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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. "Pchy is back...and playing gay again" I don't think there's anything "playing" about that mind as lets just say he's a natural for the role I'm told. While i always assumed it I asked a few Thai friends and they burst out laughing and said OF COURSE he is don't be so stupid basically.....
  2. ^ I guess that all depends on what you're looking for as if you're a bottom and are looking to be fucked long and hard taking off a guy who you know had just come could be the answer to your dreams I guess.
  3. I guess that's a matter of opinion and depends very much on the reason the person was banned in the first place perhaps.
  4. why's that ?
  5. I think the Out in Thailand owner is missing a trick here - I think everyone ( himself included) agrees that his maps aren't great sometimes and could do with someone physically checking out bars geographical locations and providing sat nav locations as well etc plus as a brief overview of the type of place and whether it was actually opened on the date visited etc. Well there's one poster who ALREADY travels around a lot of the gay venues in several cities, already provides sat nav geo locations for just about everywhere he goes on his own posts, he also likes to save as much Baht as he can when travelling anywhere and also always insists on staying in cheaply priced accommodation etc, so surely with a few emails back and forth James could simply task / ask Christian to come up with a database document showing at the very least the correct locations of all the usual popular venues plus some of the lesser known ones too as I'm guessing Christian has now built up a better database in his head than perhaps ANY of the gay mag owners might ever have. He would also ( and of course I'm guessing here) be quite able and happy to do all of that whilst on his own existing travels ( which he's doing anyway of course) for the pleasure of getting his own ( already cheap 500 baht a night ) room cost covered along with perhaps a few beers thrown in and maybe a one of sensible fee payment for the service rendered. This way Christian gets a few free trips, the magazine gets a ( knowing Christian) VERY detailed up to date location of 80 or 90% of gay bars in all the popular cities and the rest of us get the info we need to find them thanks to Christians sat nav info and directions etc - I'd just hope that his brief would be limited to locations and opening hours etc and not actually his preferred "briefs" info lol. James - you can thank me later for this masterful idea as to how to solve your apparent problem very cheaply and in a Christian like detailed manner and Christian you're welcome too for your two or three free trips :-) There, problem solved ! :-)
  6. Who would have thought it, the cost of getting sorted with a ride in Thailand is twice what it is the States !! :-) ( a ride being an Irish slang word for sex for those that may not be aware:/)
  7. Well obviously Bali has been discussed on many boards many times and there's a wealth of action in the Siminyak area etc as well as the out lying areas. Jakarta etc I think a lot more hidden and online is where it's at there but aa most of the guys in Siminyak are from Jakarta and Sumatra etc anyway it goes to follow that they're up for it just as much at home aa when away assuming it's discreet.
  8. lol I believe the above is called "venting" - and why not, you're among friends here - so yes, fuck your boss ( not literally I'm assuming) and whilst he's doing his level best ( and failing it seems) at making your last few weeks a misery you can just sit back, count the few extra baht going into your bank account and plan on how you're going to spend it when you're on holiday and he's still stuck there slaving away and you have your sweet revenge :-) For what it's worth I'm in the same boat but in reverse as I head off myself next week and two of my shittiest staff members and even a few of our lovely customers are breaking my balls on an almost hourly basis this week already so like you I too am counting the days and doing my best to keep my mouth shut and smile - see, those Thai's seem to have taught me something after all ! :-)
  9. And thankfully up to now that seems to be work just fine so lets not look to hard for or seek to "out" some existing board "personality" who may or may not be moderating ( or even bothering to read) the board which might end up changing that then eh as I'm all for "if it's not broke don't fix it" train of thought re that.
  10. GOD closes at 3am now which is useless if thats on your list of go to places :-( oh and what about DJ, is it back to 3am closing again or are they still enforcing the 2am forced closure there too, I can't remember ?
  11. Noi I as believe that Christian has said that he does so far intend to return to Europe again at some point in the future then I think think sex tourist might be the correct definition still after all - he's just a VERY "long time" sex tourist and not a short time one :-)
  12. Quite simply a thank you to whoever edited out the spoilers ( whether that by the authors of the post of a Mod) as I'm as guilty as the next man of chatting away about a film whilst forgetting others may not have had the time to sit down and watch it yet - which is the case for me for this film - so thank you, spoiler edit appreciated !
