one general philosophy in life ! :-)
  4. I think from reading all the above it appears I must be the only person who quite happily goes to the beach for what it is now - a beach ( albeit a fairly shit beach at that). I tend to go every other afternoon or so on my trip if I'm up early enough ( ie 2pm or so) and or if it's sunny enough and or if I haven't some nice guy back in my room making it worth my while to stay there a little longer, but when I do go Im quite happy to not speak to a soul from I arrive until I leave. I usually have my phone and hence my iTunes with my ( on headphones of course ) along with perhaps a book or a few (gay) magazines ( the cafe opposite Mosaik has a small library Or books I always have a browse through and I take one on those to the beach simetimes to at the cafe owners insistence. I actually quite like the fact that there's never a "sorry we're full" anymore so you always get your chair, I arrive and my chair is dusted down and made ready for me, complete with a bottle of green or red Fanta ( it's a running joke that which ever the waiter leaves it for me I'll say I wanted the otter colour today - always - but take what he gives me of course :-). I'm then quite happy to lie and mind my own business, totally igniting the vendors I don't want to see and buying some ice scream ( and DVDS :-) etc from that I do - although I HATE the "you want young boy question when he asks what you want to browse and gets a firm no with a distasteful look only for him to follow it up with a even more offensive comment re "I have on memory stick so you no problem bringing home" as if THAT was the problem in the first place !!!! But aside from that I sun bathe a bit ( as much as my pale white Irish skin allows before I go my usual irish lobster red) then depending on the water state so for a drip ( some days barely ok other days definitely NOT), maybe have some food, then a message and maybe a pedicure and even a wee dose, all recharging my batteries ready for the night ahead and usually on my way back I stop off at bamboo bar for a beer and end up getting talked into offing one of the waiters there for a 6pm short time before the night begins in earnest elsewhere ( Boom the small guy waiter there one hell of a cock on him lol) so, whilst the beach may not be what it was 10 years ago it's still what it is today and Pattata would be one hell of a site less interesting during the day for a lot of us without it I fear.
  5. Why of COURSE they were !! And whilst some of it could have been quite innocent such as "ok let's do his legs now, oh this is a nice room isn't it" of course some of it may well have been "ok let's hurry up and get this guy off fast so we can get our money and get to the bar) and of course our own paranoia is always going to fear the worst. So, the three options are to a) learn to speak Thai - bad idea perhaps as then you KNOW they're talking about you ! Or b) ignore them and enjoy the massage ( hard to do if feeling paranoid in the first place) or c) allow your mind to interpret their comments however you wish ie "my what a great cock this guy has and wow aren't we lucky he's allowing us to even touch his slim splendid toned muscled youthful athletic body, I'm nearly cumming just being in the same room as him!" - works perfectly for me every time !! Self delusion is a WONDERFUL thing sometimes !! Lol
  6. Likewise to the above as only 1 out of the 3 or 4 of my attempts at this fun was any good and for exactly the same reason so if you're going to do it perhaps better with 2 or 3 guys you know or who are at least all comfortable with each other ( sexually) - although I gotta say the one time it did alkl slot into place ( no pun intended but not that I think of it why not as it works perfectly:-) it was GREAT - horny as hell no holds barred fun and a great massage too - although it was a fine line where the massage stopped and the 3some started I guess - but as I was the centre of attention the whole time it was worth every baht ! :-)
  7. Now THERES a man who knows how to keep his audience on tenterhooks whilst they await his next exciting instalment ! :-) Enjoyed your report GM, do please keep writing.
  8. ^^^ See ! And people SAY these boards aren't educational ! Who knew eh !! :-) I was warned against trying Acrotomophilla by a friend but personally I thought it was all quite 'armless ! lol
  9. Is GOD open again, last time I was there ( beginning of August) it had been closed by those who must be obeyed, with all sorts of stories floating around as to why, but it was early days then when the Army were stamping their authority about the place so maybe things have changed and those how needed looked after have been - so can anyone confirm is GOD back open again or not ??
  10. Unfortunately simply due to the lack of custom and / or profit YAYA bar has now closed and the owner has gone off to do other things now.
  11. I whole heartedly disagree with the above statement - you should have dropped everything ( including his pants) and taken him back and nailed the guy ( or vice versa depending how you prefer your nailing of course ) as life is to short for "packing and tourist stuff" when already IN Pattaya as lets face it you probably didn't go there for the culture so to be faced ( quite literally) with a guy with an almost 10" dick ( which you like ) and him saying "lets go play" and you'd three hours to spare, we'll I'm sorry but in my book that definitely goes down as a "just not putting in the effort" as that just might have been the best ever shag of your life ! Meanwhile instead you went home just with a perfectly packed bag and some random going away Thai TAT gift bought from market stall on your last walk up and down the "strip" - shame on you, it's behaviour like that that gives us dedicated sex tourists a bad name and makes the boys complain we're "just not as up for it" as we all used to be ! Next time just nail him and then be sure to let us know which was the better of the two - doing the packing or getting well and truly packed. :-)
  12. The Government are welcome to hold an independence vote here in N.ireland ( if that's what you're getting at Vinapu) as right now theres absolutely no way N.Ireland would vote to leave the UK - and that even allows for Nationalists who would historically prefer to not be part of the UK perhaps as being blunt they know what side of their bread is buttered on as we say here and transferring power to Inpdepence or to Southern Ireland would make everyone ( except the rest of the UK strangely enough) much worse off financially and politically that's not a path ANYONE ( save the last remnants of republican terrorism) just now wants to take the Country down thankfully. Now, as I've read the above and similar comments on a few other boards let me be clear thats my last comment on the subject as the last thing I come on to Thailand gay boards to talk about is Northern Ireland politics I assure you !
