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Everything posted by NIrishGuy

  1. NIrishGuy


    Which of course if taken like that in a stop start once in a while pattern will result in it haven't absolutely no effect whatsoever, I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for the boy taking it to suit his customer, or the customer for being told "I'm taking prep" - mind you both are or at least should be 100% responsible for their own actions and decisions and ultimately their sexual health I guess it perhaps balances out that they're both equally crazy and or deluded or both.
  2. Especially in Pattaya !!
  3. Shy and Pattaya - now there's two words that should really never have to be put together in the same sentence.......There's nothing we could think or do that hasn't been done a million times before, so don't waste your time and holiday with shy, get up and get on with whatever makes you happy, it's not like anyone there REALLY cares :-) ( * assuming you're not doing anything particularly offensive of course that is as then you might find that they start to care "a bit" :-)
  4. I think you'll find that that's a world wide practice and one which is designed to safeguard the well being of the hotel staff member to ensure they're not attacked by their horny hotel guests who all ASSUME that the staff are permanently horny for white guys ( even though they are probably knackered and see white guys every day). Or assume that the staff are lowly paid / eager enough that they'll "obviously" be up for it if propositioned ( and offered money by some it seems) - although as I have stayed in hotels where I've shagged the staff before ( without offering money I should add) I guess THAT second part of the managements plan doesn't work quite so well - thank goodness :-)
  5. Ok and as there's nothing more I can or need to add over and above what I've already said I'll leave it at ok and up to you and the best of luck with that I guess.
  6. I think again you're missing the difference between trying to "pick up" and propositioning a stranger / hotel worker by instantly offering them money for sex. I really can't understand how some people can't see the difference in those two things, are our experiences in Thailand and elsewhere REALLY making us lose out basic sense of treating others with a modicum of respect or do we just think that everyone everywhere is just there to be bought for our own pleasure. ( Latin if you're reading this don't bother replying under any alias we already know what your response is going to be.)
  7. Maybe. Or alternatively as I do only visit occassionally I may have a more detatched view perhaps - or not, who knows. But I do know that if the many of the conversations I've had with many bar boys I've known are anything to go by their views of us farang don't leave us projecting such a great an image perhaps, but of course that is of course only one VERY small segment of society and perhaps Thai society overall thinks farang are wonderful, but personally I doubt that, but like I say, who knows. Mind you the one thing I think most farang DO agree on is that we farang might NEVER know what most Thai's think anyway so perhaps it's of little use even wondering.
  8. And if anything the above is maybe a great post to start our next thread about "Are we delusional as to what we THINK Thai people think of us / most farang or are their happy smiles and regular Wai's all throughly meant and that they think that in general most of us farang are actually the lovely chaps that we all surely know ourselves to be :-) My view just for the record is that we're tolerated rather than accepted or appreciated and if we all went home tomorrow they wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it ( after they worked out how to replace their National / personal short term drop of income perhaps).
  9. For clarity, you're quite right GB and I totally agree that there's absolutely nothing wrong with using the old "card trick", in fact it could almost be considered quite quaint in this day and age, it was just an amount of money being noted on the back of the card that I think would leave us open to the accusation of bad judgement as it could ( and would) have projected a clear message as to what one was assuming about the person you were handing the card to in the first place. Actually from my limited experience in such matters cough cough I would suggest that one might in fact have a much BETTER chance of success at pulling said cute guy with OUT adding any money figure to the card and simply handing it over and letting the chips fall where they may. If the guy is monetarily minded he would no doubt broch that issue early on with you. However, if he's NOT and is out for some fun / a date / a BF then you could just have found yourself a very willing and available guy ( for free) who actually thinks we're a nice guy too for handing him a business card and saying you're interested in knowing him more. And glad to see the "close the thread" was a joke as of course there is absolutely no need too as we're all thick skinned enough to handle such nice innocent discussions as this one I trust :-)