  13. Praelu - no harm to you but i think the boy has more to worry about going with you than the other way round perhaps !! So, you're basically asking would someone mind going in to spy on my ( Pattaya bar working BF) to see if he's still in the same bar I'm paying him not to be in, oh and if you would also mind maybe offing him too and take a few pics when you're in bed with him too so that I can really hammer it home about "SEE I knew you were still working" ( in the same Pattaya bar where I found you). As I said in my message above if you even feel that you need to double check his "story" then run a mile and keep running as unless you go in open minded and aware of what's what there's probably only heart break ahead for you. Even if one of us was kind (stupid) enough to do what you ask and you went ahead and "fell in love" with your new now non working BF just how long do you think it would be before the next time you were sitting in a bar in god knows where with him and some other farang happened to pass by and raise an eyebrow at him to say hi ( i.e. fancy a fuck when you're not about) and EVEN if your "BF" totally ignored him about that your brain would be going into instant overdrive and your ( probably quite justified) paranoia would kick in once more with you ending up coming back here asking for someone to buy him a drink when you go to the toilet or offer him 1000 baht for his number etc etc to "see what he does" etc etc - do you REALLY want to live like that for the rest of your realisitically probably short relationship with him. My advice ( which I fully accept you didn't ask for but you're posting on a public message board so I'm giving it anyway :-) is either accept him at face value and see where things go, being ready but not surprised if the worst ( if it IS even the worst depending on your outlook about such trivial things as sex etc) occur or bin him now and avoid the heart ache OR just DECIDE NOW to just live and be happy when you're with him and let things take their natural course and take every day as it comes as tomorrow just might be your last so theres really no point worrying about such trivial things ! ( here's hoping its not though of course) as if you think for one minute you can check up and outwit your Thai Pattaya bar working BF if he's committed to fooling you then I hate to be the one to break it to you but you're probably very sadly mistaken there :-( Either way best of luck with him and I hope it ends up how you want it to -but alas I'm not so sure it will :-(
  14. The fact that you already even feel the need or want to check would in my book be enough of an answer to myself as to whether to proceed or not with inviting him to my home town as if you don't trust him now you probably never will and will just drive yourself ( and him) crazy - plus let's be honest if you know him from one of the bars in Pattaya whilst it's not impossible the term leopards and never changing their spots comes to mind, either way best of luck with that.
  15. And when looking at the robbers picture neither a man of taste or fussiness as to the looks of his companion for the night it seems either ! :-)
  16. Don't Worry New Allaan, I totally agree with you and am careful to have that conversation in a nice joking way for exactly the reasons you state and Nop and I have laughed at the "why you not tell me, I did, ok it's me who's a little ting tong then obviously" type conversation. I also agree with you re their not rushing you out of the rooms and like yourself I have benefited greatly from VERy late check out - like 10pm etc ( after settling up in the afternoon of course) and that is one of things I value when staying there if on an early morning flight back home, mind you I never have to worry about clearing my room as the staff are always there ( at my request) to help themselves to the pluck from my fridge as I never yet have mastered buying "just enough" and leave enough snack food, chocolate, beer, spirits and god knows what else enough to feed a small army and TOILET rolls, don't start me about toilet rolls, it's the bane on my life there, I buy several large packs ( just in case as I can't be bothered shopping for them often, using hardly any, leave a mountain of them ( which is fine) until I come back and there's ONE miserable toilet roll lol - I reckon by now I must have run up enough toilet roll credit that they could at least leave me a few spare rolls back at LEAST ! :-)
  17. Re I reaffirm what both New alan and Anonone have said above, it still amazes me that Nop etc in Mosaik do this. Even this very trip coming I have to go through the same "fully booked" rigmarole FOUR times with them, going all the way from "sorry, room not available" to "sorry no room available for dates you want" to "sorry hotel fully booked we very busy"etc, whereupon I was starting to take it personally lol - when all the while he meant "sorry the specific room you asked for isn't free on just ONE of the days ( out of two weeks) that you'd suggested but i can move either you or him elsewhere for that one day if you're happy with that - or just move you to exactly the same style of room but just next door to the one you wanted for the full dates you need" - but NONE of this info was forthcoming from Nop or Nong and only knowing what i know about their thought process had over several emails to tease this information out of him and when we finally worked it all out and I said "Nop just like last time why didn't you just tell me this all at the start and save us both all this emailing drama" to which he simply replied " I did, I say room not available" Grrrrr This has now happened on about 4 of my last trips and I've ALWAYS ended up getting the exact room I needed for the dates I wanted ( after several emails back and forth though) so I would definitely suggest you keep trying or better still just give them a call and save all the to and fro typing craziness ! :-( Here's their number for handiness for you......+66 38 723 667 - although I seem to recall when you ring their voice mail system says "for english press one" DONT !! as when you do it sends you to straight to voicemail, when i advised them of this I was told "yes because when manager not here no one speak english" ( even though I was ringing during their working day) so, just let it go on through their phone process without pressing anything and Nop ( who speaks perfectly good english should answer ! ( TIT, ya got love them...... or NOT lol ! ) Out of interest do let us know how you got on and if you got sorted out by them in the end perhaps so others know to follow suit in the future perhaps !?