  13. ??/ Stonehenge ? So you're saying you're always hard and erect ? :-)
  14. Although perhaps the question which easily go side by side to the original question might be not only how old are you - but more and most importantly how old do you FEEL as I'm guessing with most of us those two answers may well have two very different replies !?
  15. I might be wrong but I've a feeling I read somewhere that even if you're married (overseas) or not that may not have any bearing on your visa application and in fact they may look less favourably on your application if they thought you had intentionally married to try and buck the system, perhaps others can expand on this further if I'm correct ?
  16. 45 here But seeing as how some of us here do like accuracy and things being laid out as exact lists etc that then would translate as 45 or 547 months or 2381 weeks or 16668 days or 400030 hours or 24001761 minutes or 1440105672 seconds and in case you're rushing out to buy my a present if only 113 days, 2 hours, 38 minutes and 28 seconds ( and counting) until my next birthday !!! :-)
  17. Sorry I wasn't suggesting that as a service request, more along the lines of you might end up meeting some cute hot fun Thai guys just that you might have missed if sitting on your own, but with regards to service I've never seen Bas NOT take care of all his customers as he's very switched on that way and doesn't miss a beat usually in that regard and is quick to instruct his staff to make sure everyone gets served in a timely manner - especially if you're cute and they're horny ! lol
  18. I have a horrible feeling Christian wasn't actually joking there perhaps ?? Christian, care to confirm or otherwise ?
  19. Farang are of course always welcome in Ya Ya Bar but you're right if a crowd of Thai's sit around the front it can look like a "closed shop", I mentioned this to Bas one evening in conversation and he's aware of it but he also was very clear in reminding me that they also have Thai customers and it's not a case of just him and his mates sitting bored stringing out their drinks all night waiting for the next farang to come along and I hope he doesn't mind me saying this but he did point out that typical Thai customer/s are great business for him as in his own words when Thai's go out to party amongst themselves money is a non issue and they'll spend just whatever and maybe between 5000 - 10,000 baht on a night out ( with a lot of that going into his till ) without a second thought, whereas maybe he'll bunch them up to free up some space for the one lone one farang walking along the Soi who will then come in and totally ignore everyone else ( perhaps to be fair as maybe they don't "feel" welcome) and they'll proceed to nurse one or maybe two beers for the next two hours whilst complaining that the beers not 99 baht. So as a business man I can see his dilemma and I think in general he does get the balance about right and I've never seen him not go out of his way to make EVERY customer feel welcome even if it means him leaving his "profitable" company for a while and I've had many enjoyable nights there with him and the boys and some other passing farang ( and those very same Thai friends of his who joined us or me them). So I guess the thing is us remembering that we farang aren't some bars ONLY source of custom anymore on any given night and actually much to my own surprise and amazement on my last trip a go go boy friend of mine called me to say he was out with 3 mates and did I want to join, me of course expecting the farang pays all rule to kick in said no thanks and when he realised what I was thinking said NO ! we not working, come out and join us just for fun, so I did and sat in delightful shock as over the course of the night each of the boys paid their way and bought their rounds - and bottle of whiskey ( as did I of course) but all totally equally and shared in turn AND as the bar was aware the Thai guys were paying we got everything at a MUCH lower price then if I'd of been paying too ( including my rounds I'm pleased to say) so when we see Thai guys sitting about drinking there's a fair chance they're out of the rip just like we are, but just spending a lot more money whilst doing so perhaps ! But mainly I'm with Anon on this one as if there's already a table full of Thai guys all drinking then just pull up and chair close to them, say sawatdee and smile and sit back and and see where the night takes you :-).
  20. Just for an update to this thread as mentioned on other boards it appears that DAVE Club has now closed, apparently ( allegedly) due to the illness of the lady owner, time will tell as to whether this is the reason or will it perhaps open again closer to high season or be bought over ( by the police ? :-)....but either way as of Sept 2014 Dave is currently closed it seems.
  21. Yes that activity is a pain in the ass and not for any shy reasons as like your self I couldn't care less but I find it DOES impact on quality of sex you can have as the Asian guys are in my experience terrified of someone watching them and several times right in the middle of a damn good fuck session with me they've stopping dead to look up to the top of the walls to ensure that they're not being watched (or filmed on phones) which is off putting to say the least. They should / could perhaps have an area where people who don't care about being watched can go and so that those who want to watch can go and all get off thus leaving all the rest of their patrons who do quite rightly expect and deserve SOME sort of privacy when in a cubicle get it - and now I'm at it what about putting a bloody lock of some sort on the doors to avoid all that effort of having to pull the bed across to jam the door shut, which as they've heavy beds could nearly put one's back out if you're over 40 or so, in mean what is THAT all about ?
  22. Without giving too much info anyway let's just say it came from just one down from the horses mouth so to speak i.e. from a Copa go go himself who's has only fairly recently Copa to go work elsewhere ( totally away from the go go scene) and who has been a friend of mine for a few years now and who passed that info on to me in a totally non vindictive way and certainly without any malice intended towards the place etc. Actually I don't disagree with you about how the water "looks " but I'm guessing that once those powerful stage lights hit that /any water just about anything would look sparkly and clean no matter what the truth was perhaps, however when I said something about it looking refreshing on a hot day I got a very screwed up face and the comment about "noooo, that water dirty and freezing etc, as the water is not heated in any way I believe. But hey I'm always open to be corrected, so, ok, so which of us are volunteering to go for a dip first and report back ! ? :-)
  23. In which City ? If you mean Pattaya Copa I guess would be the obvious choice there I guess - where I have it on good authority that the water in that particular tank is both freezing cold and none to clean ( actually the word filthy was used when being described to me ) so rather them than me !
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