  10. No self righteousness there at all, as A447 has quite rightly pointed out I'm happily to conform and confirm the slut label if that's what people chose to think, I've no problem with that whasoever. You also went on to suggest " I bet you don't tell people at home what you get up to in Thailand" etc and you couldn't be more wrong there either, I have no secrets in my life from anyone and anyone who knows me or cares to ask gets told EXACTLY and sometimes in too much graphic detail Im told "what i get up to" when in Thailand. My point, as A447 quite rightly picked up on, is the vast difference between us all shagging the ass off as many sex workers as we feel like when in Thailand (not a thing wrong with that in my book) versus our going up to some total stranger in perhaps their place of employment where they can't answer back as they might like to) and handing them a card which basically insinuates " hey, you're Thai so lets face it you're possibly / probably a prostitute / money boy on the side so hey I'm offering 1000 baht to fuck you". leading to my orginal comment as to "and we wonder why Thai's think some / most farang are slimeballs. And as for what has my post added to the board ( aside from it being my opinion which of course I'm fully entitled to) it has also added to and created further discussion re what this very thread was about i.e "propositing a member of hotel staff" so I cant think anywhere MORE appropriate to post it perhaps. As A447 has already stated in my view there's a world of difference between normal every day flirting and chancing your luck with an every day person out in the real world ( i.e non sex scene) hotel staff or not, to see where that gets you, compared to walking up to them and handing them a card basically saying " hey, you're Thai so on the law of averages you're probably a hooker so here's my number and I'll pay you 1000 for a fuck, so call me if I'm right" I'm not sure what else I can say to explain the difference between those two things for those that share a different viewpoint. And lastly I am NOT "judging" the person as I fully accept we're all roughly cut from the same cloth when it comes to fucking around, but I am flagging up the differnce between negotiating with sex workers and how we deal with the rest of the world's everyday population enmasse without at least "appearing" to be the creeps that a lot of Thai's already think / know we are.
  11. And we wonder why farang have the sleazy reputation we do in these countries, so, lets walk up to a random every day hard working member of hotels and give them a business card, suggesting that they probably / obviously / maybe are a prostitute in their spare time and so you've decided off your your bat to offer them money for sex just in case - classy..... NOT. How would we feel if someone did that to one of our relatives perhaps during their normal working day, either in terms of our relatives feelings or our view of the slime ball who had just propositioned them / insulted them in such a manner.
  12. Just take care that the above site isn't loading malware on to your machine when you first open it perhaps through a bogus "update your flash player" page ( as it just tried with me)
  13. So if t's the SECOND oldest so what was the first then ????
  14. Yeah and some aunts are married to them ! ( cunts that is ) and others, well there's just no difference between the aunt and the cunt in the first place ! :-)
  15. There's a pharmacy just a minute away from Soi twilight that sells them, if you ask one of the boys in the bars in Soi twilight nicely ( and tip them sufficiently ) they should ( assuming they're in the know) nip up and get you a bottle. Ha a while back after I'd been asked to get a bottle for some fun later for myself and a few others the bar guy I'd asked was obviously a new boy to the scene and after him asking someone else where he should go to get them rather than just go get them for me he thought he was being extra good and actually insisted on taking me to the very shop to show me where I could get them next time. So on arrival at the shop I waited outside the plate glass window and he went into the shop and spoke to the shopkeeper and then pointed out through the window towards me obviously saying "the farang wants poppers" ha ha you didn't need to be able to speak Thai to know the shop keeper was eating the ass off him and telling him never EVER to bring a Farang directly to his shop again like that ! However the shopkeeper carried on and begrudgingly sold me them directly. So, without saying to much that might give their methods away he went to where they were stored and just like the Russian Dolls you see, he opened a very large pharmacy bottle of say paracetamol, which then had another smaller pharmacy bottle of some random over the counter tablet label on it, which then had another pharmacy bottle in it and so on and so on until eventually he came to the half dozen tiny bottles of poppers, all very well ( and overly well ) hidden if you ask me. I actually thought that I'd read somewhere about a year ago that the sale of poppers in Thailand was to be legalised / decriminalised ? But I'm assuming that maybe didn't happen then if people are still searching around for them then ........But they are there - and Christian I'm amazed that you haven't encountered them on your travels as whilst I don't use them myself I know several boys who LOVE them and them using them has resulted in some very hot encounters for me over the years.