  18. Hopefully not as it would be an awful waste of many years of my making it so and enjoying doing it as I go :-)
  19. But I'm guessing you may well have had a few racists IN you ! :-)
  20. @ pong - you ARE joking in your post above I presume about racism not existing in Asia at all, that statement is so ridiculous im not even going to waste time going over it to explain how wrong you aa as I suspect you already fully know that. And as for your "how can one expect those poor motto cycles drivers" to know the difference - as im assuming you're imolyung "cause they all look the same don't they" - which again im not even going to waste time pointing out his vile that is The above intentionally or not is a classic example of a (poor) trolls post and I guess I'm as bad for replying to it but I couldn't let your last comment sit without at least one of us on the board pointing out how wrong it was "for the record" - but again Im guessing you already knew all this anyway and were just looking for a reaction.
  21. ^^^ Nope, I think you're right on the money there A447 in that I believe we're all merely "tolerated" until either the money runs out or our behaviour is deemed to be so "un Thai" ( as if that's something magical that one should ever aspire to somehow anyway!) that they can stand us no more and either leave us sitting alone in bars to be ignored or at worst push us off some balcony somewhere. Thankfully both my money and manners have spared me either of those fates to date but I've no illusions that their love of us and our skin etc IS only skin deep !! - but that's ok as shush but don't tell them but I just might feel exactly the same way in return about them actuslly now and also be playing exactly that same "game" in return that they are to just get what "I" want or need out of them re our "lets all smile at each other and say nothing bad about each other to the others face deal" and as long as we both continue to play our respective parts amicably and with good grace so the game will go on.......until of course one or other of us decide otherwise and then it's all over.
  22. I assure you several of my Thai friends were racist to the bone long before Ebola raised it's ugly head, don't be fooled about that - and when pulled on this there answer more or less is "so what it's only a ( insert whatever race they were slagging off at that particular time as they have a long list - and I'm probably on that very same list in my absence no doubt when my baht contribution isn't to be taken into consideration)
  23. You say this like it's news, as you say above racism is unfortunately alive and well in Thailand of that there's no doubt.
  24. On reading your above GB I was just wondering if in the long term and as you get older etc if it might be an idea to always keep the opting out of the prescription thing under consideration based on insurance companies love of the term "pre-existing condition" and how they won't put you on cover once you DO need that cover when you consider what might happen if you did succumb to a longer term, more serious illness ( fingers crossed you don't of course). I'm thinking back here to the likes of the ex owner of SGT and his crippling monthly prescription bills which aside from his actual illness where always the main cause of his ongoing angst as his costs for those would have floored him had it not been for his American ex business partner agreeing to pay for them under a old agreement they had re him being covered for health insurance in Thailand by his ex company, which then had to be cancelled, leading to the need for the agreement for physical cash payments to take place to carry on in lieu of the insurance to cover that for as long as was required, as if that help had not been forthcoming then his that large monthly ongoing prescription tab alone could have proved crippling to almost anyone I believe. Maybe however you're sitting on a several hundred million baht there under your pillow so it's just not an issue for you I don't know, but I just thought I'd mention it as none of us are getting any younger of course and is always something to think about for the future as no doubt at some point the insurance company will stop offering that cover as you get older?
  25. Don't know if you ever managed to meet that first guy or not - but if so and you and he hit it off you were I'm sure in for one hell of a ride - at every level :-)
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