  16. Well the official answer is that N.Ireland is part of the U.K. And so it will do just the same as the rest of the U.K. In implementing the break away from the EU ( assuming it happens). As to what others ( including some politicians and even "some" of the public here might like to think what might happen such as in the drawing above well they can all think it but as things stand the official answer above is what's going to happen. As to what might happen in the future sometime I honestly have no idea just now but my guessing is the first option is the one that will stick. ( for now) as I can't see any other ( peaceful) way of changing that here just yet - but who knows maybe that'll change some day and who knows maybe this event will cause the shift that could change perceptions in N.Ireland re the rest of Ireland - but my best guess is not - certainly for now anyway, but who knows what the future holds I guess.
  17. We haven't quite split apart just yet abang, I think you'll find that's the prospective Prime Minister of the UK or Great Britain and Northern Ireland if you prefer, but definitely not just England ( much to some Scottish peoples annoyance still it seems
  18. They really shouldn't be THAT surprised about that as everyone in the UK already knows that there's no one quite like Iceland for great 2 for 1 deals :-)
  19. No, if you read what I said i.e "And almost the most annoying part is now listening to the whinging fucks on TV saying "ohhhh, if only I knew that 350 million a week going back to the NHS was a "mistake" then I'd have voted differently, I think they should have a re run" - yeah cause THAT'S SO not going to happen now ! Talk about closing the stable door after the horse has bolted ! :-( Stupid fucks." So THAT is EXACTLY what i meant as I was literally watching them on various TV channels, saying that very thing, over and over again. So no, sorry I stand by my comment and in fact repeat it - the stupid fucks for believing the NHS lie, even after it was admitted to be so BEFORE the vote be several in the LEAVE campaign even ! ​As for the rest of your post re If they had removed the requirement to etc etc.......then you'll get no argument from me there, expect I think we should have been IN and arguing for those things on an ongoing basis and not out and saying that's why we left.
  20. it pains me to agree with what you said but alas it seems I can't not :-( The bloody Germans in two world wars ( and the rest of the Europeans via Europe ) couldn't beat or break up the UK as an entity whereas now it seems we're determined to make one hell of a job doing that all to ourselves :-( Sad times. And almost the most annoying part is now listening to the whinging fucks on TV saying "ohhhh, if only I knew that 350 million a week going back to the NHS was a "mistake" then I'd have voted differently, I think they should have a re run" - yeah cause THAT'S SO not going to happen now ! Talk about closing the stable door after the horse has bolted ! :-( Stupid fucks.
  21. I'm damned sure the ones I go to are !!! :-)
  22. Beer bars are also required to pay up so are they not working on a sound legal footing either then perhaps, likewise every street stall and good knows who else. I don't think it's a case of legal footing or not but more a case of if the money stopped going up the line life and business would most likely carry on as normal - as it did shortly after the Army first took over ( until things reverting to the norm it seems again or they're the ones now getting their cut too no doubt)
  23. And that's my very point - go go bars aren't sex shops either, I have NEVER seen anyone fucking in a (Bkk) go go bar - ever - you go in drink and chat and if you want to take a boy off to study fine art and painting from the French renaissance period then that is entirely up to yourself, but sex shop a go go bar is most definitely not and so wouldn't need to close any more than said equally non sex shop massage joint - if anything I think the massage shop might find it harder to stay open legally based on what might ACTUALLY be going on there perhaps.
  24. Why would you think so ? A lack of money going up the line shouldn't have to automatically result in bar closures - especially as they are just places for drinking and seeing ( alleged) dancing and a place to chat with nice Thai guys and girls, They aren't "sex establishments' and the owners are always very clear about that - as other wise would all massage shops etc etc have to get closed down too then - just because Thailand's finest aren't getting their cut - I think not.
  25. " was making 19 million baht a month and paying 300,000 to various officials incl. immigration officer, local senior police officers." See, this is what bugs me, so if the Army are / were serious about stamping out corruption, why isn't there a flying squad of special officers sent in there IMMEDIATELY to find those senior officers who where all getting their slice of that 300,000 and FIRING them on the spot. The answer is of course that the issue probably goes even higher than them and it's endemic in Thai society, which is fine and that's how it's been for years and seems to work for them ( or not) - but to then make noise about stamping down on corruption and moving officers etc whilst it all so blatantly still goes on is just a total farce.
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